Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 9 Letters from a Father to his Daughter, Sankardev Sishu Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 9 Letters from a Father to his Daughter Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one.
Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 9 Letters from a Father to his Daughter
Sankardev Class 8 English Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination. Assam Board Sankardev Sishu Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 9 Letters from a Father to his Daughter gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. You can get solutions to questions of both basic and advanced levels.
Letters from a Father to his Daughter
Chapter – 9
Q.1. Who were the Aryans and from where did they come to India ?
Ans :- Aryans were a race and they came to India from Central Asia.
Q.2. How can we find our more about the Aryans ?
Ans :- We can find out a lot about Aryans from the books they wrote which included Vedas, Puranas, Ramayana and Mahabharat.
Q.3. Write about the Vedas and how they were passed on to us.
Ans :- Vedas are the oldest books in the world. Vedas were not at first written. They were remembered and handed down from generation to generation by word of the month. The Vedas were written in Vedic period. Veda means knowledge.
Q.4. How did cow-worship begin ?
Ans :- Cow was useful in agriculture and gave milk. So Aryans adored cows and sang their praise. Long afterwards, forgetting the real reason for the care of the cow, people started worshipping the cow.
Q.5. What does the word ‘Aryan’ mean ? Describe the characteristics of the Aryans ?
Ans :- Aryan means a gentleman, a superior kind of person. Aryans loved freedom greatly. To the Aryans of those days, death was better than dishonour or slavery. They were good fighters, they know something of science and a good deal of agriculture.
Q.6. What rules of life did the Aryans keep, which have developed into an unhealthy system today ?
Ans :- Aryans were afraid of getting mixed up with other inhabitants of India. They made laws and rules to prevent this mixture, so that Aryans could not marry others. Long afterwards, this developed into the caste system.
6. Change from Direct to Indirect speech.
(a) The scout master said, ” The boys should to put up their two tents.”
Ans :- The scout master asked the boys to put up their two tents.
(b) The air hostess said to the passengers, ” Fasten your seat belts and straighten their seat.”
Ans :- The airhostess appealed to passengers to fasten their seat belts and straighten their seats.
(c) The geography teacher said, “The Anders Range is in South America.”
Ans :- The geography teacher said that the Ander Range is in South America.
(d) Rina assured me, “I will never divulge my secret.”
Ans :- Rina assured me that she would never divulge my secret.
(e) “All the food is cooked in the house,” said Mrs. Bora.
Ans :- Mrs. Bora claimed that all the food was cooked in the house.
7. Convert from Indirect to Direct Speech.
(a) The teacher asked Binoy if he had passed.
Ans :- The teacher asked Binoy, “have you passed ?”
(b) We wished Jayanta good luck and good bye.
Ans :- “Good luck and good bye”, we said to Jayanta.
(c) My mother said that the milk was warm.
Ans :- My mother said, “the milk is warm”.
(d) Venice is a city of canals to be visited, suggested the travel guide.
Ans :- The travel guide suggested, “Venice is a city of canals to be visited”.
(e) The instructor ordered us to march quickly.
Ans :- “Quick march” , the instructor commanded us.

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