Class 12 Education Chapter 5 (B) Attention and Interest

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Class 12 Education Chapter 5 (B) Attention and Interest

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(B) Attention and Interest

Chapter: 5


Part -B


( a ) Fill in the gaps: 

Q.1. Attention is ……….. side of interest. 

Ans :- Objective.

Q.2. Interest is …………… attention and attention is…………….interest. 

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Ans :- Latent, interest.

Q.3. ………… the mental readiness. 

Ans :- Attention. 

Q.4. Attention is a mental process, while interest is mental …………… 

Ans :- Condition.

Q.5. Attention paid to thought and ideas is called …………..

Ans :- Ideotional.

Q.6. Attention is concentration of ………… upon an object. 

Ans :- Mind.

Q.7. Interest originating from instinct is called …………… interest. 

Ans :- Ennate.

Q.8. Attention paid without any outside interference or force is known as ………….

Ans :- Voluntary.

Q.9. Attention paid due to the attractive capacity of the stimulus is known as …………. 

Ans :- Involuntary.

Q.10. An adolescent interest on opposite sex is…………….. interest. 

Ans :- Innate.

Q.11. A mother’s love for her child in …………. interest

Ans :- Innate.

Q.12. Our interest in morning newspapers is…………….interest. 

Ans :- Transitory or temporary.

Q.13. Intensity of an object is a …………. condition of attention.

Ans :- Objective.

Q.14. “Interest is Latent attention and attention is interest in action” …………… this statement was given by…………..

Ans :- Mc Dougall.

Q.15. “An interest is a disposition in its dynamic aspect”. It is said by …………… 

Ans :- Games Dreven. 

Q.16. Duration, intensity, Movement etc. are ………… condition of attention. 

Ans :- External. 

Q.17. “An interest is a disposition in its dynamic aspect” Who said this? 

Ans :- Draver. 

Q.18. “Interest is latent attention and attention is interest in action”- this statement was given by ………… 

Ans :- Mc. Dougall. 

Q.19. Attention paid at the time of examination is…………. type of Attention.

Ans :- Voluntary.

Q.20. Mother’s attention towards her crying child………….. attention. 

Ans :- Immediate. 

Q.21. Paying attention to a loud sound is example of…………. attention. 

Ans :- Sensory. 

Q.22. The word interest originated from a Latin word which means …………. 

Ans :- ‘It matters’ or Concerns with something. 

Q.23. According to …………. of interest is “a disposition on its dynamic aspect.” 

Ans :- Draver. 

Q.24. According to …………….. A thing that interests us is just something that concerns us or matters to us. 

Ans :- J.S. Ross. 

Q.25. Adolescent interest on opposite sex is example of…………. interest. 

Ans :- Innate. 

Q.26. Our interest in the morning news paper is an example of ………… interest. 

Ans :- Transitory. 

Q.27. Newness is a ……….. condition of attention. 

Ans :- important.

Q.28. Reward is a …………… condition of attention. 

Ans :- objective.

Q.29. Intensity and movement are …………condition of learning.

Ans :- objective.

Q.30. Ross classifies attention as volitional and …………. 

Ans :- non- volitional.

Q.31. “An interest is a disposition in its dynamic aspect”………… this statement was given by ……………..

Ans :- Drever. 

Q.32. The Latin root of the word ‘Interest’ means…………..

Ans :- ‘It matters’ or it concerns. 

Q.33. Attention depends upon the personal thought and ideas known as …………. Attention.

Ans :- ideational. 

Q.34. Attention of a scientist is ………….. type of attention. 

Ans :- ideational .

B. Write whether the following statements are true or false. 

Q.35. Attention is the process of getting an object of thought clearly before the mind. 

Ans :- True.

Q.36. Interest is a metal function while interest is a mental structure.

Ans :- True.

Q.37. Attention and consciousness mean the same thing. 

Ans :- True.

Q.38. Attention which needs no effort or will to sustain is called non-volitional attention.

Ans :- True.

Q.39. Children’s attention is non-volitional in nature. 

Ans :- True.

Q.40. We can attend more than one thing at a time. 

Ans :- Flase.

Q.41. Little children can not pay voluntary attention. 

Ans :- Flase. 

Q.42. Distraction always disturbs attention. 

Ans :- True.

Q.43. Inattentiveness implies absence of attention. 

Ans :- True.

Q.44. Repetition increases interest.

Ans :- True. 

Q.45. Interest creates attention but attention cannot create interest. 

Ans :- True.

Q.46. It is not possible to be completely inattentive in our waking state. 

Ans :- True.

Q.47. Attention is a mental process. 

Ans :- True.

Q.48. Mental health is a condition of attention. 

Ans :- True.

Q.49. Contrast is an objective condition of attention. 

Ans :- True.

Q.50. Emotions have no impact on our attention .

Ans :- False.

Q.51. Interest is a dynamic mental process. 

Ans :- True.

Q.52. Internal factors of attention are subjective. 

Ans :- True.

Q.53. Attention is a purposive activity. 

Ans :- True.

Q.54. Interest is independent of social influences. 

Ans :- False.

Q.55. Interests are static mental structure. 

Ans :- False.

Q.56. Interest is always inborn qualities 

Ans :- False. 

Q.57. One can not pay attention to the same thing for a long duration. 

Ans :- True.

Q.58. Acquired interests are universal in nature. 

Ans :- False.

Q.59. We can not attend two things at a time. 

Ans :- True .

Q.60. Interest may be temporary or permanent. 

Ans :- True.

Q.61. “Interest is latent attention and attention is interest in action”- this statement was given by ………..

Ans :- True. 

Q.62. Inattention does not mean absence of attention. 

Ans :- True. 

Q.63. Attention accompanies motor Adjustment. 

Ans: True. 

Q.64. Attention is a selective process. 

Ans :- True. 

Q.65. Attention is natural and instinctive? 

Ans: True. 

Q.66. Attention is the precondition of Interest. 

Ans :- True. 

Q.67. Interest is not an inborn quality. 

Ans :- False. 

Q.68. Interests are fixed. 

Ans :- False. 

Q.69. Interest is latent attention; attention is interest in action. 

Ans :- True. 

Q.70. Intelligence is not a source of interest. 

Ans :- False. 

Q.71. Objects of interest always cause satisfaction. 

Ans :- True. 

C. GIVE SHORT ANSWER (preferably in one sentence): 

Q.72. Mention any one subjective factor of attention. 

Ans :- Instincts.

Q.73. “Attention and interest are two sides of the same coin” – Who gave this statement? 

Ans :- J. S. Ross.

Q.74. What are the two types of voluntary attention? 

Ans :- Explicit voluntary, Implicit voluntary. 

Q.75. What is the meaning of the Latin origin of the word ‘interest’ 

Ans :- It matters or it concerns. 

Q.76. “Interest is latent attention and attention in interest in action”– Who gave this statement? 

Ans :- Mc Dougall. 

Q.77. ‘Attention is a process of getting an object of thought clearly before the mind’- who gave this statement? 

Ans :- J. S. Ross. 

Q.78. “To attend is in short to get set and ready to perceive a certain object or to perform a certain act.” Who gave this definition of attention? 

Ans :- Woodworth and Marquise. 

Q.79. What is oscillation of attention? 

Ans :- When attention moves from one subject to another subject then it is called oscillation of attention. Attention is dynamic.Therefore we can not give attention for a long time on a certain thing or object. 

Q.80. What do you mean by span of attention? 

Ans :- In a certain period of time people can give their attention to a limited number of things. This limitation of attention is called the span of attention. 

Q.81. A hungry man pays attention to food’.-Give reason. 

Ans :- Due to the instinct of biological needs a hungry man pays attention to food .

Q.82. A loud noise, a sparking light and deep-colour attracts our attention at once’- Mention the Cause. 

Ans :- These are external factors of attention. And loud noise, sparking light and deep colour impact our sense organs and create a tendency to pay attention. 

Q.83. “Size is a condition of attention’- Give an example.

Ans :- A teacher can write boldly on the black board and draw bold figures in order to draw attention of the students. 

Q.84. ‘We attend to a small stain on a white wall’- why? 

Ans :- It is happened due to the contrast. As we know that contrast is an dermal cause of attention. In a white wall small stain creates a contrast. Therefore we attend to a small stain on white wall. 

Q.85. Give an example of spontaneous attention. 

Ans :- The attention of a player on play is an example of spontaneous attention. 

Q.86. ‘Age is a factor of interest.’ – Discuss. 

Ans :- Interest differs with age and every age has its own pattern of interest. Different age groups of children have their own pattern of interests. 

Q.87. Give an example of permanent interest. 

Ans :- Interest of a business man towards his profession is the example of permanent interest. 


Q.1. What is interest? 

Ans :- Interest means ‘it matters to us.’ When we say that a person is interested in music, we mean that music matters to him. We have instinct and sentiments which are the two sources of interest. All of us are instinctively interested in our self-preservation. The birds are interested in nests, the infants in bright objects, the grown-up children in games. 

Similarly, sentiments are also the sources of interest. When we say that a – person is interested in swimming, we mean that he had developed a sentiment for swimming. 

Q.2. Mention two characteristics of interest. 

Ans :- Two Characteristics of interest are :-

( i ) Interest is that innate state of mind which inspires us to act from within. 

( ii ) Every one of us is blessed with feelings and interest generally originate from them. 

Q.3. What is temporary interest? 

Ans :- Transitory or temporary interest lasts only for a short time. This type of interest is motivated by some temporary external force at a particular point of time. It is situational in nature. 

Q.4. Write two objective conditions of attention. 

Ans :- Two objective conditions of attention:- 

i) Intensity of stimulus:- With other conditions being equal a strong stimulus attracts attention more than a weak one

ii) Size of the object:- In case of visible objects, a big size has an advantage over a small one. Our conscious mind easily invites it . The tallest boy or girl in the class easily catches the attention of all.

Q.5. What is acquired interest? 

Ans :- Acquired interests are due to acquired disposition like sentiments, habits, character ideas and tastes. These are results of training and education received in the environment. An acquired interest is the interest is the interest which is deliberately derived by a person. 

Q.6. What is attention? 

Ans :- Attention is generally defined as the ‘focussing and consciousness on an idea or object of thought’. Attention is always present in our conscious life. In every moment of our waking life we are attending to something. The process of attention helps us to understand ideas and objects clearly. 

Q.7. What is spontaneous attention? 

Ans :- Spontaneous non-volitional attention is sustained by the acquired sentiment of the individual towards something. Here attention remains passive but acts spontaneously due to interest already formed in mind eg. attention paid towards a beautiful piece of music. 

Q.8. Write the name of two distractors of attention. 

Ans :- Two distractors of attention are :-

(a) Size. and

( b ) Intensity.

Q.9. What are the objective conditions of attention? 

Ans :- The objective condition of attention are:- 

i) Movement:- A moving object draws our attention more easily than a stationary object.

ii) Intensity:- More intense light, sound or smell draws our attention more easily than less intense one.

iii) Novelty:- New kinds of objects draw our attention quickly. Advertising agencies adopt this technique very effectively.

iv) Size:- A bigger or a smaller object draws the attention of people very easily than average level of size of any object.

v) Change:- A change in our environment draws our attention quickly.

Q.10. Mention two environmental factors of interest. 

Ans :- (i) Educational environment. and 

( ii ) If the environment is less stimulating to children. 

Q.11. Why attention is considered as a selective activity of mind. 

Ans :- Selective attention is the process of focusing on a particular object in the environment for a certain period of time. Attention is a limited resource, so selective attention allows us to tune out unimportant details and focus on what matters.

Q.12. What is fluctuation of attention.

And:-  Attention is the mental process of bringing a few stimuli into the centre of awareness out of the many stimuli present.

It is difficult to attend to a single stimulus for a long period of time. Our attention shifts from the original stimulus to another stimulus for a fraction of time and then come back to the original stimulus. This may be due to factors like fatigue, decreased interest, etc. In most cases, attention fluctuates due to the limitations of human attention and hence cannot be totally eliminated.

Q.13. What do you mean by oscillation of attention? 

Ans : Oscillation of attention means processing of behaviourally relevant stimuli at the expense of irrelevant stimuli.

Q.14. What is the span of attention? 

Ans :- Attention may be described as focussing our conscious mind at a definite object. Attention of a person towards anything has its limitations. One cannot attend to too many things when presented immediately. There is a certain limit to which one may attend something when presented. Psychologists have undertaken experiments with individuals on the span of attention by using the apparatus called tachistoscope. From such an experiment it was found that usually an individual contained six points as six dots presented in the apparatus. Such a limit is known as the span of attention.

Q.15. What is transitory interest? 

Ans :- Transitory or temporary Interest last only for a short time. This type of interest is motivated by some temporary external force at a particular point of time. It is situational in nature.

Q.16. ‘Attention is a selective process’- Discuss. 

Ans :- Selective attention is the process of focusing on a particular object in the environment for a certain period of time. Attention is a limited resource, so Selective attention allows us to tune out unimportant details and focus on what matters.

Q.17. Why attention is considered as an exploratory process. 

Ans :- Attention is basically exploratory in nature; sometimes we attend to new objects. Novelty is favourable to attention because whenever we attend to a novel object we would explore its qualities.

Q.18. ‘Attention involves positive and negative aspects’-explain. 

Ans :- Attention involves positive and negative aspects. To explain it we can mention its positive and negative aspects separately. 

Positive aspects :- 

( i ) Attention is an act of focusing or concentrating our consciousness on a particular object or idea of the environment. 

( ii ) Attention is a mental activity. 

Negative aspects :- 

( i ) Attention is dynamic. 

( ii ) Attention is selective .

Q.19. What is ideational attention? 

Ans :- When attention is paid not due to the presence of external stimulent of mental activities like mental thought, idea, imaginative etc it is called ideational attention.

Q.20. ‘ Volitional attention may create interest’. Give an example. 

Ans :- An example of volitional attention may create interest if a student attends to his studies of his own account and not as a result of any external pressure, his attention will be called volitional attention. 

Q.21. ‘Attention is always shifting.’ Discuss. 

Ans :- The intensity of attention to a certain stimulus is also affected by the presence of other stimuli competing for your attention. This is referred to as shifting of attention. This means a person’s attention, through focused on something, usually moves to other things in one’s environment.

Q.22. Explain attention as a process of mental alertness. 

Ans :- Attention is a combination of how long a person can focus and how many things they can focus on. Attentional processes are the factors that influence focus and behaviour towards a stimulus. Essentially, it is how the brain decides to process information related to a stimulus.


Q.1. Explain the positive and negative aspects of attention with examples. 

Ans :- Merits :- 

( i ) Attention is an act of focusing or concentrating our consciousness on a particular object or idea of the environment. 

( ii ) Attention is a mental activity. 

Demerits :- 

( i ) Attention is mobile/dynamic. 

( ii ) Attention is selective.

( iii ) At a particular span of time we can attend to very limited objects or ideas. 

Q.2. Why interest is called latent attention. Explain. 

Ans :- There is a close relationship between attention and interest. The person’s attention is also focused on what he is interested in. The thing on which we start paying attention, our interest starts arising in it. According to Mc Dougall, “Interest is convert meditation and meditation is active interest.” Thus psychologists say that in order to concentrate on a subject or object, it is necessary to generate interest in it. 

Thus there are three main theories regarding interest and attention:- 

i) Attention is based on interest.

ii) Interest is based on attention.

iii) These two are two sides of same coin.

According to Crow,”Interest is the driving force that drives is to pay attention to a person, thing, or action.” Whether we are interested or not, we tend differentiate or differentiate things. Determine your likes or dislikes. Interest is both innate and acquired.

Q.3. What is volitional attention? Give examples. 

Ans :- Volitional attention is engaged when we deliberately focus our attention on a specific task, such as solving a mathematical problem or answering questions in an examination hall.

Q.4. Explain with example the nature of analytical attention. 

Ans :- When while playing attention every aspect of the object or idea is observed minutely it is called analytical attention. Instead of looking at the object of attention as a whole in analytic type, attention is focused on the details of an object.

For eg- While buying a dress if we pay attention to all the aspects the price, the quality of the material and the design etc. is the case and analytic attention. 

Q.5. What is sensory attention? 

Ans :- The term sensory attention is used to emphasize the fact that the data selection in our sensor is performed over the sensory signal, rather than over the retinotopic scene representation in intermediate processing levels on which attention may operate in brains.

Q.6. Give three examples of ideational attention.

Ans :- Examples of ideational attention are:-

1. When an individual is mentally engrossed in something and may even become mentally unconcerned of what is going in an around him.

2. When poets are composing any work he is unaware of his present surroundings. 

3. When scientists are working on some projects he is unaware of his surroundings. 

Q.7. Discuss attention as a process of focussing consciousness.

Ans :- Attention is the selective act of consciousness. To pay attention to mental activity. Unless the mind is active, it is not possible to focus attention on it. In order to focus attention on a particular object, the mind has to acquire and own the attitude of preparedness. 

Q.8. “Attention is always shifting”- explain. 

Ans :- The intensity of attention to a certain stimulus is also affected by the presence of other stimuli competing for your attention. This is referred to as shifting of attention. This means a person’s attention, through focused on something, usually moves to other things in one’s environment. 

Q.9. Give an example of derived attention. 

Ans :- An example of derived attention is

A student having no interest in science it, nevertheless, with full attention because he wants to pass in the examination.

Q.10. ‘A sleeping mother who is not disturbed by aloud noise outside, pays attention to even a faint cry of sick child.’ What is the reason? 

Ans :- The cause of it is instinct. Instinct determines our attention internally. The attention of a mother to her child is occured due to instinct. Therefore even a sleeping mother who is not disturbed by a loud noise outside, pays attention to even a faint cry of her sick child. 

Q.11. ‘ Interest resists fatigue’.- Explain.  

Ans :- There is an intimate relationship between interest and attention. Without interest it is very difficult to pay attention because interest is one of the most stimulating condition of securing and capturing attention. Without interest we cannot pay attention in the fulfilment of the instinctive needs. We attend to those objects or experiences to which we are interested. If we have no interest to the objects then fatigue in there. That is why it is rightly remarked that interest resists fatigue. 


Q.1. Volitional and non volitional interest. 

Ans :- Volitional attention exercises the will and demands our conscious effort for arriving at a solution or achieving certain goals. Unlike Non Volitional attention, Volitional attention is less spontaneous or automatic. Examples of Volitional attention could be paying attention while solving maths problem or attention focused on while answering examination questions.

Non Volitional attention does not involve any role of will; instead it is aroused either by instincts and hence called enforced attention or is produced by our sentiments and therefore called as spontaneous non  volitional attention. Examples of non volitional attention could be attention paid to the members of the opposite gender or mother’s attention on noticing her crying child.

Q.2. Sensory attention and Ideational attention. 

Ans :- The term sensory attention is used to emphasize the fact that the data selection in our sensor is performed over the sensory signal, rather than over the retinotopic scene representation in intermediate processing levels on which attention may operate in brains.

When attention is paid not due to the presence of external stimulent of mental activities like mental thought, idea, imaginative etc. It is called ideational attention. 

Example:- When an individual is mentally engrossed in something and may even become mentally unconcerned of what is going in an around him, it’s called ideational attention.

Q.3. Explicit and implicit attention.

Ans :- Explicit and implicit attention :- Explicit voluntary attention is paid clearly and definitely, due to the demand of the situation. In this type, the external condition of the environment forces individuals to pay attention. Thus voluntary attention that is paid immediately due to the attractive capacity of the stimulus is known as explicit voluntary attention. 

Implicit voluntary attention comes from within and not creation by external factors. When one is deeply involved with something his attention naturally develops from within towards that object. Mental maturity, a high level of intelligence, mental determination etc are essential for paying this type of attention. 

Q.4. Enforced and spontaneous attention. 

Ans :- Enforce non-volitional attention. This type of attention is driven by instincts. For instance, a young man becomes attentive when his curiosity or sex instinct is triggered. 

For example:- A mother’s attention towards her crying baby.

In spontaneous attention the selection seems to be psychically originated and directed, but it occurs without effort, even though the end to be achieved is clearly recognised and elaborately planned for.

Q.5. Discuss about the relationship between attention and interest. 

Ans :- There is a significant relationship between attention and interest. Attention is a selective act of mind. To attend to a thing is to concentrate on it by removing attention from other things. In this selection it is natural that the mind should select object in which it is best interested. This fits in our daily life. A boy who is interested in playing, will not tend to study. Hence, a successful trainer will try make the students interested in the his non- interested areas too.

Interest is affected disposition which evokes attention and maintains it. It is not a motor activity. It is sometimes innate and sometimes acquired. In the fulfillment of some instinctive needs, the animals naturally shows interest. A sportsman will be interested in sports news, an analyst will be interested in economic news etc. besides this these are acquired interest like a scientist will be interested in his instruments while a lay-man won’t. Attention and interests go hand in hand. Continued attention will develop interest, whereas interest will help to pay continued attention. It’s like interest is the fuel for attention.

Q.6. Write about distraction of attention. 

Ans :- Distraction is the process of diverting the attention of an individual or group from a desired area of focus and thereby blocking or diminishing the reception of desired information. Distraction is caused by: the lack of ability to pay attention; lack of interest in the object of attention; or the great intensity, novelty or attractiveness of something other than the object of attention. Distractions come from both external sources, and internal sources. External distractions include factors such as visual triggers, social interactions, music, text messages, and phone calls. There are also internal distractions such as hunger, fatigue, illness, worrying, and daydreaming. Both external and internal distractions contribute to the interference of focus.

Q.7. Explain what you mean by fluctuation of attention. 

Ans :- Attention is the mental process of bringing a few stimuli into the centre of awareness out of the many stimuli present. It is difficult to attend to a single stimulus for a long period of time. Our attention shifts from the original stimulus to the another stimulus for a fraction of time and then come back to the original stimulus. This may be due to factors like fatigue, decreased interest, etc. In most cases, attention fluctuates due to the limitations of human attention and hence cannot be totally eliminated.

Q.8. ‘Attention and interest are two sides of a same coin’- explain. 

Ans :- There is a significant relationship between attention and interest. Attention and interests are two sides of a coin. The attention is paid by the person even if person is not even interested in something or while doing a work. But if a person is interested in something then person will pay attention.

Q.9. Attention and interest are means and ends in education. 

Ans :- Attention and interest play a vital role in education. Without attention and interest learning is not possible. It is the primary duty of the teacher to create attention and interest. The success of a teacher largely depends on his ability to create interest in the subjects taught in the class. When the teacher is able to create interest in the student in the subject and the class he will be automatically attentive to them and learning will take place easily. That is why in the child centric education emphasis is laid on the study of interest of the child. 

The child has to be mentally prepared to learn. It is not an easy task for the teacher to have a fairly good knowledge of the mind of the child. Through his study of child psychology the teacher knows how to create interest in the subject he teaches. The teacher has to know desire, interest, aptitude of the child to motivate the child to read and learn. 

Once the teacher succeeds in creating interest of the child in the subjects, the learning process automatically begins. The teachers then do not have to toil hard to teach. Interest leads to attention which results in learning. A skilful and – efficient teacher tries to help the pupils to learn on their own after creating interest and encouraging them to embark upon the rodeos work of study. The curriculum should be framed keeping in view the child’s interest, aptitude, desire, need etc. Without attention learning is difficult. Interest creates attention. 

So both attention and interest are important in the education of the child. Modern education is child-centric, not subject centric. So, children’s interest and attention are given due emphasis in the modern educational set-up. Great educationists believe that the child learns when he feels interest which prompts and impels him to make efforts and work according to his ability. It is apparent that interest and attention are indispensable to education. 

Q.10. What is fluctuation of attention? Discuss with example. 

Ans :- We cannot pay attention to a single stimulus for a long period of time. Our attention shifts towards other stimulus for a fraction of time and comes back to the original stimulus. This is known as the fluctuation of attention.

Example:- When we are paying attention to eating, our attention may temporarily shift to a crow sitting on the branch of a tree outside our window and then again we pay attention to eating.

Q.11. ‘Interest is pre pre-condition of attention’- explain. 

Ans :- Attention and interest are inter-connected and mutually dependent. To pay attention to an object, a person or an activity is to have interest in them. Mc Dougall has very cogently said, “Interest is latent attention and attention is interest in action.” It is the interest which determines one’s attention.

Q.12. ‘Absence of attention indicates absence of interest’- Discuss.

Ans :- Interest and attention go side by side. Both attention and interest are organised dispositions in the mental structure. Interest stands for the mental structure itself, and attention for the experience which that mental structure determines. So Mc Dougall says ‘that to have an interest in any object is, then, to be ready to pay attention to it.” Actually interest determines attention, if something has a temporary interest then our attention. is also temporary. Therefore it is said that absence of attention indicates absence of interest. 

Q.13. Give an example where you have to pay sensory attention. 

Ans :- An example where you have to pay sensory attention:- You may notice whether a light is bright or dim, whether it is yellow, red or green, and so on. With sound you may notice whether it is loud or faint, whether it is melodious or distracting, and so on. These different qualities of stimuli are also registered by our sense organs.

Q.14. “A sleeping mother who is not disturbed by a loud noise outside, pays attention to even a faint cry of her sick child’ – what the reason? 

Ans :- To volunteer means to offer to do something out of one’s own will. As the name implies in voluntary or volitional attention, attention is paid without any outside interference or force. This type of attention comes from within and not created by external factors. When one is deeply involved with something his attention naturally develops from within towards that object. However mental maturity, a high level of intelligence, mental determination etc. essential for paying this type of attention. 

Q.15. “Interest resists fatigue’- explain. 

Ans :- Interest may refer to the motivating force that implies us to attend to a person, a thing, or an activity, or it may be the affective experience that has been stimulated by the activity itself. This importance and significance of interest in any learning activity cannot be exaggerated. Any volitional act whether it is for purposes of learning or memorising or satisfying one’s needs, cannot take place unless the person feels interested in it, and attends to it properly. This is because Interest resists fatigue’. 

Q.16. ‘Attention accompanies motor adjustment’ – explain with illustration. 

Ans :- Every act of attention has a corresponding motor adjustment of the body. While attending to something, our body has to make certain motor adjustments. These bodily or physical postures help in the act of attention. 

Q.17. Discuss about the environmental factors of interest. 

Ans :- The environmental factors of interest are as follows :- 

(i) Educational environment.

(ii) It is environment is less stimulating to children. 


Q.1. What is attention? Give some important definitions of attention. 

Ans :- Attention is a state of consciousness in which a person can respond to a stimulus or stimuli. In psychology, a stimulus can be a required task, an object, or an event that requires a response. Attention is a combination of how long a person can focus and how many things they can focus on.

According to Guildford, ” Attention is the process of focusing on one or few objects, persons or situations from among many from the field of awareness”.

According to William James, “Attention is the taking possession by the mind, in clear and vivid from, of one out of what seem several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought.

According to Dumville, ” Attention is the concentration of consciousness upon one object other than upon another”.

Q.2. Discuss about the importance of attention in education. 

Ans :- The importance of attention in education cannot be understated. Attention is part of a set of skills known as executive functioning skills, which are the skills involved in planning, focus, and memory. It is necessary to pay focused attention to something in order to process it and commit it to long-term memory. Attention also influences motivation, and it is easier for the brain to retain information that is motivating. For students, honing attention skills is an important part of successful learning. Students can practice the discipline of sitting aside distractions and choosing to focus on a classroom lesson, increasing their chance of understanding and retaining information.

Q.3. Describe the characteristics of attention. 

Ans :- The characteristics of attention are:- 

i) Mental Activity:- The process of focussing attention on any object or aim is performed by the mind, but the activity of the mind requires that the aim of concentrating upon the object or the goal should be clear. In the absence of clarity, the mental process does not become active. If the process is active, it provides a stimulus for attention.

ii) Selectiveness of Attention:- Our attention doesn’t focus upon a number of objects simultaneously; instead, at any one moment our attention focuses upon one specific object. The object on which our attention focuses itself is selected from among a number of objects, and that object possesses from specific and special feature or interest for us. This explains why, from among a class of 30 or 40 students, the teacher’s attention often directs itself primarily towards the naughty or the extremely dull students.

iii) Activeness or Alertness:- Attention is made possible because of consciousness, and for this reason it is alert. The activities or goals on which we focus our attention have their existence in our consciousness.

iv) Purposiveness:- It is a universal truth that we focus our attention only upon those objects which satisfy our needs or serve our interests, and that, for the achievement of our goals, we become completely attentive. During examinations students focus their entire attention on their studies because their interest lies in passing the examination.

v) Inquisitiveness:- Our attention is influenced by mobility and explore for novelty. Woodworth named it as inquisitiveness. It explore for new objects.

Q.4. Classify attention into different types and explain each type with example. 

Ans :- The different types of attention are:- 

i) Non-Volitional(Involuntary Attention):- This type of attention does not involve any role of will; instead it is aroused either by instincts and hence called enforced attention or is produced by our sentiments and therefore called as spontaneous Non-Volitional attention. Examples of Non-Volitional attention could be attention paid to the members of the opposite gender or a mother’s attention on noticing her crying child.

ii) Volitional ( Voluntary Attention):- Volitional attention exercises the will and demands our conscious effort for arriving at a solution or achieving certain goals. Unlike Non-Volitional attention, Volitional attention is less spontaneous or automatic. Examples of Volitional attention could be paying attention while solving maths problem or attention focused on while answering examination questions.

Q.5. What are the objective conditions of attention? Discuss about some important objective conditions of attention. 

Ans :- Objectives conditions are those factors of advantage which are found in the object selected for attention. The objective conditions of attention. 

Following are the objective conditions of attention:-

i) Movement:- A moving object draws our attention more easily than a stationary object.

ii) Intensity:- More intense light, sound or smell draws our attention more easily than less intense.

iii) Novelty:- New kinds of objects draw our attention quickly. Advertising agencies adopt this technique very effectively.

iv) Size:- A bigger or a smaller object draws the attention of people very easily than average level size of any object.

v) Change:- A change in our environment draws our attention quickly.

iv) Repetition:- When a stimulus is presented repeatedly our attention is diverted.

vi) Clarity:- An object or sound which can be experienced clearly draws our attention than the stimuli which are not clear.

vii) Colours:- Colourful objects draw our attention more easily than black or white objects.

viii) Contrast:- An object that is strikingly different from its background draws our attention.

Q.6. What are the subjective conditions of attention? Discuss about some important subjective factors of attention. 

Ans :- The subjective factors which influence attention are interests, motive, mind set and our attitude and moods.

The subjective factors of attention are:-

i) Interest:- Objects of our interest draw our attention immediately.

ii) Motives:- Motives are powerful forces which make us to divert our attention.

iii) Moral set:- Our set or readiness of mind is very important in attending to any stimulus.

iv) Emotional state:- Attention is disturbed during emotional state. It also affects our perception.

v) Habits:- Our attention is diverted automatically towards the things to which we are habituated.

Q.7. What is attention? Describe its determinants. 

Ans :- Attention is a state of consciousness in which a person can respond to a stimulus or stimuli. In psychology, a stimulus can be a required task, an object, or an event that requires a response. Attention is a combination of how long a person can focus and how many things they can focus on.

Determinants of attention:-

1) External factors or Condition.

2) Internal factors.

1) External Factors or Condition:- These conditions are generally those characteristics of outside situation or stimuli which make the strongest aid for capturing our attention.

i) Nature of the stimulus:- All types of stimuli are not able to bring the same degree of attention. A picture attracts attention more readily than words. Among the pictures, the pictures of human being invite more attention and those of human beings related to beautiful woman or handsome men, who attract more attention. In this way an effective stimulus should always be chosen for capturing maximum attention.

ii) Intensity and size of the stimulus:- In comparison with the weak stimulus, the immense stimulus attracts more attention of an individual. Our attention became easily directed towards a loud sound, a bright light or a strong smell, and also a large building will be more readily attended to, than a small one.

iii) Contrast, change and variety:- Change and variety strike attention more easily than sameness and absence of change, e.g. we do not notice the ticking sound of a clock put on the wall until it stops ticking, that is any change in the attention to which you have been attached immediately capture your attention. The factor, contact or change is highly responsible for capturing attention of the organism and contributes more than the intensity, size or nature of the stimulus.

iv) Repetition of stimulus:- Repetition is the factor of great importance in securing attention. Because one may ignore a stimulus at first instance, but if it is repeated for several times it captures our attention, e.g. a miss-spelled word is more likely to be noticed, if it occurs twice in the same paragraph than, if it occurs only once. While giving lecture the important aspects of the speech are often repeated so that the attention of the audience can be easily directed to the valuable points.

v) Movement of stimulus:- The moving stimulus catches our attention more quickly than a stimulus that does not move. We are more sensitive to objects that move in our field of vision, e.g. advertisers make use of this fact and try to catch the attention of people through moving electric lights.

2) Internal factors:- These factors predispose the individual to respond to Objective factors, to attend to those activities that fulfill his desires and motives and suit his interest and attitude. It is the mental state of the perceiver.

i) Interest:- Interest is said to be the mother of attention. We attend to objects in which we have interest. We would like to watch a movie or a serial in TV because we are interested in the subject around which the movie or serial revolves. In any get-together if any subject of our interest is discussed that attracts our attention easily and makes us to participate in the discussion. In our day-to-day life we pay attention to the stimulus we are interested in.

ii) Motives:- Our basic needs and motives to a great extent, determine our attention, thirst, hunger, sex, curiosity, fear are some of the important motives that influence attention, e.g. small children get attracted towards eatables 

iii) Mind set:- Person’s readiness to respond determines his attention. If we are expecting a stimulus, occurrence of that stimulus along with many other stimuli may not come in the way of attending to that particular stimulus. At a time when students are expecting the examination time table by the end of the semester the time table put out on the notice board along with other notices would attract their attention easily.

iv) Moods and attitudes:- What we attend to is influenced by the moods and attitudes. When we are disturbed or in angry mood, we notice the smallest mistake of others very easily. Likewise our favourable and unfavorable attitudes also determine our attention. After discussing subjective and objective factors, we realize that these factors are interrelated. How much or in what way we attend to a stimulus depends on subjective as well as Objective factors.

Q.8. What is interest? What are the source/factors on which it depends? 

Ans :- Interest means ‘it matters to us.’ When we say that a person is interested in music, we mean that music matters to him. We have instinct and sentiments which are the two sources of interest. All of us are instinctively interested in our self-preservation. The birds are interested in nests, the infants in bright objects, the grown-up children in games. 

Similarly, sentiments are also the sources of interest. When we say that a person is interested in swimming, we mean that he had developed a sentiment for swimming. 

Factors :- 

( i ) Innate tendencies:- On various occasions innate or inborn tendencies are basically responsible for our peculiar interests. 

( ii ) Age:- Interest varies as one grows older. 

(iii) Sex:- Interest is influenced by sex differences. It amounts for the pattern of preferred hobbies and leisure time activities of boys and girls. 

(iv) Physical condition:- Interest depends upon physical efficiency and readiness. 

(v) Intelligence:- Intelligence is also another source of interest as ability differences are accompanied by interest differences. 

(vi) Socio-economic status:- Individuals coming from different socio- economic environments show different patterns of interest. 

(vii) Learning and habit:- Learning and habits are factors of interest, learning and habits make one concerned of anything. 

Q.9. Describe different types of interest. 

Ans :- Innate interest is natural and is within the individual. An individual is very much inclined to sex because he has a natural or innate interest in it. 

On the other hand an individual may gain interest or acquire interest through a company. He may not be interested in smoking. But if he always moves with the friends who smoke regularly, he after sometime acquires interest in smoking. He becomes interested in smoking. This is called. acquired interest. 

Innate interest is inborn. Mother’s interest in her child is innate. Boy and girl’s interest in each other is innate interest. 

On the other hand interest in drawing, music, drama, social service etc., are acquired. It cannot be said as innate interest. This interest grows or develops with time and environment. So interest which gains is called acquired interest.

Q.10. Discuss about the characteristics of interest. 

Ans :- Characteristics of interest are :- 

( i ) Interest is that innate state of mind which inspires one act from within. 

( ii ) Every one of us is blessed with feelings and interests that generally originate from them. 

(iii) Interest may be innate or acquired. 

(iv) Interest may be long lasting as well as temporary. 

( v ) It is the driving force action. 

(vi) It determines attention or striving aspects of experiences. 

Q.11. Discuss about the role of teachers in developing interest and attention among the students. 

Ans :- Teachers are responsible to create an environment and learning opportunities that engage students attention. Students should seek to increase their attention to task by reducing personal distractions and engaging actively in the learning process to increase their information retention and their understanding.

Q.12. Write on educational significance of interest and attention. 

Ans :- Attention and interest play a vital role in education. Without attention and interest learning is not possible. It is the primary duty of the teacher to create attention and interest. The success of a teacher largely depends on his ability to create interest in the subjects taught in the class. When the teacher is able to create interest in the student in the subject and the class he will be automatically attentive to them and learning will take place easily. That is why in the child centric education emphasis is laid on the study of interest of the child. 

The child has to be mentally prepared to learn. It is not an easy task for the teacher to have a fairly good knowledge of the mind of the child. Through his study of child psychology the teacher knows how to create interest in the subject he teaches. 

The teacher has to know desire, interest, aptitude of the child to motivate the child to read and learn. Once the teacher succeeds in creating interest of the child in the subjects, the learning process automatically begins. The teachers then do not have to toil hard to teach. Interest leads to attention which results in learning. A skilful and efficient teacher tries to help the pupils to learn on their own after creating interest and encouraging them to embark upon the rodeos work of study. 

The curriculum should be framed keeping in view the child’s interest, aptitude, desire, need etc. Without attention learning is difficult. Interest creates attention. So both attention and interest are important in the education of the child. Modern education is child-centric, not subject centric. 

So, children’s interest and attention are given due emphasis in the modern educational set-up. Great educationists believe that the child learns when he feels interest which prompts and impels him to make efforts and work according to his ability. It is apparent that interest and attention are indispensable to education. 

Q.13. Give some suggestions for better concentration of attention. 

Ans :- The teacher should adopt the following devices to make the pupils attentive in the classroom. 

(i) First, the teacher must recognise that children’s interest varies with age, and he must know what differences in interest arise at different stages of their development. The teacher should be familiar with them and should adjust both the subject matter and the method to the capabilities and mental development of his pupils. 

(ii) Secondly, interest can be aroused when the teacher justifies to the pupils the value and importance of what they are going to learn. It means that for learning a lesson pupils should have a motive. 

(iii) Thirdly, the teacher should avoid monotony, because that kills interest. 

(iv) Fourthly, the teacher, should desist from bitter criticism and negative attitude at the students’ activities, functions and achievements. 

(v) Lastly, the learning period of students should not be unusually long if the students interest and attention are to be sustained. 

So, creating interest and attention in the students is a psychological device which largely depends on the attractive and professional efficiency of the teacher. 

Q.14. Describe different sources of attention. 

Ans :- One of the conditions of attention is objective condition. Following are the objective conditions of attention. 

( i ) Intensity of stimulus :- Loud sounds and bright lights naturally attract one’s attention.

( b ) Change :- Sudden changes of the stimulus make us curious and attentive. 

( c ) Novelty :- New objects attract attention more rapidly. 

( d ) Movement :- Moving things attracts our attention easily. 

( e ) Clearness of outline :- If a thing appears clearly before our eyes it naturally attracts our attention. 

The subjective conditions of attention are :- 

( i ) Instincts :- Instincts are the inherited structural dispositions that impel the possessor to perceive and pay attention to some objects. Out of curiosity we pay attention to certain objects. 

( ii ) Interests and aptitudes :- Our aptitudes are reinforced by our interests and attention which go side by side. We pay attention to those things for which we have the aptitude and interest. 

( iii ) Sentiments :- Sentiments are acquired dispositions centering around an object, an idea or an ideal. Our sentiments impel us to pay attention to the object. 

( iv ) Habits :- Another important subjective condition of attention is habit. We will habitually attend to certain things and not to others. Good habits will automatically impel us to do and attend to desirable activities and objects. 

Teacher succeeds in creating interest of the child in the subjects, the learning process automatically begins. The teachers then do not have to toil hard to teach. Interest leads to attention which results in learning. A skilful and efficient teacher tries to help the pupils to learn on their own after creating interest and encouraging them to embark on study. 

The curriculum should be framed keeping in view the child’s interest, aptitude, desire, need etc. Without attention learning is difficult. Interest creates attention. So both attention and interest are important in the education of the child. Modern education is child-centric, not subject centric. 

Q.15. Explain the concept of Interest. Describe the personal factors of interest. 

Ans :- The word interest originated from a Latin word which means, “It matters” or “It concerns”. When something matters or concern for an individual, it means he has interest in that object or idea. A boy is interested in cricket. It means the sport called cricket matters to him or he is concerned about it. 

The personal factors of interest are mentioned below :-

( i ) Innate tendencies :- On various occasions innate or inborn tendencies are basically responsible for our peculiar interests. 

( ii ) Age :- Interest varies as one grows older. Thus age is also a source of interest. 

( iii ) Sex :- Interest is influenced by sex differences. Sex differences account for the pattern of preferred hobbies and leisure time activities of boys and girls. 

( iv ) Physical Conditions :- What a person does and likes to do is determined in part of least by his physical ability. Thus interest depends upon physical efficiency and readiness. 

( v ) Intelligence :- Intelligence is also another source of interest. Ability differences are accompanied by interest differences.

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