Class 12 Geography Chapter 8 Transport and Communication

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Class 12 Geography Chapter 8 Transport and Communication

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Q.8. Give a description of inter-continental Air routes. 

Ans :- The main inter continental air routes are :

(i) The north : Atlantic Air Route between North America and Europe The major airports in this route include Newyork, Chicago, London Paris Moscow, etc.

(ii) The south Atlantic air route connects west Europe countries with Africa and south America. The major airports are Dakar, Quenas Rio-de-Janeiro.

(iii) Europe Middle East Air Routes are between Europe and middle ea countries. The major airports are Beirut, Aden, Tehran, Baghdad Cairo, Abudhabi, etc.

(iv) Europe : Asia routes connect Europe countries with the Asian countries. The major airports include Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai. Karachi, Dhaka. Hongkong, Shanghai, Tokyo, Beijing, Etc.

(v) Europe : Australia Route is between Europe and Australia Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Perth, Wellington, are major airport in this 

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route.The USA alone accounts for 60 percent of the world.

Q.9. Discuss the important features of Remote Sensing. 

Ans :- The important features of Remote Sensing are :

(i) Remote Sensing is the science and art of gathering, storing, and extracting of geographic information from great distances.

(ii) The gatherer makes no physical contact with the target.

(iii) The process of remote sensing usually covers large areas. 

(iv) The best known satellite images have come from NASA series of Landsat satellites.

(v) The satellites have provided a wealth of information about the earth’s resources to map-makers and scientists.

(vi) With the development of technology and with drop in security regulations private business companies, academic and government are using this information and images for new non-military applications like town planning, monitoring pollution, locating areas of deforestation and identifying hundreds of physical patterns and processes.

Q.10. Give the features of Road transport.

Ans :- Road is the most common means of transportation system. Road transport is gaining importance because it offers door to door service. Road transportation is most economical over short distances.

According to material used in construction, roads may be of various types.

These types may be earthen, gravel, surfaced and cemented. 

According to importance, volume of traffic, make and maintenance, roads may be super highway, express way, national and state highway, district and village roads.

The quality of the road varies greatly between developed and developing countries because road construction and maintenance require heavy expenditure.

The world’s total motorable road length is about 15 million km.

Q.11. Give reasons why land transport is being developed from early days till today. 

Ans :- The reason why land transport is being developed from early days till today are given below:

(i) Most of the movement of goods and services takes place on land. 

(ii) In early days, humans carried goods on their head or shoulders

(iii) Later animals were used as beasts of burden. 

(iv) With the invention of the wheel, the use of carts loads cargo in rural areas.

(v) The revolution in transport came about only after the invention of the steam engine in the 18th century. Perhaps the first public railway line was opened in 185 between Stockton and Darlington in Northern England. Then onwards, railways became the most popular and fastest form of transport in the 19th century. It opened up continental interiors for Commercial grain farmings, mining and manufacturing in the U.S.A.

Q.12. Give an account of Railways of the world. 

And :- Railways are a mode of land transport for bulky goods and passengers are over long distance. Railways play a very crucial role in the industrial and economic growth of a country. It is specially suitable for medium distance travel over land surfaces.

Railways started in Great Britain in the year 1835. Since it has been playing an effective role in the development of industry, trade, and commercial over the world.

The railway gauges vary in different countries and are roughly classified as broad, standard meter and smaller gauges. The standard gauge is used in USA

Europe has one of the most dense rail networks in the world. There are about 4,40,000 k.m. of railway Belgium has the highest density of 1 km of railway for every 6.5 sq. kms area. 

In Asia, the rail network is the most dense in the thickly populated area of Japan, China and India. 

The patterns of railways seen all over the world are intensive, introgressive and trans continental.

Q.13. Discuss the important features of the ocean routes of the world.

Ans : The oceans offer a smooth highway traversable in all directions with no maintenance costs. It is the cheapest means of transport, especially. for foreign trade. They generally linked the importing and exporting countries. Compared to land and air, ocean transport is a cheaper means of haulage of bulky material over long distances from one to another continent.

Modern passenger liners and cargo ships are equipped with radar, wireless and other navigation aids. The development of refrigerated chambers for perishable goods, tanks has made cargo handling at the world’s major ports easier.

There are some major ocean routes in the world.

They are :

(a) The northern Atlantic sea Route.

(b) The suez canal routes.

(c) The Panama canal.

(d) The Mediterranean Indian ocean sea route.

(e) The cape of Good Hope sea Route.

(f) The pacific ocean route.

The northern Atlantic sea Route links North eastern USA and North western Europe. The two industrially developed regions of the world. The foreign trade over this route is greater than that of the rest of the world.

The Mediterranean Indian ocean Sea Route Passes through the heart of the old world and more countries and people than any other route. The cape of good Hope sea route across the Atlantic Ocean which connects west European and West African countries with South America. The suez canal and panama canal are two man-made navigation canals or waterways which serve as gateways of commerce for both the eastern and western worlds.

Q.14. Write an account of inland waterways.

Ans :- River, canals, lakes and coastal areas have been important waterways since time immemorial. Boats and steamers are used as means of transport for cargo and passengers. The development of island waterways is dependent on the navigability width and depth of the channel, continuity in the water flow, and transport technology in use. Island water ways actually save as supplements to roads and railways. In the dense forests areas rivers are the only means of transport.

The significance of rivers as inland waterways for domestic and international transport has been recognized throughout the developed world.

The great lakes of North America are significant examples of inland water transport. It is consisting of five lakes are connected together by 500 *canals. In France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, the rivers are interlinked by canals and make very long inland water transport.

The Danube waterway serves eastern Europe. The Danube river rises in the black forest and flows westwards through many countries. It is navigable up to Jacana Severing.

Q.15. Explain the features of satellite communication.

Ans :- Satellite communication is the fastest communication system in the present day world. Communication through satellites emerged as a new area in communication technology since the 1970s after the USA and former USSR pioneered space research. Today the internet is the largest electronic network on the planet. The Internet connects about 1,000 million people in more than 100 countries. With the help of online news, we can shop for goods, looking tickets, etc.

Artificial satellites, now are successfully deployed in the earth’s orbit to connect every site verification. These have rendered the unit cast and time of communication invariant in terms of distance. This means the cost of communication through satellite is very cheap. It costs the same to communicate over 500 km as it does over 5,000 km via satellite.

In India Satellite communication started in 1970. The first Indian scientific satellite Aryabhatta I was launched in 1975 and the second satellite Bhaskar was put in orbit in 1979. With the help of this satellite, photographs of the country were taken and their interpretation leads to getting various scientific information about our country.

Q.16. State the characteristics of Means of Transport.

Ans :- Transport involves physical movement of something between two places, which communication is the sharing of information.

The means of transportation may be categorized as :

(i) Land Transport

(ii) Water Transport

(iii) Air Transport

(iv) Pipelines.

(i) Land transport : Land transport includes roads, railways, etc. Most movement of goods and services takes place over land. It plays a very important role in the movement of goods and people. Road transport is the most economical for short distances compared to railways. It offers door to door services. 

Rail transport is the most economical for bulk commodity and general cargo transport, but it has minimum value for short distance haul. The pattern of railways are intensive, introgressive and trans continental.

Among the newer developments in land transportation are pipelines, ropeways and cableways. Liquids like mineral oil, water, sludge and sewer are transported by pipelines. In New Zealand, milk is being supplied through pipelines from firms to factors.

(i) Water Transport : One of the great advantages of water transportation is that it does not require route construction. It is much cheaper because the friction of water is for less than that of land. The energy cost is also less in this transport system. Water transport is divided into sea routes and inland waterways. Inland waterways are through navigable and perennial rivers, lakes and inland canals.

Sea routes generally link the importing and exporting countries.

(iii) Air transport : Air transport is the fastest of all kinds of transportation. It is very effective for movement of any traffic where time is a factor. It is often the only means to reach inaccessible areas. Air transport has brought about a connectivity revolution. Sometimes air travel is the only alternative to reach places such as earthquake disasters, landslides, avalanches.

Q.17. Discuss how Satellite Communication has brought revolutionary changes in the field of communication. 

Ans :- Satellite communication is the fastest communication system in the present day world. Communication through satellites emerged as a new area in communication technology since the 1970s after the USA and former USSR pioneered space research. Today the internet is the largest electronic network on the planet. The Internet connects about 1,000 million people in more than 100 countries. With the help of online news, we can shop for goods, look for tickets, etc.

Artificial satellites, now are successfully deployed in the earth’s orbit to connect every site verification. These have rendered the unit cast and time of communication invariant in terms of distance. This means the cost of communication through satellite is very cheap. It costs the same to communicate over 500 km as it does over 5,000 km via satellite.

In India Satellite communication started in 1970. The first Indian scientific satellite Aryabhatta I was launched in 1975 and the second satellite Bhaskar was put in orbit in 1979. With the help of this satellite, photographs of the country were taken and their interpretation leads to getting various scientific information about our country.

Q.18. Discuss the importance of the North Atlantic Sea Route. 

Ans :- The North Atlantic Sea Route is the major ocean route of the world. This route links North Eastern U.S.A. and North Western Europe which are the industrially developed regions of the world. The foreign trade over this route is greater than that of the rest of the world combined. One fourth of the world’s foreign trades move on this route. It is the busiest route in the world. The important sea ports of this route are lands, Glasgow, Liverpool, Humberg, Rotterdam, New York, Boston etc.

Q.19. Write an account on the Great Lakes- St. Lawrence Seaways. 

Ans :- Advantages of roadways :

(a) Roadways are suitable for short distance places. 

(b) Building and repairing of roads are cheapest.

(c) Roadways are also available in remote areas.

Disadvantages of roadways :

(a) The transportation charge are very high for long distance places 

(b) It’s not suitable for transportation of heavy goods.

(c) In the road transportation the chances of accidents are very high

Advantages of railways :

(a) Railway transportation is the cheapest means of transport.

(b) For the transportation of heavy goods, this transportation is very suitable.

Disadvantages of railways :

(a) The building and repairing of railway roads are very expensive. 

(b) It’s available only in plains not in hill areas.

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