Class 12 English Chapter 12 On The Face Of It

Class 12 English Chapter 12 On The Face Of It The answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse through different chapters Assam Board Class 12 English Chapter 12 On The Face Of It and select needs one.

Class 12 English Chapter 12 On The Face Of It

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On The Face Of It

Lesson – 3

Supplementary Reader: Vistas

Question & Answers

Think as you read

1. Who is Mr. Lamb ?  How does Derry get into his garden ? 

Ans : Mr. Lamb is an old man who lives in a big house and has a garden. One of his legs is of tin. It was blown off in the war. 

Derry thinks that there is no body inside. He climbs the wall and gets in the garden. His intentions is not to steal. He likes to be lonely and in lonely places. 

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2. Do you think all this will change Derry’s attitude towards Lamb ? 

Ans : Mr. Lamb has left a deep impression on the mind of Derry. He is sad and angry for his burnt face. He is sad and angry for his burnt face. He is frustrated. It is Lamb who motivates him to see the life positively. 

So, Derry goes back to Mr. Lamb, in spite of prevention from his mother. 

Reading with Insight

1. What is it that draws Derry towards Mr. Lamb in spite of himself ? 

Ans : Derry suffers from a sense of inferiority complex. He has a burnt face. This makes him lonely and withdrawn. He gives up man’s company. He can’t stand people’s uncharitable remark on his face. One-day, he meets Lamb. It is a meeting of two minds which are totally different, . Derry is withdrawn. Mr. Lamb is very social. Derry hates people who laugh at him. But Lamb doesn’t mind, being called Lamey Lamb’.

Derry, takes time to open his mouth. But finally, he does, as he finds a man who listens so cautiously. Lamb accepts life as it comes. He is always cheerful. 

He advises Derry to come up in the world as he has everything of a man which is needed to rise. So, he should not be upset. If he wants, he can be the best of all. 

2. In which section of the play does Mr. Lamb display sighs of loneliness and disappointment ? What are the ways in which Mr. Lamb tries to overcome these feelings? 

Ans : In the life of Mr. Lamb, there is no room for loneliness and disappointments. He has a positive way to think about life, world and nature. He welcomes everyone. He likes to talk and enjoy people’s company. He has lot of friends. He likes to children and their adventure. He has a tin leg. It was blown off in the war. But he never scares of that. When Derry once asks him whether the leg hurts him. Lamb gives a philosophical reply. That pain is nothing before his pleasure. He likes people, flower and nature. 

Lamb gets the better of his own loneliness and disappointment with the help of positive activities. He plucks the crab apples. He climbs himself with his tin legs to make jelly from them. He accepts life as it comes and never feels sad. He has his own garden to keep himself busy with his flowers, fruits and weeds. 

In this way, Lamb overcomes these feelings if loneliness and disappointment. He never closes the gate and keeps always his windows open. He loves life and that love makes him love everything and everyone of the world. 

Prose Section

Lesson – 1 (The Last Lesson)

Lesson – 2 (Lost Spring)

Lesson – 3 (Memories Of A Chota Sahib)

Lesson – 4 (Indigo)

Lesson – 5 (Going Places)

Poetry Section

Lesson – 1 (My Mother At Sixty-Six)

Lesson – 2 (Keeping Quiet)

Lesson – 3 (A Thing of Beauty)

Lesson – 4 (A Roadside Stand)

Supplementary Reader: Vistas

Lesson – 1 (The Tiger King)

Lesson – 2 (Journey To The End Of The Earth)

Lesson – 3 (On The Face Of It)

Lesson – 4 (Memories Of Childhood)

Lesson – 5 (Magh Bihu)

Lesson – 6 (The Enemy)

3. ‘The actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment is often much less than the sense of alienation felt by the person with disabilities. What is the kind of behaviour that the person expects from others ? 

Ans : The remark is true. The actual pain of a disable person is not caused by his disability alone, but by the behaviour that others show to him. People think that those disable person are unlucky. They never show any love towards the disables. What they exhibit is sympathy mixed with antipathy. Therefore, a disable person becomes withdrawn. He doesn’t want to meet or face people. 

In the drama, Derry who is a small boy thinks he can’t be like others. That idea is penetrated in his mind by the behaviour of the able person of a society. The comment of the woman who says that Derry is only loved by his mother, exhibits the notion of the society as a whole toward such unfortunates. Derry has no friends. He remains aloof from the society. He thinks that with a burnt check he is not fit to be a part of the society. He feels that no one will love and kiss him. Thus, he becomes a pitiful victim of depression and inferiority complex. He avoids people. 

Such person wants to be normally treated. He needs a human touch of love and motivation. Uncharitable remarks offend him. Only a balanced and human attitude adopted by Lamb towards Derry can comfort those persons. 

4. Will Derry get back to his old seclusion or will Mr. Lamb’s brief association effect a change in the kind of life he will lead in future ? 

Ans : Derry had a quite negative attitude towards life, world and people before he met Mr. Lamb. He had shut himself up in his own self. His burnt face made him desolate and depressed. So, he avoided people. Their cruel, uncharitable remarks offended him. He, thus tamed a deep feeling of hatred for such people. But after meeting Mr. Lamb, Derry understand that he should not give attention to others comment. He has a burnt face, besides he has everything, a person needs to rise in life. Mr. Lamb is also an impaired person. Children tease him calling ‘Lamey Lamb’. But he doesn’t mind that. He accepts life as it comes. He always feels happy. The world is full of joy. Every objects of it is a subject of great pleasure and happiness. So, with a tin leg, he has nothing to object. He leads a life of pure effort with his big house and his garden. He gives away toffees among children. He likes flowers, fruits and even weeds equally. He is positive and productive. 

Derry will never get back to his old seclusion. His burnt face can no more cat away his self-respect, poise and belief. He will surely find his place in the society like a normal man.

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