Class 12 English Chapter 11 Journey To The End Of The Earth The answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse through different chapters Assam Board Class 12 English Chapter 11 Journey To The End Of The Earth and select needs one.
Class 12 English Chapter 11 Journey To The End Of The Earth
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Journey To The End Of The Earth
Lesson – 2
Supplementary Reader: Vistas
Question & Answers
Think as you read
1. How do geological phenomenon help us to know about the history of human kind ?
Ans : Geological phenomena really helps us to know about the history of human kind. A giant southern supercontinent Gondwana did exist 650 million years ago. The climate was much warmer. It had a huge variety of flora and fauna. Gondwana thrived for 500 million years. Finally it broke to separate countries as they exist today. It was the stage where dinosaurs were wiped out and the age of mammals began. The landmass was forced to separate after 500 million years into countries as they exist today. It centred roughly around the present day Antarctica. Thus Antarctica is a part of that human history.
2. What are the indication for the future of human kind ?
Ans : Rapid human population growth and limited resources exert pressure on land. Burning fossil fuels has only helped in increasing the average global temperature. Melting of ice caps, depletion of ozone layer and global warming are the real and immediate dangerous for mankind. They will affect the lines of all the Marine animals and the birds of the region.
Reading with insight
1. “The world’s geological history is trapped in Antarctica. How is the study of this region useful to us ?
Why is Antarctica the place to go, to understand the earth’s present, past and future ?
Ans : It is useful to us for understanding the geological history of human civilization. Six hundred fifty million years ago, a giant supercontinent did exist in the South Pole known as Gondwana. It lasted about 500 million years. But gradually it began to break into countries that we see today. The age of dinosaur was wiped out in this period. Mammal came into exist.
The landmass of Antarctica began to be cool. The warmer condition ceased. The landmass began to came to the north. India came to exist and the pressure created the Himalayas. The South America was joined with the North America. A current of cold water if began to blow to the south that made the South Pole frigid, lonely and manless. The 90% of the total ice of the world is trapped in Antarctica.
2. What are Geoff Green’s reasons for including high school students inn the students on ice expedition.
Ans : Geoff Green has solid reasons why he includes the highschool students in his mission. He realises that our elder people could not do nothing to save the world. But the students of the highschool are future of the world. Their proper knowledge on the world will help them to take positive steps towards the safety of the degrading environments. Going to the end of the earth they can understand, learn and realise the danger of the global warming ozone layer ‘s degradation and biodiversity problem.
Such expedition will, he expects, increase awareness about the environment of the world. They can realise the real danger by seeing the icecaps retreating and collapsing due to the global warming.
3. ‘Take care of the small things and the big things will take care of themselves ” What is the relevance of this statement in the content of the Antarctica environment ?
Ans : Antarctica had quite a simple ecosystem. It lacks bio-diversity. It is the perfect place to study how little changes in the environment can have big repercussions. The study of the very small one celled phytoplanktons are the grasses of the sea. They nourish and sustain the entire southern Ocean’s food chain. They use the sun energy. They assimilated carbon. They synthesis organic compounds. Further depletion of the ozone layer will affect the activities of the phytoplanktons. Consequently whole marine life of animals and birds has gone under changes. This small things have to be taken care of. If they are taken care of. If they are taken care of, big things will fall into places.
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Prose Section
Lesson – 3 (Memories Of A Chota Sahib)
Poetry Section
Lesson – 1 (My Mother At Sixty-Six)
Lesson – 3 (A Thing of Beauty)
Supplementary Reader: Vistas
Lesson – 2 (Journey To The End Of The Earth)
Lesson – 3 (On The Face Of It)
Lesson – 4 (Memories Of Childhood)
4. Why is Antarctica the place to go, to understand the earth’s past, present and future ?
Ans : To visit Antarctica is to be a part of earth’s past history. About 650 million years ago there was a giant super continent in the south.
It was called Gondwana. India and Antarctica were parts of the same landmass. Things were quite different then. Human hadn’t arrived on the earth. The climate of Antarctica was much warmer. It had a huge variety of flora and fauna. Dinosaurs became extinct. The age of mammals began. The landmass was forced into be separated into countries as they exist today.
About 90 percent of the earth’s total ice volumes are stored in Antarctica. There are no trees, buildings and human settlements.
Antarctica also provides a warning for the future. If the global warming results in constant melting of icebergs, it will bring ruinous results. The future depletion of the ozone layer will affect sea animals, vegetation and human very adversely. A small change in the climate condition of Antarctica will bring a great change to the condition of the entire earth.

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