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Class 5 English Chapter 4 The Stork And The Fox
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The Stork And The Fox
Chapter – 4
ACTIVITIES [কাৰ্যাৱলী]
1. Let’s see how much we have understand. Choose the correct answer : [চাওঁ আহা আমি কিমান বুজি পালো। শুদ্ধ উত্তৰটো বাছি উলিওৱা :]
(a) The fox invited the stork for [শিয়ালটোৱে বগলীটোক নিমন্ত্ৰণ কৰিছিল।]
(i) Lunch.
(ii) Breakfast.
(iii) Dinner.
(iv) Tea.
Ans :- Lunch.
(b) The stork requested the fox to serve his food in [বগলীটোৱে শিয়ালটোক আহাৰখিনি দিবলৈ অনুৰোধ কৰিছিল।]
(i) A plate.
(ii) A cup.
(iii) A pot.
(iv) A bowl.
Ans :- A pot.
(c) The stork served the food in [বগলীটোৱে আহাৰখিনি দিছিল।]
(i) A pot.
(ii) A bowl.
(iii) A plate.
(iv) A glass tumbler.
Ans :- A plate.
(d) The fox could not eat the meal served by the stork because – [বগলীটোৱে শিয়ালে দিয়া আহাৰখিনি খাব পৰা নাছিল। কাৰণ —- ]
(i) The meal was not tasty.
(ii) He was not feeling well.
(iii) The food was not.
(iv) The pot in which the food was served had a long and thin neck.
Ans :- The pot in which the food was served had a long and thin neck.
2. Write the answers : [ উত্তৰ লিখা : ]
Q.(a) Who invited the stork for lunch ? [কোনে বগলীটোক আহাৰ খাবলৈ নিমন্ত্ৰণ কৰিছিল।]
Ans :- The fox invited the stork for lunch.
Q.(b) What was the utensil in which the fox served the meal ? [শিয়ালটোৱে কি পাত্ৰত আহাৰখিনি আগবঢ়াইছিল ?]
Ans :- The fox served the meal on a beautiful plate.
Q.(c) Why didn’t the stork respond to the fox’s request ? [কিয় বগলীটোৱে শিয়ালৰ অনুৰোধ উপেক্ষা কৰিছিল ?]
Ans :- Because he wanted the fox’s to realise how he behaved with stork in his house.
3. Read the meal timetable of the stork : [বগলীটোৰ আহাৰৰ সময়খিনি পঢ়া :]

(a) At what time does the stork have his lunch ? [কোনটো সময়ত বগলীটোৱে দুপৰীয়াৰ আহাৰ নাখায় ?]
Ans :- The stork has his lunch at 1:00 p.m.
(b) What does the stork have at 8:30 a.m. ? [বগলীটোৱে 8:30 বজাত কি খায় ?]
Ans :- The stork has breakfast at 8:30 a.m.
4. Work in pairs : [যুৰীয়াকৈ কাম কৰা :] Ask each other the following questions about your favourite dish.
(a) What is your favourite dish ? [তোমাৰ প্রিয় খাদ্য কি ?]
Ans :- My favourite dish is Rice with Mixed vegetables.
(b) Who cooks it for you ? [কোনে এইটো ৰান্ধি দিয়ে ?]
Ans :- My mother cooks it for me.
(c) What ingredients are used to make it ? [এইটো বনাওঁতে কি কি বস্তু ব্যৱহাৰ কৰে ?]
Ans :- The ingredients are rice and potato, tomato, onion, cauliflower, cabbage etc.
(d) Why do you like it ? [কিয় তুমি এইটো ভালপোৱা ?]
Ans :- I like it because it is homemade healthy and tasty.
5. Read the following sentences : [তলৰ বাক্যকেইশাৰী পঢ়া।]

The first sentence is used to make an invitation. The second is used to make a request. [প্ৰথম বাক্যশাৰীয়ে নিমন্ত্ৰণক বুজাইছে। দ্বিতীয়টোৱে অনুৰোধ বুজাইছে।]
Now, read the sentences below and say which one is used to make an invitation and which one is used to make a request. [এতিয়া, তলৰ বাক্যকেইটা পঢ়া আৰু কোৱা, কোনটো বাক্যই নিমন্ত্ৰণ বুজাইছে আৰু কোনটোৱে অনুৰোধ বুজাইছে।]
![5. Read the following sentences : [তলৰ বাক্যকেইশাৰী পঢ়া।]](
Ans :- Could you come to my house for dinner today ? -an invitation.
Will you please give me the food in a pot ? -a request.
6. Work in pairs and make invitations and requests using the clues in the brackets :
(a) Will you ……………………. (give, pen) ?
Ans :- Will you give me a pen ?
(b) Would you …………………. (like, some chocolate) ?
Ans :- Would you like some chocolate ?
(c) Could you …………………….. (come, my house) ?
Ans :- Could you come to my house ?
(d) May I ………………………. (play, you) ?
Ans :- May I play with you ?
Q.7. Bina is Rohit’s sister. They, along with their parents are at their uncle’s place in Tezpur for Magh Bihu. Now they are having tea. Let’s read their conversation : [বীণা ৰোহিতৰ ভনীয়েক। সিহঁত, মাক দেউতাকৰ সৈতে তেজপুৰত থকা খুড়াকৰ ঘৰত মাঘ বিহুত আহিব। এতিয়া তেওঁলোকে চাহ খাই আছে। তেওঁলোকৰ কথোপকথোনবোৰ পঢ়ো।]

8. Let’s see how much we have understood : [চাওঁ আহাঁচোন আমি কিমান খবৰ পালো।]
(a) Who visited whom and on what occasion ? [কোন কাৰ ঘৰত গৈছিল আৰু কিহৰ উপলক্ষে গৈছিল ?]
Ans :- Bina and Rohit along with their parents visited their uncle’s place on the occasion of Magh Bihu.
(b) What are the people in the picture doing ? [ছবিখনত থকা মানুহবোৰে কি কৰি আছে ?]
Ans :- In the picture, the people are eating delicious food like pitha and talking to each other.
(c) What did Bina’s aunt say to Bina ? [বীণাৰৰ খুড়ীয়েকে বীণাক কি কৈছিল ?]
Ans :- Bina’s aunt asked Bina to take some more ghila pitha.
(d) What did Bina’s uncle offer to his brother ? [বিণাৰ খুড়াকে তাইৰ ভায়েকক কি প্ৰস্তাৱ দিছিল ?]
Ans :- Bina’s uncle offered a kilo of gur to his brother.
9. Answer the following questions in a serial order to complete the narration of a recent visit you made to your friend’s/relative’s place :
(a) Where did you go and when ? [তুমি কেতিয়া আৰু ক’ত গৈছিলা ?]
Ans :- I recently visited to sibsagar.
(b) Who did you visit and with whom ?
Ans :- Me along with my mother, brother and father.
(c) How did the host behave when he/she saw you ? [অথিতি সৎকাৰজনৰ ব্যৱহাৰ কেনে আছিল যেতিয়া সি/তাই প্ৰেমাক দেখিছিল ?]
Ans :- The host behaved very politely and greeted us with flowers when he saw me.
(d) What did you do there ? [তুমি তাত কি কৰিছিলা ?]
Ans :- I visited different historical places like Rangghar, Karengghar, Joydol and Jerenga Pathar.
(e) What did you talk about ? [তুমি কিহৰ কথা কৈছিলা ?]
Ans :- I talked about the significance of historical places, and the unconditional beauty of such places.
(f) What did you eat ? [তুমি কি খাইছিলা ?]
Ans :- We had eaten famous Assamese thali, pitha, sira-doi etc.
(g) Did you like the food and why ? [তুমি আহাৰ ভাল পোৱানে আৰু কিয় ?]
Ans :- I liked the food very much because it is tasty, healthy and handmade.
(h) How did you feel ? [তুমি কি অনুভৱ কৰিছিলা ?]
Ans :- I feel very pleasant and honoured.
10. While going back home, Bina, Rohit and their parents stopped at a tea stall to have tea and snacks. This is the menu that they were given. Read it aloud : [ঘৰলৈ উভতি আহোতে বীণা, ৰোহিত আৰু সিহঁতৰ মাক – দেউতাক আৰু সৰু চাহৰ দোকানৰ চাহ আৰু বিস্কুট খাবলৈ কৈছিল। এইখনে সূচী যিখন সিহঁতে দিলে। ডাঙৰকৈ পঢ়া :]

Imagine that you are at this tea stall. Which of the above food items will you have ? Count and say how much money you will have to pay.
11. Draw your favourite food and colour it : [যিকোনো এবিধ খাদ্যৰ ছবি আঁকি দিব]
Ans :- তোমালোকে নিজে আঁকি ৰং কৰিবলৈ চেষ্টা কৰা।
12. Bina shows this advertisement to her father : [বিণাই বিজ্ঞাপনখন তাইৰ দেউতাকক দেখুৱাইছিল।]

Bina tells her father, “This is an advertisement for snacks sold by Jalpan. I like the ghila pithas. Let’s order some. If we buy pithas for Rs. 100 or more we will get 50% off.” [বীণাই তাইৰ দেউতাকক কৈছে, এইটো এটা জলপানৰ দ্বাৰা বিক্ৰী কৰা লঘু আহাৰৰ বিজ্ঞাপন। মই ঘিলা পিঠা ভালপাওঁ। আহাঁ কিছুমান অৰ্ডাৰ কৰো। যদি আমি 100 টকা বা তাতকৈ বেছি পিঠা কিনো আমি 50% ৰেহাই পাম।]
13. (a) Collect and paste an advertisement here. Write two sentences about it : [advertisement এটা সংগ্ৰহ কৰি আঠা লগাই লোৱা। ইয়াৰ বিষয়ে দুইশাৰী বাক্য লিখা।]

Ans :- This is an advertisement to save one horned rhino. We should save the beautiful gift of nature. We should protect them.
(b) Now tell your friend a few sentences about it. [এতিয়া, এই বিষয়ে তোমাৰ বন্ধু বা বান্ধৱীক কেইটামান বাক্য কোৱা।]
Ans :- (i) Nayan is talking to his friend Rishi, this is the advertisement for cookies.
(ii) I have tried it and it is very tasty, also you can choose the flavour of the cream which is in the top of the cookie.
(iii) Next sunday there was an offer to buy one get one free.
(iv) Their shop was also very pleasant to visit. They treat you very politely.
14. Find words ending with ‘ly’ from the word grid below : [‘ly’ ৰ দ্বাৰা শেষ আৰু শক তলৰ ঘৰকেইটাৰ পৰা বাছি উলিওৱা :]

Ans :- (i) Happily.
(ii) Softly.
(iii) Loudly.
(iv) Slowly.
(v) Quickly.
15. Bina has drawn the following picture in a drawing competition.
Bina has to write a paragraph of five sentences about the picture. Work in pairs and help her in writing the paragraph. You may use the words from the box below. [বীণাই ছবিখনৰ ওপৰত পাঁচ শাৰী বাক্য লিখিব লগা হৈছিল। লগ হৈ দফাটো লিখোতে তাইক সহায় কৰা। তুমি তলৰ বাক্যত থকা শব্দবোৰ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পাৰিব।]

On the eve of Magh Bihu, Celebrate, Community feast Merry making,Gather,People ,Uruka ,Food items |
Ans :- (i) Magh Bihu is a harvest festival celebrated in January by Assamese people living in Assam.
(ii) On the eve of the festivities called ‘Uruka’ the last day of the month Pausa.
(iii) The night before is ‘Uruka’, when people gather around a bonfire, cook dinner and make merry.
(iv) During Magh Bihu people make cakes of rice with various names such as Shunga Pitha, Til Pitha etc.
16. (a) Write in the oval below the name of a festival that you celebrate : [তুমি পালন কৰা এটা উৎসৱ তলৰ ডিম্বাকৃতিৰ বাকচবোৰত লিখা।]

Pick up any four points related to the festival from the box below and complete the word web with appropriate words. [তলৰ বাক্যৰ পৰা উৎসৱৰ লগত সম্পৰ্ক থকা যিকোনো চাৰিটা লাইন তুলি আনা আৰু উপযুক্ত শব্দৰ দ্বাৰা ওপৰৰ জালখন সম্পূৰ্ণ কৰা।]
Special dress Gifts Time of celebration
Special food Rituals Places of celebration
Reason of celebration
(b) Among the four points which one will you choose first and then next ? Write them below accordingly : [চাৰিটা লাইনৰ ভিতৰত কোনটো তুমি প্ৰথমে আৰু কোনটো পিছত বাছি উলিওৱা আৰু সেইমতে তলত লিখা।]
(i) ………………………………..
Ans :- Time of celebration.
(ii) ……………………………….
Ans :- Places of celebration.
(iii) ……………………………….
Ans :- Rituals.
(iv) …………………………………
Ans :- Special food.
(c) Now, make sentences using the above points to from a paragraph and write in your notebook. [এতিয়া ওপৰৰ পইন্টবোৰ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি এটা দফা তোমাৰ নোটবুকত লিখা।]
Ans :- (i)My favourite festival is Holi, I like holi very much, it is the festival of colours joy and happiness.
(ii) We eat delicious food in holi.
(iii) We play holi with friends, family and neighbours.
(iv) Holi is a festival where people sing, dance, and play with colours.
17. Pick up any one card from below and say two or three sentences about it : [তলৰ পৰা এখন কাৰ্ড তুলি আনা আৰু দুটা বা তিনিটা বাক্য তাৰ বিষয়ে কোৱা।]
Your favourite food Your School
Your favourite festival Your best friend
Bihu Summer vacation
Ans :- Favourite food : My favourite food is vada-pav.
(i) It is a famous dish from maharashtra.
(ii) The Vada is made from potato and pav is similar to bread.
(iii) The dish was very tasty and famous among the country.
Favourite festival : My favourite festival is Eid.
(i) Eid is the biggest religious festival for the Muslim people in the world.
(ii) An Eid day means a day of enjoyment and sharing happiness.
(iii) There are two kinds of Eids. The first one is Eid-ul-Fitr and the other is Eid-ul-Azha.
Favourite festival : My favourite festival is Bihu.
(i) Bihu is the most prominent festival celebrated by the people of Assam.
(ii) We the Assamese people observe three types of Bihus in a year.These are : the Maths Bihu, the Bohag Bihu and the Kati Bihu.
(iii) The Bihu is a culture of the Assamese people. We should always try to keep the culture.
Best friend :
(i) My best friend is Kebari Sarma. She is tall, fair, good looking, smart and a caring girl.
(ii) She is very good in studies and behaves well with everyone.
(iii) We sit together in the classroom and share everything very happily.
Summer vacation :
(i) I like summer vacation very much, because I go on trips with my family.
(ii) On a recent vacation I went to waterpark, ate ice – cream.
(iii) This vacation I joined swimming classes.
Our School :
(i) The name of our school is Jalukbari High School.
(ii) This is a big school in the Jalukbari area.
(iii) Our school held many programmes like,
Quiz competition, dance programme, sports etc.
18. Rohit is in Guwahati to participate in a debating competition. Rohit’s friends Jabin and Hardip are talking about Rohit’s chance of winning the competition. [ৰোহিত তৰ্ক প্ৰতিযোগিতাত অংশ গ্ৰহণ কৰিবৰ বাবে গুৱাহাটীত আছে।ৰোহিতৰ বন্ধু জেবিন আৰু হৰদ্বীপে ৰোহিত তৰ্ক প্ৰতিযোগিতাত জয়ী হোৱাৰ সুবিধা আছে বুলি কথা পাতি আছে।]
Now, read answers that Jabin gives and make the question that Rohit asks. [এতিয়া জেবিনে দিয়া উত্তৰবোৰ পঢ়া আৰু ৰোহিত কোৱা প্ৰশ্নবোৰ সজোৱা।]

Ans :- (1) How has Rohit prepared for the competition ?
(2) How does Rohit present his ideas ?
(3) How does Rohit speak in front of an audience ?
19. Some of us are good at painting, singing, dancing, etc. Work in pairs and ask each other what you are good at. Also say how well you do it. [আমাৰ ভিতৰত কিছুমান ৰং কৰা, গান গোৱা, নাচা ইত্যাদিত ভাল। দলবান্ধি ইজনে সিজনক সোধা কোন কিহত ভাল। লগতে কোৱা কিমান ভালপোৱা।]
20. Read what happened to the stork in the house of the fox : [শিয়ালৰ ঘৰত বগলীটোৰ কি ঘটিছিল পঢ়া।]
(a) He looked at his plate hungrily.
Now, read how the fox left the house of the stork. [এতিয়া শিয়ালটোৱে কেনেকৈ বগলীটোৰ ঘৰ এৰিছিল পঢ়া।]
(b) He left the place sadly.
The underlined words in sentences (a) and (b) say how something is done.

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