Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 10 In the Bazaars of Hyderabad, Sankardev Sishu Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 10 In the Bazaars of Hyderabad Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one.
Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 10 In the Bazaars of Hyderabad
Sankardev Class 8 English Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination. Assam Board Sankardev Sishu Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 10 In the Bazaars of Hyderabad gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. You can get solutions to questions of both basic and advanced levels.
In the Bazaars of Hyderabad
Chapter – 10
A. Answer the following questions with the information from the poem.
Q.1. Name the wide variety of goods sold by the merchants.
Ans :- The merchants in the poem ‘In the Bazaars of Hyderabad’ sell turbans of crimson and silver colour, tunics of purple brocade, to mirrors with panels of amber and daggers with handles of jode.
Q.2. The Goldsmiths are busy making what ?
Ans :- The Goldsmiths in the poem ‘In the Bazaars of Hyderabad’ are busy making wristlets, anklets and rings. They also make bells for the feet of blue pigeons, girdles of gold for the dancers and scabbard for the king.
Q.3. Describe what the flower girls weave.
Ans :- The flower girls in the poem ‘In the Bazaars of Hyderabad’ worse with their tassels of azure and red crowns for the braw of a bridegroom and chaplets to garland his bed. They also weave white sheets to lay dead ladies.
Q.4. Name the fruit cry of the fruitmen.
Ans :- The fruitmen in the poem ‘In the Bazaars of Hyderabad’ cry out to sell their citron, pomegranate and plum.
B. Fill in the blanks with the information from the poem.
1. The vendors sell …………………
Ans :- The vendors sell saffron, lentil and rice.
2. Sandalwood is ground by ………………
Ans :- Sandalwood is ground by maidens.
3. The pedlars call out the sale of ………..
Ans :- The pedlars call out the sale of chessmen and ivory dice.
4. The musicians in the bazaar entertain with ……………
Ans :- The musicians in the bazaar entertain with cithar, sarangi and drum.
Word Skills :
A. A series of words are given below. To each, add a prefix which reverses its meaning.
Movable ……………………
Relevant ……………………
Vulnerable …………………..
Similar …………………..
Honour ……………………
Fortune ………………….
Legible ………………….
Convincing ………………….
Fortunate …………………
Sense …………………
Ans :-
Movable – Immovable
Relevant – Irrelevant
Vulnerable – Invulnerable
Similar – Dissimilar
Honour – Dishonour
Fortune – Misfortune
Legible – Ineligible
Convincing – Unconvincing
Fortunate – Unfortunate
Sense – Nonsense
B. Make sentence :
Overseas ………………………
Overlap ………………………
Overcrowd ………………………
Overpower ………………………
Overdo ………………………
Overrule ……………………..
Overdose ……………………..
Overrun ………………………
Ans :-
Overseas – Everyone doesn’t get the opportunity to travel overseas.
Overlap – There was an overlapping of colours in the painter’s new portrait.
Overcrowd – The waiting room of the hospital was overcrowded with visitors of patients.
Overpower – Ben easily overpowered Dick in the fight.
Overdo – Anxious to please her teacher, Rina overdid her home task.
Overrule – The judge overruled the prosecution lawer’s objections.
Overdose – The nurse gave an overdose of medicines to the patient by mistake.
Overrun – The old man was injured when he was overrun by a truck.
Vocabulary :
Brocade – ফুল তোলা কাপোৰ।
Pedlars – খোজকাঢ়ি ফুৰা।
Scabbards – তৰোৱালৰ খাপ।
Cithar – চিতাৰ।
Eons – দিঘলীয়া সময়।
New garnered – নতুনকৈ সজা।

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