Class 9 English Grammar Homonyms/Similar Words, NCERT/SCERT Class 9 English Grammar Notes to each Syllabus wise provided in the list of SEBA Class 9 English Grammar Homonyms/Similar Words can be of great value to excel in the examination.
Class 9 English Grammar Homonyms/Similar Words
Class 9 English Grammar Question Homonyms/Similar Words cover all the exercise questions in Assam Board SEBA Textbooks. The SEBA Class 9 English Grammar provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.
artiste : professional singer or actor or dancer.
artist : a person who practises one of the fine arts especially painting. Dharmendra is a famous film artiste. Mr Hussain is a renowned artist.
ascent : climb.
assent : agreement.
accent : a way of pronouncing the words of a language that shows which country, area or social class a
person comes from.The ascent to Mt Everest is very steep. My father has given his assent for the picnic.Riti spoke English with a very rural accent.
beside : by the side of, close to
besides : in addition to Mr Seth sat beside his sick wife’s bed. Besides food and water we need air as well.
collision : hitting while on the move.
collusion : secret arrangement There was a collision between the two vehicles.The police acted in collusion with the thief.
confidant : a friend who is very close, in whom one confides.
confident : having faith in oneself or in others Chanakya was the confidant of King Chandragupta Maurya. I was confident of getting through SSLC this time.
decent : respectful.
descent : come down
dissent : disagree One should be decent in one’s behaviour. The descent from the hilltop was
very steep.The manager expressed his dissent to the new proposal.
dependent : basing on, depending on
dependant : one who depends on another The arrival of monsoon is dependent on several factors.The dependants of Mr Prakash are all minors.
elicit : draw out a response.
illicit : unlawful, forbidden The teacher tried to elicit the information from the students regarding the incident.
To carry weapons in public is illicit.
illegible : handwriting which cannot be read
eligible : qualified Hari’s handwriting is illegible. Mr Chand is not eligible for the post.
latter : the second part
later : after some time I shall visit Delhi during the latter
part of the year. I shall visit you some time later.
popular : famous.
populous : having abundance of people Amitabh Bacchan is a popular film star.India is the second most
populous country in the world.
persecute : make someone suffer.
prosecute : start legal proceedings against someone.
In some countries individuals are persecuted on account of their religion. Mr Chand has been prosecuted for his involvement in drug-trafficking.
quite : fairly, to some degree.
quiet : silent He is quite well.Kindly keep quiet in the hall.
urban : of city.
urbane : modern, polished in manners. Urban life has its own risks. He is urbane in his behaviour.
ware : goods.
wear : to put on clothes The shopkeeper displayed the
wares of his shop attractively. Mr. Prakash always preferred to wear black clothes.

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