NCERT Class 6 Social Science Chapter 1 What, Where, How and When?

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NCERT Class 6 Social Science Chapter 1 What, Where, How and When?

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What, Where, How and When?

Chapter: 1




Q. 1. Match the following:

(i) Narmada ValleyThe first big kingdom
(ii) MagadhaHunting and gathering
(iii) Garo hillsCities about 2500 years ago
(iv) Indus and its tributariesEarly agriculture
(v) Ganga ValleyThe first cities


(i) Narmada ValleyHunting and gathering 
(ii) MagadhaThe first big kingdom
(iii) Garo hillsEarly agriculture
(iv) Indus and its tributariesThe first cities
(v) Ganga ValleyCities about 2500 years ago

Q. 2. List one major difference between manuscripts and inscriptions. 

Ans. Manuscripts were usually written by hand on palm leaf or on specially prepared bark of the tree known as the birch. It grows in the Himalayas. On the other hand, inscriptions were written on relatively hard surface such as stone or metal.

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Q. 3. Return to Rasheeda’s question. Can you think of some answers to it? 

Ans. The other answer to Rasheeda’s questions are:

(a) Manuscripts. 

(b) Inscriptions. 

(c) Old objects recovered from excavations.

Q. 4. Make a list of all the objects that archaeologists may find. Which of these could be made of stone? 

Ans. All the objects that archaeologists may find are:

(a) coins, tools. 

(b) paintings, weapons. 

(c) sculpture. 

(d) metal The things which could be made of stone are:

• Tools.

• Weapons.

Q. 5. Why do you think ordinary men and women did not generally keep records of what they did?

Ans. Ordinary men and women did not generally keep records of what they did because:

(a) Men and women did not know the importance of keeping records of the events. 

(b) Men and women did not know their writing potential and historical sense. 

(c) Both men and women were not so literate even after having the knowledge of the script.

Q. 6. Describe at least two ways in which you think the lives of kings would have been different from those of farmers.

Ans. The two ways in which the lives of kings would have been different from those of farmers are as follows:

1. They set-up large kingdom.1. They make huts.
2. They live in big palaces.2. They live in small houses.
3. They keep the records of their daily life.3. They do not keep such records.


Q. 7. Find the word crafts persons on page 

1. List atleast five different crafts that you know about today. 

Are the crafts persons-

(a) men 

(b) women 

(c) both men and women? 

Ans. Crafts persons are those person who are perfect in their crafts occupations. 

The five different crafts that we know about today are:

(a) Scientists.

(b) Writer. 

(c) Businessmen. 

(d) Artists. 

(e) Musicians.

Craft persons are both men and women.

Q. 8. What were the subjects on which books were written in the past? Which of these would you like to read?

Ans. The subjects on which books were written in the past are as follows:

(a) Religious beliefs. 

(b) Religious practices. 

(c) Medicine. 

(d) Sciences.

(e) Lives of the kings I would like to read about sciences and its latest discovery.



Q. 1. Define skilled gatherers.

Ans. People in the ancient past who gathered food for their living were called skilled gatherers.

Q. 2. Name the sources of history.

Ans. There are two sources of history, namely: 

(a) Archaeological sources.

(b) Literary sources.

Q. 3. Write four great personalities who have taught us human values.

Ans. The four great personalities who have taught us human values are as follows: 

(a) Gautam Buddha. 

(b) Guru Nanak. 

(c) Mahatma Gandhi. 

(d) Swami Vivekananda.

Q.4. What is a manuscript?

Ans. Manuscript is a hand written record of historical events.

Q. 5. Write the names of four vedas.

Ans. The names of four vedas are:

(a) Rigveda. 

(b) Samaveda. 

(c) Yajurveda. 

(d) Atharvaveda.

Q. 6. Define fossils.

Ans. Fossils are basically imprints of plants, animals or the humans preserved in rocks.

Q. 7. What are artefacts?

Ans. Artefacts are man-made objects such as tools and implements, pottery, ornaments etc., which have been found in various archaeological findings. They tell us about the kind of life people lived, their occupations and their social set-up.

Q. 8. What are monuments? 

Ans. Monuments are ancient buildings and structures such as mosques, tombs, forts and palaces.

Q. 9. Name the two epics and also mention their writers.

Ans. Two epics are the Ramayana and the Mahabharata: 

(a) Ramayana was the work of Rishi Valmiki.

(b) Mahabharata was the work of Rishi Ved Vyas.


Q. 1. How did the word India originated? Name the words we often use for our country.

Ans. The word India has been originated from Indus which is called Sindhu in Sanskrit. Two words we often use for our country are India and Bharat.

Q. 2. Define archaeology. Give two examples of archaeological sources.

Ans. Archaeology is the study of past cultures and how people lived, based on the material remains of the people long ago. Examples of archaeological sources are: Monuments, caves, rock shelters, beads, tools, toys, jewellery, pottery, coins, inscriptions and pillars. 

Q. 3. What are manuscripts? What is their importance?

Ans. Manuscripts are hand written records of historical events. The importance of manuscripts is as follows:

(a) It helps us to understand the form of script used in the olden times.

(b) They were used to record actual and mythical events.

(c) They have been preserved in the libraries and museums.

(d) They could be in the form of a letter, on leaves and barks of trees or scrolls.

Q. 4. Differentiate between manuscripts and inscriptions. 


1. They were written by hand on the stone walls, copper plates, palm leaves and the bark of certain trees.1. They were written on hard surfaces like rocks, pillars, stones and metal slabs.
2. They were hand-written records of the past using information.2. They were engraved on hard surfaces.

Q. 5. What do you understand by BC and AD?

Ans. Dates in history are expressed in BC and AD. The years before the birth of Jesu Christ are expressed in BC, that is ‘Before Christ’. They are counted backwards. For example 600 BC comes before 500 BC.

The years after the birth of Jesus Christ are expressed in AD. It means ‘Anno Domini’, that is, in the year of the Lord. These years are counted forwards. For example, AD 99 comes before AD 100.


Q. 1. How are coins a valuable source of information about ancient India?

Ans. (a) Coins tell us about the reigning periods of the king and their dynasties. 

(b) They tell us about trade and commerce of the time they were minted. 

(c) The image of the Gods and religious symbols on coins tell us about religious beliefs of that time. 

(d) The design and polish of the coins tell us about the artistic excellence of the people who lived in those periods.

Q. 2. What is the importance of studying history? 

Ans. Importance of studying history can be explained as follows:

(a) It deals with the lives and activities of ordinary people. 

(b) It tells us about past settlements, economy and society,

(c) It also tells us about the clothes and food of the people, their beliefs, their faith and their work.

(d) The study of history tells us how people gradually made discoveries and inventions which led to their development. 

Q. 3. What are the different source material of ancient Indian history?

Ans. The different source materials of ancient Indian history are literary and archaeological.

Thus, these source materials means the places and objects which provide information about events that happened in the past.

Q. 4. How did India got its name? 

Ans. Our country India is usually referred to as either India or Bharat. The word India has been originated from the River Indus which was also called as Sindhu in Sanskrit. The Iranians as well as Greeks entered into our country through the north-western passes called as Hindus or the Indos. Therefore the land, east of the river was called India.

Q. 5. What are Inscriptions? Why are they a reliable source of information?

Ans. Inscriptions are the written records engraved on stones, pillars, clay or copper tablets, caves and walls of temples and monuments. They are regarded as a reliable source of information because of the following points: 

(a) They tell us about the names and dates of the kings, the extent of their kingdom. The Ashokan inscription and the Allahabad pillar inscription, for example tells us a great deal about the reign of Ashoka and Samudragupta.

(6) They include records of victories in battles, records of donations to the temples etc.


Q.1. Differentiate between the following: 

(a) Pre-history and Proto-history

(b) Religious and Secular Literature 

Ans. (a) Pre-history and Proto-history:

1. It is the period when writing was not been invented. Hence, it has no written records.1. It it the period between pre-history and the beginning of recorded history.
2. We rely entirely on the archaeology to know about the lives and history of the people living during this period.2. We find some written records of this period; but they are few and yet to be deciphered. 
3. The history of Stone Age is an example of pre-history.3. The history of Indus Valley civilization is an example of Proto-history.

(b) Religious and Secular Literature:

Religious LiteratureSecular Literature
1. Books and manuscript that deal with religion are referred to as religious literature.1. Literature not con connected with religion is called secular Literature. It includes poetry, drama, accounts of foreign travelers etc.  
2. Example: Ramayana, Mahabharata.2. Example: Indika, Megasthenese.

Q. 2. How manuscripts are used to find about the past?

Ans. Manuscripts were written by hand. These were written on palm leaf or on the birch of the trees, which grow in the Himalayas. Many manuscripts were eaten away by insects, some were destroyed, but many have survived, often preserved in temples and monasteries. These books dealt in all kinds of subjects-religious beliefs and practices, the lives of kings, medicine and science. Besides, there were epics, poems, plays. These were written in Sanskrit, others were in Prakrit and Tamil.

Q. 3. How does various archaeological sources help the historians to understand history?

Ans. The archaeological sources include: fossil remains, artifacts, monuments, coins, inscriptions etc. 

These help the historians to understand history in the following ways: 

(a) Fossils are the main source of information on the species that have become extinct, for example dinosaur.

(b) Monuments give us a lot of information about the culture, society and life style of the people. The Sanchi stupa, Nalanda University, Tanjore Temple etc., are some of the ancient monuments. 

(c) Artifacts such as tools and implements, ornaments, pottery, paintings etc., have been found in various archaeological findings. They tell us about the kind of life people lived, their occupations and their social set-up.

(d) Inscriptions provide us with valuable information about many things the rulers, the dates, the extent of their empires, important events, etc.

Q. 4. How does geographical location help us to know about our past?


How has India’s geography helped in shaping its history?

Ans. Indian history is greatly influenced by its geography. This is because of many reasons like:

(a) India is surrounded by seas on all three sides. 

(b) It is also protected by the Himalayas in the north.

(c) There are several mountain passes through which people from Central Asia, Iran and Afghanistan kept coming into India. 

(d) The first settlements were built on the bank of rivers such as Indus, Ganga or Narmada. 

(e) India has a long coastline that is why it established trade relationship with other countries.

Thus, India is greatly influenced by its geography.


Look at the picture carefully and answer the following questions:

(a) What does the picture represent?

Ans. The picture represents the manuscript from a palm leaf. 

(b) What do you understand by manuscript?

Ans. Manuscripts are hand written records of historical events.

(e) How were manuscripts made? 

Ans. The palm leaves were cut into pages and tied together to make books.


On the given physical map of India locate and label the following with appropriate symbols:

1. Deccan Plateau. 

2. Aravalli. 

3. Himalayas. 

4. Vindhyas.




Tick (✓) the correct option.

(a) The Sangam literature speaks about the life and culture of the: 

(i) The people of Andhra Pradesh.

(ii) The people of Kerala.

(iii) The people of Tamil Nadu.

Ans. (iii) The people of Tamil Nadu.

(b) Which of the following is an archaeological source? 

(i) Inscriptions.

(ii) Notebooks.

(iii) Puzzles.

Ans. (i) Inscriptions.

(c) Which religious book gives us information about Buddhism?

(i) Jain Tales.

(ii) Upanishads.

(iii) Jataka Tales.

Ans. (iii) Jataka Tales.

(d) The rock shelters of Bhimbetka are found in which state?

(i) Andhra Pradesh.

(ii) Madhya Pradesh.

(iii) Uttar Pradesh.

Ans. (ii) Madhya Pradesh.

(e) Those who study objects are called ___________ as:

(i) Manuscripts.

(ii) Archaeologists.

(iii) Decipherment.

Ans. (ii) Archaeologists.


(a) One of the famous stories of decipherment comes from __________.

Ans. Egypt.

(b) The study of coins is known as ___________.

Ans. Numismatics.

(c) Those written records engraved on hard surfaces are called ____________.

Ans. Inscriptions. 

(d) Indica was written by __________.

Ans. Megasthenes.

(e) The ___________ mountains protected India against Central Asian invasions.

Ans. Himalaya.


(a) Mahabharata was written by Rishi Valmiki. 

Ans. False.

(b) There are two types of literary sources-religious and secular.

Ans. True.

(c) The word India comes from the Indus, called Sindhu in Punjabi.

Ans. False. 

(d) A manuscript was a hand written record of information.

Ans. True. 

(e) Upanishads, Vedas and Mahabharata are of religious literary sources while Arthashastra and Abhijnana Shakuntalam are non-religious sources.

Ans. True.


Column AColumn B
(a) Pre-history(i) Harshacharita
(b) Banabhatta(ii) Epic
(c) Ramayana(iii) No written records
(d) Indica(iv) Madhya Pradesh
(e) Bhimbetka(v) Megasthenes


Column AColumn B
(a) Pre-history(iii) No written records 
(b) Banabhatta(i) Harshacharita 
(c) Ramayana(ii) Epic
(d) Indica(v) Megasthenes 
(e) Bhimbetka(iv) Madhya Pradesh

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