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Class 5 English Chapter 8 Hello Computer
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Hello Computer
Chapter – 8
ACTIVITIES (কাৰ্যাৱলী]
1. Complete the sentences with the words given in the bag. One is done for you. [বেগত থকা শব্দৰ দ্বাৰা তলৰ বাক্যবোৰ সম্পূৰ্ণ কৰা। এটা তোমাৰ বাবে কৰি দিয়া হৈছে।]

I have keys. I have keys too.
I am a ___. I am a _____.
I have a screen. I have a screen too.
I am a ___. I am a ______.
I have a long tail. I have short tail.
I am a ____. I am a mouse too.
Ans :- I have keys. I have keys too.
I am a keyboard. I am a typewriter.
I have a screen. I have a screen too.
I am a monitor. I am a television.
I have a long tail. I have short tail.
I am a mouse. I am a mouse too.
2. Circle the words hidden in the grid. One is done for you : [গ্ৰীডত থকা শব্দবোৰ কৰা। এটা তোমাৰ বাবে কৰি ৰখা হৈছে।]

3.(a) Read what Anjalee says about her grandfather : [অঞ্জলিয়ে তাইৰ ককা দেউতাৰ বিষয়ে কি কৈছে পঢ়া।]
My grandfather’s name is Mohan Gohain. He is 5 feet and 7 inches tall. He has grey hair and wears glasses. He is seventy years old. He writes books, and is learning to type his books on a computer. [মোৰ ককা দেউতাৰ নাম মোহন গোহাঁই। তেখেত 5 ফুট 7 ইঞ্চি ওখ হয়।তেখেতৰ মুগা চুলি আৰু চছমা পিন্ধে। তেখেতৰ বয়স 70 বছৰ। তেখেতে কিতাপ লিখে আৰু তেখেতৰ কিতাপখন কম্পিউটাৰত লিখিবলৈ শিকি আছে।]

My grandfather also loves to watch the T.V. His favourite programmes are daily news on local channels. He also watches programmes in animals, history and sciences. He has a radio too. He loves to listen to music on it. He is also a recipient of the Sahitya Surabhi Award. [মোৰ ককা দেউতাই টি. ভি. চাই ভাল পায়। তেখেতৰ প্ৰিয় অনুষ্ঠান হ’ল স্থানীয় চেনেলৰ দৈনিক বাতৰিবোৰ। তেখেত বিজ্ঞান, বুৰঞ্জী আৰু জন্তুৰ অনুষ্ঠানো চাই ভাল পায়। তেখেতৰ এটা ৰেডিঅ’ ও আছে। তেখেতে তাত গান শুনি ভাল পায়। তেখেতে সাহিত্য সুৰভী বঁটাও লাভ কৰিছিল।]
(b) Now, complete : [এতিয়া সম্পূৰ্ণ কৰা।]
(a) Mohan Gohain is ____ tall.
Ans :- Mohan Gohain is 5 feet and 7 inches tall.
(b) He wears ____.
Ans :- He wears glasses.
(c) He loves to watch _____.
Ans :- He loves to watch T.V.
(d) He loves to listen _____.
Ans :- He loves to listen to the radio.
(e) He is also a recipient of ____.
Ans :- He is also a recipient of the Sahitya Surabhi Award.
(f) A person who writes books, stories, articles, etc. is called a _____.
Ans :- A person who writes books, stories, articles, etc. is called a writer.
(c) Complete the following passages by giving information about yourself : [ওপৰত দিয়া বাচ্যবোৰৰ দ্বাৰা নিজৰ বাক্যবোৰ সম্পূৰ্ণ কৰা।]
My name is ………………………………………
Ans :- My name is Nita. I am 4 feet 5 inches tall. I like to wear glasses. I like to listen to music, read comic books. Recently I participated in a school function in singing. I won first prize, and the judge awarded me with a gold medal.
4. (a) Look at the picture and answer the following questions : [ছবিখন চোৱা আৰু তলৰ প্ৰশ্নকেইটাৰ উত্তৰ দিয়া।]

(i) Name the girl in the picture. [ছবিখনত থকা ছোৱালীজনীৰ নাম কি ?
Ans :- The name of the girl in the picture is Anjalee.
(ii) Who is sitting near the girl ? [ছোৱালীজনীৰ ওচৰত কোন বহি আছিল ?)
Ans :- Grandfather is sitting near the girl.
(iii) What are they doing ? [সিহঁতে কি কৰি আছিল।]
Ans :- They are watching T.V.
(iv) What are they watching ? [সিহঁতে কি চাই আছে।]
Ans :- They are watching the news.
(v) What did the newsreader on the TV say ? [বাতৰি কওঁতাজনে টিভিত কি কৈছিল ?]
Ans :- Mr. Gohain wins the Sahitya Surabhi Award 2018.
(vi) Rewrite the breaking news in the space below. [তলৰ ঠাইখিনিত প্ৰধান বাতৰিটো আকৌ লিখা।]
Ans :- Mr. Gohain wins the Sahitya Surabhi Award 2018.
(vii) Are they happy ? [সিহঁত সুখী নে ?]
Ans :- Yes, they are happy.
(viii) Why are they happy ? [সিহঁত কিয় সুখী
হৈছিল ?]
Ans :- Because Mr. Gohain won the Sahitya Surabhi Award 2018.
4.(b) Now, make a short paragraph with the answers you have written. You can use the joining words and, with, so, etc. : (এতিয়া তুমি লিখা উত্তৰবোৰৰ সহায়ত এটা সৰু দফা লিখা। তুমি and, with, so, আদি ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পাৰা।]
Ans :- Anjalee is sitting on the sofa watching the news with her grandfather. And the news reader said that Mr. Gohain won the Sahitya Surabhi award 2018 etc. So, they are very happy.
Q.5. The school playground of Madhupur L.P. School was crowded with people. Mr. Mohan Gogoi, recipient of the Sahitya Surabhi Award for his book “Flying High”, was invited for a public felicitation. At the end of the felicitation programme he was interviewed by a correspondent of News Channel, Ranju Dutta. Read what she asked him. [মধুপুৰ প্ৰাথমিক বিদ্যালয়ৰ খেলপথাৰখন মানুহেৰে ভৰি আছিল। সাহিত্য সুৰভী বঁটা লাভ কৰোঁতা শ্ৰীমান মোহন গোহাঁইক তেওঁৰ কিতাপ “Flying High” বাবে জন সম্বৰ্ধনাৰ কাৰণে আমন্ত্ৰণ কৰি অনা হৈছিল। সম্বৰ্ধনা অনুষ্ঠানৰ পাছত বাতৰি প্ৰচাৰৰ সাংবাদিক ৰঞ্জু দত্তই তেওঁৰ সাক্ষাৎকাৰ লৈছিল। তেওঁক তাই কি সুধিলে পঢ়া।]

R. Dutta : Hello, Sir. [আৰ. দত্ত : নমস্কাৰ, মহাশয়।]
M. Gohain : Hello. [এম গোহাঁই : নমস্কাৰ।]
R. Dutta : Congratulations Sir! [আৰ. দত্ত : অভিনন্দন মহাশয়।]
M. Gohain : Thank you. [এম গোহাঁই : ধন্যবাদ।]
R. Dutta : We are very proud of you. You have won a prestigious award in literature. The audience would like to know something about your book. Please tell us about your book in short. [আৰ. দত্ত : আমি বৰ গৌৰৱান্বিত আপোনালোক লৈ। আপুনি সাহিত্য জগতত এক সন্মানীয় বঁটা লাভ কৰিলে। শ্ৰোতাসকলে আপোনাৰ কিতাপখনৰ ওপৰত জানিব বিচাৰিছে। অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি আপোনাৰ কিতাপখনৰ বিষয়ে চমুকৈ জনাওক।]
M. Gohain : Of course. It is about a brave little girl who fights for her rights. She was not sent to school by her parents. But with her strong will, she completed her studies and became a pilot. [এম.গোহাঁই : নিশ্চয়। কিতাপখন এজনী সাহসী সৰু ছোৱালীৰ ওপৰত যিয়ে তাই অধিকাৰৰ বাবে যুঁজ দিয়ে। তাইক মাক দেউতাকে বিদ্যালয়লৈ পঠিওৱা নাছিল। কিন্তু তাই নিজৰ ইচ্ছাশক্তিৰ দ্বাৰা শিক্ষা সম্পন্ন কৰিছিল আৰু পাইলট হৈছিল।]
R. Dutta : That’s great! Hope you will write more books to inspire our readers. Wish you all the best Sir. [আৰ. দত্ত : সেইটো উত্তম ! আশা কৰো আপুনি আগলৈ আৰু কিতাপ লিখি পঢ়োতাসকলক প্ৰভাৱিত কৰিব।আপোনালৈ শুভেচ্ছা থাকিল।]
M. Gohain : Thank you. [এম গোহাঁই : ধন্যবাদ।]
Ranju : Welcome. Thanks for giving us your valuable time ?
M. Gohain : Dutta, can you give me your email ID ? I can send a list of my books. [এম গোহাঁই : দত্ত, তোমাৰ ই-মেইলটো মোক দিবা নেকি ? মই তোমালৈ মোৰ কিতাপৰ সূচীবোৰ পঠাব পাৰিম।]
Ranju Dutta : Gives her email ID to Mr.Gohain. [ৰঞ্জু দত্ত : তাইৰ মেইল আই ডি টো এম গোহাঁইক দিলে।]

Ranju opens her email and finds the attached document. She downloads it and takes a printour. [ৰঞ্জুৱে নিজৰ ইমেইলটো খুলিলে আৰু নথি-পত্ৰ পালে। তাই ডাইনলোড কৰিলে আৰু এটা প্ৰিণ্টা উলিয়ালে।]

6. Choose and write the correct option : [বাছা আৰু শুদ্ধটো লিখা :]
A. Mr. M. Gohain wrote the book : [শ্ৰীমান এম. গোহাঁইয়ে লিখা কিতাপখন]
(i) Flying Height.
(ii) Flying High.
(iii) Fly High.
(iv) The Flying High.
Ans :- Flying High.
B. For what programme was Mohan Gohain invited ? [কোনটো অনুষ্ঠানলৈ মোহন গোহাঁইক আমন্ত্ৰণ কৰিছিল।]
(i) For a public appearance.
(ii) For a public felicitation ceremony.
(iii) For a public meeting.
(iv) For a public gathering.
Ans :- For a public felicitation ceremony.
C. Name of the award that Mohan Gohain won [মোহন গোহাঁয়ে পোৱা বঁটাটোৰ নাম কি ?]
(i) Sahitya Sarathi Award.
(ii) Sahitya Sangrami Award.
(iii) Sahitya Kandhari Award.
(iv) Sahitya Surabhi Award.
Ans :- Sahitya Surabhi Award.
D. How many books has Mr. Gohain written ? [মোহন গোহাঁইয়ে কেইখন কিতাপ লিখিছিল।]
(i) Eight.
(ii) Seven.
(iii) Six.
(iv) Four.
Ans :- Six.
E. Where do we click to download an attachment ? [‘an attachment’ টো download কৰিবলৈ ক’ত ক্লিক কৰিব লাগিব ?
(i) On ‘Delete’
(ii) On ‘Send’
(iii) On ‘Download’
(iv) On ‘Drafts’
Ans :- On ‘Download’.
7. Read [পঢ়া]
Electronic mail is a process of sending and receiving (text based) messages over the internet. In order to use your email, you must have an email address. | An e-mail is not similar to a postal address.An e-mail address does not contain the name of the place or a PIN code. It is written in one line only. Isn’t it interesting ? |
(a) What is Electronic mail ?
Ans :- Electronic mail is a process of sending and receiving messages over the internet.
(b) Define e-mail address ?
Ans :- An e-mail address is not similar to a postal address. An e-mail address does not contain the name of the place or a PIN code.
8. Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underlined words with she, he, it or they : [চিন দিয়া শব্দবোৰ আঁতৰাই পুনৰ বাক্যবোৰ she, he, it, বা they লগাই লিখা :]
(a) I have a computer. I like to draw on the computer.
Ans :- I have a computer. I like to draw on it.
(b) Anjalee can send emails over the internet. Anjalee can also buy books through a computer…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Ans :- Anjalee can send emails over the internet. She can also buy books through a computer.
(c) Ranju and Anjalee are friends. Ranju and Anjalee often play games in the computer…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Ans :- Ranju and Anjalee are friends. They often play games on the computer.
(d) Anjalee’s grandfather is a writer. Anjalee’s grandfather writes books…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Ans :- Anjalee’s grandfather is a writer. He writers books.
9. Write two sentences for each picture. Use the words in bold : [তলৰ ছবিবোৰৰ বাবে দুটাকৈ বাক্য লিখা।]

Computer E-mail Write
(a) …………………………………………………
(b) …………………………………………………
Ans :- (a) Computer in an electronic device.
(b) We Can write emails on the computer.

Sms Mobile phone Send
(a) …………………………………………………..
(b) …………………………………………………..
Ans :- (a) You have a mobile phone.
(b) You can send sms by mobile phone.

Cricket Watch T V
(a) ………………………………………………….
(b) …………………………………………………
Ans :- (a) I have a colouring T.V.
(b) I watch cricket on T.V.

Radio News Listen
(a) …………………………………………………..
(b) …………………………………………………..
Ans :- (a) Radio is an audio aid.
(b) I listen to the news on the radio.
10. CPU stands for __. [CPU মান ___]
Ans :- CPU stands for “Central Processing Unit”.
11. UPS stands for __. [UPS মানে ___]
Ans :- UPS stands for ” Uninterruptible Power Supply”.

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