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Class 12 Education Chapter 2 Non – Formal Education
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Non-Formal Education
Chapter: 2
a) Fill up the blanks :-
1) The first Open University established by Central
government in India is ………………………………..
Ans:- Ambedkar Andhra Pradesh Open University.
2) The name of the first Open University in India is ………………………………
Ans:- Ambedkar Andhra Pradesh Open University.
3) The time limit of Non – formal education is not ……………………………………
Ans:- Rigid.
4) Formal Education :- School, Non – formal Education …………………………………..
Ans:- Outside school.
5) Distance between teacher and learner is important characteristics of …………………………………. education.
Ans:- Distance.
6) Non – formal Education gives importance on …………………………………… subjects.
Ans:- Variety.
7) Non formal education is accepted as complementary and supplementary to the ……………………………………. education.
Ans:- Formal.
8) Non – formal education is ………………………………….. and deliberate.
Ans:- Conscious.
9) Indira Gandhi National Open University is located in …………………………………..
Ans:- 1985.
10) …………………………………….. first introduced correspondence education on his ‘shorthand’ course.
Ans:- Iosal Pitman.
11) Indira Gandhi National Open University is located in ………………………………………….
Ans:- Maidan Garhi (New Delhi)
12) Krishna Kanta Handique State University was established in Assam in …………………………………………
Ans:- 2007.
13) The term distance education was first used by ……………………………………
Ans:- Holmburg.
14) Sir Isaac Pitman in …………………………………. first introduced a shorthand course for distance student.
Ans:- 1856, Germany.
15) The first correspondence course in Delhi University started in ………………………………………..
Ans:- 1962.
16) Government of India appointed a committee on correspondence Education under the chairmanship of ………………………………………
Ans:- K. L. Srimal
17) Correspondence Education is based on …………………………………….. communication.
Ans:- Postal.
18) In some places ………………………………… education is known independent education.
Ans:- Open.
19) The first open school in India was established in …………………………………..
Ans:- 1982.
20) The concept of Open University was first developed in …………………………………………
Ans:- England 1962.
21) The first Open University established in India in ………………………………………
Ans:- 1982, Andhra Pradesh.
22) …………………………………… publish the first correspondence course on book keeping in 1898.
Ans:- Hans Harmod in Sweden.
23) ………………………………….. was the chairman of Committee on Correspondence education and Evening college in India.
Ans:- D. S. Kothari.
24) Committee on Correspondence education and Evening college was appointed by government of India in …………………………………..
Ans:- 1962.
b) Write True/false :
25) Non – formal education is a life long Education.
Ans:- True.
26) Non formal education has no fixed curriculum.
Ans:- False.
27) Distance Education is a cost effective system of education.
Ans:- True.
28) Provision for Non – formal education is made for out – offs school children.
Ans:- True.
29) Non – formal education can not help in all – round development of the learner.
Ans:- False.
30) Distance Education is learner centric.
Ans:- True.
31) Non – formal education is free from all sort of rigidity.
Ans:- True.
32) Non – formal education is not need – based.
Ans:- False.
33) Distance Education is always open.
Ans:- True.
34) Non formal education is highly flexible.
Ans:- True.
35) Non formal education is not deliberate.
Ans:- False.
36) Flexibility of non – formal education differentiated it from formal education.
Ans:- True.
37) Non – formal education is examination oriented.
Ans:- False.
38) Non formal education is helpful to meet the need of neo literates.
Ans:- True.
39) Non formal education can fulfil all kinds of educational needs.
Ans:- True.
40) Distance Education is an indirect education.
Ans:- True.
41) Distance Education is a non institutionalised education.
Ans:- True.
42) Open Education has single entry point.
Ans:- False.
43) All Distance Education programme have the characteristics of open education.
Ans:- True.
44) Distance Education is possible without being open.
Ans:- False.
45) Non – formal education is structured and planned.
Ans:- True.
46) Continuing education is meant for removing the limitations of formal education.
Ans:- False.
47) non formal education has no relationship with formal education.
Ans:- False.
48) Non formal education is only for those who never go to school.
Ans:- False.
49) Delhi University introduced correspondence education in 1962.
Ans:- True.
50) Sir Issac Pitman published the first correspondence course on book keeping.
Ans:- False.
51) Correspondence education is a flexible extension of conventional education.
Ans:- True.
52) There is no difference between distance education and open education.
Ans:- False.
53) There is no position of evaluation in open education.
Ans:- False.
54) Some distance education programs are rigid in nature.
Ans:- False.
55) Syllabus of open school and formal system is not comparable.
Ans:- False.
56) The first open university was established in America in 1971.
Ans:- False.
57) Indira Gandhi National Open University was established in India in 1986.
Ans:- False.
58) IGNOU is the biggest Open University of world.
Ans:- False.
59) Indira Gandhi National Open University was the first open university in India.
Ans:- False.
60) Teaching – learning is individualized in distance education.
Ans:- True.
c) Give short Answer (preferably in one sentence):-
61) What is the full form of IGNOU?
Ans:- Indira Gandhi National Open University.
62) Mention a difference between formal and non formal education.
Ans:- Formal education includes adult basic education, adult literacy education or school equivalency preparation. In non-formal education, someone (who is not in school) can learn literacy, other basic skills or job skills.
63) Write the name of the first open university in India.
Ans:- Ambedkar Andhra Pradesh Open University.
64) Write the name of the first open university in Assam.
Ans:- Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University (KKHSOU).
65) Write the name of the system which is used in distance education to establish relationship between teacher and learner ?
Ans:- Distance Education (umbrella term)
66) Write the name of the biggest Open University of the world.
Ans:- Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).
67) Write the name of the second biggest Open University of the world.
Ans:- Delhi University.
68) Write the name of an open school known to you.
Ans:- Delhi open school.
69) In which year University of Delhi Started correspondence courses ?
Ans:- 1962.
70) Which country for the first time introduced the concept distance education ?
Ans:- Europe.
71) What is the meaning of SLM ?
Ans:- Self learning materials.
72) Who named Distance education as ‘telematic teaching’ ?
Ans:- Moore.
73) What is the medium of communication in correspondence education ?
Ans:- English, regional language.
74) When Indira Gandhi National Open University was established ?
Ans:- 1985.
75) Who initiated correspondence education in India ?
Ans:- 1962, Delhi University for B. A. Examination.
76) Is Non – formal Education institutionalised ? Give reason.
Ans:- Yes, Non-formal Education is institutionalised because after completion learn can get the certificate degree, diplomas like as formal education.
77) What is continuing education ?
Ans:- Continuing education is the process of learning that doesn’t stop at any particular stage is known as continuing education.
78) Why non – formal education is considered as a need based education ?
Ans:- It is conducted outside the formal system which is directed to meet the specific needs of various groups of persons.
B) Questions for 2 mark each.
1) What do you mean by Non-formal education?
Ans:- Nonformal education refers to any planned program personal and social. education for young people that is designed to enhance the range of skills, abilities, aptitudes, and competencies, outside the formal educational curriculum. and institution. Non-formal education is practiced by many youth organizations.
2) What is the role of the teacher in non – formal education ?
Ans:- The role of the teacher in non-formal education that the extracurricular activities take place outside it’s physical space. In such cases, any movements outside the school suppose assuming the teache’s responsibility for physical and psychical students’ security.
3) What is meant by Open?
Ans:- Open means free, without any barrier. All times those students who are unable to get formal education can get an education there.
4) What is Open education ?
Ans:- Open education means a mode of realising education, often enabled by digital technologies, aiming to widen access and participation to everyone by removing barriers and making learning accessible, abundant, and customidable for all. It offers multiple ways of teaching and learning, building and sharing knowledge, as well as a variety of access routes to formal and non-formal education, bridging them.
5) What is distance education ?
Ans:- Distance education is an education system model which all the teaching-learning activities between students and teachers who are living in different environment are conducted via communication technologies and traditional postal Services.
6) Why correspondence education is known as Postal education?
Ans:- Correspondence education is known as postal education because correspondence education is the oldest from of distance education distance education delivers the study meterials via various delivery models such as using the Internet or TV. whereas in correspondence learning, the study material is delivered to the learner via mail, or postal.
This is the main reason behind correspondence education is postal education. Correspondence learning programs have a high value on the job market. In fact, correspondence education has given students highly skilled training in the careers of their choice. Especially the correspondence students. Nowadays, there are a lot of recognized universities that provide correspondence or postal education.
7) Write about the origin of correspondence education.
Ans:- Correspondence education was first introduced by Issac Pitman in 1840. He provided his ‘short hand’ course to the students living at a distance places. In 1898, Hens Hermod published his first correspondence course on bookkeeping. Many others soon followed him. In India, the government of India appointed a committee on correspondence courses and evening colleges in 1961 under the chairmanship of D. S. Kothari. The committee recommended the introduction of correspondence courses and as a result of it, University of Delhi Started correspondence courses in 1962.
8) Give a definition of distance education.
Ans:- Distance Education is a formal educational process in which the majority of the learning occurs when student and instructor are not in the same location. Instruction may be synchronous or asynchronous and may employ audio, video, computer or other electric technologies. This would include for-credit and non-credit activities for either individual courses/modules or for entire programs. when conceptualized on a continumm, distance education includes 100% face-to-face off-campus learning, web enhanced learning blended learning and 100%online learning.
9) ‘Distance education is possible without being open’ – Discuss.
Ans:- Distance education refers to all forms of education which take place through communication means like online learning or correspondence, for which you don’t have to be present in a particular location for classes whereas open education usually refers to education which is available to anyone, regardless of student.
10) Describe Non – formal education as a supportive system of education.
Ans:- Non formal education is such type of education through which people can take education for the whole life. This education is considered as comprehensive education for all people and it can fulfil the need and interest of all people. It is a supportive and substitutes of formal education.
11) Why Non – formal education is considered as flexible system of education ?
Ans:- Non formal education is considered as flexible system of education, because there have no rigid/strict rules regulation in admission, curriculum construction, place of education, etc.
12) Why correspondence education is known as Postal education ?
Ans:- Correspondence education is known as postal education because correspondence education is the oldest from of distance education distance education delivers the study materials via various delivery models such as using the Internet or TV. Whereas in correspondence learning, the study material is delivered to the learner via mail, or postal.
13) “All open education is distance education, but all distance education may not be open” – explain.
Ans:- Open education refers to educational organisation that seek to eliminate barriers to entry into the world of education and learning. It means to erase the formalised roles of students and teacher. Other Hand distance education is a system of education in which there is no face to face relationship between the teacher and the taught but they are linked through correspondence, radio talk, television or computer.
14) Explain distance education as a flexible system of education.
Ans:- A flexible system of education is considered to be less expensive, yet effective, and without any geographical constraints. Students still have access to their mentors/teachers in some or the other way. For example, they have different forums for their questions, feedback or suggestions.
15) ‘Two way communications is an essential element of distance education’. – Discuss.
Ans:- ‘Two way communications is preferred when the discussion process is considered to represent learning evaluation at the meeting. so that students do not need to do additional assignments when class hours are over. Students are more excited during lessons, and their boredom levels decrease.
16) Mention two groups of people who may get benefit of non-formal education.
Ans:- i) Backward pupils.
ii) Dropout section of pupils.
C) Questions for 3 mark each.
1) Mention three merits of open education.
Ans:- The merits of the open education system are the following :-
i) Through this system of education higher education brings to the door step of needy person. Specially it help working persons, employees, housewives and the peoples of conservative attitudes.
ii) Open education system facilitates the people of Remote areas, Hilly areas, Rural areas, Drop outs, Adults who are not entitled to get education in time.
iii) Fees structure of this system of education is moderate so, most of the people are interested for it. Its expenditure is one third (1/3) of general education.
2) Who can be the learner of open school ?
Ans:- The learner of open school are:- Working persons, employees, housewifes, conservative attitude people, people of remote areas, hilly areas, rural areas, drop outs, adults can be the learner of open schools.
3) What are the objectives of open school ?
Ans:- Objectives of open schools are :-
i) To provide a non-formal, cost-effective alternative to formal secondary to senior secondary education.
ii) To supplement and relieve pressure on the conventional school system.
iii) To encourage flexible learning by giving students the freedom to choose where, when, what, and how they learn.
4) Explain the scope of non Formal Education.
Ans:- Scope of non formal education is very vast. It covers various levels of education ranging from pre – primary to university education. It comprises all areas of formal education. It provides new knowledge, understanding, interests, skills, critical thinking, appreciation etc.Non – formal education complements formal system of education. It exploits the time and resources of the individual and develop innate potentialities to the maximum.
The non – formal education can include within school education other kinds of professional and vocational programme like community development, farming
agriculture extension, technical training etc. It is meant for all for whom formal education is either unsuitable or unavailable.
Non – formal education may be class – room activities or distance education or correspondence course. It may on the job, part time, full – time as well as recurrent.
5) Write three merits of open education.
Ans:- The merits of the open education system are the following :-
i) Through this system of education higher education brings to the door step of needy person. Specially it help working persons, employees, housewives and the peoples of conservative attitudes.
ii) Open education system facilitates the people of Remote areas, Hilly areas, Rural areas, Drop outs, Adults who are not entitled to get education in time.
iii) Fees structure of this system of education is moderate so, most of the people are interested for it. Its expenditure is one third (1/3) of general education.
6) Mention the characteristics which distinguish Non – formal education from formal education.
Ans:- The characteristics which distinguish Non-formal education from formal education is that the formal education is too rigid as regards to time, place, duration, attendance, syllabus, methods, evaluation etc. Whereas non formal education is opposed to these characteristic. Formal education is too expensive whereas non Formal education is reasonable. Those joining formal education goes for degree or certificates or jobs whereas non – formal education do not care for degrees, diplomas and certificates.Formal education ends at a certain point of age whereas non Formal education is a life long system of education.
7) Mention three objectives of correspondence education.
Ans:- Three objectives of correspondence education are :-
a) To provide more freedom to learners in regard to admission, living and location of learning activities.
b) Through this system learners can integrate learning work.
c) To provide education facilities to all qualified and willing persons.
8) What do you know about IGNOU ?
Ans:- Indira Gandhi National Open University is known as IGNOU, is a central university located at new Delhi, India. Named after former prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi, the university was established in 1985 with a budget of Rs 20million, after the parliament of India passed the Indira Gandhi Open University Act, 1985(IGNOUAct1985).IGNOU is run by the central government of India, and with total active enrolment of over 4million students, claims to be the largest university in the world. IGNOU was founded to serve the Indian population by means of distance and open education, providing quality higher education opportunities to all segments of society. It also aims to encourage, coordinate and set standards for distance and open education in India, and to strengthen the human resources of India through education.
9) ‘Present world is facing three types of explosion’. What are these explosions ?
Ans:- These explosions are :-
1. Chemical explosion.
2. Mechanical explosion.
3. Nuclear explosion.
10) Explain how distance education helps us to face the educational problems caused by these explosions.
Ans:- Distance education helps us to face the educational problems caused by these explosions are the following ways :-
a) Distance education helps to equalize to educational facilities by distributing them equally to people irrespective of caste, religion and community.
b) Distance education helps forward broadly acquire knowledge of development process. It makes all realizes that every person has his birth right of achieving knowledge.
c) It helps to form real and adequate human resource by giving emphasis on the use of different electronic medias and the skills of modern technology such as radio, television, computer internet, email etc.
11) Mention three modern technical aids generally used it distance education.
Ans:- The there modern teaching aids generally used in distance education are :-
a) Radio.
b) Television.
c) Laptops.
D) Questions for 4 mark each :
1) What is distance education ? Mention different types of distance education system.
Ans:- Distance education “is a process to create and provide access to learning when the source of information and the learners are seperated by time and distance,or both. ” In other words,distance learning is the process of creating an educational experience of equal qualitative value for the learner to best suit their needs outside the classroom.
Different types of education system are :
1. Synchronous:- Synchronous distance learning refers to the real -time delivery of lectures. You will have live communications with your teacher and other similar technologies. Synchronous distance learning allows for face-to-face contact with instructors and classmates. As such, however, it is not as flexible as some learners may desire since you have to encounter your teachers and classmates at the scheduled time.
2. Asynchronous:- With asynchronous distance learning, learners advance through the curriculam at their own space. You will receive weekly deadlines, and therefore, you can work at your desired speed and schedule. There is no scheduled time for accessing the course content. However, you may interact through video comments, quizzes, and conversations.
2) What is open school ? Write briefly the need of open school.
Ans:- The term open school refers to learning that is flexible in terms of schedule, teaching roles, location, ways of access instructional methods, and other aspects of learning process. In an ever-evolving embodiment of modern communication technologies, the open school system in India takes a flexible approach to curriculum selection, pace, and study location. The distance mode allows this educational system to be open and adaptable, which is the system’s most essential feature. This system allows students to study at home, at work, or anywhere else that is convenient for them without having to attend regular classes. The open schooling system assists students who have failed their class 10th and 12th exams by allowing them to retake the board exam the same year.
Needs of open school :-
i) There is no upper age limit and qualification bar for admission to open school. Any persons who have completed the age of the yrs can go in school level courses.
ii) The examination system is flexible which suits to the need of all students.
iii) It is alternative system of education which offer educational opportunities to the poor and deprived classes of our society.
3) Write four objectives of open university.
Ans:- The objectives of open university are :-
i) To provide adult and social education in large scale and with minimum expenditure.
ii) To stem the tide of admissions in formal universities.
iii) To provide opportunities for citizens who are willing to improve their standerd of knowledge.
iv)To provide opportunities to persons engaged in different professions to get higher degrees or certificates which may enable them to get higher jobs or promotions.
4) What are the suggestions made by Kothari Commission regarding correspondence education ?
Ans:- In India, the government of India appointed a committee on correspondence courses and evening colleges in 1961 under the chairmanship of D. S. Kothari. The Committee recommended the introduction of correspondence courses and as a result of it, University of Delhi Started correspondence courses in 1962. According to the Committee correspondence education is the most vital and major avenue and in India it could play an important role in expanding, democratising, regularising and equalizing educational opportunities. It is a help for the weaker sections of our society and has a great potential to develope and serve not only traditional courses but also a wide range of Vocational and job – oriented courses.
5) Describe the ideas of Keegan regarding distance education.
Ans:- The ideas of keegan regarding distance education are:-
i) The distance between teacher and students can be seen in this education as there is no close relation between them.
ii) The teaching aids used here are different and modernized and technically advanced.
iii) The teaching learning is different for different learners as it is an individualised act.
iv) This education is totally industrialised.
6) How non – formal education can reduce the cost of education ? Discuss briefly by giving example.
Ans:- In non formal education the students are not required to go to any institution to get education. Education can be received through various mass – media. So the cost of attending school gets reduced. The cost of travelling to schools, colleges or universities is not required.
7) ‘Non formal education provides lifelong education give your own opinion in support of the statement.
Ans:- Non formal education is lifelong, process because whereby every individual acquires attitudes, values, skills and knowledge from daily experience and the educative influences and resources in his or her environment from family and neighbours, from work and play, from the market place, the library and the mass media.
8) ‘Non formal education is based on democratic principles’ — Describe briefly.
Ans:- The non formal education is based on democratic principles. Here education can be received by the rich, poor, backward class, general class at any time at any age of the individual. This education is productive so it is said to be democratic principles based education. Democratic principles of liberty, eqality, responsibility, justice, and cooperation should find full realisation in education to make it effective and meaningful”.It allows learners to participate actively in their own education, tailoring their learning experiences according to their needs and interests.
9) Why open education is necessary in present-day society? Explain.
Ans:- Education plays a vital role in the contemporary and industrialized world. People require adequate and authentic education to help them service in a competitive world. The present-day society comprises people who have better living standard and knowledge to implement improved solutions to better their problems. Education increases self-confidence and assists in developing the personality of the person. Education plays a big role in our life.
10) why it is necessary to promote non formal education in our country ? Discuss.
Ans:- Need to promote non formal education in our country are :- According to Peters “A method of important knowledge, skills and attitudes which is rationalised by the application of division of labour and organisational principles as well as by the extensive use of technical media especially for the purpose of reproducing high quality teaching material which made it possible to instruct great numbers of students at the same time wherever they live. It is an industrialized form of teaching and learning.
11) Mention the limitation of non formal education.
Ans:- The limitation of non formal education are as follows:-
i) The need of education is not fully meant by this education.
ii) It makes the teacher less responsible.
iii) It limits the learning of learners.
iv) It has no relationship between the learner and teacher.
12) Explain the scope of non formal education.
Ans:- Scope of non formal education is very vast. It covers various levels of education ranging from her primary to University education. It compromise all areas of formal education. It provides new knowledge, understanding, interest skill, critical thinking, appreciation etc.Non formal education complements formal system of education. It exploits the time and it resources of the individual and develop innate potentialities to the maximum. The non-formal education can include within school education other kinds of professional and vocational programme like community development, farming agriculture extension, technical training etc. It is meant for all for whom formal education is either unsuitable or unavailable. Non formal education may be classroom activities or distance education or correspondence course. It may on the job, part time, full time as well as recurrent.
13) What are the characteristics of correspondence Education ?
Ans:- The characteristics of correspondence education are as follows :-
1. Provides learning opportunities to individual learners and groups who may not have the chance and time to attend formal schooling.
2. Provides learning packages designed for self-directed learning utilizing various media, multimedia and other new technologies.
3. Has an organizatiolal structure and clear institutional systems
4. The self-directed nature of the learner’s involvement.
E) Questions for 5 mark each.
1) What is non formal education ? Discuss about its characteristics.
Ans:- Non-formal education refers to education that occurs outside the formal school system. Non-formal education is often used interchangeably with terms such as community education, adult education, lifelong education and second-chance education. It refers to a wide range of educational initiatives in the community, ranging from home-based learning to government schemes and community initiatives. It includes accrediated courses run by well-established institutions as well as locally based operations with little funding.
The important characteristics or salient features of non formal education may be stated as under :-
i) It takes place outside the school organization or school system.
ii) It is an open-ended process of education with lots of discussions, sharing, exploring, analyzing, judging, etc.
iii) The non-formal education is planned and planned and takes place apart from the school system.
iv) The timetable and syllabus can be adjustable.
v) Non-formal education has no age limit.
vi) It involves learning of professional skills.
vii) It may be full time or part-time learning and one can earn ans and learn together.
2) Explain the objectives of non formal education.
Ans:- Objectives of non formal education are :-
i) To develop in children various linguistic skills and enable them to listen, speak, read and write properly.
ii) To motivate which are dropouts or such children who have not gone to primary school and enter them into the fold of Non-formal education.
iii) To facilitate transfer of appropriate technology to more need based areas of activity.
iv) To make social and community education programmes need the demands of rapidly industrializing societies.
v) To mobilize existing and potential local resources in the community.
3) Discuss about the scope of non formal education.
Ans:- Scope of non formal education is very vast. It covers various levels of education ranging from pre-primary to university education. It comprises all areas of formal education. It provides new knowledge, understanding, interests, skills, critical thinking, appreciation etc. Non formal education complements formal system of education. It exploits the time and it resources of the the individual and develop innate potentialities to the maximum. The non formal education can include within school education other kinds of professional and vocational programme like community development, farming agriculture extension, technical
training etc. It is meant for all for whom formal education is either unsuitable or unavailable.
Non formal education may be classroom activities or distance education or correspondence course. It may on the job, part time, full time as well as recurrent.
4) What are the importance of non formal education ?
Ans:- The main importance of non formal education are:-
i) It is a fundamental approach to building confidence among individuals.
ii) People start trusting their instincts by learning different methods in any field.
iii) Students acquire emotional, cognitive, and other various inclusions of practices for skills.
iv) It provides a platform for developing new skills and generates opportunities.
v) It creates value for the areas in which it is conducted.
5) Mention the limitation of non formal education.
Ans:- Limitation:-
i) The need of education is not only meant by this education.
ii) It makes the teacher less responsible.
iii) It limits the learning of the learners.
iv) It has no relationship between the learner and teacher.
6) Describe the objectives of distance education.
Ans:- The objectives of distance education are –
i) To provide an effective alternative path to wider opportunities in education and especially in higher education:- There are different categories of potentials learners. There are some who never been able to enter into any institution of higher learning. There are some who just need additional knowledge in a particular discipline. There are still others who are in need of refresher courses to cope with the latest development in their perfection. For all of those there is need for distance learning or correspondence education.
ii) To provide an efficient and less expensive education:- Provision of universal schooling is beyond the means of our country. Increasing population and limited resources is the predicament of our educational planners. It is difficult to divert huge sums of money in a developing economy to match the required level of expansion for traditional schooling, Distance education is the only practical alternative.
iii) To provide education facilities to all qualified and willing persons :- The objective of correspondence courses is to provide education facilities to all qualified and willing persons who are unable to join regular university and other courses due to various reasons. For them, there is an incessant search for an alternative system and that system is distance education.
iv) To provide opportunities of academic pursuits to educated citizens willing to improve their standard knowledge:- There are many learners, both young and adults, who cannot afford to join the face-to-face system of education due to personal and professional responsibilities. For such type of persons, some provisions have to be made through distance education, Hence, the objective is to provide opportunities to improve the standard of knowledge and learning through continuing education while in employment.
v) To provide education facilities to those individuals who look upon education as a life-long activity:- Distance education facilities are needed for those individuals who look upon education as a life-long activity or to acquire knowledge in a new area. Because life-long education is emphasized for all stages of life in this context, the report of the national policy on education.
7) Write the characteristics of distance education. 2015, 2016
Ans:- Characteristics of distance education:-
i) Flexibility:- One of the main reasons why people choose online learning is the ability to balance their private and school commitments. In most cases, students who opt for online education have commitments that cannot be postponed. That is why they need the freedom of being able to plan when they will attend lectures and complete assignments. In addition e-learning allows a learning rhythm that does not depend on their students, so one speed up or slow down depending on their ability and commitments.
ii) All learning materials are in one place :- In online learning, learning materials are available to students at all times. Educational institutions are obligated to private each student with the learning materials necessary for passing exams and successfully completing the course. Learning material usually refers to recordings of online lectures, online books, tests, etc. Literature is mostly stored on the school server or sent to students’ email so they could use it when it suits them. This saves time and facilities independent learning.
iii) Possibility of delayed viewing /replay:- People choose distance learning because they want to have the freedom to study when their obligations allow. This is possible thanks to the mean characteristic of online education, I.e.possibility of delayed viewing. All lectures are recorded and uploaded to the server, after which they are available to students.The recorded material can be paused rewound, or rewatched, which makes it easier to follow lessons and maintain the desired learning space.
iv) Cost effective:- Online education is, as a rule, significantly cheaper than traditional education. Tuition fees are lower primarily because students are not physically present at lectures . In addition, there are no accompanying costs of transportation, books and food. Online education only requires a stable internet connection and a laptop.
iv) Quality:- Distance education provides high-quality that not only enables the acquisition of new knowledge, but also internationally recognized diplomas and certificates. A large number of schools that organize online courses have years of experience in this field, and can guarentee top quality teachers and latest study programes. This is why diplomas and certificates acquired in online programs are highly valued around the world, both by other educational institutions and employers.
8) Discuss the importance of the distance education in our country.
Ans:- The importance of the distance education in our country are as follows:-
1. Rapid growth of education:- With the advancement of education and technology, it is almost impossible to incorporate new changes through formal education.
2. Population:- This unexpected growth rate of population has reduced the chances for formal education to educate each and every student.
3. Geographical limitations:- Many students who are living in places which are geographically isolated finds difficult to take education through regular classes.
4. Qualification improvement:- Distance education provides opportunities to students who want to improve their qualification while being in their present jobs.
9) Explain the concept of open education.
Ans:- Open education denotes a very simple concept, the nature of which is first legal, but then largely economic: it describes educational resources that are openly available for use by educators and students, without any accompanying need to pay royalities or licence fees. A board spectrum of frameworks is emerging to govern how open education are licensed for use;some licences allow only copying while others make provision for users to adopt the resources that they use. The best known of these are the creative Commons licences. They provide legal mechanisms to ensure that authors of work can retain acknowledgement for their work while allowing it to be shared, can seek to restrict commercial activity if they so wish, and can aim to prevent people from adapting work if appreciate (although this may be difficult to enforce in legal terms at the margins).
10) Write the characteristics of open education ?
Ans:- The chatecteristics of open education are ar follows:-
i) To facilitate providing equal opportunities of education to citizens to the country.
ii) to develop bridge/preparatory courses for working adults and women who don’t have any formal qualification.
iii) To provide education for students of economically backward sections of the society who cannot afford to continue formal schooling.
iv) To provide education to dropout students who have completed class 7 or 8.
v) To enable those students to enter the system who have failed in class 10 and 12.
11) What are the merits of open education ?
Ans:- The merits of the open education are as follows:-
i) Cost-efficient:- It is proved to be cost efficient as free structure of schools are quite high whereas open education institutes changes relevently low amount.
ii) Time for self study:- School curriculum are quite hectic and children get exhausted. however, open education provides flexible as well as ample timing to the students for self study.
iii) Attendance:- Minimum percentage of attendance is a criteria for promotion in school whereas such things are not there in open education schools.
12) Discuss about the open education system in India.
Ans:- Open education is an educational movement founded on openness,with connections to other educational movements such as critical pedagogy,and with an educational stance which favours widening participation and inclusiveness in society.Extension of education has a dire necessity in modern society. To meet this need open school system evolved in society. Due to limitation of formal education a good number of people are deprived from education. Most of the people of our society are under poverty, so they are not in a position to get education on time. In addition there are some disabled families, illiterate guardians , remote areas , communication less areas, early marriage system, people of conservative attitude , economically backward people who engage their children in work in early year. Formal education system has no place to include them. To meet their demands open school is necessary in our society.
Along with art and culture, Science and technology have developed immensely in present society. In present context explosion of knowledge has no limitation and traditional system of education is not fit to meet the social demands. As a result of their challenging attitude open education helps to meet these demands of society.
13) Discuss about the objectives of Open University ?
Ans:- The objectives of Open University are :-
i) To provide adult and social education in large scale and with minimum expenditure.
ii) To stem the tide of admissions in formal universities.
iii) To offer educational facilities to people in their own homes and at their own jobs and at a time convenient to the learners.
iv) To create an open education Centre, which will be a basis for fast development of continuing education in Poland.
v) To offer equal opportunity to everyone to learn and acquire knowledge to raise their level of living.
14) Discuss about the characteristics of open education.
Ans:- The characteristics of open education are:-
i) To provide large option of learning options for the learners.
ii) Students become more responsible and motivated as they are engaged in their job works too.
iii) Increases the self-study power of the learners.
iv) Open access to people who need higher education and who arenot able to join the universities.
v) Provide chance for learning while earning.
15) Discuss about the instructional and evaluation system of Open University.
Ans:- Instructional process of Open Universities :- The open university uses a variety of methods for teaching,including written and audio materials,the internet,disc-based software and television programmes on DVD. The course materials of the Open University are designed in a very high order students are supplied instructional materials in time. Most of the instructions are imparted through distance mode rather than face to face communication. Well tested and scientifically developed pedagogy aap distance education is employed. For the instructional propose printed lessons, audio and video cassettes are being used.
Evaluation system of Open University :- Evaluation system has an extensive literature, but it has offered little in the way of prescriptions for use by those who want to evaluate their teaching. This paper considers evaluation at the open university and relates this to the issues found in the literature. A case study of an ad hoc evaluation, done by teachers with no claim to being professional evaluators, is presented. This evaluation proved to be useful in improving course materials, despite the fact that it did not consciously draw an evaluation system. The deficiencies of such a theory are considered, in the light of the practical requirements which arise in the case study.
16) discuss about the the developmental trend of Open University.
Ans:- Open University system is an important venture of the system of education. Teeth is one such alternative for taking education to the doorsteps of those who are desirous of learning. Open University provides the opportunity of education to out of institution learners, School dropouts, working adults, house wives and learners from disadvantaged sections of of the society living in villages m remote areas of the country. Open University offers and open entry system. There is no restriction on the the upper age limit. The important features of the university are relaxed entry qualifications. A study programme is suitable to learners pace and convenience, flexibility in choosing courses and use of of contemporary and appropriate educational and communication technology. The national policy of education 1986 also laid importance or or Open University. Indira Gandhi National Open University which is established in 1985 strengthened the destination of Higher Education. The national policy of education 1986 also laid the stress on opening. Open university in their won area IGNOU will disburse grants in aid as financial assistance to the state open universities and the the departments of distance education programme.
17) Discuss about anyone agency of non formal education.
Ans:- One agency of non formal education is correspondence education. Correspondence education is taken up as an effective alternative system of providing education to all level to a varied group. It has the same educational Philosophy and goals as the formal system of education but different in the means, the methods and the target group.Those who cannot join regular courses due to oo economy or academic factors join the correspondence courses. It is a a system through which individual may complete a prescribed courses of study offered buy an institution without attending to its classes. The educational transaction in this method is facilitated by the medium of print which is conducted with the help of postal system.
Examination, evaluation and certification of the the learn on on completion of their course are are also made by the authority concerned.
18) ‘Open education system can meet the need of all types of people of the society’ describe this statement with your own arguments.
Ans:- Following are the main objectives of open education system :-
i) To facilitate providing equal opportunities of education to citizens to the country.
ii) to develop bridge/preparatory courses for working adults and women who don’t have any formal qualification.
iii) To provide education for students of economically backward sections of the society who cannot afford to continue formal schooling.
iv) To provide education to dropout students who have completed class 7 or 8.
v) To enable those students to enter the system who have failed in class 10 and 12.
19) ‘Non formal education is a gift for late bloomer, dropouts and to the deprived’. Describe this statement.
Ans:- Scope of non formal education is very vast. It covers various levels of education ranging from pre-primary to University education. It comprises all areas of formal education. It provides new knowledge, understanding, interests, skills, critical thinking, appreciation etc.
Non-formal education complements formal system of education. It exploits the time and resources of the individual sexy video and develop innate potentialities to the maximum.
The non formal education can include within School Education other kinds of professional and vocational programme like community development, farming agriculture extension, technical training etc. It is meant for all for whom formal education is either unsuitable or unavailable.
Non formal education may be classroom activities for distance education or correspondence course. It may on the job, part time, full time as well as recurrent.
Three objectives of non formal education are :-
i) Non formal education aims at improving the quality of education by shifting the emphasis from teaching to learning.
ii) Non formal education aims at to make provisions for advancement and dissemination of knowledge.
iii) Non formal education aims at Tu universalize elementary education of those who are not attending school for various reasons.
20) What is the need and importance of non formal education in present de condition ?
Ans:- It generates national income and more adaptable employment opportunities. It also assists in the transfer of proper educational equipment to more need-based areas. It may cater to various learning programs like adult literacy, fundamental education for non-school going children, life skills or culture, and diversity. Non-formal education includes adult basic education, adult literary education or school equivalency preparation. In Non-formal education, someone who is not in school can learn to read, write, and other basic life or job skills.
Importance of non-formal education in present de condition are:-
i) It is a fundamental approach to building confidence among individuals.
ii) People start trusting their instincts by learning different methods in any field.
iii) Students acquire emotional, cognitive, and other various inclusions of practices for skills.
iv) It provides a platform for developing new skills and generates opportunities.
v) It creates value for the areas in which it is conducted.
21) Discuss non formal education system in practice.
Ans:- Non-formal education refers to education that occurs outside the formal school system.Non-formal education is often used interchangeably with terms such as community education,adult education, lifelong education and second-chance education.The concept of non formal education has recent origin. It is yet in developing stage. The concept of non formal education differs from person to person and from place to place. To many person it is just the opposite for formal education which is given in the school, to sum it is only supplementary to Formal School system. In the beginning non formal education was meant for dropouts. But now it is intended for all it would meet the need of school dropouts, neoliterates, working women and above all child labour, disadvantage groups. Being liked with general development it help it students to learn various skill beside numeracy and literacy. Non formal education provides various learning opportunities not available in the formal system. By nature it is highly flexible and inexpensive. But this system is structured and planned, but out side the realm of formal education.
22) Describe the importance of correspondence education.
Ans:- In Correspondence education all the course materials are delivered to the learner via mail or electric. So that the students can study their materials on their own at their on space. The most important and intresting thing in correspondence education is, you don’t need to attend your regular classes.
The importance of correspondence education are:-
i) To universalisation of education.
ii) To enhance the education qualification of the employed person and to complete the incomplete education of the wishers.
iii) This education system is necessary for the working people to gain current information and knowledge in order to enhance their working efficiency.
iv) To develop and serve, not only traditional courses but also a wide range of Vocational and job oriented courses.
v) To fulfil the aspiration for higher education of those who will deprived of it due to economic problem, domestic burdens, distance of educational institution etc.
23) What are the demerits of open education?
Ans:- The demerits of open education are as follows:-
i) Even today the number of open education extension centre are very limited.
ii) It fails to provide education to all people who have not obtained formal education.
iii) Other education seems to be limited in the urban area.
iv) Only the middle class people seem to be benefited through it.
v) Programme operational contact in this education is not acceptable.
24) What is corresponding course? Discuss about its characteristics.
Ans:- Correspondence education is the method of providing education to nonresident students, who receive lessons and exercises through mails and, upon completion, return them for analysis, criticism, and grading to the college or university concerned.
Characteristics of correspondence course:-
i) Correspondences education is a lifelong and continuous process.
ii) Each in every status of society can join this type of education.
iii) It gives a radical meaning to the concept of the independence of the adult learner.
iv) It provides education using different mediums of communication.
v) Here, the relation between teacher and learner is indirect.

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