Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Class 7 English Chapter 3 Connecting the World

Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Class 7 English Chapter 3 Connecting the World, Assam Jatiya Vidyalaya | অসম জাতীয় বিদ্যালয় ইংৰাজী Class 7 Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Class 7 English Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination.

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Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Class 7 English Chapter 3 Connecting the World Notes covers all the exercise questions in Assam Jatiya Bidyalay SEBA Textbooks. Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Class 7 English Chapter 3 Connecting the World The provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.

Connecting the World/বিশ্ব সংযোগ

Chapter – 3


অসম জাতীয় বিদ্যালয়


1. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 

নিম্নলিখিত প্রশ্নবোৰৰ সম্পূৰ্ণ বাক্যৰে উত্তৰ দিয়া।

(a) What is Juri’s Father? 

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(জুৰিৰ দেউতাকে কি কৰে)? 

Ans: Juri’s father is the teacher of a local school. 

(b) How long has his friend been living in the village? 

(তেওঁৰ বন্ধুজন কিমান দিনৰ পৰা গাৱত বাস কৰি আহিছে)? 

Ans: His friend has been living in the village for the last fifteen years.

(c) How do letters help us? 

(চিঠিয়ে আমাক কিদৰে সহায় কৰে)?

Ans: Letters are a medium of communication. They help us to keep in touch with our distant near and dear ones. 

(d) Who invented telephone and when? ( টেলিফোন কোনে আৰু কেতিয়া আবিষ্কাৰ কৰিছিল)?

Ans: Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone in 1876. 

(e) What is the contribution of telephone in the field of communication? 

(যোগাযোগৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত টেলিফোনৰ অৱদান কি)?

Ans: Telephone is one of the important modes of communication. It enables the people to talk directly to a person anywhere in the world. It has spread to every corner of the world.

(f) Name two other forms of communication that use the telephone network. 

(টেলিফোন নেটৱৰ্ক ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা যোগাযোগৰ আন দুটা মার্গ কি)?

Ans: Telex and fax are the two other forms of communication that uses the telephone network.

(g) What is e-mail? 

(ই-মেইল কি?)

Ans: E-mail is the way of sending messages and data to any person anywhere in the world through the internet, a computer network. 

(h) How can we communicate with the mobile phone? 

(আমি মোবাইল ফোনেৰে কেনেদৰে যোগাযোগ কৰিব পাৰো)? 

Ans: With the help of mobile phone, we can talk to a person directly and send him simple messages, popularly known as SMS.

2. Give brief answers to the following questions.

উল্লেখিত প্রশ্ন কেইটাৰ চমু উত্তৰ দিয়া। 

(a) How can we communicate through telegraph? 

( টেলিগ্ৰাফৰ জৰিয়তে আমি কেনেদৰে যোগাযোগ কৰিব পাৰো)?

Ans: We have to give our messages in the telegraph office, where these are converted into some codes and sent to their destination. These are again decoded at the telegraph office and then delivered.

(b) How does a fax machine work? 

(ফেক্স মেচিনে কেনেদৰে কাম কৰে)?

Ans: Fax machines use the telephone network to send written or printed material. The written materials are changed into a code of electrical signals and then sends down the telephone line. The receiving machines then converts these signals into the original document.

(c) What is the contribution of computers in the field of communication? 

(যোগাযোগৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত কম্পিউটাৰৰ অৱদান কি)? 

Ans: Computers have introduced us to even newer modes of communication. We can send any message to any person anywhere in the world through the internet. These messages are known as emails, connected together in a network. 

(d) Starting with the earliest, prepare a note on the various modes of communication as mentioned in your lesson. 

(একাদিক্রমে প্রথমৰপৰা আৰম্ভ কৰি পাঠটিত থকা বিভিন্ন যোগাযোগৰ আহিলাৰ ওপৰত চমুটোকা লিখা।)

Ans: We have learnt about various modes of communication form the earliest times to the modern days.

Letters are the earliest medium of communication. Letters help us to keep in touch with our near and dear ones in distant places.

With scientific growth telegraph were invented. In telegraphy messages are sent and received with the help of electricity and wire.

In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. It enables us to talk directly to another person anywhere in the world.

Telex and fax are the two other modes used with the telephone network.

Then computers introduced us to even newer modes. We can send any message to any person in the world through the internet.

Lastly, mobile phones are the latest invention. With it we can not only talk to a person but also send him simple messages.

3. Write true or false. (শুদ্ধ বা অশুদ্ধ)

(a) Letters help us to keep in touch with people. – True. 

(b) Alexander Graham Bell invented the telegraph. – False. 

(c) We can send telegram from the post office. – True. 

(d) Telegram uses both electricity and wire. – True. 

(e) Fax machine uses the telephone network. – True. 

(f) We can send SMS from computer. – False.

Grammar and usage. 

ব্যাকৰণ আৰু ব্যৱহাৰ

4. Rewrite the following sentences in present perfect continuous tense. Present perfect continuous tense ত বাক্যকেইটা পুনৰ লিখা।

(a) We (wait) for our teacher.

Ans: We have been waiting for our teacher. 

(b) The child (play) alone.

Ans: The child has been playing alone.

(c) How long you (be) here? 

Ans: For how long you have been here?

(d) They not (talk) to each other.

Ans: They haven’t been talking to each other. 

(e) You (read) this novel since yesterday. 

Ans: You have been reading this novel since yesterday.

Note the use of ‘since’ and ‘for’: 

since আৰু for ৰ ব্যৱহাৰ শিকা:

Both ‘since’ and ‘for’ are used in present perfect continuous tense to refer to time. ‘Since’ is used when the point of time is mentioned such as ‘since 2004 etc. ‘For’ is used when the period of time is mentioned like for three days etc.

‘Since’ আৰু ‘for’ দুটা শব্দ present perfect continuous tense ত সময়ক বুজাবলৈ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়। সময় এটা বিন্দুৰ পৰা প্ৰকাশ কৰিলে যেনে since 2004. (2004 ৰ’ পৰা) ইত্যাদি ‘Since’ ব্যৱহাৰ হয়। সময়ৰ দৈর্ঘ্য বুজালে ‘for’ ব্যৱহাৰ হয় যেনে for three days (তিনি দিনৰ বাবে ইত্যাদি। 

5. Complete the following sentence using either ‘since’ of ‘for’ ‘Since’ বা ‘for’ প্ৰয়োগ কৰি বাক্য কেইটা সম্পূৰ্ণ কৰা।

(a) The baby has been sleeping since 7 O’clock. 

(b) The baby has been sleeping for six hours. 

(c) They have been playing the match for a long time. 

(d) They have been playing the match since morning. 

(e) We have been living in this house since 2001. 

(f) We have been living in this house for last seven years.

6. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct prepositions. 

শুদ্ধ prepositions টোৰে খালী ঠাই পূৰণ কৰা : 

(a) I am aware …….his problems (in/of/at).

Ans: I am aware of his problems. 

(b) This book belongs….. me. (on/with/to)

Ans: This book belongs to me. 

(c) The patient is now free ….. danger. (from/in/of)

Ans: The patient is now free from danger. 

(d) Are you fond…… sweets? (in/for/of)

Ans: Are you fond of sweets?

(e) We should have respect…..elders (to/for/with)

Ans: We should have respect for elders. elders. 

7. Use the prepositions given in the box with each of the following verbs to form meaningful phrasal verbs. Use the phrasal verbs in sentences.

বাক্যত থকা Prepositions কেইটাৰে উল্লেখিত verb কেইটাৰ লগত অর্থপূর্ণ phrasal verb বনাই বাক্যত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা :

away          off               at              to                in

a) Call     

b) Put      

c) Give

Ans. a) (i) Call off….. The workers called off the strike.

(ii) Call in…… He called in the guests.

(iii) Call at …… I called him at 7.30 in the morning.

b) (i) Put away ……..A bad habit ought to be put away.

(ii) Put off…… The meeting was put off for the next day.

(iii) Put to ……. His view will be put to the committee. 

(iv) Put in ……. Could I put in my word now? 

c) (i) Give away …….. He gave away the book to her.

(ii) Give off …….. The chimney is giving off smoke.

(iii) Give in ……. The rebels were forced to give in.

8. Match the words given in A with their correct meanings given in B.

A ৰ শব্দবোৰৰ B ত থকা শুদ্ধ উত্তৰবোৰৰ সৈতে মিলোৱা।

destinationto give in
converta particular type


contributeto give in.
modea particular type.


9. Write a letter to your pen friend giving him information about the transport system of your town or village. তোমাৰ নগৰ বা গাঁৱৰ যাতায়তৰ ব্যৱস্থাৰ বিষয়ে অৱগত কৰি পত্ৰ বন্ধুলৈ এখন চিঠি লিখা।



Dear Nitu,

Thank you for your letter. I am fine and hope you are also well. Today I am going to inform you about the transport system of my village Rangajan. My village is on a roadside area and it is about 3 kilometres from the small Titabor town and 7 kilometres from the Jorhat town. The transport system in our area is not very satisfactory.

The growing area of Rangajan is the centre of the large number of villages around it. It has two high schools, one Higher Secondary School, one primary health centre, one veterinary hospital, post office, clubs and other social institutions along with a small market. Here, buses are the only modes of transport. Two government buses ply in the morning and in the afternoon two to three private buses at different hours give service but are not regular. At school and office hours the condition of our people becomes very bad. To overcome this problem of our society we are writing to the concerned authority to provide us with more buses. I hope that our demand will soon be fulfilled. 

This is much for today. Please do write to me again. Best wishes to you and your family.

Your friend


To Nitu Saikia 

Class – VII

Modern English School Guwahati-781006

Spoken activity

10. Suppose you did not go to school yesterday. Call your friend over phone and ask him/her what was taught in school. Play the roles in class. 

ধৰিলোৱা যোৱাকালি তুমি স্কুললৈ যোৱা নাছিলা তুমি তোমৰ বন্ধুলৈ টেলিফোন কৰি শুধা ক্লাছত কি পঢ়ুৱাইছিল। শ্ৰেনীত নাট্যৰূপ দিয়া।

Today is sunday, I am in my home. Yesterday I did not go to school. Now, I am calling Rita my class mate.

Rita: Hello? 

I: Hello, could I speak to Rita? This is Kripa.

Rita: Oh Kripa, how are you? Why didn’t you go to school yesterday? 

I: I was not well. I had fever.

Rita: O’ how is it today? Are you taking medicines?

I: I am ok today. Yes I’m taking medicines. Actually I called you to ask what did our teachers teach yesterday?

Rita: Yesterday our English teacher did tenses geometry in maths, pollution in social science and great books in G.K. 

I: O’really? I missed the grammar in English class. You must have done it nicely with all the examples.

Rita: Yes, there are a lots to learn about the different tenses. Don’t worry you can copy everything from me.

I: Its very nice of you. I’ll see in our next class. Thank you and Good Bye.

Rita: Good Bye. Take care.

পাঠটোৰ শেষত Present Perfect continuous ৰ বিষয়ে শিকো আহা। 

Eg.a) The child has been playing alone.

b) You have been reading since yesterday.

c) They haven’t been talking to each other.

ওপৰৰ বাক্যকেইটাত (have+be+ing) ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি কোনো এটা কাম অতীত কালৰ কোনো এটা সময়ত আৰম্ভ হৈ বৰ্ত্তমান চলি থকা বুজাইছে। যেনে (a) বাক্যত ল’ৰাটোৱে এতিয়াও খেলি থকা বুজাইছে (The child is still playing.) একেদৰে

a) For how long you have been here?

b) The baby has been sleeping for six hours. 

c) The baby has been sleeping since 7 O’clock.

d) We have been living here since 2001

এই বাক্যসমূহত ‘for’ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি সময়ৰ দৈর্ঘ্য (কিমান সময়ৰ বাবে ?) আৰু ‘since’ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি সময়ৰ এটা বিন্দুৰ পৰা আন এটালৈ কৰা প্ৰকাশক বুজাইছে, (কেতিয়াৰ পৰা ?)

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