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NCERT Class 9 Social Science Chapter 27 Preventing Common Man-Made Disasters
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Preventing Common Man-Made Disasters
Chapter: 27
1. Fire: It is an event of something burning and is often destructive taking up toll of life and property. 2. Combustible materials: That materials which catches fire immediately. 3. Hazardous materials: Materials that burns and gives out poisonous smoke. |
Q. 1. Define fire.
Ans. It is an event of something burning and is often destructive taking up toll life and property.
Q. 2. What are the causes of fire?
Ans. 1. Heating sources: These are often causes of fire like space heaters.
2. Cooking accidents: These are major causes of home fires.
3. Electrical wiring: It can cause a fire if it is not large enough to carry the load being supplied.
4. Rubbish and waste materials: It is left to accumulate can easily contribute to spread of fire.
5. Combustible materials such as packing materials, glues, solvents, liquids or gasses stored in work place can be extremely dangerous.
6. Hazardous materials such as paints, chemicals or gas cylinders should be kept away.
7. Smoking is also a major cause of fire.
8. Burning of crackers without taking proper precautions.
Q. 3. What safety measures of fire prevention will you take at home?
Ans. 1. Remember basic fire safety rules and your evacuation route.
2. Do not keep highly inflammable liquids in the house.
3. Have a fire extinguisher in your house and learn how to use it.
4. When you leave your house make sure to be shut off all electrical and gas appliances.
5. Do not plug into one socket.
6. Keep away matches from children and do not allow any one to smoke inside the house.
7. Do not block access routes by cupboats or any furniture.
8. In the event of a fire call the fire department and provide your address.
9. Determine at least two ways to escape from your home and practice your escape plan at least twice in a year.
Q. 4. Describe the vulnerability of people to fire.
Ans. 1. Congested settlements where house may be built.
2. Jhuggis and Johnparis having thatched roofs open electrical wiring etc.
3. Multistory buildings lacking adequate arrangements of fire extinguishers.
4. Inflammable substances, store houses and petrol pumps.
Q. 5. Name important features of fire hazard assessment.
Ans. 1. Processing individual claims of damage.
2. Damage, loss and injury to human lifes.
3. Insurance practices against fire.
4. Environment impact in case of forest fire or major urban fires.
Q. 6. State four aspect of mitigation strategies against fire.
Ans. 1. Evacuation is the first step.
2. During evacuation dense smoke filled corridors must be avoided.
3. Use protective clothing made of fibrous minerals like asbestos or felted clothes with layers of insulated sheets.
4. Safety precautions must be followed at home and work place.
Safety measures on Road:
1. Be familiar with road markings.
2. Know road signs and honour them.
3. Be careful while driving in rainy season.
4. Drive your vehicle at the permitted speed.
5. Do not jumps lane.
6. Drive only if you are competent enough.
Q. 1. What are the main causes of road accidents?
Ans. 1. Violation of traffic rules.
2. Speed.
3. Drunk driving.
4. Poor maintenance of the vehicles and the roads.
Q. 2. Suggest safety measures while driving on road.
Ans. 1. Drive only if you are competent enough.
2. The best way to be safe on the roads is to be follow lane driving for your own safety.
3. Be familiar with road marking.
4. Know road signs and honour them.
5. Be careful while driving in rainy season and during night.
6. While driving avoid acceleration and deceleration.
7. Drive at the speed recommended by the manufacturer.
Q. 3. What is the causes of aircraft accident?
Aus. 1. Technical problems.
2. Fire.
3. Landing and take-off conditions.
4. The environment an airline operates in (mountainous terrain) etc.
5. Factors like airport security in case of hijacking, bombing etc.
Q. 4. What points should be remember if you got trapped in air accidents?
Ans. 1. Pay attention to the flight crew safety demonstration.
2. Carefully read the safety briefing card.
3. Know where the nearest emergency exit is and know-how to open it in case of emergency.
4. Always keep your seat belt fastened when in your seat.
Q. 4. What are the causes of rail accidents?
Ans. 1. Derailment due to lack of maintenance.
2. Human error or sabotage.
3. Dangerous cargo are also transported such as fuel oil.
Q. 5. Suggest safety measures while traveling through railway.
Ans. 1. At railway crossing pay attention to the signal and the swing barrier. Do not try to get across.
2. In case of a unmanned crossing, get down the vehicle and look at either sides of the track before crossing the tracks.
3. Do not stop the train on a bridge, where evacuation is not possible.
4. Do not take flammable materials.
5. Do not smoke in the train.
6. Do not pull the emergency cord unnecessarily.
Q. 6. Are the Indian roads safe?
Ans. India has one of the highest accidents rates in the world. Every year more then 300000 accidents are reported. Fatality rate is as high as 60000. In the light of these data we can say that the Indian roads are not safe.
Q. 7. What we should do or do not for safety rules?
Do’s | Don’ts |
1. Be a licenced driver and keep the license with you. | 1. Do not jump lanes. |
2. Check the tyre pressure, radiator water, brake etc. | 2. Do not weave in and out of traffic in congested areas. |
3. Replace worn out tyres. | 3. Do not accelerate or decelerate suddenly. |
4. Replace the faulty headlights. | 4. Maintain a safe distance from other vehicles. |
5. Pay heed to know road signs. | 5. Don’t use harsh horns. |
6. Keep to your lane. | 6. Do not use curtains, dark tinted glasses on windscreens and windows. |
7. Dip your beam whenever you spot an oncoming vehicle. | 7. Do not exceed the speed limits prescribed for your vehicle. |
8. Use helmets while driving a two-wheeler. | |
9. Use seat belts. | |
10. Use zebra crossing when you want to make your way across the road. |
Terrorist Acts: It is those act which involve deliberate vicious acts of mass murder against people by carrying cut, suicide attacks, shooting massacres, bombing etc. |
Q. What steps should be taken in the event of a bomb scare?
Ans. 1. In case you come across any package have doubt, be on your guard and don’t touch any things.
2. Beware of the objects that are left on their own in public areas-suitcases, boxes, packages etc.
3. Do not approach the object yourself and do not let other people do so.
4. Inform the police and after their arrival leave the premises.
5. Avoid panic.
1. Chemical leaks and industrial accidents are man-made disasters. These have a different set of relationship with the environment. 2. Possible risk reduction measures: Hazard mapping, land use planning, community preparedness etc. |
Q. 1. What are consequences of chemical and industrial accidents faced by people living that residents?
Ans. The fire spreading in the industries and the residential areas near by
1. Heat waves.
2. Chemical gas leak.
3. Combustion of various products and heat waves.
4. Low oxygen levels.
5. Falling of structural elements and machinery.
6. Contamination of the nearby environment.
Q. 2. Give the onset type and warning of industrial accident.
Ans. Onset Type: In case of industrial disaster can be either rapid or sudden depending on the nature of occurrence. As there is a series of process and reaction involved the onset may vary accordingly.
Warning: The industrial facility should have monitoring and warning system for fire and building up of dangerous conditions.
Q. 3. Describe the elements at risk.
Ans. 1. Industrial set up and its near environment is under threat.
2. Employees of the work places.
3. Residents of nearby settlements, livestock and crops.
4. The environment which include land, water and air.
Q. 4. What are the typical effects of chemical and industrial accidents?
Ans. 1. Physical damage: Damage to structures and infrastructure.
2. Casualties: Many people may be killed and injured.
3. Health effects: Organ getting affected and may include heart failure, brain damage etc.
4. Environment: Contamination of air, water, land and standing crops.
Q. 5. Give the possible risk reduction measures.
Ans. 1. Hazard mapping: Inventories and maps of storage locations of toxins or hazardous substance.
2. Land-use planning: Densely populated industrial areas should be separated for away from industrial areas.
3. Community preparedness: The community should be aware of the hazardous installations and know-how to combat the situation.
4. Other possible risk reduction measures: Maintain the wind flow diagram of the region, improve fire resistance and warning systems.
Epidemic is defined as the occurrence of an illness or other health-related event that is unusually large or unexpected. |
Q. 1. What common man-made hazards can you identify in your city or area? Which of them according to you may result in a disaster, if not adequately addressed through prevention, mitigation and preparedness activities?
Ans. Small pox, plague, cholera may provoke a disaster if not adequately prevented.
Q. 2. Define the epidemic.
Ans. Epidemic is defined as the occurrence of an illness or other health-related event that is unusually large or unexpected.
Q. 3. Describe onset-type and warning.
Ans. Onset-type is either rapid or sudden warning- Rise in number of people suffering from particular disease.
Q. 4. What are the causes of epidemie?
Ans. 1. Poor sanitary conditions may contaminate food and water and also suffice the environment.
2. Seasonal changes that favour the breeding of an insect vector such as mosquitoes in the rainy season.
3. Poverty is one of the major factors.
Q. 5. What are the elements at risk?
Ans. Population of the particular community.
Q. 6. Explain typical effects.
Ans. 1. Epidemics cause illness and death.
2. Economic losses.
Q. 7. What are the potential risk reduction measures?
Ans. 1. Structuring the health services- understanding the roles and responsibilities of the public health service.
2. Contingency plan- response should be prepared after identifying the epidemics that are likely to occur in the region.
3. Training need to be given at all levels.
4. Personal protection through vaccination.
5. Strategies included are improving the sanitary conditions, disposal methods of wasio etc.