Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 2 Bal Gangadhar Tilak Father of Indian National Movement

Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 2 Bal Gangadhar Tilak Father of Indian National Movement, Sankardev Sishu Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 2 Bal Gangadhar Tilak Father of Indian National Movement Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one.

Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 2 Bal Gangadhar Tilak Father of Indian National Movement

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Niketan Class 8 English Lesson 2 Bal Gangadhar Tilak Father of the Indian National Movement can be of great value to excel in the examination. Assam Board Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 2 Bal Gangadhar Tilak Father of Indian National Movement gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. You can get solutions to questions of both basic and advanced levels.

Bal Gangadhar Tilak Father of Indian National Movement

Chapter – 2



1. Here are some facts from Tilak’s life. Arrange them in chronological order.

(a) Tilak joined Indian National Congress.

(b) He lost his father.

(c) He started teaching Mathematics in a private school.

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(d) He was arrested on the charges of sedition.

(e) Tilak was born.

(f) He became a journalist.

(g) Tilak’s father was transferred to Pune.

(h) Tilak breathed his last.

(i) He was sentenced to imprisonment for one and a half year.

(j) He decided to build an organisation called ‘Home Rule League’.

(k) He passed his matriculation.

(l) He organised Deccan Education Society.

Ans :- (g) Tilak’s father was transferred to Pune.

(b) He lost his father.

(k) He passed his matriculation.

(c) He started teaching Mathematics in a private school.

(f) He became a journalist.

(l) He organised Deccan Education Society.

(a) Tilak joined Indian National Congress.

(i) He was sentenced to imprisonment for one and half year.

(d) He was arrested on charges of sedition.

(j) He decided to build an organisation ‘Home Rule League’.

(h) Tilak breathed his last.

2. Root words:

The word ‘childhood’ is made for the root word ‘Child Make two words each with the given root words :

a. Nation……………………
b. True……………………
c. Respect……………………
d. Prison……………………
e. Final……………………

Ans :-

a. Nationnationalnationality
b. Truetruismtruely
c. Respectrespectedrespectful
d. Prisonprisonerimprison
e. Finalfinallyfinality

3. Given below are some qualities of Bal Gangadhar Tilak.

a. Brilliant

b. Determined

c. Diligent

d. Patient

e. Judicious

Write a sentence to explain each quality.

a. Brilliant :- Tilak was a brilliant student and obtained B.A. degree with first class in mathematics followed by LL.B degree.

b. Determined :- Tilak was determined to introduce a new education system with a focus on Indian culture.

c. Diligent :- He was very hard working. He worked for spread of education and worked through publication of newspapers to arouse the passion of Indians against

British subjugation.

d. Patient :- Tilak remained patient even the British rulers sent him to jail in spite of being a radical

among freedom fighters. He patiently dedicated his life

for the cause of attaining swaraj.

e. Judicious :- He never had any ill feelings against detractors and behaved judiciously to his opponents.


4. Answer the following questions :

Q.a. Where was Bal Gangadhar Tilak born ?

Ans :- Ratnagiri, Maharashtra.

Q.b. What kind of a student was Bal Gangadhar ?

Ans :- He was a brilliant student.

Q.c. When did Bal Gangadhar Tilak pass the Matriculation Examination ?

Ans :- 1872.

Q.d. How, according to Tilak, can good citizens be moulded ?

Ans :- He believed that good citizens can be moulded through good citizens.

Q.e. Who organised the Deccan Education Society ?

Ans :- Tilak organised the Deccan Education Society with a few of his classmates.

Q.f. Why was it set up ?

Ans :- Deccan Education Society was set up to create a new system to teach young Indians nationalist ideas through an emphasis on Indian culture.

Q.g. Who established Fergusson College and when ?

Ans :- Tilak and a few of this classmates established Fergusson College in 1885.

Q.h. Name two weeklies started by Bal Gangadhar Tilak.

Ans :- ‘Kesari’ and ‘Mahratta’.

Q.i. When did Tilak join the Indian National Congress ?

Ans :- Tilak joined the Indian National Congress in 1890.

Q.j. When did the British colonial authorities call Tilak ‘Father of the Indian unrest ?

Ans :- Because he was the father of Indian Independence Movement.

Q.k. How did Tilak spend his time in prison in Mandalay ?

Ans :- Tilak spend his time in Mandalay by reading and writing.

Q.l. When does the word ‘Lokamanya’ mean ?

Ans :- Lokamanya means “accepted by the people (as their leader)”.

Q.m. When the Tilak breathe his last ?

Ans :- Tilak breathe his last on August 1, 1920.


5. Answer the following question in about 75-100 words:

(a) Narrate what Tilak did to improve the quality of education for the youth of India.

Ans :- Tilak was a strong critic of Western education system. He came to the conclusion that good citizens can be moulded through good education. So with the cooperation of a few of his classmates, Tilak organised the Deccan Education Society. Their goal was to improve the quality of education for Indian’s youth. The Deccan Education Society was set up to create a new system to teach young Indians nationalist ideas through an emphasis on Indian culture. The Society established the New English school for secondary education and Fergusson College for post Secondary studies.

(b) Give a brief account of Tilak’s contribution towards India’s independent movement.

Ans :- Tilak was the first leader of Indian Independence Movement. Through his write ups in ‘Kesari’ ( Maratha weekly) and ‘Mahratta’ (English weekly) he tried to arouse the passion of sleeping indians against colonial rule. In Congress he led the radical group which advocated for ‘Swaraj’ or self rule. He raised the famous slogan “Swaraj is my birth right and I shall have it”. He formed ‘Home Rule League’ to fight for Swaraj. Tilak did not believe in total Ahimsa and supported use of force wherever necessary.

6. Match these words to make compound words :

1. Tablea. Cloth
2. Pickb. Pocket
3. Classc. Mate
4. Diningd. Room
5. Moone. Light
6. Witchf. Craft
7. Businessg. Man
8. Breakh. Fast
9. Shoe.i. Maker
10. Over.j.Take

Ans :- 

1. Tableg. Cloth
2. Picke. Pocket
3. Classj. Mate
4. Dininga. Room
5. Moonh. Light
6. Witchb. Craft
7. Businessd. Man
8. Breakc. Fast
9. Shoe.f. Maker
10. Over.i. Take

Look at the following Sentence

He opposed the caste system.

The fishermen cast their nets into the  sea.

In the above two sentences the words ‘caste’ and ‘cast’ are similar in sound but different in meaning. Such words are called homonyms.

7. Now write Sentences to illustrate the difference in the meaning of the following homonyms :

(a) Cite, Site

(b) Council, Counsel

(c) Defy, deify

(d) Eligible, illegible

(e) Human, humane

(f) Loose, lose

(g) Jealous, Zealous

Ans :- (a) He cited (উল্লেখ কৰা) a character in an old scripture to justify his comment.

This is the site (স্থান) for our new office.

(b) Bihar has got a Legislative Council. (পৰিষদ) 

Your counsel (পৰামৰ্শ) helped me a lot.

(c) How can subordinate defy (উলংঘা কৰা) orders from superiors? 

Deify : People used to deify ( দেৱতুল্য জ্ঞান কৰা) Gandhiji.

(d) You are eligible (যোগ্য) to apply for the post.

Some words in the letter are illegible. (অস্পষ্ট)

(e) Every human (মানৱ) being is to follow some good habits.

His behaviour is humane. (উদাৰ, মনুষ্যসুলভ)

(f) The house collapsed as the structure was loose. ( সোলোক ঢোলোক)

None of the teams wanted to lose (হেৰুওৱা) a point.

(g) He was jealous (ঈর্ষান্বিত) to his neighbours.

The boy is zealous (উদ্যমী), so he will prosper.

8. Rewrite the sentences below changing the verbs in brackets into the passive from :

(a) The soldier (kill) in the last battle.

Ans :- The soldier was killed in the last battle.

(b) A book fair (hold) in our town last month.

Ans :- A book fair was held in our town last month.

(c) Gramophone (invent) by Thomas Alva Edison.

Ans :- Gramophone was invented by Thomas Alva Edison.

(d) Many battles (fight) by Akbar the Great.

Ans :- Many battles were fought by Akbar the Great.

(e) Hamlet (write) by Shakespeare.

Ans :- Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.

(f) A happy dream (dream) by him last night.

Ans :- A happy dream was dreamt by him last night.

9. Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunction.

(i) Ramen is diligent ………….. his brother is idle.

Ans :- Ramen is diligent but his brother is idle.

(ii) I want a pen ………… a piece of paper.

Ans :- I want a pen and a piece of paper.

(iii) The bag is ………… lost …………. stolen.

Ans :- The bag is not lost but stolen.

(iv) God made the country ………… man made the town.

Ans :- God made the country but man made the town.

(v) We shall stay here ……….. you return.

Ans :- We shall stay here till you return.

(vi) Amal lost the race ……….. he ran fast.

Ans :- Amal lost the race though he ran fast.

(vii) She feels tired; give her a cup of ………. or a glass of milk.

Ans :- She feels tired; give her a cup of tea or a glass of milk.

10. Fill in the blanks with suitable correlative conjunction:

(i) She ………. can ………… read ………. write.

Ans :- She can neither read nor write.

(ii) ……….. a lender ………….. a borrower be.

Ans :- Either a lender or a borrower be.

(iii) I don’t care ………. you go ……….stay.

Ans :- I don’t care whether you go or stay.

(iv) ………. John ……….. his sister read in this school.

Ans :- Both John and his sister read in this school.

(v) ………… he is poor, ……….. he is honest.

Ans :- Though he is poor, yet he is honest.

(vi) He is ………. only intelligent ……….. diligent.

Ans :- He is not only intelligent but also diligent.


Write a paragraph on ‘ The Man you Admire Most ‘.

    I admire Bal Gangadhar Tilak because of his brevity selflessness and patriotism. He realised that unless Indians can be imparted proper education, the freedom from British occupation cannot be achieved. He had faith on people. So moved from village to village carrying the message of ‘Swaraj’. Ignoring call for a comfortable career as a civil servant, Tilak dedicated his life for the cause of the people. So I adore him.


Brilliant – মেধাসম্পন্ন।

Straight forward  – পোনপটীয়া, সৰল।

Demeaning – অপমানজনক।

Social reformer – সমাজ সংস্কাৰক।

Instigating – অনুপ্ৰাণিত, উদ্বুব্ধ, প্ৰৰোচিত কৰা।

Sea of changes  – সম্পূৰ্ণ বিপৰীত দৃশ্য।

Critic  – সমালোচক ( কোনো বিষয়ৰ ভাল- বেয়া দুয়োটা দিশ উন্মোচিত কৰা ব্যক্তি)।

Vivid – স্পষ্ট আৰু বিস্তৃত।

Highlighted – দৃষ্টি আকৰ্ষণ কৰা।

Flight – দুদৰ্শা।

Suffering – কষ্ট ভোগ কৰা।

Eventuality – সম্ভাব্য ঘটনা।

Rigorous – কঠোৰ , সশ্ৰম।

Split – টুকুৰা টুকুৰ কৰা।

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