Class 2 English Chapter 3 Traffic Lights

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Class 2 English Chapter 3 Traffic Lights

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(ট্র্যাফিক লাইটছ) ট্ৰেফিক লাইটবোৰ

Chapter – 3

ইংৰাজী (ENGLISH)

Let’s recite: (লেটছ ৰিছাইট) আবৃত্তি কৰো আহা:

Traffic Lights (ট্র্যাফিক লাইটছ)

‘Stop, says Red,

‘Go’, says Green,

‘Wait’, says Orange.

Till the light is Green.

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ষ্টপ’ ছেজ ৰেড,

‘গৌ’ ছেজ গ্রীণ,

‘ওৱেইট’ ছেজ অৰেঞ্জ,

টিল দ্য লাইট ইজ গ্রীণ।

অসমীয়া ভাবানুবাদঃ

ৰঙাই কয় ‘ৰোৱা”

সেউজীয়াই কয় ‘যোৱা”,

ইষৎ ৰঙাই কয়, “অপেক্ষা কৰা? 

পোহৰ সেউজীয়া হবলৈ।


1. Listen and say:

(a) Who says ‘Stop’? 

Ans: Red says ‘Stop’. 

(b) Who says ‘Go? 

Ans: Green says ‘Go’. 

(c) Who says Wait? 

Ans: Orange says ‘Wait’.

2. Let’s read what the children are saying:

I come to school on a bicycle.

I come to school on foot,

I come to school by bus. 

3.Work in pairs. Ask each other: 

How do you come to school? Put a tick (√) for the vehicles you see while coming to school

4. Colour the picture of the traffic lights and write the names of the colours. One is done for you:.

5. Work in pairs. Ask questions with “What colour is …………. ?”

Now, write the answers for the questions. One is done for you: 

Ans: (a) Milk is White.

(b) Grass is green. 

(c) An apple is red. 

(d) A sunflower is yellow. 

(e) A crow is black. 

6. Listen: 

Raju always goes to school with his father on a bicycle. One day, they went to town in a bus. The bus stopped at the railway gate. Raju saw a train passing by. He also saw many buses, cars, rickshaws and auto rickshaws there. He asked his father when the bus would move. His father said it would move when the green light would be on. He also said that people on foot should cross the road at a zebra crossing. Raju was happy to learn this.

অসমীয়া ভাবানুবাদঃ ৰাজু সদায় দেউতাকৰ লগত চাইকেলেৰে স্কুললৈ যায়। এদিনাখন তেওঁলোক বাছেৰে চহৰলৈ গ’ল। বাছখন ৰেলগেটত ৰ’ল। ৰাজুই ৰেলগাড়ী এখন পাৰ হৈ যোৱা দেখা পালে। সি বহুতো গাড়ী, বাছ, ৰিক্সা আৰু অটোৰিক্সাও দেখা পালে। বাছ কেতিয়া যাব সি দেউতাকক সুধিলে৷ দেউতাকে ক’লে যে সেউজীয়া লাইট জ্বলিলে বাছখন যাব। তেওঁ আৰু ক’লে যে খোজ কাঢ়ি যোৱা মানুহবোৰ জেব্রা ত্রুছিঙেৰেহে ৰাস্তা পাৰ হ’ব লাগে। এইবোৰ শিকি ৰাজু সুখী হ’ল।

7. Find Raju’s way to grandma’s house:

8. Circle the words you know: 

(a)  tren train tran

(b) bot baot boat

(c) bicycle bycicle bicycle

(d) gren green grenn

(e) orenge oreng orange

(f) yellow yelow yeelow

9. Look at the pictures. Complete the words: 

10. Let’s tank and write:

How many wheels do they have?

(a) A bus has four wheels. 

(b) A bicycle has two wheels. 

(c) A car has four wheels. 

(d) A horse cart has two wheels. 

11. Read: 

Question: How many wheels are there in a rickshaw? 

Ans: There are three wheels in a rickshaw. 

Now, write questions using “How many”: 

Question: How many wheels are there in a bicycle?

Ans: There are two wheels in a bicycle.

Question: How many wheels are there in a car? 

Ans: There are four wheels in a car.

12. Let’s read:

This is a car.

The car is red. 

Papu’s father drives the car. 

The car runs on petrol. 

Papu cleans the car on Sundays. 

13. Choose words from the cloud and ask questions: 

(a) What’s this?

It’s a car. 

(b) What colour is the car? 

It is red.

(c) Who drives the car? 

Papu’s father drives the car. 

(d) Who cleans the car? 

Papu cleans the car. 

14. Say as fast as you can: 

Blu flowers, yellow flowers, flowers everywhere Purple flowers, red flowers, dancing in the air

15. Look at the grid and find the names of the vehicles. You can take help of the pictures: 

Ans :- Bus, Bicycle, Aeroplane, Car,  Boat , Rickshaw 

16. Let’s make words:

(a) — a —

Write c in front of a.

Writer r  at the of a. 

Ans:- Car

(b) — — a —

Write t at the back of a. 

Write o in front of a.

Write b in front of o. 

Ans:- Boat.

Now, say the words aloud:

17. Put a tick (√) for what you must do. Put a cross (x) for what you must not do:

18. Listen:

Guwahati is a big city. Buses, autorickshaws, rickshaws and taxis are some of the names of transport in the city. People go from one place to another in these vehicles.

অসমীয়া ভানুবাদ : গুৱাহাটী এখন ডাঙৰ মহানগৰ। বাছ, ৰিক্সা আৰু ট্যাক্সি আদি মহানগৰখনৰ পৰিবহণৰ উপায়। এইবোৰ বাহনত উঠি মানুহ এঠাইৰ পৰা আন ঠাইলৈ যায়।

Now, name some means transport in your locality: 

Ans:- Bus , Car., Rickshaw, taxi and auto rickshaws. 

19. Let’s talk: 

Have you travelled in a taxi, a train, a bus or an aeroplan? Tell your friend something about it.

Once I travelled in the train, I went to my grandmother’s house, the journey took three hours. I enjoyed every moment of the journey.

20. Let’s learn road and traffic signs.

21. Here’s a list of a few words you have learnt so far. All of them begin with the letters ‘gr’. Let’s say the words aloud:

grass, green, grapes, grow, greedy, group, ground

22. Let’s read aloud:

(a) green 

green grass

green grass in the field. 

(b) green 

green grapes 

green grapes in the vine. 

23. Read what these animals say:

A cow moos. 

A pig grunts. 

A tiger roars. 

A snake hisses. 

An owl hoots. 

A goat bleats. 

24. Add’-ck’ and read the words:

25. Let’s read: (লেটছ ৰীড 🙂 পঢ়ো আহাঃ

26. Write ‘sh’ or ‘ch’ in each blank space: 

s h oe c h air

s h ip c h alk

s h ort c h in

s h irt c h ild

s h e c h est

27. Say who is standing where: 

Let’s read:

Rumi is in front of the queue. 

Rumi is in front of Jina in the queue. 

Kon is in front of Ron but behind Jina. 

Jina is between Rumi and Kon.

Kon is at the back of Jina. 

Ramen is behind Ron. 

Malati is last in the queue. 

Baby is behind Maini. 

Let’s write:

Jina is between Rumi and Kon. 

Kon is at the back of Jina. 

Ramen is behind Ron. 

Kon is in front of Ron. 

28. Look at the picture and read the sentences: 

Mother duck is in front of the ducklings. 

The ducklings are behind her. 

29. Let’s play roles: 

Girl: Hello Kon. How are you? 

Kon: I’m fine, Thank you. 

This is my sister, Sumi 

Girl: Hello, Sumi, Those are my ducks. 

Aren’t they beautiful?

Sumi: Lovely. The mother duck is in front of the ducklings and the ducklings are behind the mother  duck. 

30. Join the dots, complete the picture and colour it: 

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