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Class 12 AHSEC 2020 Education Question Paper Solved English Medium
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1. Answer the following questions:
Fill in the blanks:
(a) The Indira Gandhi national open university was established in ________
Ans: 1985.
(b) The nature of first secondary school of assam is_________.
Ans: Guwahati seminari.
(c) The concept of ‘Population Education’ was developed by the American sociologist_________.
Ans: Kingsley davis.
(d) Castalt is a________word which means ‘whole’ or ‘total pattern’.
Ans: Garman.
(e) The attention which is paid by an individual without any outside interference or force is known as-attention.
Ans: Voluntary attention.
(f) In a polygon frequencies are plotted on_______.
Ans: OY axis.
Give short answer of one sentence:
(g) Which Education commission suggested the 10+2+3 structure of education?
Ans: The Kothari commission suggested 10+2+3 structure of education.
(h) who first introduced the concept of Correspondence Education system?
Ans: Sir isaac pitman.
(i) write the name of the first open university in india.
Ans: Ambedkar Andhra Pradesh open University.
(j) What is logical memory?
Ans: On the other hand ,logical memory may be defined as quite opposite to the rote memory.Here an individual is to exercise his power of reasoning understanding and appreciation in order to remember something.
The brilliant students with superior mental ability usually make use of the logical type of memory.again, students who are unable to exercise logical memory and understanding in the examination hall oftan make use of rote memory.
(k) “Interest is Iatent attention and attention is interest in action.”who said this statement?
Ans: Mc Dougall.
(l) Write the formula for finding out third quartile from group data.

2. Write the aims of secondary education recommended by secondary Education Commission of 1952-53.
Ans: secondary Education commission 1952-53 recommended the following for aims of education:
(a) Development of democratic Citizenship: India can be a democratic republic if the citizens uphold and practice the values of discipline, tolerance, patriotism, cooperation, equality in thought, speech and writing. The essence of the world citizenship is inculcated and developed through education. According to Mudaliar Commission, schools should maintain and develop all these qualities in the students. Citizens with these qualities can grow into ideal citizens capable of making the democracy success.
(b) Improvement of Vocational Capability and Efficiency: In all the secondary schools, proper emphasis should be laid on crafts and productive work. This can be achieved through diversification of the courses of study at the secondary level. The students may take up agriculture or some other technical or commercial course to add to the productive capability of the country.
(c) Development of Personality: The secondary education must aim at the development of the personality of the students. The creative energy in the students should find proper expression. They should acquire constructive and valuable interest. They should be trained to preserve and conserve their cultural heritage.
(d) Education for Leadership: The Secondary education must impart education for leadership. Students should also be trained to be trained to be able to own the responsibilities of leadership in various fields of life ,namely,social, cultural, political,industrial etc.
(3) Write two importance of vocationlisation of secondary education.
Ans: New education policy emphasised the vocationlisation of education. As far as possible education should be given in a national environment. Thechild must acquire some skip in some area of this interests. This is necessary for a happy life in future with this end in view this education policy has advocated the inclusion of scientific and technical subjects in the curriculum. It has been specificall stated in the policy that in the tenth class not more than 50 percent student should opt for literacy subjects and the rest should be encouraged to student vocational courses of various types according to their interests. this type vocationlisation of education will minimise the unemployment problem because then the educated person will not depend on some service alon and may utlizie his acquired skill for earning his bread.
(4) Mention two salient features of Non – formal Education.
Ans: The concept ‘Non – formal Education’has a recent origin. It is yet in the developing stage. The concept of Non-formal Education differs from person to person and from place to place. To many persons it is just the opposite for formal education which is given in the school, to some it is only supplementary to formal school system.In the beginning Non-formal education was meant for dropouts.But now it is intended for all.It would meet the need of school dropouts, neoliterates,working women and above all child labour, disadvantage groups. Being linked with general development, it help its students to learn various skills besides numeracy and literacy. Non-formal education provides various learning opportunities not available in the formal systym. By nature it is highly flexible and inexpensive. But this system is structured and planned, but outside the realm of formal education.
(5) Why distance education is important for the present society?
Ans: A flexible attitude is taken in case of prior educational qualification,ages and in selection of subjects. In this education system, people can achieve education at any time of his life. It takes the problem of educating school dropouts, working aduits, house wives and learners from socially and economically disadvantaged section of the society. Flexible education through distance model is a flexible arrangement. sometimes there are no fixed entry-points or exits.
(6) ‘Physical education leads to a healthy life.’Give two reasons.
Ans: (i) Important for healthy growth and development.
(ii) physical education makes an individual flexible and happy.
(7) Write two importance of women empowerment.
Ans: Women empowerment emphasizes the importance of increasing their power and taking control over decisions and issues that shape their lives. women’s empowerment addresses power and relationships in society intertwined with gender, class, race, ethnicity, age, culture and history. power is identified with equity and equity for women and men in access to resources, participation in decision-making and control over distribution of resources and benefits.
Education for women empowerment: (i) Every girl should get free and compulsory primary education.
(ii) Removal of illiteracy among women folk.
(iii) Encouraging girls for all kinds of vocational,technical and professional education as per their needs,interest and attitudes.
(iv) Inculcating the values of gender equality and gender justice through education should get priority in the educational system.
(v) To use education as an agent of basic change in the status of women.
(Vi) Women should be made aware of their constitutional and legal rights both in the work and social life.
(vii) Value based education for women should be emphasised to bring self confidence among them.
(8) Write two subjective factors of learning.
Ans: factors of learning related to the learner are:
(i) Motivation: It refers to the internal state tha learner towards some goal. The learner with high motivation tend to make more responses than a learner with a weak motivation. An individual’s motivation or the urge to learn bring about better learning.
(ii) Age: There is a popular belief that children learn better than adult or old people. It is believed that ,more people grow in age, themore their ability to learn new material decrease.
(iii) Sex: It is generally observed that there are sex differences in learning of various subjects,skills,attitudes etc. Different studies attempt to answer whether these differences are innately derived for the difference in sex or they are the product of culture and social roles assigned to male and female in our society.
(iv) Previous experience: New learning depends on old learning. Thus learning is always influenced by previous experiences.
(9) Write briefly the two types of law of exercise in learning.
Ans: This law states when a modifiable connection is made between a situation and response, that connection’s strength is,other things being equal increased. When modifiable connection is not made between a situation and a response over a length of time that connection’s strength is decreased.
(10) Write two marks of good memory.
Ans: (i) Rapid Registration of learning: Good memory facilitates learning and not much time is wasted. This involves aspects like concentration, attention, interest etc.
(ii) Longer Retentive power: Another important mark of good memory is longer retention power. Good memory helps a person is retaining the learnt material for a longer time.
(11) Mention two points showing the relationship between education and mental hygiene.
Ans: The relation between education and mental hygiene is very strong. Mental hygiene is one of the most important aspect of education. It is education that helps to understand tha cause of mental problems and also suggests ways and means to cure them. The society, family, etc .may create the problems which education helps to understand them.
(12) Mention two importance of statistics in education.
Ans: There are two importance of statistics in education:
(i) Study of educational problems.
(ii) Determining reliability examination.
(13) Find the mean and median from the following data: 42, 28, 34, 52, 65, 71, 50, 56

(14) Write briefly the suggestions given by kothari Commission regarding structure of secondary education:
Ans: The Education Commission was appointed by the Government of India in 1964 to advise the government on the national pattern of education and the general principles and policies for development of education at the stage and in all aspects. professor adult singh kothari, chairman of the U.G.C.was the chairman of this commission, so this commission is also known as Kothari Commission. The commission submitted its report on 30th june,1966. The report is a voluminous one and contained a detailed analysis of all aspects of education at various stages.
In Regard to the educational structure and standards the committee recommended that:
(i) General education should last for a period 10years – 4 years of lower primary, 3 years of higher primary and 3 years of lower secondary education.
(ii) one to three years of pre -school education (classes A-B-C)
(iii) Four to five years if lower primary education (I-Iv)
(iv) Three or two years oh higher primary education (classes v-vII)
(v) Three or two years of lower secondary education (classes vIII-x)
(vi) Two years of higher secondary stage (classes xi-xii)
(vii) Three years of degree courses followed by courses of varying durations for higher studies.
(15) Write four provision of the secondary Education Act of Assam(1961).
Ans: Four provision of Assam Secondary Education Act 1961 are:
(i) It extends to the whole of Assam.
(ii) The university or any board will have no controlling authority over the secondary schools recognised by the Goverment.
(iii) By a special notice government will constitute ‘Board of secondary Education For the control management and development of secondary education.
(iv) The secretary of the board will be appointed by the government.
(16) discuss four merits of open Education .
Ans: The merits of the open education system are following:
(i) Through this system of open education higher education brings to the door step of needy person. Speciallyit help working persons, employees, housewives and the people of conservative attitudes.
(ii) Open education system facilitates the people of remote areas, hilly areas, Rural, drop outs, Adults who are not entitled to get education on time.
(iii) Fees structure of this system of education is moderate so, most of the people are interested for it. Its expenditure is one third.
(iv) Admission system of this type of education is very easy and eligibility criterias are flexible.
(v) This system of education have more flexibility in time factor of the courses. for a one year course learner can avail four years to complete the course.
(vi) All the courses of this type of education are meaningful and well organized. courses are effective, applicable and useful.
(17) What is Environment education? Write three principles of environment education.
Ans: (a) According to Misra: ‘Environment education appears to be a process that equips human beings with awareness, knowledge, skills, attitudes and commitment to improve environment.”
(b) According to UNESOC: ‘‘Environment education is a way of implementing the goals of environment protection. It is not a separate branch of science or field of study. It should br carried out according to the principles of life long integral education.”
(c) According to R.A sharma: “Environmental education refers to the awareness of physical and cultural environment and perceive its relevances for real life situation. The problems and issues are to be identified. this imbalances of environment are to be imporoved in view of sustainable development.”
The objectives of environment education are:
(i) Acquair basic understanding of the interrelationship of components and factors of the environment and the processes that occur in it.
(ii) Develop desirable values and attitudes, especial concern and responsibility towards the conservation and enhancement of the environment.
(iii) Acquaire and refine skills in identifying, assessing and solving environment problems.
(iv) Developed a sense of urgency in responding to environment issues and problems and taking actions towards their solution.
(18) Discuss four characteristics of learning.
Ans: The nature of learning may be identified with its characteristics which are briefly described below:
(i) Learning is a life -long process. It begins with birth and continues throughout life.
(ii) It is an act of adjustment of individual in his environment. favourable situation helps in the process of such adjustment.
(iii) Learning depends on maturity which means physical and mental growth and development.
(iv) All learning is not of the same type. there are qualitative differences between one type of learning and another.
(v) Learning is also dependent upon one’s innate intelligence and another capacities It t is on the basic of hereditary endowment hat one can learn different types of activities and behavioural patterns.
(vi) Learning is related to maturation. unless and until there is the needed motivation, satisfactory learning is not possible.
(vii) Learning is also regarded as a function of practice. practice helps to dropout awkward, unrythemic and unnecessary response and leads to improvement in learning.
(19) Discuss the four stages involved in the process of memory.
Ans: (i) Registration: This is the first stage in memory. whenever somethings is hard ,seen or learnt, its impression is registered in our mind in the from of memory traces.
(ii) Retention: Every experience leaves behind traces which are retained to the mind, first in short-term memories and them passed on to long -term memory.
(iii) Recall: Recall is the reproduction of the material learnt and retained in the mind. recall may be spontaneous or deliberate.
(iv) Recognition: An experience must be recognised as the same which had been registered and retained.
(20) Discuss four characteristics of a mentally healthy person.
Ans: Mentally healthy individuals have some specific characteristics.
(i) Mentally healthy individuals have strong presonality,
(ii) Mentally healthy individuals are emotionally stable.
(iii) Mentally healthy individuals have no any major adjustment problems.
(iv) They are physically healthy people.
(v) They are free from mental illness.
(vi) They have strong motivational power.
(21) Discuss the role of school in promoting proper mental health of students.
Ans: The role school play for the prevention of mental illness are:
(i) The school helps to develop all the psycho -physical capabilities and qualities of the human child.
(ii) It helps realise the value of sound mental health.
(iii) It helps to know the problems of mental life.
(iv) It helps to developed all the qualities and capabilities of human personality.
(v) It helps to make man emotionally strong.
(vi) the school helps to know the need of proper adjustment and its means.
(vii) It helps to realise the value of all the value to lead a peaceful life.
(viii) The school helps to develop a better balanced personality.
‘‘A Mentally healthy person is also in need of mental hygiene’’. Give reasons.
Ans: Mental hygiene not only helps to know the problems of mental illness, problem of personality disorder and the adjustment problem of the human individual. It also helps to know the techniques of treatment to get relief from the problems.
Here are 10 reasons why we should pay attention to our mental health:
- Poor mental health makes us more vulnerable to certain physical health problems, such as heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.
- Nurturing our mental health can also help prevent the development of mental illnesses.
- Good mental health helps us have a more positive outlook and enjoy our lives more.
- When our mental health is good, we are better able to cope with the difficult times in our lives.
- We are more creative when our mental health is good, and that makes us more open to trying new things.
- Good mental health promotes better relationships with the people in our lives.
- Good mental health enables us to work more productively and reach our full potential.
- Good mental health enables us to make meaningful contributions to our family, to our community and to society.
- Having good mental health helps us think more clearly.
- Our moods are improved and our self-esteem enhanced when our mental health is good.
(22) What is histogram? Draw a histogram from the following distribution table. (use graph paper).

Ans: 1st Column diagram.

What is Bar Diagram? Discuss the different types of bar Diagram with example.
Ans: When statistical data are represented by rectangular bars, the diagrams so drawn are called bar diagrams. They consist of a group of equidistant rectangles, one for each group or category of data in which the values are represented by the height of the rectangles.
Example: The number of students in three classes are as follows:
Class V – 50
Class V I- 40
Class VII – 30
We draw the following bar diagram based on the above data:

(23) What is quartile deviation? write three advantages of measure of quartile deviation.
Ans: Quartile deviation is the one half distance between the first and third quartile or 25th and the percentile in the frequency distribution .first quartile in a distribution means the point below which 25%of the scores lies i.e one fourth to the total number of scores which is represented by the symbol Q1. the third quartile in a distribution means the point below which 75%of the scores lies i.e three fourth of the total number of scores which is represented by Q3.
There are three advantages of measure of Quartile deviation:
(i) It is easy to calculate and simple to follow.
(ii) It is not affected by the extreme value and is, therefor, useful, in skewed distribution.
(iii) It is the only method of dispersion applicable in case of open -end -classes.
(24) What is population Education? Suggest four measures for imparting population education in educational institution.
Ans: (i) In the south-east Asia regional workship, held in berkak (in 1970, UNESCO).” Population Education is an educational programme which provide for a study of the population, situation of the family, coummunity ,nation and world ,with the purpose of developing in the students rational and responsible attitudes and behaviour towards that situation.”
(ii) According to Gopal rao,” population education may defined as an education programme which provides for a study of the population phenomenon so as to enable the students to take rational decisions towards problems arising out of rapid population growth.
Some general measures that a school can adopt for imparting population education are as follows:
Concept of small family and its good effects on family life may be suitably and adequately to children at the primary stage.
(b) At the secondary stage history of population explosion and its comparative study may be presented before the students.
(c) Effect of rapid growth of population on economic, social, political and cultura life of the individual may be discussed and analyzed cearly.
(d) At the secondary stage sex education should be presented as a part of science education.
(e) The rapid growth of population which is responsible for our personal and social life need to be discussed clearly.
(25) What is meant by insightful method of learning? Write the educations significance of insightful method of learning?
Ans: Insight means seeing of relationship or meaning into a situation. Insightful method of learning is based on gestalt theory. the three german psychologists Wertheimer, kholar and koffka were the propunder of this theory. According to them, learning is an intellectuala activity that involves tha power of deservation, preception and insight of the learner. fore them learning takes place as a whole.
Limitation of insightful learning:
(i) young and immature children are incapable of using insight in solving problems. Their power of thinking, reasoning and intelligence are inadequate to cope with the situation. Dependability and imitativeness remain more active in them.
(ii) Even the layman in society are incapable of exercising insight. When faced with their problems they usually follow the method of learning through mistake .a false move or an erroneous attempt may often lead to solution of their problems.
(26) What is forgetting? Discuss four physical causes of for getting.
Ans: Forgetting may be described as inability to remember something. To be more precise forgetting is the failure of the individual to revive in consciousness the impressions of the past experiences without the help of the original stimulus. If an individual fails to revive the image of learning in mind, forgetting may take place.
Some of the major causes of forgetting may be described as follows:
(i) Lake of interest: Lake of interest is an important cause of forgetting as it pervents subsequent recall. So, the teacher should try to create interest in the class.
(ii) Over learning: According to Ebbinghaus overlearning beyond a certain point may cause -inattention, boredom and fatigue which may again cause forgetting insome cases.
(iii) Retroactive inhibition: If immediately after learning a lesson we learn a new lesson the new learning inhibits the retention of the previous learning.
(iv) Fatigue: Physical and mentel fatigue is a common cause of forgetting. fatigue bring about nervous weakness and muscular inactivity for which image of experience could not be kept alive in mind.
(27) What is median? Compute median from the following distribution table:
Class Interval | Frequency |
60-64 | 2 |
55-59 | 4 |
50-54 | 5 |
45-49 | 8 |
40-44 | 10 |
35-39 | 12 |
30-34 | 8 |
25-29 | 5 |
20-24 | 2 |
15-19 | 2 |
10-11 | 2 |
N = 60 |
Ans: 1st part: Median is defined as the point of the variable which divides distribution into two equal parts . The position of the median in a series in such that half of the scores are less and half of the scores are more than the median.
2nd part:
class Interval | Frequency | cumulative frequency |
60-64 | 2 | 60 |
55-59 | 4 | 58 |
50-54 | 5 | 54 |
45-49 | 8 | 49 |
40-44 | 10 | 41 |
35-39 | 12 | 31 |
30-34 | 8 | 19 |
25-29 | 5 | 11 |
20-24 | 2 | 6 |
15-19 | 2 | 4 |
10-14 | 2 | 2 |
N = 60 |
