Class 2 English Chapter 6 Village Life

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Class 2 English Chapter 6 Village Life

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(ভিলিজ লাইফ) গাঁৱলীয়া জীৱন

Chapter – 6

ইংৰাজী (ENGLISH)

Look at the picture:

Village Life

Let’s listen:

This is a picture of a village. It is a small village. The name of the village is Rongpur. 

A big river flows by the village. There a paddy fields on the bank of the river. Farmers work there.

There is a big pond in the village. People fish there. cows cat grass near the pond. The village has a school. The village has two roads. The wide road goes to the town. The narrow road goes to the school.

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There is a forest on the other side of the river. It is between Rongpur and the town. The name of the town is Bornagar. 

Word notes

village -গাওঁ। small- সৰু। big river- ডাঙৰ নদী। flow- বৈ যোৱা। by- কাষেদি। paddy fields- ধাননি পথাৰ। bank পাৰ। farmer- খেতিয়ক। work-কাম কৰা। pond-পুখুৰী। fish-মাছ ধৰা near-ওচৰত। road- ৰাস্তা wide-বহুল। narrow-ঠেক। forest হাবি। other side- আন কাষ।

অসমীয়া ভাবানুবাদ : এইখন এখন গাওঁৰ ছবি। ই এখন সৰু গাওঁ। গাওঁখনৰ নাম ৰংপুৰ। 

গাওঁখনৰ কাষেদি এখন ডাঙৰ নদী বৈ গৈছে। নদীৰ পাৰত ধাননি পথাৰ আছে। খেতিয়কে ইয়াত কাম কৰে।

গাওঁখনত এটা ডাঙৰ পুখুৰী আছে। মানুহে ইয়াত মাছ মাৰে। পুখুৰীৰ ওচৰত গৰুৱে ঘাঁহ খায়। গাওঁখনত এখন স্কুল আছে। বহল ৰাস্তাটো চহৰলৈ গৈছে। ঠেক বাটটো স্কুললৈ গৈছে।

নদীৰ আনটো পাৰত এখন হাবি আছে। ই চহৰখন আৰু ৰংপুৰৰ মাজত অৱস্থিত। চহৰখনৰ নাম বৰনগৰ।


  1. Listen and say:

(a) What is the name of the village?

Ans: The name of the village is Rongpur.

(b) Who works in the paddy fields? 

Ans: Farmers work in the paddy fields. 

(c) Is there a school in the village?

Ans: Yes.

(d) What is the name of the town?

Ans: The name of the town is Bornagar. 

(e) Is there a forest on the other side of the river?

Ans: Yes.

2. Let’s listen:

Rani is a little girl. She lives in a village. Let’s listen to what Rani Talks about her village:

I’m Rani. I’m in class II. The name of my school is Rongpur L.P. School. I go to school with my mother. She takes me to school on a bicycle. I live at Rongpur. It is a small village. It is 5 km from Bornagar. Bomagar is a big town. My cousin lives there. His name is Bijoy. He is in class III.

Word notes :

little- সৰু। live-বাস কৰা। listen- শুনা । talk-কথা কোৱা। about বিষয়ে। with- সৈতে। take- লোৱা। bicycle -চাইকেল। from- পৰা। big town- ডাঙৰ চহৰ। cousin- সম্পৰ্কীয় ভাই।

অসমীয়া ভাবানুবাদ :  বাণী এজনী সৰু ছোৱালী। তাই এখন গাঁৱত বাস কৰে। ৰাণীয়ে তাইৰ গাঁৱৰ বিষয়ে কি কয় শুনো আহা :

মই ৰাণী। মই দ্বিতীয় শ্ৰেণীত পঢ়ো। মোৰ স্কুলখনৰ নাম ৰংপুৰ প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয়। মই মাৰ সৈতে স্কুললৈ যাওঁ। তেওঁ মোক চাইকেলেৰে স্কুললৈ লৈ যায়। মই ৰংপুৰত বাস কৰো। ই এখন সৰু গাওঁ। ই বৰনগৰৰ পৰা পাঁচ কিলোমিটাৰ দূৰত। বৰনগৰ এখন ডাঙৰ চহৰ। মোৰ সম্পৰ্কীয় ভাই তাত থাকে। তাৰ নাম বিজয়। সি তৃতীয় শ্রেণীত পঢ়ে।

3.  Read aloud:

This is Bijoy. He is Rani’s cousin. He lives in a town. The name of his town is Bornagar. He is in class III. 

অসমীয়া ভাবানুবাদ : এইজন বিজয়। সি ৰাণীৰ সম্পৰ্কীয় ভায়েক। সি চহৰ এখনত থাকে। তাৰ চহৰৰ নাম বৰনগৰ। সি তৃতীয় শ্রেণীত পঢ়ে।

Let’s complete what Bijoy says: 

I’m Bijoy.

I’m in class III.

I live in a town.

Its name is Bornagar.

Rani is my cousin.

She is in class II.

She lives in a village.

It is 5 km from the town.

It is a small village.

4. Let’s look at the picture and read: 

5. Read aloud and write the sentence two times in the given space

I love my village.

আই লাভ মাই ভিলিজ।

I love my village.

I love my village.

6. Let’s read:

small                        big

tall                       short 

thick                       thin

near                         far

narrow                     wide

in                     out

inside                       outside.

a narrow road a wide road.

The ball is inside the glass. The ball is outside the glass. 

7. Listen and repeat:

(a) Is it a short tree?                          It is a tall tree?                                              

     No. it isn’t.                                     Yes, it is.

     It is a tall tree.

 (b) Is it a wide road?

     No, it isn’t. Is it a narrow road? . 

It is a narrow road.   Yes, it is.

8. Look at the picture and read:

Hiren has a cow.

The cow is grey.

Hiren loves his cow.

He calls her Kajoli.

9. Let’s read these sentences about Hiren and-his cow: 

10. Children are playing hide and seek. Let’s say who is hiding where:

behind, under, between, inside, outside 

11. (a) Look at the pictures Say what you see in the picture: 

This is a town. There are big buildings here. The road is wide. There are buses and cars on the road. People are sitting inside the bus. A man is riding his scooter. light posts are by the road. A woman is under a light post.

অসমীয়া ভাবানুবাদ : এইখন এখন চহৰ। ইয়াত ডাঙৰ ডাঙৰ অট্টালিকা আছে। ৰাস্তাটো বহল। ৰাস্তাটোত বাছ আৰু সৰু গাড়ী আছে। গাড়ীৰ ভিতৰত মানুহ বহি আছে। এজন মানুহে তেওঁৰ স্কুটাৰ চলাই আছে। বাটৰ কাষত পোহৰৰ খুটাবোৰ আছে। এগৰাকী তিৰোতা এটা পোহৰৰ খুটাৰ তলত আছে।

(b) Read the words aloud:

town big shops road buildings vehicles 

Now, fill up the gaps with the words written above: 

My uncle lives in town. The town is 10km from our village. It has a wide road. We see many shops on the road. There are many tall buildings in the town. My uncle lives in a big building. There are many vehicles on both sides of the road.

12. Let’s read:

Rumi and Sumi are at the village fair. Their grandfather is with them. Rumi wants to buy a balloon in the fair. They go to the balloon seller.

ৰুমী আৰু ছুমী গাঁৱৰ মেলাত আছে। সিহঁতৰ ককাক সিহঁতৰ লগত আছে। ৰুমীয়ে মেলাত এটা বেলুন কিনিব খুজিছে। সিহঁত বেলুন বেচোঁতাৰ ওচৰলৈ যায়।

Now, listen to this conversation:

Rumi: May I have a balloon, grandpa? 

Grandpa: Yes, you may. 

 Hello, Ramen ! How are you?

Ramen: I’m fine, thank you. Rumi, Sumi, do you like balloons?

Sumi: Yes, we do.

Rumi: Please give me two balloons. How much are they?

Ramen: They are two rupees each.

Rumi: Here is the money. 

Ramen: Here you are. 

Sumi: Thank you. 

Ramen: My pleasure.

13. Pompi is Rani’s friend. She wanted to know about Rani’s village. Read the questions that Pompi asked and the answers that Rani gave:

Pompi: What’s the name of your village? 

Rani:The name of my village is Rongpur. 

Pompi: What are there in the village? 

Rani:There are ponds and paddy fields in the village. 

Pompi:Where do the farmers work?

Rani:The farmers work in the paddy fields. 

Now, work in pairs and ask your friend about the place he/she lives in:

Ans: Where do you live?

Is your village big?

Is there a river in your village?

How far is your village from the town?

Is there any school in your village?

What’s the name of your village?

14. Look at these sentences and ask questions: 

Anil and Anita are playing.

What are Anil and Anita doing?

The bag is on the table. 

Where is the bag?

Bimal is a farmer.

Who is a farmer?

My mother is going to the market.

Who is going to the market?

15. (a) Sit in pairs. Practise the sentence: 

May I have a balloon?

Here you are.

May I have two balloons?

Here you are.

May I have two guavas?

Here you are.

May I Have a guava?

Here you are” 

(b) Read the sentences and write ‘Here you are’:

May I have two apples?

Here you are.

May I have an apple?

Here you are.

May I have two ice creams?

Here you are.

May I have ice – cream?

Here you are.

16. Let’s learn to describe a person: 

This is Rani’s grandmother. 

She is an old lady.

She wears a white blouse.

She has grey hair.

She has a sweet smile. 

She has a walking stick. 

She is a loving lady.

17. Work in pairs. Describe a member of your family. 

Ans: This is my grandfather.

He is a healthy man. 

He was a teacher. 

He likes to wear suits. 

Everyone loves him. 

18. Look at the pictures and say what the people are doing:

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