NCERT Class 9 Social Science Chapter 25 Introduction To Disaster Risk Management-Understanding Disaster Mitigation

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NCERT Class 9 Social Science Chapter 25 Introduction To Disaster Risk Management-Understanding Disaster Mitigation

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Introduction To Disaster Risk Management-Understanding Disaster Mitigation

Chapter: 25




Q. 1. How do we reduce disaster risk?

Ans. 1. Disaster can be reduced by taking the appropriate measures.

2. It has three components:

(i) Preparedness.

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(ii) Prevention. 

(iii) Mitigation. 

3. Migtigation-structural and non-structural.

Structural Mitigation – Engineered structures: These involve architects, engineers and masons during the planning, designing and construction phases. Disaster resistant construction is achieved through:

1. locating the building.

2. assessment of forces created by natural hazards. 

3. planning and analysis of structural measures. 

4. construction with suitable material.

5. good workmanship under adequate supervision.

Non-structural Mitigation:

1. Legal framework. 

2. Land-use planning.

3. Incentives and financial framework.

4. Training and Education.

5. Public awareness.

6. Prevention.

Q. 2. What does mitigation involve? Give three examples of non-structural mitigation.

Ans. Mitigation involves structural and non-structural measures undertaken to limit the adverse impact of natural hazards, environmental degradation and technological hazards.

Non-Structural Mitigation:

1. Legal Framework: Examples are building codes for built-up structures to withstand impact of cyclones or earthquake etc.

2. Land-use planning: 

(a) Controlling of human activities in hazard prone areas.

(b) Relocation of communities to safer location.

3. Incentives and Financial framework: 

(i) Govt. grants or subsidies may help for reconstruction.

(ii) Banks may be asked to provide loans.

4. Training and Education: 

(a) Providing awareness and know-how to those Govt. officials involved in the disaster management.

Q. 3. Enlist four ways through which disaster resistant construction can be achieved.

Ans. 1. Engineered structures- These involve architects, engineers, masons, during the planning. designing and construction phases. Disaster resistant construction is achieved through.

(i) Locating the building in a safer place. 

(ii) Assessment of forces created by natural hazards.

(iii) Planning of structural measures to resist such forces.

2. Design and proper detailing of structural components. 

3. Construction with suitable material.

4. Good workmanship under adequate supervision.


Q. 4. Can a disaster be prevented? Enumerate some of the ways through which impact of a disaster can be reduced.

Ans. 1. Prevention is more applicable in man-made and technological disasters.

2. Natural hazard cannot be prevented but if the vulnerability of the community is reduced one can prevent the hazard from becoming a disaster.

The ways through which impact of disaster can be reduced:

1. A dam could control flood water. 

2. Controlled burning of fire belts can prevent the spread of wild fire.

3. Stringent building code imposition can reduce collapse of buildings during an earthquake.

4. Active ownership and participation of communities can bring positive results.

5. Development of adequate warning systems. 

Q. 5. Cite a few ways through which disaster risk can be transferred.

Ans. 1. By risk transfer we mean ways to ensure that losses from disaster are compensated or recovered by the individual or community. For eg. Insurance of home, implements and equipments, crops etc.

2. Community contingency funds created certain amount of money to use in emergencies.


Q. 1. Describe how is mitigation a powerful factor in disaster management.

Ans. Mitigation literally means making something less severe. It is also considered a powerful factor in preventing something from happening. Man can certainly mitigate any disaster by following some precautions and awareness.

Q. 2. What is the impact of disaster? 

Ans. The disasters happen either because of man’s negligence or on account of natural forces.

Q. 3. What factors worsen the situation in the Indian context?

Ans. Impact of disaster is made worse by absence of legal liability norms applicable on massive scale. It is particularly difficult to establish faults as a result of negligence or injure caused intentionally or unintentionally. Save for insurance claims, victims have often no other ways and means to claims any compensation.

Q. 4. State three factors responsible for highest disaster vulnerability in the region.

Ans. 1. Highest vulnerability on account of low socio-economic status and poverty.

2. Access to resources, lack of transport and communication facilities in the poor Himalayan region.

3. Deforestation is the root cause of landslides in the Himalayan region as well as in Western Ghat area and floods in the plains.

Q. 5. Name three aspects of disaster risk management and describe them. 

Ans. The three aspects of disaster management are:

1. Risk identification and assessment.

2. Risk Reduction.

3. Risk Transfer.

Q. 6. What are the main tasks involved in identifying negligence and wrong conduct of members of the community?

Ans. Interpretation and identification of negligence aspect and wrong conduct is often very difficult task. Sometime such negligence may cost clearly to the community and the government.

Q. 7. What is meant by synergetic effect of risk reduction?

Ans. The element at risk when exposed to hazards and is likely to be affected by impact of those hazards is called synergetic effect at risk. 

Q. 8. What institution framework is set up in India in this respect?

Ans. The National Institute of Disaster Management seeks the involvement of development agencies as well as people’s representation.

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