Class 12 Political Science Chapter 3 US Hegemony in World Politics

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Class 12 Political Science Chapter 3 US Hegemony in World Politics

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Q.1. What are the different types of hegemony ? Give examples of each of them.

Ans : Hegemony are of three types.

These are: 

(i) Hegemony as hard power.

(ii) Hegemony as soft power, 

(iii) Hegemony as structural power.

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(i) Hegemony as hard power :

(a) American military dominance today is both absolute and relative. In absolute terms, the US  both has military capacities that can reach any point on the planet accurately, lethally and in real time.

(b) The military dominance of the US is not just based on higher military spending, but on a qualitative gap, a technological chasm that no other power can at present concessively span.

(ii) Hegemony as soft power :

(a) The predominance of the US in the world today is based not only on its military power and economic powers but also on its cultural presence.

(b) All ideas of the good life and personal success,most of the dreams of individuals and societies across the globe,are dreams churned out by practices prevailing in twentieth century in America.

(iii) Hegemony as structural power :

(a) Internet :- although internet is sun today as making virtual world of www possible, we would not forget that the internet is the direct outsome of a US military research project that  began in 1950. Even today the internet relies on a Global Network of Satellites , most of which are owned by the US government.

(b) Technical Education like M.B.A :- The idea that business is a profession that depends upon skills that can be taught in a university is uniquely American. Today ,there is no country in the world in which MBA is not a prestigious academic degree.

Q 2. ‘ The biggest constraints to American hegemony lie within the heart of the hegemony itself’_Identify three constraints on American power.

Ans : After 2nd world war there wer two super powers i.e U.S.A and U.S.S.R with the sudden collapse of Soviet Union,one super power ceased to exist. On the other hand, the powers of another super power i.e U.S.A enhanced.Thus the US hegemony began in 1991 after Soviet Union disappeared from international scene.But History tells us that empires decline because they decay from within similarly,the biggest constraints to American hegemony is from within. Broadly,there are three constraints on American power.

The first constraints is the  institutional architecture of the American state itself. American system is based on division of Powers between the three organs of government.i.e legislature, executive and judiciary. These organs put many restrictions on military Powers. The second constraint on American society. The third constraint on American power is the North Atlantic Treaty organization (NATO).Out of these three constraints,the third constraint on American power is the most important in future.

NATO is the only organization in the world which can put some check on the American power. NATO will be successful in moderating the U.S Hegemony.

Q 3. Mention the new factors that emerged in Indo US relations in recent years.

Ans : So far as the debate in Lok Sabha on the Indo_US agreement, on nuclear energy, the Prime  Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh says that in recent times, India’s impressive economic development rate has made the country and alternative partner for a member of countries concerning USA. International politics largely in terms of military energy are fearful of the growing closeness between India and USA . The growing closeness of interest between the USA and India creates  a welfare

For  India. At the recent phase of global hegemony, India has needed a good partnership with the USA. Dr. Manmohan Singh believes that it is in the welfare of our country to have a good pivotal relation with all the major countries, but interest on the relationship with the USA . Hence, he advocate a strategy that would allowed India to take opportunity of US Hegemony and the mutual relations to set up the best possible for itself. The highlighting factors shows the Info_US relationship and it’s importance.

(a) 15% of all high tech starts up are by Indo_Americans.

(b) The USA absorbs about 65% of India’s total exports in the software sectors .

(c) 35% of the technical staff of doing is estimated to be of India.

Q.4. ‘A classic example of the structural power of the US is the academic degree called the Master’s in Business Administration’. Illustrate.

Ans : The idea that business is a profession that depends upon skills that can be taught in a university is uniquely American. The  first business school in the world,the wharton school at the University of Pennsylvania was established in 1881.The first MBA courses are initiated around 1900. Today there is no country in the world in which MBA is not a prestigious academic degree.

Q.5. Write a note on cultural dimensions of US Hegemony ?

Ans : America has hegemonised the world through cultural supremacy. The cultural dimensions of US Hegemony are:

(i) American culture is the most powerful culture on earth. This attribute is called”soft power”. Thus US had the power to persuade.

(ii) All the ideas of a good life and personal success, most of the dreams of individuals and societies across the globe are dreams churned out by practices prevailing in the twentieth century America.

Q.6. What does history teach about hegemony ?

Ans : Given the logic of balance of power, hegemony is a rather unusual condition in international affairs.This is for a very simple reason:in the absence of world govt,every state must ensure its own security and in extreme circumstances,it’s own survival. Thus, states are acutely aware of power distribution in the International political system,and would not normally allow single state to become so powerful as to pose a moral threat to other states.

The balance of power logic of international politics,as outlined above, is amply supported by history. By convention are regard 1648 as the year in which the sovereign territorial state emerged as the principal actor in World Politics. In the over three and a half centuries since then , there have been only two previous occasions when a single state succeeded in gaining preponderance in the system to a similar degree as the US predominates the system today   France from 1660 to 1713 in the context of European Continental politics in the first instance of hegemony. Britain with its global maritime empire from 1860 to 1910 in the second. History also tells us that although at its height hegemony seems formidable, it does not last forever. To the contrary, balance of power politics over time reduces the relative Power of the hegemon. In 1660, France ,under Louis XIV was unchallenged by 1713 , 

England,Habsburg, Austria and Russia were contesting French power . In 1860 , the high noon of the Victorian period,page Brifanica looked secure forever. By 1910, it was clear that Germany, Japan and the US. Had emerged as contendias to British power .

Thus ,20 years from now another great power,or may be a coalition of great powers could will emerge just as US. Capabilities are ducting in relative terms.

Q.7. Examine the different natures of Hegemony ?

Ans : Same as Ans of Q.No. 1(very long answer)

Q.8. Examine the process by which US Hegemony got established.

Ans : The processes were three types by which US Hegemony established throughout the world. 

They are: 

(i) Hegemony as hard power.

(ii) Hegemony as soft power.

(iii) Hegemony as structural power.

Q.9. Describe Hegemony in the context of international politics.

Ans : Hegemony is defined as dominance of international system by only one centre of power. The sudden collapse of the Soviet Union left USA with all its powers intact and enhanced. The United States of America has emerged as sole super power in the world. This is the US hegemony in International politics.

Q.10. Describe the process of normaliza tion of relationship between United States of America and India ?

Ans : So far as the debate in Lok Sabha on the Indo_US agreement,on nuclear energy,the prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh says that recent time, India’s impressive economic development rate has made the country and alternative partner for a number of countries concerning USA. International politics largely in terms of military energy are fearful of the growing closeness between India and USA. The growing closeness of interest between the USA and India creates a welfare for India. At the recent phase of global hegemony, India has needed a good partnership with the USA. 

Dr Manmohan Singh believes that it is in the welfare of our country to have a good and pivotal relation with all the major countries but interest on the relationship with the USA. Hence, he advocate a strategy that would allowed India to take opportunity of US Hegemony and the mutual relations to set up the best possible for itself. The highlighting factors shows the Indo_ US relationship and its importance.

(a) 15% of all high_tech starts up are by Indo_ Americans.

(b) The USA absorbs about 65% of India’s total exports in the software sectors.

(c) 35% of the technical staff of doing is estimated to be of India.

Q.11. How long will Hegemony last? How do we get beyond Hegemony ?

Ans : Two ways to overcome US Hegemony:

(a) Bandwagon strategy :- It is suggested that instead of engaging in activities opposed to the hegemonic power , it may be advisable to extract benefits by operating within the hegemonic system.

(b) Hide strategy:- This implies staying as far removed from the dominant power as possible. while it may be an attractive, viable policy for small states, it is hard to imagine mega_ states like China, India, Russia being able to hide for any substantial length of time.

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