Class 5 English Chapter 7 My Story

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Class 5 English Chapter 7 My Story

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My Story

Chapter – 7



ACTIVITIES (কাৰ্যাৱলী]

1. Read the autobiography written by water and complete the sentences in the bubbles :

1. Read the autobiography written by water and complete the sentences in the bubbles

Ans :- I help to …………..

(i) Grow our plants and remain clean.

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(iii) Bring life to the world.

You see me …………

(i) In the sea.

(ii) In lakes.

I don’t like ………..

(i) To be wasted.

(ii) Polluted with dirty things.

2. Let’s learn a few words. Read the words which have the same meaning as ‘beautiful’

Let's learn a few words. Read the words which have the same meaning as 'beautiful'

Now, make sentences using the words in the books.[এতিয়া, কিতাপৰ তলৰ শব্দ কেইটাৰে বাক্য বনোৱা :]

Good looking       Charming      BeautifulAttractive             Pretty             Handsome

Ans :- Good looking : He is very good looking in the class.

Charming : She visited a charming place yesterday.

Beautiful : Raina’s smile is very beautiful.

Attractive : He is more attractive than her.

Pretty :- The flower gardens are pretty.

Handsome : I see a handsome boy while crossing the road.

3. Look at the picture. Read the sentences : [ছবিসমূহলৈ চোৱা। বাক্যবিলাক পঢ়া।]

3. Look at the picture. Read the sentences

1. Arun Das is a bus driver. He drives a bus Now he is sleeping. [ অৰুণ দাস এজন বাছ চালক। তেঁও এখন বাছ চলায়। এতিয়া তেওঁ শুই আছে।]

2. Miss Amiya Dutta is a teacher. She teachers English in a school. Now she is in the market. [মিছ অমিয়া দত্ত এগৰাকী শিক্ষয়িত্ৰী। তাই এখন বিদ্যালয়ত ইংৰাজী শিকায়। এতিয়া তাই বজাৰত আছে।

3. Raghu Bora is a farmer. He ploughs the land. Now he is resting under a tree. [ৰঘু বৰা এজন খেতিয়ক। তেওঁ মাটিত হাল বায়। এতিয়া তেওঁ এডাল গছৰ তলত জিৰণি লৈ আছে।]

4. Read the autobiography of water again and underline the following words living, dancing, flying, help, polluted, wasted. They all describe actions. [আকৌ পানীৰ আত্মজীৱনীটো পঢ়া আৰু তলত দিয়া শব্দকেইটাত চিন দিয়া। living, dancing, flying, help, polluted, wasted এই সকলোবোৰ বৰ্ণনামূলক কাৰ্য।]

Now, complete the table with action words : [এতিয়া কাৰ্য বুজোৱা শব্দেৰে তালিকাখন পূৰোৱা :]

What happens today and everydayWhat happened in the pastWhat is likely to happen in the future
LiveslivedWill live
dancesdancedWill dance
fiiesflewWill fly
helpshelpedWill help
pollutespollutedWill pollute
writeswroteWill write

5. Look at the picture of the bottle of cough syrup. Some information has been given on the label of the bottle of medicine. Write them down : [তলৰ কফ চিৰাপৰ বটলটো চোৱা। মেডিচিনৰ বটলটোৰ লেবেলখনত কিছুমান নিয়ম দিয়া আছে। সেইবোৰ তলত দিয়া আছিল। সেইবোৰ লিখা :]

the picture of the bottle of cough syrup

The name of the medicine is


Ans :- The name of the medicine is CAFFRI.

The date of manufacture is


Ans :- The date of manufacture is 18-8-2017.

The date of expiry is 


Ans :- The date of expiry is 21-7-2020

The price is


Ans :- The price is Rs. 47.00

6. Read the biography of mother Teresa :

Mother Teresa was born on 26th August 1910 in Skopje. Her real name was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. Her parents were Nicolle and Dranafile Bojaxhiu. 

[মাদাৰ টেৰেছা 1910 চনৰ 26 আগষ্টত স্কোপেজত জন্ম গ্ৰহণ কৰিছিল। তেখেতৰ প্ৰকৃত নাম আছিল এজেনছ গোনজা বুজজিউ। তেখেতৰ মাক-দেউতাক নিকোলো আৰু ড্ৰনাফাই বুজজিউ আছিল।

Mother Teresa devoted her life to the service of the poor and destitute around the world. She founded the Missionaries of Charity. She chose to wear a white saree with a blue border. 

[মাদাৰ টেৰেছাই নিজৰ জীৱনটো দুখীয়াৰ কাৰণে উছৰ্গা কৰিছিল আৰু পৃথিৱীখন ঘূৰি ফুৰিছিল। তেখেতে Missionaries of Charity প্ৰতিষ্ঠা কৰিছিল। তেখেতে নীলা পাৰি থকা বগা শাৰী পিন্ধিছিল।

She spent several years in Calcutta (now Kolkata). In 1979, Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. She died on September 5th, 1997. 

[তেখেতে বহু বছৰ কলিকতাত আছিল। তেখেতে 1979 চনত নবেল বঁটা লাভ কৰিছিল। 1997 চনৰ 5th ছেপ্টেম্বৰত তেখেতৰ মৃত্যু হৈছিল।]

biography of Mother Teresa

Now, Write questions on Mother Teresa.

What …………………………………………. ?

Ans :- What was the real name of Mother Teresa ?

Who ………………………………………….. ?

Ans :- Who devoted her life to the service of the poor ?

Where ………………………………………… ?

Ans :- Where did she spend some years ?

When ………………………………………….. ?

Ans :- When was Mother Teresa born?

Why …………………………………………….. ?

Ans :- Why did she open the missionaries of charity?

7. Find out words which have similar meanings with the word ‘destitute’. You can look it up in the dictionary : [‘destitute’ শব্দটোৰ একে অৰ্থ থকা শব্দবোৰ উলিওৱা। তুমি এইবোৰ অভিধানত চাব পাৰা।]

8. Read sentences on harvesting of rainwater in school. [বিদ্যালয়ত বৰষুণৰ পানী ধৰি ৰখা বাক্যবোৰ পঢ়া।]

– It is raining. [বৰষুণ দি আছে।]

– Rain is falling on the rooftop of the school building.[স্কুলঘৰৰ মুধচৰ ওপৰত বৰষুণ পৰি আছে।]

– The water is flowing through the channel. [নলীৰ মাজেৰে পানী বৈ আছে।]

– It is filling up the water tank. [এইটোৱে পানীৰ টেংকটো ভৰাই আছে। ]

– The school uses the water for watering the plants. Washing dishes, cleaning toilets, etc. [বিদ্যালয়খনে পানীবোৰ গছ – গছনিত দিয়া, বাচন – বৰ্তন ধোৱা, প্ৰস্ৰাৱগাৰ পৰিষ্কাৰ আদি কাৰ্যত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিছে।]

Rain water harvesting is a method/technique for collecting, storing and using water for various purposes.

9. Look at the pictures given below. The pictures are steps of rice cultivation : [তলৰ ছবিবোৰ পঢ়া। এই ছবিবোৰ ধানখেতি কৰা কেতবোৰ স্তৰ।]

Look at the pictures given below. The pictures are steps of rice cultivation
Look at the pictures given below. The pictures are steps of rice cultivation 1

Read the following sentences. Choose a sentence to match each picture. Write the sentences below each picture : [তলৰ বাক্যবোৰ পঢ়া। প্ৰতিটো ছবিৰ লগত মিলাকৈ একোটা বাক্য বাছি লোৱা। প্ৰতিটো ছবিৰ তলত বাক্যটো লিখা।]

(i) Seeds are sown in fields.

(ii) Rice seedlings are grown in fields.

(iii) The land is ploughed.

(iv) Seedlings are collected from fields.

(v) Seedlings are planted in rows.

(vi) plenty of water is required for the rice plant to grow.

(vii) When paddy ripens the crop is harvested.

(viii) The paddy stalks are threshed to separate the grains of rice from the stalks.

(ix) The grains of rice are collected in gunny bags.

10. Read the sentence : [তলৰ বাক্যটো পঢ়া :]

Abhi is opening the tap. [অভিয়ে টেপটো খুলি আছে।]

Now, look at the two parts. [এতিয়া দুয়োটা অংশ চোৱা।]

Abhi is opening the tap.

The word in the box Abhi tells us who is doing the action. The words in the bubble is opening the tap tell us what Abhi is doing.[বাকচত থকা শব্দটোৱে অভি আমাক কোনে কামটো কৰিছে কৈছে। বাবলৰ ভিতৰত থকা শব্দই ইজ ওপেনিং দ্য টেপ অভিয়ে কি কৰি আছে আমাক কৈছে।

Sentences have two parts. Read these sentences. Note the two parts. [বাক্যৰ দুটা অংশ থাকে। এই বাক্যবোৰ পঢ়া। অংশ দুটা মন কৰা।]

Find out more sentences from the lessons you have read. Write the two parts in the table below : [তুমি পঢ়া পাঠবোৰৰ পৰা কেইটামান বাক্য বিচাৰি উলিওৱা। তলৰ তালিকাত অংশ দুটা লিখা।

Ans :-    

The person/ thing doing the actionWhat the person/ thing is doing
HeIs watching football match
The moonIs shining with the stars.
She Was preparing for the test.
The manDoing their office work.
The group of girlsplaying  ludo.

11. Let’s learn a few words that we use to make a sentence :

Try making sentences in your notebook using some of the words above. [ওপৰৰ কিছুমান শব্দৰে তুমি তোমাৰ টোকাবহীত কেইটামান বাক্য সাজা।]

Discuss: The manager asked the employees to discuss the matter.

Discusses: The school boys discusses grammar with the teacher. 

Run: She wants to run in the field.

Runs:The blood runs through your views.

Open: Please open the window.

Opens: Today school opens at 8:30 am.

Talk: She didn’t want to talk to me.

Talks: money talks.

Watch: She likes to wear watches.

Watches: Sameer has two good watches.

Shine: I like bright shiny colours.

Shines: The moon and the star shines bright.

Thing: I didn’t like this kind of thing.

Things: I like doing things for myself.

Place: There is a beautiful place to sit.

Places: I like historical places to visit.

It : It is a rainy day.

She: She is a good cook.

They : They are playing basketball in the field.

I : I like to watch t.v. 

We : We have a test today.

Object : He knew how to climb a tree.

Objects : My mother objects to smoking.

12. Complete the following paragraph. You may use words given in the box : [তলৰ দফাটো সম্পূৰ্ণ কৰা। বাকচত দিয়া শব্দবোৰ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পাৰা।]

Pencil     Write      Lead and wood     Draw        Shorter      Sharpen       Factory

I am a ____. I was born in ____. I am made of _____. I have many names. Children love me. I help people to ____ and _____.

I become ____ when children ____ me.

Ans :- I am a pencil. I was born in a factory. I am made of lead and wood. I have many names. Children love me. I help people to write and draw. I become shorter when children sharpen me.

13. Read the following information and write a paragraph : [তলৰ বাৰ্তাসমূহ পঢ়া আৰু এটা দফা লিখা :]

Name : Phuleswar Hazarika

[নাম     : ফুলেশ্বৰী হাজৰিকা]

Born   : 8 September 1956

[জন্ম   : ৮ ছেপ্টেম্বৰ]

Parents : Late Madhav Hazarika and Late Phulmoti Hazarika

[(মা-দেউতা :মাধৱ হাজৰিকা আৰু ফুলমতী হাজৰিকা।]

Place : Dergaon, Assam [স্থান : দেৰগাঁও, অসম]

Known as : Social worker, children’s Story book writer.

[জনাজাত : সমাজ সেৱিকা, শিশু সাধু কিতাপৰ লিখক]

Died : 9 November 2012

[মৃত্যু : ৯ নৱেম্বৰ ২০১২]

Ans :- Phuleswari Hazarika : Phuleswari Hazarika was born in 8 September 1956, in Dergaon, Assam. Her father’s name was late Madhav Hazarika and mother’s name was late phulmoti Hazarika. Phuleswari Hazarika is known as social worker and children’s story book writer. She died on 9 November 2012. [ফুলেশ্বৰী হাজৰিকা 1956 চনৰ 8 ছেপ্টেম্বৰত অসমৰ দেৰগাঁৱত জন্ম হৈছিল। তেখেতৰ দেউতাকৰ নাম মাধৱ হাজৰিকা আৰু মাকৰ নাম ফুলমতি হাজৰিকা আছিল। ফুলেশ্বৰী হাজৰিকা সমাজ সেৱিকা আৰু শিশুৰ বাবে সাধু কিতাপৰ লিখক হিচাপে জনাজাত। তেখেত 2012 চনৰ 9 নৱেম্বৰত মৃত্যু হৈছিল।]

14. Read :


It was the first class of the day. The teacher was writing on the blackboard. Suddenly all the doors and windows began to shake. The teacher’s table shook and the piece of chalk rolled down to the ground. The children shouted, “Earthquake! Earthquake!” All of them started running out of the room. The teacher said, “Don’t run! Go out of the room carefully.”

After a while everything became quiet. The students came back to their classrooms. They got busy with their work again. Soon they heard an announcement outside the classroom.

They all looked out of the window. They saw a rickshaw. A man was sitting on it with a microphone in his hand. He was telling people what to do during an earthquake.

Attention! Attention!

– Do no panic.

– Come out to an open place.

– Do not use the stairs of buildings.

– Do not stay close to glass windows.

– Do not stay near electric wires.

15. Complete the following passage with the words given in bubbles : [বাবুলছত দিয়া শব্দবোৰৰ দ্বাৰা তলৰ দফাটো সম্পূৰ্ণ কৰা।]

At 10 o’clock yesterday, we ___ ___ in our classroom. Our teacher __ ___ on the blackboard. Suddenly the doors and the windows ____ ___ shaking. The children ___ ___ out of the classroom. Soon there was an announcement. A man ___ ___ on a rickshaw with the microphone in his hand. He ___ ___ people what to do during an earthquake.

Began shaking     Were sitting       Were running
Was telling            Was writing       Was sitting

Ans :- At 10 o’clock yesterday, we were sitting in our classroom. Our teacher was writing on the blackboard. Suddenly the doors and the windows began shaking. The children were running out of the classroom. Soon there was an an announcement. A man was sitting on a rickshaw with a microphone in his hand. He was telling people what to do during an earthquake. [যোৱাকালি 10 বজাত আমি আমাৰ শ্ৰেণীকোঠাত বহি আছিলো। আমাৰ শিক্ষকে বৰ্ডত লিখি আছিল। হঠাতে দুৱাৰ আৰু খিৰিকীবোৰ লৰিবলৈ ধৰিলে। ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰীসকলে  শ্ৰেণীকোঠাৰ বাহিৰলৈ দৌৰিবলৈ ধৰিলে। সোনকালতে তাত এটা ঘোষণা দিলে। এজন মানুহে হাতত মাইক্ৰফ’ন লৈ ৰিক্সা এখনৰ ওপৰত কৈ আছিল। তেখেতে মানুহবোৰক কৈ আছে ভূমিকম্প আহিলে কি কৰিব লাগে।]

16. Choose the correct word and complete the following sentences. Remember to start the sentence with a capital letter. One is done for you : [শুদ্ধবোৰ বাছি লোৱা আৰু তলৰ বাক্যবোৰ সম্পূৰ্ণ কৰা। মনত ৰাখিবা বাক্যটো capital letter ৰে আৰম্ভ কৰিবা। এটা কৰি দিয়া হৈছে।]

(a) ____ (are/can) you give me the phone number of the civil hospital ?

Ans :- Can you give me the phone number of the civil hospital.

(b) ___ (could/do) You switch off the lights, please ?

Ans :- Could you switch off the lights, please ?

(c) ____ (do/can) you know the time when the fire broke out ?

Ans :- Do you know the time when the fire broke out ?

(d) ___ (would/will) you like to visit sick people ?

Ans :- Would you like to visit the sick people ?

(e) ___ (could/are) you carrying some medicine with you ?

Ans :- Could you carry some medicine with you ?

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