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NCERT Class 9 Social Science Chapter 24 Components Of Disaster Management
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Components Of Disaster Management
Chapter: 24
Q. 1. Think of any city in a multi hazard prone area, which has not witnessed a major disaster so far. Can you design a story starting in the pre disaster phase? What do you think will happen in emergency and post disaster recovery phase?
Ans. In emergency and post disaster recovery phase the following activities are done:
1. The injured people are taken to the hospitals.
2. Medicines and other essential articles are supplied to the people.
3. The rehabilitation work is carried by the Government and NGOs.
Q. 2. Why do you think it is important for students and teachers to learn about disaster mitigation?
Ans. It is important for students and teachers to learn about disaster mitigation that disaster is a natural event. It can be occurred at anytime, anywhere. If we are aware with this natural phenomena we can manage and can help the people. To learn about mitigation as mitigation are cautious which are carved out to minimize the potential of disaster. Students and teachers can find ways to reduce risks before the disaster strikes. They can also help in waiting awareness among people about effect of disaster. The steps taken to prevent disaster they can follow the following strategies:
(a) Hazard mapping- That is locating areas prone to hazards so that settlements are avoided in that area.
(b) Study of land use patterns which help in construction of roads, taking care of natural resources, training system etc.
Q. 1. The figure below describes the sea level changes. It can be a great tool in risk Management on account of a tsunamis, an underwater earthquake. Study the figure and answer the questions that follow.

(i) At what time interval did the tsunami hit the coast?
Ans. At 30 minutes.
(ii) What was the height of the wave when it reached the coast?
Ans. 6.5 M.
(iii) Estimate the height of the second create.
Ans. 3 M.
(iv) How can this diagram be a useful tool in disaster management? Write three points.
Ans. 1. The disaster management can estimate the magnitude of tsunami.
2. The disaster management can inform the warning system agency.
3. It can take safety measures for the people.
Q. 2. Nidhi left school at 3 p.m. for her home. There was a severe blizzard (snow storm). She knew about Crisis Management. Her response was quick. She later reached home safely though late and narrated the whole story of this Crisis Management to her family. Design the story based on risk management studied in this chapter.
Ans. Nidhi was the resident of hill area in Jammu and Kashmir where the blizzards are common during the winter season. When she was returning house she was caught in snow storm. She cried for help and some people rescued her First she was taken to hospital. After giving some first aid she was relived and allowed to go home. In this way she reached home safely.
Q. 3. A fine example of ‘community initiatives’ of ‘PRRP’ described in this chapter can be found at a village in Kullu valley in Himachal Pradesh. They have designed a special hand-pump to separate sulphuric froth from hot water at a hot water spring in the village. Earlier, before the installation of the hand pump, sulphuric emissions used to cause great environmental damage even making breathing difficult for days together. Now they know the value of community participation and education. An engineering graduate from the village helped them to design the handpump (figure given).
Now answer the questions that follow:

(i) Describe the environmental hazard posed by the hot spring.
Ans. The sulphuric acid pollute the air. It is health hazard.
(ii) How did the villagers overcome this hazard?
Ans. An engineering graduate designed a hand-pump to separate hazardous element from the water.
(iii) What wisdom dawned on the villagers? State two points.
Ans. 1. The hot sulphur froth was separated.
2. The hot water came out separately.
Q. 4. Answer the following questions:
(i) Name and explain four components of community initiatives.
Ans. The following are the four components of community Initiatives:
1. Preparedness.
2. Relief and Response.
3. Recovery and Rehabilitation.
4. Prevention and Mitigation.
(ii) Describe Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction component of community participation in disaster management.
Ans. This phase involves giving touches to starting the life again. Additional funds are provided to rebuild the houses often resistant to particular hazards in the disaster prone area. Essential services are restored and people are encouraged to restart their business or take employment.
(iii) Express disaster risk in the form of a notation and explain the term and its components.
Ans. Disaster risk is considered as product of hazard vulnerability and can be minimized with capacity building or its expression could be in the form of a notation:
Risk = Hazards x Vulnerability / Capacity building
Q. 5. Name four elements of emergency or disaster management given by Commonwealth Government.
Ans. The four elements of emergency or disaster management given by Commonwealth Government are:
1. Preparedness: It measures that communities and services are capable of coping with disaster effect.
2. Response: Any strategy can be compatible only when its effectiveness is proved and risks minimized such a response would have better acceptance rate.
3. Recovery: Measures which respect emergency affected community in the reconstruction of physical infrastructure and restoration of emotional well being.
4. Prevention: The measures related to prevention or elimination or reduction of the severity of disasters.