Class 9 English Grammar One Word for Group of Words, NCERT/SCERT Class 9 English Grammar Notes to each Syllabus wise provided in the list of SEBA Class 9 English Grammar One Word for Group of Words can be of great value to excel in the examination.
Class 9 English Grammar One Word for Group of Words
Class 9 English Grammar Question cover all the exercise questions in Assam Board SEBA Textbooks. The SEBA Class 9 English Grammar provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.
Accessible : That which can be approached.
Anthropology : The science of the development of mankind.
Artisan : A person who practises a craft.
Atheist : One who does not believe in God.
Audible : That which can be heard.
Biennial : That which happens after every two years.
Bigamy : The practice of having two wives.
Cannibal : Those that eat human flesh.
Catalogue : A list of goods, books etc.
Celestial : Pertaining to the sky.
Confectioner : A person who deals in sweets.
Dockyard : A place where ships are built.
Encyclopaedia : A book of knowledge and information.
Homicide : Murder of human beings.
Honorary office : An office for which no salary is paid.
Inaudible : That which cannot be heard.
Incorrigible : That which cannot be corrected.
Infallible : One who cannot make any mistake.
Linguist : A scholar of many languages.
Lullaby : A song to put babies to sleep.
Manuscript : A handwritten document.
Mercenary : One who fights for money.
Monotheist : A person who believes in one God.
Monotonous : Characterised by dull uniformity.
Obituary : Notice of a person’s death.
Ophthalmologist : One who attends to eye diseases.
Optimist : One who looks at the bright side of things.
Philanthropist : A person who loves mankind.
Posthumous : Coming or happening after the death.
Posthumous child : A child born after the death of its father.
Scavenger : A person who searches for usable objects among rubbish / animals that search for decaying flesh as food.
Sceptic : One who always doubts.
Spinster : An unmarried woman.
Theist : A person who believes in God.

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