Class 6 English Chapter 1 The Rainbow

Class 6 English Chapter 1 The Rainbow Notes to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse throughout different chapters Assam Board Class 6 English Chapter 1 The Rainbow and select needs one.

SEBA Class 6 English Chapter 1 The Rainbow

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The Rainbow

Chapter 1


Q. 1. Complete the following sentences by reading the poem  “The Rainbow” 

(a)  Boats sail___.

Ans : Boats sail on the river.

(b) ___sail on the seas. 

Ans : And ships sail on the seas. 

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(c) But ___sail across the sky. 

Ans : But clouds that sail across the sky.

(d) Boats and ships are pretty, but clouds are___. 

Ans : Boats and ships are pretty, but clouds are prettier far than these.  

(e) The ‘bow’ in the poem is the___.

Ans : The ‘bow’ in the poem is the rainbow. 

Q. 2. Match the following :

       Boats           Prettier 

       Ships           Pretty 

       Clouds         Prettier 

       Rainbow      Pretty

Ans :  Boats         –      Pretty

          Ships          –     Pretty 

          Clouds        –     Prettier 

          Rainbow     –     Prettier

Q. 3. What are the things that the rainbow does ? Fill in the blanks below with words from the poem.

Ans : (a) The Rainbow bridges heaven. 

(b) The Rainbow overtops the trees. 

(c) The Rainbow builds a road from earth to sky.

Q. 4. Two Summaries of the poem are given below. Which one do you like more? Discuss your answer with the friend next to you. Then Share your thoughts with the rest of the class. 

(a) The poem ‘The Rainbow ‘ is about nature. Here the poet compares the beauty of nature and man-made beauty. She finds that beauty created by nature is prettier than man-made beauty.  The clouds that sail across the sky are prettier than boats sailing on rivers and ships sailing on the seas. But the rainbow is prettier than all the pretty things that sail on the rivers. 

(b) Boats sail on the rivers and ships sail on the seas. But the clouds that sail across the sky are prettier than these boats and ships. The bridges on the rivers are beautiful. But the rainbow  that builds a road from earth to sky is prettier than the bridges. 

Ans : I like the second summary but I like to complete the summary by adding a few sentences at the end of the summary. The poet has compared natural beauty and man- made beauty, the nature created beauty is prettier than man- made beauty.

Q. 5. (a) As you know, rhyming words are words that end with the same sound, such as ‘sound-round’. Here are same words from the poem ‘The Rainbow’. Work with your friends and write two words that rhyme with each of them :

I) Boat –  –  

Ans: Boat, Goat, pot. 

II) River – –

Ans : River, Over, never. 

III) Ship – –

Ans : Ship, jeep, Keep.

Iv) Sea – –

Ans : Sea, Pea, see.

V) Cloud – –

Ans : Cloud, Sound, Bound

Vi) Sky – –

Ans : Sky, My, Shy

Q. 5. (b) Now say the words aloud and recite the poem ‘The Rainbow’ for practice.

Ans : Students do yourself 

Q. 6. (a)  Make a list of things that.


Sail on rivers and seasMove on the roadFly across the sky
Boat Ship.CarBicycleMotor bikeBusAuto RickshawMotorcycle.AeroplaneHelicopter.

Q. 7. Read the following stanza of the poem ‘The Rainbow’ and write what you have understood about it. Draw a picture to go with it.

Ans : Boats and ships that sail on the rivers and seas look pretty. But the clouds that sail across the sky look prettier than these boats and ships. 

Q. 8. Let’s learn some grammar : Read the poem ‘The Rainbow’ once again. Find words belonging to the following word classes and write them in the spaces below. One is done for you. You may fill the spaces with other words if you do not find an appropriate word in the poem.

(a) Noun (naming words for example, ‘boat’)-,-

Ans : Ship,  Cloud, river, sea, bird,Bridges, Tree, Sky, Heaven.

(b) Pronoun (a word used instead of a noun; for example, it) :–,–

Ans : This, These, Those, That.

(c) Adjective : (a word that describes a person or a thing; for example, ‘Pretty’) –,–

Ans : Good, Bad, Nice, Fair, Hot.

(d) verb : (a word or group of words that expresses an action; for example, ‘eat’ ‘run’ :–,–

Ans : Sail, walk, fly,  speak.

Q. 9. The words you have written in 8 (c)  are called adjectives because they say something more about a noun or a pronoun. In the poem ‘The Rainbow’, you found the adjectives ‘Pretty’ and ‘prettier’. Such adjectives show the degree of something as shown below. 

Comparison of Adjectives

Positive         Comparative        Superlative 

Degree              Degree             Degree

Pretty                Prettier             prettiest 

Now think of two other adjectives that can be compared in the same way (as above), and write them in their degrees (Positive, Comparative and Superlative degree) in the space below :

Ans : 

Positive          Comparative         Superlative

Degree           Degree                  Degree

Long               longer                   longest 

Great             Greater                 Greatest.

Thin               Thinner                Thinnest.

Now complete the table below by filling in the columns as shown in the examples. Two have been done for you.

Positive DegreeComparative DegreeSuperlative Degree
BeautifulMore BeautifulMost Beautiful


FamousMore famousThe most Famous
PopularMore PopularMost popular
ActiveMore activeMost active

Q. 10. You must have seen in the poem how a word belonging to one word class may be used as a different word class. For example, 

Bridge (noun-) : There is a bridge on the river.

Bridge (verb-) : The rainbow bridges the earth and sky. 

Now make sentences using the following words first as a noun, and then as a verb. Book, hand, back, sail, bow, water

Ans : Book (Noun) : Rita wants to read my story book which I bought yesterday from the library.

Book (verb) : I booked my train ticket on Sunday from guwahati to kolkata.

Hand (noun) : Shree writes with her left hand. 

Hand (verb) : John handed my school notes yesterday.

Back (noun) : I like to take my bag at my back.

Back (verb) :The driver backed his car back.

Sail (noun) : We had a good sail yesterday. 

Sail (verb) : Boats Sail on water.

Bow (noun) : He made a bow.

Bow (verb) : The servants bowed down to the king. 

Water (noun) : I drink water everyday.

Water (verb) : I water my flower plants everyday. 

Q.11. Let us practise our word building skills.  Make a few words with each of the letters from the word RAINBOW.  First make a three letter word with R and then a four letter word and so on.  One is done for you.

I→IceIdeaIdealIdentityIce- cream

Q. 12. (a) Ask the following questions to your partner and write his/her answers in the space.

(i) Have you ever seen a rainbow ? 

Ans : Yes, I have seen a rainbow. 

(ii) What does the rainbow look like ?

Ans : The rainbow looks like a road across the sky. 

(iii) When do you see a rainbow ?

Ans : We see a rainbow in the daytime.

(iv) What colours do you see on a rainbow ?

Ans : We see violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red on a rainbow. 

(b) Write a few sentences on how you feel when you see a rainbow in the sky. You can take help from the box fellow. 

happy     excited       full of joy 


Ans :I feel very pleased, it feels like excitement, and joy, as well as magic. The vibrant stunning and varied colours of a rainbow are visually stunning and pleasing, which can evoke feelings of joy and wonder.

Q. 13. Look at the picture and read the poem about a bird which lived on the island of Mauritius in the Indian ocean. 

              The Dodo 

The Dodo used to walk around 

And take the sun and air.

The sun yet warms his native ground –

The Dodo is not there! 

The voice which used to squawk and squeak

Is now forever dumb-

Yet you may see the bones and beak 

All in the museum.

                                -Hillaire  Belloc

Word notes—

Dodos were large birds that couldn’t fly.  They are no larger on the earth now.  They have become extinct. 

In small groups, discuss why we should take care of natures’ gifts such as plants and animals. 

Ans : We should care and protect the Plants and the animals because plants and the animals are like our friends. Nature, plants and animals are the natural beauty of earth, it may become extinct like the Dodo bird if we don’t protect them.So, We should carefully protect the gift of nature.

Q. 14. Look at the picture and read the following sentences :

It is of the white winged 

wood duck. The white winged 

wood duck lives in tropical  (photo) 

forests and the  wetlands of 

Assam, Arunachal Pradesh 

and parts of SouthEast Asia.

The number of white winged wood ducks is decreasing. Let’s not allow this duck to become extinct. 


Discuss in groups what you would do to stop it from becoming extinct. Write down a few steps that you would like to conserve. You may take help of the following words and phrases for your discussion. 

Ans : To stop the duck wood from becoming extinct we may take some steps as given below.

1. We have to make people aware about the animals and their conditions.

2. We have to stop the peoples and hunters from hunting and killing animals.

3. We should take care of animals and make people aware and protect them.

4. No forest should be destroyed, no nature should be hurt from people, these animals and plants are the gift of nature, no one has the right to destroy them. 

Q. 15. Say these words aloud after your teacher for pronunciation practice.

Ans :

N. B. Teacher will…. Stressed syllable.

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