Class 12 Education Chapter 3 Current Trends in Education

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Class 12 Education Chapter 3 Current Trends in Education

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Chapter: 3


A) Questions for 1 mark each :-

1) Earth summit, 1992 was held in……………………….. city.

Ans:- Brazil.

2) The international environmental education conference was held at Belgrade (Yugoslavia) in…………………………

Ans:- 1975.

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3) The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment was held in 1972 at…………………………..

Ans:- Sweden Stockholm.

4) World population Day observed on……………………

Ans:- 11th July.

5) every year environment day celebrated on…………….

Ans:- 5th June.

6) The first intergovernmental conference on environment education held on………………… in…………..

Ans:- 1977 Russia, Thilise.

7) International women Day observed on…………………….

Ans:- 8th march.

8) percent literacy rate in India is……………………………

Ans:- 74.4%.

9) The percentage of the population of India is……………

Ans:- 1,028 million.

10) ……….. is systematic way of discipline posture and body movements done especially as straining or to sustain for improved health.

Ans:- Physical education.

11) Women’s Reservation Bill, ensuring ………… % reservation to women in parliament and state legislative bodies.

Ans:- 33%.

12) Which year Stockholm conference was held ?

Ans:- 1972.

13) The word ‘Environment’ comes from a French word………….

Ans:- Environ.

14) Environment is the aggregate of…………. that influences the life of organisms.

Ans:- Biotic and non biotic factors.

15) Earth summit was held at………………..

Ans:- 1992.

16) Objectives of environmental Education were formulated in……………. conference.

Ans:- Belgrade.

17) Environment is divided as physical, social and………….. environment.

Ans:- natural.

18) Tbilisi Inter – Governmental conference on environment education was held in…………….

Ans:- 1977.

19) ……… a prerequisite of a sound mind.

Ans:- Sound health.

20) …………… are general standard and higher order of norms.

Ans:- values.

21) Women education committee was format in………….

Ans:- 1956.

22) Commission on status of women was appointed in…………………

Ans:- 1972.

23) To ’empower’ women literary speaking is to give…………… to women.

Ans:- equal status.

24) Stockholm Conference on Human Environment was organised in……………….

Ans:- 1972.

25) The Centre of Environmental Education in India was established in…………………………

Ans:- Ahmedabad.

26) ………… is a person’s idea of what he actually wants.

Ans:- Value.

27) National committee on women education was appointed in…………….

Ans:- 1958.

28) National policy for the empowerment of women was passed in………………

Ans:- 2001.

29) “Protection of women from domestic violence bill” was passed in India in…………..

Ans:- 23rd June 2005.

30) The Government of India declared………… as the year of women’s Empowerment.

Ans:- 2001.

31) Women’s reservation bill, ensuring……… % reservation to women in parliament and state legislative bodies.

Ans:- 30%.

32) The basic need of population education is to check……………….

Ans:- Population explosion.

b) Write true or false:- 

33) Workshop on international environmental education was held at Belgrade in 1972.

Ans:- false.

34) Earth summit at Rio-De-Janeiro in 1992.

Ans:- true.

35) Environmental education is an interdisciplinary subject.

Ans:- true.

36) Environmental education is not related with values.

Ans:- false.

37) Sex education is a part of population education.

Ans:- true.

38) Population education is meant for family planning.

Ans:- true.

39) Population education is normative science.

Ans:- false.

40) Population education acquaints students with demographic concepts.

Ans:- true.

41) Physical education develops self confidence.

Ans:- true.

42) Games are competitive in nature.

Ans:- true.

43) Values are normative standard.

Ans:- true.

44) Values are taught not caught.

Ans:- true.

45) Women empowerment strengthen decision making power of women.

Ans:- true.

46) Women empowerment gives authority/autonomy to choose and to make self decisions.

Ans:- true.

47) Stockholm conference on human environment formulates the guidelines for Environmental education.

Ans:- true.

48) Objectives of environmental education were formulated in the Belgrade Conference.

Ans:- true.

49) Environmental education should be a lifelong process.

Ans:- true.

50) Environmental education aims at creating values.

Ans:- false.

51) The study of population explosion and population education is an important aspect of environmental education.

Ans:- true.

52) Environmental education makes us conscious about our cultural environment also.

Ans:- false.

53) 6th July is observed as World Population Day.

Ans:- false.

54) Physical education develops human personality in totality.

Ans:- true.

55) Values are innate, not acquired.

Ans:- false.

56) Values promote social efficiency among individual.

Ans:- true.

57) Women empowerment helps women to overcome stigma to play non traditional rule in society.

Ans:- true.

58) Which year Stockholm conference was held ?

Ans:- Stockholm conference was held in 1869.

59) Which year ‘national policy for the empowerment of women’ was adopted by the government of India ?

Ans:- ‘National policy for the empowerment of women’ was adopted by the government of India in 2001.

60) Which country is the most populous country of the world ?

Ans:- China is the most populous country of the world.

61) Write why Environmental education is education about the environment ?

Ans:- Education through the environment, about the environment and for the environment is called Environmental education.

62) What is family planning ?

Ans:- The family planning programmes are mainly concerned with planning the size of the family.

63) what is sex education ?

Ans:- sex education has been defined as an educational programme, designed to provide the learners adequate and accurate knowledge of the biological, socio – cultural and moral dimensions of human sexuality.

64) what are sports ?

Ans:- sports are like football, cricket, hockey etc.

65) show your acquaintance with the derivative meaning of the world ‘environment’?

Ans:- The word environment has been derived from the French word ‘environ’ or ‘environer’ which means ‘around’ or ‘to surround’ or ‘to encompass’ or ‘to in circle’.

66) what do you mean by exercise ?

Ans:- Exercise means that you develop the habit of taking regularly for the physical development of an individual.

c) questions for 2 mark each :-

1) What is the environment ?

Ans:- Environment is the surrounding in which an organization operates, including air,water, land,natural resources, flora,fauna,human beings, and their interrealation.

2) what is physical education ?

Ans:- physical education is a course taught in school that focuses on developing physical fitness and the ability to perform and enjoy day-to-day physical activities with ease

3) write two ways of imparting value education.

Ans:- There are two distinct ways of imparting value education, such as :-

i) direct. and

ii) indirect.

The systematic and deliberate instruction on values provided in the school time table is known as a direct way of important values. In some states moral education is imported in this manner. Here, values to inculcated are explained, discussed and illustrated stories, moral dilemmas and real life events. Indirectly value education can be imported through the regular co curricular activities.

4) What is population explosion ?

Ans:- population explosion is a world phenomenon. India accounts for about 15% of the world’s total population. The first fairly reliable estimate of the world’s population was made in 1950 i.e. according to that estimate the population was about 500 millions. The growth of population during 1971-81 was bigger than the total population of Brazil, which is the 6th most populous country in the world. However, both China and India are making tremendous efforts to control it.

India presents a peculiar challenge because of each man land ratio. Relatively stable and high birth rate, consistently declining death rate and wide regional disparities. Thus, India’s are perhaps one of the worst affected countries fallen victim to the colossal dragon of ‘population explosion’. Since independence, India has made tremendous progress in the field of economic and social development, yet all the developmental efforts are swallowed up by the number added to her population. If India, with her limited resources, does not start playing serious attention, to the galloping rate of population growth, her economic and social structure may soon get upset and human population in the third world is destined to suffer 

5) what is population education ?

Ans:- Population explosion is the phenomenon of the size of a population tending to a very large number in a finite interval of time is called population explosion i.e.,rapid increase in population for a long time may be termed as “population explosion”.

6) What is value education ?

Ans:- Value education is an essential component of the educational process that aims to instill core values, ethics,and principles in individuals. It goes beyond the acquisition of academic knowledge and skills and focuses on shaping a person’s character and guiding them to make ethical and moral choices in life.

7) Define Environmental education.

Ans:-  Environmental education is a process that allows individuals to explore environmental issues,engage in problem solving, and take action to improve the environment. As a result, individuals develop a deeper understanding of environment issues and have the skills to make informed and responsible decisions. 

8) What is the cultural environment ?

Ans:- Cultural environment is a business concept that helps comprehend a group of people’s or society’s norms and collective ideas based on their culture ,religion, location, nationality, language, and other elements.The study of social hierarchy,social norms and practices,regional/religious-based groupings,and their behaviour helps to understand the cultural environment of a location. This assists a marketer incorrectly placing products. 

9) Which day is observed as World Population Day ?

Ans:- 11 July.

10) which day is observed as World Environmental Day?

Ans:- 5th June.

11) Who introduced the concept of population education?

Ans:- prof. Noel David Burleson.

12) What is value ?

Ans:- A value is a belief that something is good and worthwhile. It defines what is worth having and worth striving for.

13) what is women empowerment ?

Ans:- Women empowerment refers to the activities undertaken to improve the social, economic, and political status of women in the world. The female gender has faced subjugation and systematic oppression throughout history, and the situations call for improvement in their condition in society. 

14) Which year of “protection of women from domestic violence bill” was passed ?

Ans:- 23 June 2005.

15) Give a definition of environment ?

Ans:- Environment is anything immediately surrounding an object and exerting a direct influence on it.

16) Describe Environmental education as a problems solving approach.

Ans:- Environmental education is the first and foremost step in saving the environment from further deterioration. As such, the real task of the day is to make the people aware, create interest and environment in them to provide basic knowledge man nature interaction and its effect to adopt the recommended measure for maintaining the ecological balance.

17) Define population education.

Ans:- Population education may be defined as a process of developing awareness and understanding of the population situation among people and making them more responsible towards managing the population. 

18) Define physical education.

Ans:- Physical education is the education through physical activities for the development personality of the child to its fullness and perfection in body mind and spirit. 

19) How physical education may help in developing self confidence among students.

Ans:- Including physical activities like sports leads to a bass to a measured boost in self confidence and positive attitude. Participation in sports, martial arts or even dance and aerobics is always a positive influence on an individual’s overall personality. There we can say physical education helps in developing self confidence among students.

20) Mention two important issues of women empowerment.

Ans:- i) Low female literacy.

ii) Social conditions like women’s right violation.

21) Distinguish between sports and games.

Ans:- Games and sports are very similar:a game is a physical or mental activity or contest that has rules and that people do for pleasure on the other hand a sport is a contest or game in which people do certain physical activities according to a specific set of rules and compete against each other. 

22) write a brief note on ‘Rio – De – Janeiro earth summit’.

Ans:- In June 1992, more than 100 heads of states met in Rio-De-Janeiro in Brazil, for the first International Earth Summit.The Summit was convened for addressing urgent problems of environmental protection and socio economic development of the global level.The assembled leaders signed the Declaration on Global Climatic Change and Biological Diversity. The Rio convention endorsed the global Forest principles and adopted Agenda 21 for achieving Sustainable Development in the 21st century.

23) Discuss sustainable development as an important aspect of environmental education.

Ans:- The role of education for sustainable development is important. Because education and training peers appear as determinant factors for increasing creativity and rationality problem solving and decision making. Sustainable development means the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

24) ‘physical education promotes healthy lifestyle’. Explain.

Ans:- Physical education aims at promoting good health in students. The pupils perform a number of physical activities and play games, they develop good health. In the words of J. B. Nash, “health in recreation are results while physical education activities are means”.

25) write the name of two committees related to women empowerment in India.

Ans:- i) Durgabai deshmukh  committee of 1959.

ii) Smti Hansa Mehta committee of 1962.

d) questions for 3 mark each :-

1) What are the components of the environment ?

Ans:- Environment can be divided into three parts.

Those are :-

i) Biotic environment:- Animals, birds, woods, insects, reptiles, and microorganisms such as algae, bacteria, fungi, and viruses are all included. 

ii) Abiotic:- It comprises everything that isn’t alive, such as air, clouds, dust, land, mountains, rivers, temperature, humidity, water,water vapour, sand, and so on. 

2) what are social values ?

Ans:- Social value is a broader understanding of value. It moves beyond using money as the main indicator of value, instead putting the emphasis on engaging people to understand the impact of decisions on their lives. The people’s perspective is critical. 

Organisations will always create good and bad experiences, but on balance should aim to create a net positive impact in the present and for a sustainable future. They should measure their impacts and use this understanding to make better decisions for people. 

3) What are values ? Define.

Ans:- Values are defined in organizational behavior as the collective conceptions of what is considered good, desirable, and proper or bad, undesirable, and improper in a culture. Some common business Values are fairness, innovation, and community involvement. 

4) What is women empowerment ?

Ans:- women empowerment may be defined in several ways, including accepting woman’s viewpoints, making an effort to seek them and raising the status of women through education, awareness, literary, training. Women’s empowerment equips and allows women to make life-determining decisions through the different societal problems. They may have the opportunity to re-define gender roles or other such roles, which allow them more freedom to pursue desired goals. 

5) Mention three important areas covered within the scope of environmental education.

Ans:- population explanation and its impact upon environment. Environmental awareness. Standard of living and health condition and effect of environment on it.

6) Explain the meaning of environmental awareness.

Ans:- Environmentalism is an ideology that evokes the necessity and responsibility of human to respect, protect, and preserve the natural world from its anthropogenic afflictions. Environmental awareness is an integral part of the movement’s success. By spreading awareness to others that the physical environment is fragile and indispensable, we can begin fixing the issues that threaten it. 

7) should population education be imparted in schools ? Why?

Ans:- Yes, population education. Should be imparted in school. Population education should start from the early classes and should continue in the secondary  and higher secondary stages. Thus population education should be a continuous process. It is desirable that small children even in the primary classes should be made conscious about the scarcity of means, in the vastness of demands. As the later States, the idea may be developed and more details may be furnished, so that the students may accept this education in a natural manner.

8) discuss the relationship between education and women empowerment.

Ans:- Education is regarded as an important milestone of women empowerment because it enables them to face the challenges, to confront their traditional role and change their life. Education of women is the most powerful tool of change their position in the society. 

e) questions for 4 mark each.

1) How can Environmental education be imparted in an education institution ?

Ans:- Principles which an educational institution follow providing Environmental education are :-

i) Environmental education helps in programming learning experiences from simple to complex. For e.g. children look at a bird, so that eating figs or insects or watch it flying. All this gives them some awareness of the eating and flying habits of birds.

ii) Environmental education helps children to proceed from indefinite ideas to definite ones. An infant for e.g. is not able to distinguish between colours, but as it grows, it learns to discriminate among different shades.

iii) Environmental education helps children to proceed from concrete to abstract. Since the environment is full of concrete things which children may examine and classify and interpret and then draw their own conclusions and inferences about them.

iv) Environmental education has social relevance – relevance to mens interaction with his physical and social environment, its relevance to changing human attitudes which cause man to hate man and beget hatred on one or the other ground namely caste, creed, colour and religion etc. 

2) Why is population education needed ?

Ans:-  Its main purpose is to create awareness,to provide knowledge and to develop positive attitude for improving population situation to ensure a better life now and in future.   

Population education can be needed in many ways :-                        

i) population education helps in removing blind beliefs that exist in the minds of people. For the maintenance of quality like this education is very essential.

ii) population education is essential for improving the quality of general education.

iii) population education studies on the problems arising from population explosion and the measures to cope with them.

iv) Population education helps in establishing equality of sexes by helping women to acquire their rightful status and become equal to their made counterparts.

v) it is essential for creating a responsible citizen.

3) Does modern physical education differ from the ancient period? How?

Ans:- It is said that physical education should be included in the first ten years of school education. For the proper development of body, mind and spirit, health and physical Education including games and sports should be included in both the causes and end evaluation of performance of the students.

At the upper primary stage, exercises, gymnastics, athletics, judo, yoga, drill, scouting and guiding etc, should be introduced. These options should be made available subject to the facilities available and the learners performance. In health education, prohibition should be made for creation among learners and awareness related to common health problems, safety measures, nutritional problems, first aid, sanitation and pollution.

At the high school stage, athletics, gymnastics, yoga, meditation, swimming etc to be included in the course of physical education camping and various team games and competitions should be introduced in both upper primary and high school stages. NCC, guiding, scouting, social service should be added to the compulsory programmes of physical education. In health education stress should be given on maintenance of proper health, impact of environmental pollution on health, food and nutrition, control and prevention of diseases and so on.

4) what are the principles of environmental education ?

Ans:- The principles of environmental education are:-

i) To consider a continues life process. 

ii) To be interdisciplinary in approach. 

iii) To focus on current, potential environmental situations. 

iv) To emphasize active participation in prevention and control of population. 

v) To examine root cause of environmental degradation. 

5) why is women empowerment essential ?

Ans:- i) Women are generally found to be economically weak in our country. Only an insignificant number of women that too in the urban areas, are economically dependent on men and this fact has made them weaker. They require economics independence to be on par with men.

ii) Most of the underdeveloped and developing countries, women are found to be less literate than men and this has forced them to become dependent among men in India is 76 % whereas it is only 64 % among women. The rate of school dropouts is also found to be comparatively higher in case of women. Lack of education is the main cause of their exploitation and negligence. Only literacy can help them to understand the constitutional and legislative provisions that are made to strengthen them.

6) Environmental education is education from environment, education about environment, education for environment, – discuss.

Ans:- Today it is becoming increasingly important to combat the danger inherent in the growing deterioration of our environment pollution of air, water in soils, psychological, and mental aberrations resulting from the mechanizations of life, the artificial and violet stimuli as noise, depletion of nonrenewable resources, increasing contents of chemicals in human and animal food and their lethal effects, deterioration of natural conditions and ecological balance and the life activities detrimental to natural environment.

Environmental education is the first and foremost step in saving the environment from further deterioration. As such the real task of the day is to make the people aware, create interest and involvement in them to provide basic knowledge about man nature interaction and its effect to adopt recommended measures for maintaining the ecological balance. 

No programme of rational environmental management can be successful until and unless the common people are familiar with the theory, principal and practical methods of safeguarding and using rationally the National resources and improving man’s environmental conditions. Hence, EE here’s most important rule to play in solving the major problems of environmental deterioration and of nature conservation.

Essentially interdisciplinary approach and is exprossive of appreciation of interrelatedness of social, cultural, political, economic and technological awareness in man with the geological, atmosphere and biological system of nature. However it is desirable to have a conscious learning of this relatedness at all stages of formal education. Thus the traditional faculties of a university have it grouped together in a school system for important environmental education. It has to be an interfaculty or a super faculty programme.

7) Describe different modes for providing physical education school.

Ans:- It is said that physical education should be included in the first 10 years of school education. For the proper development of body, mind and spirit, physical education including games and sports should be included in both the causes and evaluation of performance of the students.

At the upper primary stage exercise, gymnastics, jado, yoga, drill, scouting and guiding etc. Should be introduced. These options should be made available subject to the facilities available and the learners performance. In health education. 

Provision should be made for creation among learners of an unawareness related to common health problems, safety measure nutritional problems, first aid, sanitation and pollution.

At the high school level, athletics, gymnastics, yoga, meditation, swimming, etc, are to be included in the course of physical education camping and various team games and competitions should be introduced in both upper primary and high school stages. NCC guiding, scouting, social service should be added to the compulsory programmes of physical education. In health education stress should be given on maintenance of proper health, impact of environmental pollution on health, food and nutrition, control and prevention of diseases and so on.

8) Point out the characteristics of environmental education.

Ans:- The characteristics of environmental education are as follows :-

1. It is a process of recognizing the interrelatedness among man, his cultural and biological surrundings. 

2. It appears to be a process the equips human with awareness, skills-attitudes, values and commitments to improve environment. 

3. It refers to the knowledge and understanding of physical, biological, cultural and psychological environment and to perceive it’s relevance for real life situation. 

4. It identifies the imbalances of environment an tries to improve it in view of sustainable development. 

9) What are the objectives of environmental education ?

Ans:- The objectives of environmental education are as under :-

1. To spread awareness of the reasons behind environmental degradation and suggest methods to reduce the activities that are harming the environment. 

2. To develop the attitude to take steps for environmental protection. There should be a sense of responsibility among the population to protect the environment. 

3. The proper knowledge of the activities that harm the environment will help in finding alternatives like electric vehicles are the replacement of vehicles that run on fuel, solar panels can be used to generate electricity instead of burning coal, etc.

4. To create a feeling of responsibility among individuals towards Environment.

10) what are the objectives of women empowerment ?

Ans:- The objectives of women empowerment are as follows :- 

1. Improving women’s participation in higher education, technical education and vocational courses.

2. Empowering women for development as well as for prosperity. 

3. Women if educated and given a chance, have proved that they excel in their professions and carees. 

4. Educated and enlightened women can look after familier better and make nations progressive. 

11) Describe different elements of Environment.

Ans:- Different elements of Environment are :-

i) physical elements such as land, air and water.

ii) biological elements such as plants and animals.

iii) social elements such as Population, social system, social relations, urbanisation, social change etc.

iv) cultural elements such as political, economic, social, moral values of life, religion etc.

v) energy elements such as solar energy, geo – thermal energy etc.

12) Explain the relationship between education and environment.

Ans:- Education and the environment are closely related. Education helps people understand the importance of protecting and preserving the environment, and also provides the knowledge and skills needed to make sustainable choices and take action to protect the environment. On the other hand, a healthy environment is essential for providing the resources and opportunities needed for education and personal development. Additionally, many educational institutions have programs and initiatives in place to promote environmental sustainability on campus and in the community. 

13) Discuss the rule of co curricular activities in imparting Environmental education among students.

Ans:- The co curricular activities played an important role in Environmental education. The teaching strategies of Environmental education can be used to provide awareness, developing skills and attitudes towards the environment but active participation in problem solving and protection in conservation is equally important area of environmental education. Various co-curricular activities can be organised as the most important and appropriate means for providing such opportunities to the students.

The co curricular activities can be organised through various programmes :-

i) To clean the environment in and outside the school through NSS camps.

ii) To grow plants and develop gardens for the protection of the environment.

iii) To clean the public places, park etc.

iv) To construct roads in the village areas by organising NSS camps, scout and guide camps etc.

v) To help the villagers to dig pits for waste management and also to teach them how the bio – degradable and non – degradable waste should be managed.

14) what is the role of a teacher in imparting Environmental education in educational institutions ?

Ans:- Teacher play a predominant role in imparting knowledge and sensitizing the students and society about the environment. They help to tackle the various environment issues. Environmental problems have increased tremendously because environment is being abused beyond its capacity by human beings. Issues related to environmental problems have become a major concern for the international community particularly for educational policy makers and curriculum developers.  Teachers are the potential change agents and are capable of generating a workforce of enlightened,s killed and motivated learners using formal and non formal channels of education. Teachers should be actively involved in the implementation of environmental education programs. Several measures and strategies have been considered to intervene. Among these is the use of school curriculum by teachers to impart knowledge to protect and preserve environment. 

15) Discuss four important aspects in the areas of environmental education.

Ans:- Four important aspects in the area of environmental education are as follows :-

i) Population explanation and its impact on environment.

ii) Problem of environmental pollution and its preventive measures.

iii) Environmental degradation and measures for controlling, development and protection of environment degradation.

iv) Formation of men’s attitudes and values towards environmental protection and intimate love for the environment.

16) Discuss the rule of physical education in developing self confidence and inculcating team spirit.

Ans:- Physical education helps to develop qualities like self confidence, mental alertness, self control, courage, resourcefulness etc. Physical activities including play, make us feel active and alert. The pupils play and perform activities according to certain rules. Introduction of physical education in the primary and high school stage helps call developing team spirit, attitude of leadership, obedience, cooperation, sympathy, integrity etc. Of students along with physical, mental, spiritual and social development. Physical education also helps in the formation of students character and personality.

17) Elucidate the status of women in India society.

Ans:- The status of India society was  quite high esteemed however it got deteriorated with the passage of time and mentality of people towards women. Slowly the practice of polygamy, sati pratha, dowry system, female infanticide, etc became dominated and gave rise to the male dominated country. Great Indian leaders had worked a lot to again raise the status of women in the Indian society. Because of their hard work bad practices against women in Indian society have been banned to a great extent. Government of India has implemented various effective laws regarding safety and empowerment of the women. In the panchayati Raj system around 33% of the seats are reserved for women thus women are being more conscious and come forward to fight for their rights. 

18) How population education helps the learners ?

Ans:- Population education help the learners are as follows :-

i) It helps the learners to create awareness about the impact of rapid growth of population on socio – economic condition, on social life, on human and environment.

ii) It is essential for creating a responsible citizen to the learners.

iii) It helps in removing the superstition and beliefs from the minds of people.

iv) It also helps the learners for maintaining quality and standard of life.

f) questions for 5 marks each.

1) Discuss the objectives of environmental education.

Ans:- The objectives of environmental impact education are:-

i) Awareness:- To help the social groups and individuals to acquire knowledge of pollution and environmental degradation. 

ii) Knowledge:- To help social groups and individuals to acquire knowledge of the environment beyond the immediate environment including distant environment. 

iii) Skills and Capacity Building:- To help social groups and individuals to develop skills required for making discriminations in form, shape, sound, touch, habits and habitats. Further, to develop ability to draw unbiased inferences and conclusions. 

iv) Attitudes:- To help social groups and individuals to acquire a set of values for environmental protection. 

v) Participation:- To provide social groups and individuals with an opportunity to be actively involved at all levels in environmental decision making. 

2) What is the importance of environmental education ?

Ans:- Environmental education plays a vital in creating a sustainable future for our planet. It provides individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions and take responsible actions towards the environmental. 

The importance of environmental education can be summarized as follows:-

i) It improves academic achievement:- Environmental education helps to improve test scores by providing students with engaging topics about nature and biodiversity. Students can then apply this information to all subject areas and grades. 

ii) It improves students health:- It involves getting students outdoors and active and helps address various health problems in students today, such as depression, obesity, and attention deficit disorder. 

iii) It cultivates leadership qualities:- Environmental qualities emphasize cooperative learning with others, critical thinking and discussions, and focuses on action strategies with real-world applications. 

iv) It improves focus and cognition:- Environmental education increases the ability of children to improve and focus their cognitive abilities. Students that have attention deflect disorder benifit from more exposure to nature. The greener a student’s daily environment, the more manageable their symptoms. 

v) It creates enthusiastic students:- Environmental education offers several opportunities for hand-on, rich, real-world, and authentic learning across the curriculum. The relevence to children’s lives inspires and engages them more than traditional pedagogy. 

3) what areas are covered within the scope of environmental education.

Ans:- The scope of environmental education is so wide that it covers various aspects of nature, ecological, cultural, technologies, economical, legal, educational and commercial.

1. A lot of teaching learning can be carried out through the environment. Natural environments like flowers, insects, breeze, birds and many other historical, cultural and social places fascinate man day in and day out. Instead of teaching the topic in the classroom, children can be taught through the environment.

2. Man has to tackle his Environment everyday for his survival, sustenance and prosperity. He can not escape it under any circumstances, right from birth to death. He is born in a family and is brought up by the family which is a primary group for him . After infancy, he attains the stage of childhood adolescence, adulthood. 

It is therefore, in one’s own interest that one should learn about the environment, more so the immediate one. It is very necessary to know about several other features of the natural environment which affect man’s health and hygiene.

Scope of environmental education may be highlighted as follows :-

Scope :- a) Effect of science and technology.

b) Population Explosion.

c) problems of pollution.

d) Environmental degradation.

e) Depletion of environmental resources.

4) Mention the characteristics of the environment.

Ans:- The review of the definitions of environmental education indicates the following main characteristics :-

i) It is a process of recognising the interrelatedness among man, his cultural and biological surroundings.

ii) It appears to be a process that equips human beings with awareness, skills, attitudes, values and commitment to improve the environment.

iii) It refers to the knowledge and understanding of the physical, biological, cultural and psychological environment and to perceive its relevance for real life situations.

iv) It identifies the imbalances of the environment and tries to improve it in view of sustainable development.

v) It entails practice in decision making and self formation of a cade of behaviour about problems and issues concerning Environmental quality.

5) Why is physical education important in school ?

Ans:- The importance of physical education are :-

i) physical education is helpful in developing the alertness of mind, because alertness and concentration are essential in various programmes of physical education such as wrestling, kabaddi, cricket etc. participation in the physical education activities makes the person alert. 

ii) physical education is a good source of knowledge about health, its hazards and disease.

iii) physical education plays a vital role in the enhancement of national integration. Games and sports provide sample opportunities to work together, which ultimately enhance national integration.

iv) proper utilisation of leisure time can be made possible with the help of physical activities stress and tension can be avoided by participating in physical activities including recreational activities.

v) physical education helps in developing good relations among human beings. Qualities like cooperation, sympathy, coventry etc are developed through it.

6) what are the objectives of physical education ?

Ans:- The main objectives of physical education are :- 

i) To develop motor skills like strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, coordination etc. For good performance in sports. 

ii) To acquire knowledge and understanding of the functioning of the human body. 

iii) To develop social and psychological aspects like control over emotions, good relations, desciplined behaviour, leadership qualities etc. 

iv) To develop the understanding of the tactics and techniques used in games and sports. 

v) To spread awareness about the importance of maintaining a hygienic environment. 

7) How physical education can be imparted in school ?

Ans:- It is said that physical education should be included in the first ten years of school education. For the proper development of body, mind and spirit, health and physical education including games and sports should be included in both the causes and evaluation of performance of the students.

At the upper primary stage, exercises, gymnastics, athletics, judo, yoga, drill, scouting and guiding etc. Should be introduced. These options should be made available subject to the facilities available and the learners performance. In health education, provision should be made for creation among learners of awareness related to common health problems, safety measures, nutritional problems, first aid, sanitation and pollution.

At the high school stage, athletics, gymnastics, yoga, meditation, swimming etc are to be included in the course of physical education camping and various team games and competitions should be introduced in both upper primary and high school stages. NCC, guiding, scouting, social service should be added to the compulsory programmes of physical education. 

In health education stress should be given on maintenance of proper health, impact of environmental pollution on health, food and nutrition, control and prevention of diseases and so on.

8) Discuss about the importance of value education in present society.

Ans:- The importance of value education in present society are as follows :-

i) Value education plays an important role in helping you make the right decisions in difficult situations by weighing the different influencing factors. Therefore, such training can significantly improve your decision making abilities. 

ii) The importance of values helps in overall charecter and personality development. Value training is an excellent way to improve mental and emotional strength. This allows you to realize and work through your emotions and thought processes in healthy and acceptable ways. 

iii) Through this excellent tool, you gain the skill of empathy. Empathy involves putting yourself in other people’s shoes. Empathy is a remarkable skill that can improve your overall ability to resolve conflicts and understand other opinions. 

iv) With age, the number of responsibilities you handle will significantly increase. One of the core skills taught by education is knowing how to manage all your responsibilities efficiently. 

v) Finally, the importance of value education is emphasized with the concept of democratic thinking and applying the same practically. It can shape the way you think and respond to societal influences, allowing you to be a mindful citizen of your country. 

9) what measures can we take for imparting value education in school ?

Ans:- Students of primary classes are often found cheating and using undesirable words. Disrespecting teachers sometimes starts as soon as they move forward in their school. By the time they enter the middle school, they have developed all the ways and means to display behaviour with no values. It is a pity to see a student of class 10 or 12 bunking classes and sitting with mobiles in the canteen, aimlessly engaged in Facebook when actually this is the time to give finishing to whatever they have learnt. Such a scenario really disheartens the educators who have been trying to create individuals with social and moral responsibilities. In this fast world of globalisation, junk food, terrorism and corruption, students are under continuous stress to compete and prove themselves. Education system of any country is expected to prepare the following generation to adapt better in the dynamic society The process of schooling and higher education should prepare students to differrntiate between dos and don’ts at all stages of life.We educators have to act and accept the challenge of adding values in our education. We have to develop means and ways to produce humans and not just individuals. The current article is an attempt to explore the scope of value education at school level. 

10) Mention the objectives of women empowerment.

Ans:- The objectives of women empowerment are as follows:-

i) Equal access to women to health care, quality education at all levels, career and vocational guidance, empowerment, equal remuneration, occupational health and safety, social Security and public office etc. 

ii) Strengthening legal systems aimed at elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. 

iii) Changing societal attitudes ans community practices by active participation and involvement of both men and women. 

iv) Mainstreaming a gender perspective in the development process. 

v) Elimination of discrimination and all forms of violence against women and the girl child. 

11) discuss the role of education in women empowerment.

Ans:-  Education plays a critical role in women’s Economic Empowerment. It actually takes the center stage, but for long, most women especially in the rural areas have been denied this right and have been subjected to very degrading practices and responsibilities. Education empowers girls to achieve more in their social, career, economic and family lives. To women education can mean going to class or being trained on capacity building and skills development or better yet being mentored on very essential aspects of WEE. This said, I believe denying women and girls equality and fairness not only hurts them but also hinders the rest of society. 

12) discuss the status of women in Indian society.

Ans:- The status of women in Indian society are as follows:-

i) Women are considered as holy symbols in our Scriptures. Yet, they are discriminated against and mistreated unequality in society. 

ii) During the vedic period women were treated equally. However, during the Medival period, women were considered inferior and mistreated. 

iii) Abuse and violence against a women are present in every society for a long time when trying to get through the boundaries of culture, class, age, and education. 

iv) The present era sees the thriving contributions of women in democratic and electoral practices and various other sectors to improve the country’s overall development. 

v) Women’s growing status became prominent through the influence of prime Minister Indira Gandhi. 

13) Describe some general measures that a school can adopt for women empowerment.

Ans:- National education policy has adopted certain steps for women empowerment.

They are :-

i) Provide opportunities to poor illiterate women insetting themselves by promoting self help groups.

ii) Reserve 30% of Govt. Jobs and contract jobs for women.

iii) To ensure and to make arrangements for all women to take part in schemes. Operation black board, total literacy mission sarva Shiksha Abhijan etc.

iv) Increase in maternity leave to 135 days instead of 90 days.

v) To pass a women reservation bill in the lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha ensuring politics protection and empowerment.

vi) Establishment of women banks where they will have the privileged to get engaged in all types of activities.

vii) 33% seats are reserved for women.

14) what are the characteristics of population education.

Ans:- The characteristics of population education are:-

i) Population Education is a new subject of study in the world of education. 

ii) The impact of population growth on various age groups is invested age groups is investigated. 

iii) The impact of a country’s overall population on its economic development is studied. 

iv) Aids students in investigating and exploring the population environment connection. 

v) Students will be able to describe the causes and effects of population expansion on a local, national, and global scale. 

15) describe some measures of imparting population education in educational institutions.

Ans:- Population education in educational institutions :-

i) In 1971, NCERT declared that population education should be started at the primary school stage and continued till the secondary stage.

ii) At the primary stage concept of small family should be given to the children.

iii) At the secondary stage, historical background of increasing population along with the data of population growth of different countries should be given.

iv) At the college levels, knowledge on different parts of the body should be given. Concept of the reproductive system should be included in the courses of study.

v) Population education can be included in essay subjects in different training centres.

16) discuss the areas of population education as outlined by NCERT.

Ans:- The National council of educational research ine training organised a workshop on population education at New Delhi in July 1970. The workshop recommended five areas which should form the curricular content for population education.

i) Population growth.

ii) Economic development and population.

iii) Social development and population.

iv) Health, nutrition and population.

v) Biological factors, family life and population.

17) What are the views of the Education commission (1964-66) on physical education ?

Ans:- The view of education commission (1964-66) on physical education are as follows :-

1. A physical education programme should be prepared keeping in view the interest and abilities the students. 

2. Keeping in view the economic sides, the programme of physical education should be prepared.

3. Physical education should be provided to all.

4. Guidance and counselling should be given to the students keeping in view their ability and attitude.

5. Traditional plays, National plays and physical words should be included in the programme of physical education.

18) describe some general measures that a school can adopt for imparting Environmental education.

Ans:- Some general measures that a school can adopt for imparting Environmental education are as follows :-

a) Organising an exhibition on the environment.

b) Organising educational tours or trips concerning the environment.

c) Discussion, lecture, Kavi sammelan etc should be organised for the environment.

d) Celebrating Environment Day and organising ‘Van Mahotsava’ in school and colleges.

e) Telling stories and singing songs in an environment.

19) Enumerate some general measures that a school can adopt for imparting population education.

Ans:- Some general measures that a school can adopt for imparting population education are as follows :-

a) The Concept of small family and its good effects on family life may be suitably and adequately explained to children at the primary stage.

b) The history of population explosion and its comparative study can be presented to the students at secondary level

c) The impact of rapid growth of population on economic, social, political and cultural life of the individual may be discussed and analysed clearly.

d)  Sex education should be introduced as a part of science education at the secondary stage. 

e) the rapid growth of population which is responsible for moving down the standard of our personal and social life need to be discussed clearly.

20) Enumerate the guiding principles of environmental education.

Ans:- The guiding principles of environmental education are as follows :-

a) Environment education helps in programming learning experiences from simple to complex.For e.g. children look at a bird, see it eating figs or insects or watch it flying. All this gives them some awareness of the eating and climbing habits of birds.

b) Environmental education helps children to proceed from indefinite ideas to definite ones. An infant for e.g. is not able to distinguish between colours, but as it grows, Eid learns to discriminate among different shades.

c) Environmental education helps children to proceed from concrete to abstract. Since the environment is full of concrete things which children may examine and classify and interpret and then draw their own conclusions and inferences about them.

d) Environmental education has social relevance :- relevance to men’s interaction with his physical and social environment, it’s relevance to changing human attitudes which cause man to hate man and beget hatred on one or the other ground namely caste, creed, colour of religion etc.

e) Environmental education should be a continuous and never ending process.

21) Explain the concept of population education.

Ans:- population education is an educational programme through which students and individuals can acquire knowledge about the meaning and characteristics of population, causes of explosion and decline of population, consequence of the problem of population explosion etc. It gives importance on the improvement of standard of life and impart knowledge about the impact of population explosion on individuals and on society.

Dr. Slawan, professor of Columbia university, first brought out the concept of population education. Burleson, professor, Harvard university, first used the term population education. 

According to him population education impart knowledge about the nature of burden or problem of population explosion. The concept of population education was developed and popularized by the American sociologist and noble peace award winner ‘Alva Myrdal’ in the year 1982.

22) discuss the need and importance of population education.

Ans:- Population explosion affects every aspect of man’s life individual, national and international. It affects health, wealth and happiness of individual and families. It also affects the prosperity and progress of nations, international security and peace. In order to minimize the problem, economic problem, younger generation problem, environmental problem, there is an urgent need of population education at all levels. 

Thus the idea of population education is based on the following assumptions:

i) Rapid growth of population is a constant threat to our economic development. 

ii) Over-population affects the health and well being of the younger generation. 

iii) Population explosion creates an obstacle for raising the standard of living of the masses. 

iv) Population education is not a “once for all affairs”, rather, it should be continuous process. 

v) Population education is not to be mixed with sex education or the methods of family planning. Rather it should be a motivational force for creating the right attitude to family size. 

Hence, population education needs to be given top priority in the present scenario. The younger generation needs to be informed about India’s populations problems. They need to be properly educated with new ideas for leading a better adult life. 

23) State the broad objectives of population education.

Ans:-: The board objectives of population education are :-

i) To enable the students to understand that family size is controlled. 

ii) That population limitation can facilitate the development of a higher quality of life in the nation. 

iii) That a small family size can contribute materially to the quality of living for the individual family. 

iv) To enable the students to appreciate the fact that for preserving the health and welfare of the members of the family and to ensure good prospects for the younger generation, the Indian families of today and tomorrow should be small and compact. 

v) To give accurate information to the students about the effect of changes in family size and in national population in the individual. 

24) Explain the concept of physical education ? What are the principles suggested by kothari Commission regarding physical education ?

Ans:- Physical Education is “education through the physical”.It aims to develop students physical competence and knowledge of movement and safety, and their ability to use these to perform in a wide range of activities associated with the development of an active and healthy lifestyle. 

The principles suggested by kothari commission regarding physical education are as follows :- 

i) physical education programmes should be prepared keeping in view the interest and abilities of the students.

ii) keeping in view the economic sides, the programme of physical education should be prepared.

iii) physical education should be provided to all.

iv) Guidance and counselling should be given to the students keeping in view their ability and aptitude.

v) Traditional plays, National plays and physical works should be included in the programme of physical education.

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