SEBA Class 7 Mathematics Chapter 14 Symmetry

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SEBA Class 7 Mathematics Chapter 14 Symmetry

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Chapter – 14


Exercise – 14.1

1. Give five examples of symmetry from plant kingdom.

Ans: Five examples of symmetry from plant kingdom are leaf of papaya tree, papaya, a jasmine tree leaf, a pipal tree leaf and a brinjal tree leaf.

2. Mention five objects of your house where symmetry is visible.

Ans: Five objects of our house where symmetry is visible are a car, a plate, a glass, a lamp and a pan.

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3. Draw the lines of symmetry of a parallelogram.


4. Give an example of geometric shape which has no line of symmetry.

Ans: An example of geometric shape which has no line of symmetry is scalene triangle.

5. How many lines of symmetry are there in a regular hexagon? Show the lines of symmetry of a regular hexagon.

Ans: There are six lines of symmetry in a regular hexagon.

6. How many lines of symmetry are there in a circle?

Ans: Many lines of symmetry are there in a circle.


Ans: Two lines of symmetry are there in the figure.

৪. Identify the symmetrical and asymmetrical figures from the following-

Ans: The symmetrical figures from the following are (ii), (iii), (iv). (vii), (viii) and asymmetrical figures are (i), (v), (vi), (ix).

Exercise – 14.2

1. Look at the following shapes. Classify shapes having multiple order of rotation with respect to the marked centre of rotation. Mention the order of the rotational symmetry.

Ans: The order of the rotational symmetry. (i) 1, (ii) 2, (iii) 2, (iv) 4, (v) 3, (vi) 8, (vii) 1, (viii) 2, (ix) 1, (x), 5, (xi) 6, (xii) 3

2. Verify the rotational symmetry of the following shapes. Mention the centre of rotation, the angle of rotation and order of rotational symmetry.

Ans: The middle point of the upper and lower part of the figure is the center of rotation. Rotational angle is 180°, order of symmetry is 2.

Ans: The middle point of the three parts is the center rotation and angle of rotation is 120°, order of symmetry is 3.

Ans: The middle point is the center of rotation. Angle of rotation is 45°, order of symmetry is 8.

Exercise – 14.3

1. Name any two shapes that have both line symmetry and rotational symmetry.

Ans: Rhombus and Rectangle.

2. Draw a sketch of triangle with line symmetry and rotational symmetry of order more than 1.

Ans: An equilateral triangle has rotational symmetry of order more than 1.

3. Draw the sketch of a quadrilateral which has no line of symmetry but has order of rotational symmetry is more than 1.

Ans: A quadrilateral which has no line of symmetry but has order of rotational symmetry is more than 1 is a parallelogram.

4. Draw the sketch of a quadrilateral which has both line of symmetry and a rotational symmetry.

Ans: A quadrilateral e.g. kite has both line of symmetry and a rotational symmetry.

5. Is there any triangle in which the order of rotational symmetry is 2?

Ans: There is no such triangle which has 2 order of rotational symmetry.

6. What is the order of rotational symmetry in the English letter S? Does the letter S possess line symmetry?

Ans: Order of rotational symmetry of ‘S’ is 2. There is no linear symmetry of ‘S’.

7. What is the order of rotational symmetry of 3? Is there any line of symmetry in 3?

Ans: Order of rotational symmetry of ‘3’ is 1. Line of symmetry is 1.

8. Write 6969 on a paper. Taking 6969 as geometrical shape, find the order of the rotational symmetry?

Ans: Order of rotational symmetry of ‘6969’ is 2. There is no line symmetry of ‘6969’.

9. A figure is rotated at an angle of 120º in clockwise direction. The figure looks like in its initial position. Again for what other angles will the figure looks same? What is the order of rotation of the figure?

Ans: The figure will be same to look at on the angle of. rotation of 120°, 240° and 360°. So the order of rotational symmetry is 3.

10. Can we have a rotational symmetry of order more than one 1 whose angle of rotation is 72°?

Ans: Regular pentagon is the shape which has rotational angle 72° and order of rotational symmetry is more than 1.

11. Can we have a rotational symmetry of order more than 1 whose angle rotation is 17°?

Ans: There is no such thing which has a rotational angle of 17° and order of rotational symmetry is more than 1.

12. Fill up the following table-

Shape Location of Centre of rotation Angle of rotationOrder of rotationalSymmetry
Regular Polygon
Equilateral Triangle
Isosceles Triangle
Scalene Triangle
Semi Circle


ShapeLocation of Centre of rotation Angle of rotationOrder of rotationalSymmetry
RectangleThe point of intersection of two diagonals
180°, 360°2
SquareThe point of intersection of two diagonals90°, 180°, 270°, 360°4
RhombusThe point of intersection of two diagonals180°, 360°2
ParallelogramThe point of intersection of two diagonals180°, 360°2
TrapeziumThe point of intersection of two diagonals (other point can be taken)360°1
Regular PentagonThe point of intersection of diagonals72°, 144°, 216°, 288°, 360°5
Equilateral TriangleThe point of perpendicular bisector and arm120°, 240°, 360°3
Isosceles TriangleAny point on the triangle360°1
Scalene TriangleAny point on the triangle360°1
CircleCenter of the circleInnumerableInnumerable
Semi CircleAny point on the semicircle360°1

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