NIOS Class 12 History Chapter 24 The Inter-War Period and The Second World War

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NIOS Class 12 History Chapter 24 The Inter-War Period and The Second World War

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The Inter-War Period and The Second World War

Chapter: 24




Q. 1. (a) Match the following: 

(i) Treaty of Versailles Outlet to Baltic Sea
(ii) Russian RevolutionCovenant
(iii) The League of Nations Dictated peace
(iv) Iraq and PalestineMandates
(v) Polish CorridorAllied intervention


(i) Treaty of Versailles Dictated peace
(ii) Russian RevolutionAllied intervention
(iii) The League of Nations Covenant
(iv) Iraq and PalestineMandates
(v) Polish CorridorOutlet to Baltic Sea

(b) Complete the following statements:

(i) The League of Nations was created for _____.

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Ans: promotion of international co- operation, peace and security.

(ii) Wilson’s Fourteen Points promised to bring in ______.

Ans: an era of peace, freedom, democracy and self determination.

(iii) Russia withdrew from war after _____.

Ans: signing a treaty with Germany.

(iv) The Baltic States which gained independence after war, were ______.

Ans: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

(v) Poland was formed after the decline of _____ and ______.

Ans: Austria, Prussia and Russia.


Q. 1. (a) State whether True or False: 

(i) In 1920s, the socialist revolutions succeeded in many countries.

Ans: False.

(ii) The term ‘Fascism’ is used to describe democratic movements.

Ans: False.

(iii) Hitler set-up the most barbaric regime of modern times.

Ans: True.

(iv) The European governments supported the rise of socialism.

Ans: False.

(v) Japan adopted a peaceful policy towards China.

Ans: False.

(b) Fill in the blanks:

(i) Mussolini’s armed gangs were called _____.

Ans: Blackshirts.

(ii) Hitler wrote  _____ while he was in jail.

Ans: Mein Kampf (My Struggle).

(iii) Like Fascists, Nazis were also opposed to _____ and ____.

Ans: democracy, socialism.

(iv) Mussolini came to power by organizing a ______ on ______.

Ans: March, Rome.

(v) After defeating Russia in war, Japan took over _____ in ______.

Ans: Manchuria, China.


Q. 1. (a) Match the following:

(i) New DealU.S.S.R.
(ii) Rich farmersCo-operative farms
(iii) New Economic PolicyU.S.A.
(iv) CollectivisationKulaks
(v) OverproductionGreat Depression


(i) New Deal U.S.A.
(ii) Rich farmersKulaks 
(iii) New Economic PolicyU.S.S.R.
(iv) CollectivisationCo-operative farms
(v) OverproductionGreat Depression

(b) State whether True or False:

(i) Most of the European countries were dependent on the U.S. economy.

Ans: True.

(ii) In the capitalist system, workers were paid low wages.

Ans: True.

(iii) The people were happy with Lenin’s policy of war communism.

Ans: False.

(iv) Russia introduced Five Year Plans for rapid industrialization.

Ans: True.


Q. 1. Complete the following sentences: 

(i) The League failed to prevent _____.

Ans: The League failed to prevent aggression.

(ii) In 1931, Japan invaded______.

Ans: In 1931, Japan invaded Manchuria.

(iii) Italy defied the League to take over ______.

Ans: Italy defied the League to take over Ethiopia.

(iv) German troops entered the demilitarized zone of______. 

Ans: German troops entered the demilitarized zone of Rhineland.

(v) The Munich Pact allowed Germany to occupy _____.

Ans: The Munich Pact allowed Germany to occupy Sudetenland.

(vi) Anschluss refers to the union of _____ and _____.

Ans: Anschluss refers to the union of Austria and Germany.

(vii) The Popular Front Government in Spain consisted of ______.

Ans: The Popular Front Government in Spain consisted of socialists, communists and anti-fascists.

(viii) The Second World War began with the invasion of ______.

Ans: The Second World War began with the invasion of Poland.

(ix) The Anti- Comintern Pact was signed between ______.

Ans: The Anti- Comintern Pact was signed between Germany, Italy and Japan.

(x) The policy of appeasement encouraged ______.

Ans: The policy of appeasement encouraged the fascists.


Q. 1. (a) Match the following:

(i) Free France Sale MovementOperation Barbarossa
(ii) Battle of BritainWinston Churchill 
(iii) Invasion of U.S.S.R.Operation Sea-Lion
(iv) British Prime MinisterNormandy
(v) Second FrontSpitfire and Hurricane 
(vi) British Aircrafts Charles de Gaulle


(i) Free France Sale MovementCharles de Gaulle
(ii) Battle of BritainOperation Sea-Lion
(iii) Invasion of U.S.S.R.Operation Barbarossa
(iv) British Prime MinisterWinston Churchill 
(v) Second FrontNormandy
(vi) British Aircrafts Spitfire and Hurricane 

(b) Complete the following sentences: 

(i) The Second World War began with______.

Ans: The Second World War began with the invasion of Poland.

(ii) Operation Sea-Lion was possible only if _______.

Ans: Operation Sea-Lion was possible only if the German army could cross the English Channel.

(iii) The attack on Pearl Harbor led to ______.

Ans: The attack on Pearl Harbor led to the U.S. entry into war.

(iv) Operation Barbarossa failed because _______.

Ans: Operation Barbarossa failed because the Germans could not tolerate the Russian winters.

(v) The battle of Stalingrad marked the _____.

Ans: The battle of Stalingrad marked the turning point of war.

(vi) The war in Asia and Pacific ended with ______.

Ans: The war in Asia and Pacific ended with the dropping of the atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Q. 1. What were the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles? Did they contain the seeds of another war?

Ans: The provisions of the Treaty of Versailles :

(i) Germany was blamed as the aggressor and forced to accept responsibility for the damage caused to the Allies during war.

(ii) Germany was to pay $6,600 million as compensation to them.

(iii) The German coal mining area in Saar valley was put under the control of the League for 15 years, while the mines were transferred to France for that period.

(iv) The newly created state of Poland was provided a corridor which give her an outlet to the Baltic Sea. This corridor separated East Prussia from the rest of Germany. The port of Danzig, which lay in the corridor, was made a free city.

(v) The strength of the German army was to be limited to 100,000 and it was permitted to have any air force or navy.

(vi) Germany’s colonial possessions were divided amongst the victorious powers. Germany was made to sign this treaty under threat of invasion. In fact no German representative was invited to attend the conference. So the Germans called it a ‘dictated peace’. Thus, the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles contained the seeds of another war.

Q. 2. Describe the rise of Mussolini to power in Italy. How did he deal with the opposition?

Ans: (i) Mussolini used the term ‘Fascism’ for his movement. The fascists adopted as their symbol “the fasces’ or a bundle of rods, which represented state power.

(ii) The main features of these movements were opposition to democracy and socialism, establishment of dictatorial rule, extreme nationalism and militarism.

(iii) Mussolini made eloquent speeches about the glory of ancient Roman Empire and urged people to restore Italy’s honour.

(iv) Many ex-soldier’s after listening to his speeches, joined his armed gangs, which was a private army called ‘Blackshirts’.

(v) Mussolini used these gangs to break up strikes and to spread terror among the socialists and communists. The ruling classes of Italy did not curb their action because they also wanted to prevent socialist revolution.

(vi) In 1921, Mussolini set-up the National Fascist Party. In October next year, he sent 30,000 of his Blackshirts in a march on Rome. The government surrendered without a fight and the king asked Mussolini to form the new government.

(vii) By 1928, Mussolini had destroyed all parliamentary opposition and had begun to rule as a dictator. All non- fasicst parties were banned. He used imprisonment torture and organized killings to suppress the socialists and the communists.

(viii) He set-up the Fascist Grand Council and took the title of II Duce of the Leader. He tried to make Italy a great power by advocating a policy of war and expansion.

Q. 3. What were the aims of the Nazi policies? How did Hitler try to achieve those aims? Were his methods justified?

Ans: (i) The aims of Nazi policies were to wipe out the humiliation of Versailles and to make Germany powerful and feared in the world.

(ii) The Nazis were similar to Fascist in their opposition to democracy, civil liberties and Socialism.

(iii) Hitler tried to achieve these aims by using brutal force to crush any opposition. He unleashed a reign of terror. All democratic principles were put aside.

(iv) In February 1933, the Nazis set the Parliament building on fire and put the blame on the socialists and communists. Over 60,000 people were imprisoned or sent to concentration camps.

(v) By mid-1933, all political parties, other than the Nazi party, were banned. After the death of Hindenburg on August 2, 1934, Hitler became the President of Germany. An organised campaign for the total extermination of Jews was launched. Simultaneously, a programme of militarization was introduced.

(vi) The methods adopted by Hitler to achieve his aims, were not justified. He was very ruthless. He ordered the killings of hundreds of Storm Troopers, who had helped in his rise of power, in one night. June 30, 1934 is known as the night of Long Knives.

(vii) The victory of Nazism brought the world closer to war.

Q. 4. Why did the western powers follow a policy of appeasement during the 1930s? What was its effects on the fascists?

Ans: (i) When the fascist aggression began, the western powers (mainly Britain, France) followed the policy of appeasement. They believed that the aggression would be directed against Soviet Russia.

(ii) The policy of appeasement adopted by the western powers encouraged the fascist towards more aggression. The Soviet Union demanded an anti-fascist alliance but the western powers did not agree. The Munich Pact was the climax of appeasement of western powers which recognised the German’s occupation of Sudetenland. To protect its own interests the USSR signed a Non-Aggression Pact with Germany in August 1939.

(iii) Hitler now turned towards Poland but the British and French governments declared that they would attack Germany if it invaded Poland.

(iv) But Hitler could not be stopped now. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland. Two days later, on September 3, Britain and France declared war on Germany. This led the beginning of the Second World War.

Multiple Choice Questions

Tick (✓) the correct answer.

 Q.1. The First World War ended with the signing of the peace treaties at a conference held in :

(a) Paris.

(b) New york.

(c) London.

(d) Tokyo.

Ans: (a) Paris.

Q. 2. The important leaders at the conference held in Paris after the end of the World War I were:

(a) Woodrow Wilson. 

(b) Lloyd George and Wilson and Musolini. 

(c) George Clemencean, Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson. 

(d) Woodraw Wilson, George Clemenceau, Hitler.

Ans: (c) George Clemencean, Lloyd George, Woodrow Wilson. 

Q.3. The country which was not allowed to become member of this League of Nations for many years, was: 

(a) Japan.

(b) Soviet Union.

(c) India.

(d) China.

Ans: (b) Soviet Union. 

Q. 4. The formal agreement of the League of Nations was approved in: 

(a) March 1919

(b) April 1919

(c) August 1919 

(d) December 1919

Ans: (b) April 1919

Q. 5. Which of the following country was blamed as the aggressor and forced to accept responsibility for the damage caused to the Allies during war?

(a) Soviet Union.

(b) Japan.

(c) France.

(d) Germany.

Ans: (d) Germany.

Q. 6. Which of the following countries was accepted as independent after a treaty between USSR and Germany in 1918?

(a) Poland and Finland.

(b) Estonia.

(c) Latvia and Lithuania.

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (d) All of the above.

Q. 7. Who is called ‘ATATURK’?

(a) Mustafa Kemal.

(b) Jahangir Khan. 

(c) Nasiruddin Pasha.

(d) Sayyid Khan.

Ans: (a) Mustafa Kemal.

Q. 8. The word ‘fascism’ is associated with:

(a) India.

(b) Italy.

(c) China.

(d) Russia.

Ans: (b) Italy.

Q. 9. The main feature of the fascist movement was:

(a) opposition to democracy and socialism.

(b) establishment of dictatorial rule.

(c) extreme nationalism and militarism.

(d) all of the above.

Ans: (d) all of the above.

Q. 10. Mussolini was the fascist ruler of:

(a) France.

(b) Germany.

(c) Italy.

(d) Britain.

Ans: (c) Italy.

Q. 11. Mein Kamf was written by:

(a) Musolini. 

(b) Hitler.

(c) Churchil.

(d) Owems.

Ans: (b) Hitler.

Q. 12. Which of the following was the aim of Nazi policy?

(a) To wipe out the humiliation of Versailles.

(b) To make Germany powerful.

(c) To make Germany feared in the world.

(d) All of the above.

Ans: (d) All of the above.

Q. 13. The 1963 Olympics were held in:

(a) London.

(b) Washington.

(c) Berlin.

(d) Paris.

Ans: (c) Berlin.

Q. 14. Which of the following was the last act of appeasement by the western powers?

(a) Triple Alliance.

(b) Munich Pact.

(c) Treaty of Versailles. 

(d) Triple Entente.

Ans: (b) Munich Pact.

Q. 15. The ‘Operation Barbarossa’ was launched against:

(a) Germany.

(c) Britain.

(b) USA.

(d) USSR.

Ans: (d) USSR.

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