Class 12 AHSEC 2022 Education Question Paper Solved English Medium

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Class 12 AHSEC 2022 Education Question Paper Solved English Medium

Class 12 AHSEC 2022 Education Question Paper Solved English Medium

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1. Answer the following question:

Fill in the blanks:

(a) Gauhati University was established in____

Ans: 1948.

(b) In the year___ the Correspondence Education System was started in India.

Ans: 1962.

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(c) The World Environment Day is observed on____.

Ans: 5th June.

(d) Edward Lee Thorndike’s Trial and Error method of learning is also known as Theory of_____.

Ans: connectionism.

(e) In a multiple-choice question, a student can identify the correct answer with the help of_____ process.

Ans: Recognition.

(f) All scores are taken into consideration in finding out____ as measure of Central Tendency.

Ans: Mean.

Give short answers in one sentence:

(g) What is Distance Education?

Ans: According to Dohmann – distance education means “a systematically organized form of self-study in which student mentoring, presentation Organized form of self-study in which student success is managed by a team of teachers, each with responsibilities Which can cover long distance.

(h) “Learning is the acquisition of new behaviour or the strengthening and weakening of old behaviour as a result of experience.” Who said this statement?

Ans: Henry Smith.

(i) Who was the propounder of Classical Conditioning Theory of learning?

Ans: Pavlov.

(j) “Memory is the ideal revival……. In which the object of past experiences are reinstated as far as possible in the order and manner of their original occurrence.” Who said this?

Ans: Stout.

(k) What is volitional or voluntary attention?

Ans: When we pay attention to an object or object with mental effort, it is called voluntary attention. It doesn’t come naturally out of interest. One needs to make a serious effort or have a strong will to do something. A boy has a subject like Anthropology which he does not like to study. But in order to pass, he will have to make serious efforts to pay attention to the subject. This is called voluntary attention. 

(l) Write the formula for finding out Median from group data.

2. Write two aims of Secondary Education recommended by Mudaliar Commission.

Ans: The two objectives of secondary education as recommended by the Mudaliar Commission are :

(a) Development of personality: Secondary education should aim at the development of the personality of the students. The creative energy in the students should find proper expression.

(b) Education for leadership: Secondary education should provide education for leadership in different spheres of life like social, cultural, political, industrial etc.

3. Write two suggestions of Kothari Commission regarding education and productivity.

Ans: The Kothari Commission recommended learning and productivity as one of the national objectives of education.

If education is related to productivity, then expansion of education will increase national income. The study of science has to be made an integral part of education at school and university level. At the same time ‘work experience’ should be introduced as an important aspect of education and may be oriented to the application of science and production processes, including technology, industrialization and agriculture. There is a need for vocationalisation of education, especially at the secondary level.

4. Write two objectives of Non-formal Education.

Ans: The objectives of non-formal education are :

(i) Non-formal education aims at improving the quality of education by emphasizing on learning from teaching.

(ii) The object of non-formal education is to make provision for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge.

5. Write two significant aspects of Distance Education.

Ans: There are two important aspects of distance education :

(a) There is physical separation of teachers and students during instruction.

(b) Various technologies are used to facilitate student-teacher and student-student communication.

6. Write two principles of Environmental Education.

Ans: The principles of environmental education are :

(i) Acquire a basic understanding of the interrelationship of the components and factors of the environment and the processes taking place in it.

(ii) To develop desirable values and attitudes, special concern and responsibility towards the protection and enhancement of the environment.

7. What do you mean by Value Education?

Ans: Education for human values or value education refers to an educational program that is geared to the realities of a society as envisaged in its constitution for the betterment of society and the individual. It covers all aspects of personality development aesthetic, intellectual, moral, social and spiritual.

8. Mention two differences between maturation and learning.

Ans: Difference between learning and maturation are :

(i) It is based on heredity.(i) It is based on environment.
(ii) It is an age limit process.(ii) It is a lifelong process.

9. Write two mental causes of forgetting.

Ans: There are two mental causes of forgetting :

(i) Lack of sleep and rest

(ii) Stress and depression

10. Mention two sources or factors that influence the interest of an individual.

Ans: There are two sources or factors affecting the interest of an individual :

(i) innate tendency

(ii) Physical condition

11. Mention two social qualities of a mentally healthy person.

Ans: (i) A mentally healthy person has the capacity to adjust.

(ii) A mentally healthy person behaves friendly and cordial.

12. Mention any two steps you have to follow for classifying scores into a frequency distribution table.

Ans: There are two steps in classifying scores into frequency in a frequency distribution table:

(i) Step: Find the highest score and lowest score. Then determine the range that is the highest score minus the lowest score.

(ii) Step 2: The second step is to decide the number and size of clusters to be used.

13. Find Mean and Median from the following data

48, 45, 92, 56, 68, 85, 72, 74, 64, 90.

Ans: Mean:

14. Discuss four major problems of Secondary Education in Assam.

Ans: Some of the important problems of secondary education in Assam are as follows :

(i) Lack of mass appeal: Secondary education does not have mass appeal. We have given priority to primary education as well as higher education. But secondary education has not been given proper attention.

(ii) Lack of adequate resources or finance: Finance is the biggest constraint in the field of secondary education in Assam. The financial allocation for secondary education is not adequate. Hence, it poses a challenge to our educational planners as they have to work under the constant increasing number of limited resources available for it. Therefore its quality remains poor.

(iii) Unplanned expansion: Unplanned expansion is another important problem of secondary education in Assam. Now primary education has lost its functional value and the social demand for secondary education is increasing. Government and private agencies tried to meet the social demand for secondary education by opening more and more schools. May of these schools were allowed to function at substandard levels, leading to a weakening of standards.

(iv) Unsuitable Curriculum: The secondary school curriculum is not suitable to meet the needs of the students as well as the society. The curriculum of secondary education is not related to the real and practical life of the students. They follow the syllabus mechanically without interest.

15. Discuss four merits of Open Education System.

Ans: Following are the merits of open education system :

(i) Through this system of education, higher education reaches the doorstep of the needy person. It especially helps working persons, employees, housewives and people of conservative outlook.

(ii) Open education system facilitates the people from far flung areas, hilly areas, rural areas, drop outs, adults who are not entitled to get education on time.

(iii) The fee structure of this system of education is moderate, so most of the people are interested in it. Its expenditure is one third (1/3) of general education.

(iv) The admission system of this type of education is very easy and the eligibility criteria are flexible.

16. “Physical Education does neither train up the soul nor body, but the whole man.” Discuss the statement.

Ans:- This statement has been given by JB Nash. According to him, through the dissemination of learning activities, education (PE) fosters the talents, knowledge, values and attitudes needed to develop and maintain a vibrant and healthy lifestyle, as well as build students’ self-confidence and individuals. and also fosters the ability to deal with difficulties as groups. or teams. Regular exercise and physical activity strengthen muscles and bones. It enhances your respiratory, cardiovascular and general health.

17. Discuss the educational significance of learning by insight.

Ans: Educational Importance: This method is based on maximum education. That is, proceed from the whole to the parts. The whole is understood first, and its parts later. Therefore, the teacher must be present to explain its parts. Moreover, for all higher types of mechanical learning – repetition, learning by heart and trial and error are useless. The limitation of this method is that young children and children with low I.Q. Learn better through trial and error rather than insight.

Insightful learning needs to encourage knowledge, despite all its limitations, but help the child to acquire it himself, using his own understanding, intelligence and insight.


Discuss four characteristics of conditioning learning.

Ans: There are four characteristics of learning conditioning :

(i) Learning is the result of conditioning or binding between a natural response and an artificial stimulus.

(ii) It is a mechanical process.

(iii) Repetition is necessary for this learning.

(iv) High intelligence is not required in conditioned learning. It’s organic.

18. Discuss how do a teacher can develop attention and interest of students in classroom situation.

Ans: How teacher can attract attention of students in class: Students can learn through attention. A teacher’s primary responsibility for providing effective instruction is to hold the student’s attention. To make education meaningful, the teacher should pay attention to the following points in order to create attention among the students.

(i) Physical and mental development: There is a close relationship between the physical-mental development of an individual and meditation. At different stages of development, the object of attention also varies. Therefore, the teacher should plan the subject matter and adopt the method of teaching according to the need and characteristics at different stages of development of the student.

(ii) Objective and subjective situation: At the lower level the teacher should make the objective (external) situation attractive to the subjects. At the higher level the teacher should give more importance to the subjective (inner) situation.

(iii) Effective Method of Teaching: Through effective method of teaching only a teacher can make the subject matter more attractive or attractive. It is clear that the method of teaching should be practical.

(iv) Use of Audio-Visual Aids: The use of these modern education aids like TV, radio, tape recorder etc. makes teaching more interesting for which the students pay attention to it.

19. Write which types of memory operate in the following situations :

(a) Answering essay-type questions.

(b) Driving a car.

(c) Solving mathematical problems.

(d) An adult person can recall some incidents happened in his early life.

Ans: (a) Active memory.

(b) Habit memory.

(c) Immediate memory.

(d) Permanent memory.

20. Discuss the purposes of Mental Hygiene.

Ans: The objectives of mental hygiene are :

(i) the development of an understanding of the relationship that exists between personality development and life experiences;

(ii) the protection and improvement of the mental health of the individual and of the group; And

(iii) The discovery and use of techniques through which help can be given to the mentally ill.


Discuss the functions of Mental Hygiene.

Ans: The main important functions of mental hygiene can be discussed under specific methods.

They are:

(i) Preventive Function: The main function of mental hygiene is the prevention of mental illness, personality disorders and adjustment problems. Mental hygiene helps us to understand the causes of mental illness, personality disorders and adjustment problems of the human child.

(ii) Remedial work: The remedial work of mental hygiene lays emphasis on treatment techniques. Mental hygiene not only helps to know the problems of mental illness, personality disorder problem and adjustment problem of human individual. It also helps to know the techniques of remedies to get relief from the problems.

(iii) Preservative Function: Preserving mental health is of special importance to the individuals as well as to the society. Prosperity of both personal and social life is not possible without good mental health. Guardian act of mental hygiene especially helps us to know the importance of mental health and the measures, techniques, procedures to be adopted for its protection. This ceremony is also specifically related to the welfare of human life and society.

21. Discuss the role of family in promoting proper mental health of children.

Ans: The family, as the first institution, plays a vital role in the process of maintaining and promoting the mental health of individuals.

Some of the situations within the family which can help in maintaining the mental health of the child are given below :

(i) The home environment should be free from all kinds of anxiety and stress.

(ii) The physical and psychological needs of the children should be met so that there is no emotion or frustration or tension in them.

(iii) The relations between the family members should be cordial.

(iv) Effective parenting behaviour i.e. rigid enforcement of disciplinary code should be avoided.

22. What do you mean by measure of central tendency? Mention three advantages of Median as a measure of central tendency.

Ans: Central tendency (or measure of central tendency) is a central or characteristic value for a probability distribution. It can also be called the center or place of distribution. Colloquially, measures of central tendency are often called averages.

The Three advantages of the median as a measure of central tendency :

(i) The mean is less affected by outliers and skewed data than the mean.

(ii) It is generally the preferred measure of central tendency when the distribution is not symmetric.

(iii) It is easy to calculate.


What do you mean by measure of variability or dispersion? Write three advantages of the measure of quartile deviation.

Ans: Dispersion measures describe the spread of the data. These include range, interquartile range, standard deviation, and variance.

Quartile deviation has three advantages :

(i) It can be easily calculated and easily understood.

(ii) It does not involve much mathematical difficulties.

(iii) It is not affected by the extreme terms as 25% of the top terms and 25% of the bottom terms are missed.

23. What is Frequency Polygon? Draw a Frequency Polygon from the following distribution table: (Use graph paper)

Class IntervalFrequency
N = 50


What is Pie Diagram? Represent the following data of students’ enrolment in a Primary school by a pie diagram.

ClassNo. of Students
Total = 200

24. Discuss the power and function of “Board of Secondary Education Assam” as given by the ‘Secondary Education Act of Assam, 1961’.

Ans: Powers and Functions of the Board :

(i) The Board shall frame the curriculum for secondary and senior secondary education.

(ii) The examination will be conducted on the basis of this syllabus.

(iii) Those who have completed their course shall be permitted to appear in the examination.

(iv) Results will be declared.

(v) Certificates will be issued to those who succeed in the examination.

(vi) The rules and regulations of admission and examination including fee structure will be decided by the Board.


Discuss the suggestions forwarded by ‘National Education Policy, 1986’ regarding Secondary Education.

Ans: Secondary education exposes students to the differentiated roles of science, humanities and social sciences. It is also a suitable stage for children who are at terminal on one hand and preparing for higher studies on the other. Vocationalization through specialized institutions or through redesigning of secondary education, at this stage, can provide valuable manpower for economic development. The commission recommended –

(a) The program is being widened to ensure access to secondary education to cover unreserved areas.

(b) Program of consolidation in other areas.

(c) Program for establishment of Navodaya Vidyalaya.

25. What is Population Education? How can the Population Education be imparted in educational institution?

Ans: Declared at the South-East Asia Regional Workshop held in Burke (1970, UNESCO). “Population education is an educational program that studies the situation of population, family, community, nation and the world, with the aim of developing rational and responsible attitudes and behaviour in students towards that situation.”

Population Education in Educational Institutions :

(i) In 1971, the NCERT declared that population education should be started at the primary school level, continuing up to the secondary level.

(ii) The concept of small family should be given to the children at the primary stage.

(iii) Data on population growth of different countries should be given along with the historical background of increasing population at the secondary level.

(iv) Information about different parts of the body should be given at the college level. The concept of reproductive system should be included in the courses of study.


What do you mean by women empowerment? Discuss the role of education in women empowerment.

Ans: Women’s empowerment emphasizes the importance of increasing their power and taking control of the decisions and issues that shape their lives.

Women’s empowerment addresses power and relationships in society associated with gender, class, race, ethnicity, age, culture, and history. Power is identified with equity and equality for women and men in access to resources, participation in decision making and control over the distribution of resources and benefits.

Education for Women Empowerment :

(i) Every girl should get free and compulsory primary education.

(ii) To remove illiteracy among women folk.

(iii) To encourage girls for all kinds of vocational, technical and vocational education according to their needs, interests and attitudes.

(iv) The values of gender equality and gender justice through education should get priority in the education system.

26. What do you mean by learning? Discuss the important subjective factors of learning.

Ans: Every person has to learn knowingly or unknowingly since childhood. We live in a social environment where we have to face different kinds of situations and circumstances. We have to learn to face the problems of life as we have to adjust ourselves in the social environment. We modify (change) our nature; We gain experience and knowledge while adjusting ourselves with the circumstances or conditions. It means that learning is the modification of behaviour. It is an effective response to a situation. It is our need to acquire skill, ingenuity, knowledge and good habits to fit ourselves in this world. A person must learn to survive. Only the fittest can survive in the struggle for existence. Leaning helps us to stay fit.

The factors of learning related to the subject of learning are :

(i) Difficulty: Difficulty is a very important factor in learning. It is experimentally proven that for easy material the learning curve showed a rapid gain that gradually slowed down and for difficult material a slow initial gain that gradually increased.

(ii) Meaningfulness of the material: The meaningfulness of the material to be learned contributes to the efficiency of learning. It is more meaningful than easy to learn learning material.


What is Trial and Error method of learning? Discuss the major laws of learning propounded by Edward Lee Thorndike.

Ans: Trial Error Method: Famous psychologists and educationist Thorndike did extensive and thorough research on this method on both men and animals. Thorndike advocated learning through trial-and-error method. The soul of this method is repetition. In a situation a person commits errors. In this process of trying to solve the problem of adjustment to the situation, the number of errors gradually decreases. Eventually, through repeated attempts (testing), the error will be completely eliminated. This is how learning happens. Through trial and error. This means that learning happens by error. From errors one gains experience and knowledge which enables him to solve the problem. This method is also known as hit or miss method. Both children and adults learn by this method.

E.L. Thorndike outlined three major laws of learning. These laws have great educative significance for the teacher.

Their nature and instructive behaviour can be described below:

(i) Law of effect: This law states, “When a variable association is made between a stimulus and a response and is accompanied or followed by a satisfying condition, the strength of that connection increases when an annoying Occurs to or with the situation. Matters, its strength is diminished.”

The main principle of this law is that learning depends on the result or aftereffect.

The educational value of this law is quite obvious. The educational progress of students follows this law of effect. Success or satisfaction in the result leads to more success. On the other hand, dissatisfaction with the result discourages them.

(ii) Law of Practice: This law states that learning experiences can be made permanent through repeated use. This law is divided into two sub-rules – the law of use and the law of non-use. The rules of use say. “When a mutable relationship is made between a position and the response is that the strength of the connection, other things being equal, has increased.

This rule of exercise has a direct effect on education. Students need repetition or practice to make their early learning experience more permanent. The goal of all learning is nothing more than the formation of desired habits through repetition. On the other hand, undesirable and harmful behavior and their habit formation should be prevented by disuse.

(iii) Law of Readiness: This law states that, “When a bond is ready to work it gives annoyance. When a bond which is not ready to work is ready to work If so, then there is annoyance.” So, this rule draws our attention to the fact that physical preparation is an essential condition of learning.

The educational significance of this law is more valuable for the teacher and the taught. The teacher should know the appropriate time and situation for learning. He should always be guided by the principle of psycho-physical preparation of the learner. Mechanical learning without preparation fails to achieve the desired results. It is clear from the above discussion that Thorndike’s laws of learning have great educational value.

27. What is Mean? Compute Mean from the following distribution table by Assumed Mean method :

Class IntervalFrequency
N = 50

Ans: Mean represents the average of the scores of a group. It is also called arithmetic mean.

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