Class 11 Sociology Chapter 3 Understanding Social Institutions

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Class 11 Sociology Chapter 3 Understanding Social Institutions

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Understanding Social Institutions

Chapter: 3



Q. no 1. Choose the correct answer-

Marriage is an custom  / institution / tradition  / system. 

Ans : Marriage is an institution. 

Q. no 2. What is nuclear family? 

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Ans : Nuclear family is a group of persons consisting of husband, wife and their unmarried children. 

Q. no 3. Who wrote the book “The protestant Ethics and spirit of capitalism? 

Ans : Max weber. 

Q. no 4. ” Economy is the basic structure of human society ” – who said this? 

Ans : Karl Marx. 

Q. no 5. Religion is  “a belief in supernatural being “.

Ans : E. B. Tylor. 

Q. no 6. Marriage is an institution. Write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. 

Ans : Yes , Marriage is an institution. 

Q. no 7. Family is a kinship group. Write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. 

Ans :Yes, Family is a kinship group. 

Q. no 8. What is Nationalism. 

Ans : Nationalism refers to the sentiment or sense of being part of a single political community. 

Q. no  9. What is work  ? 

Ans : Work refers to economic activity or paid employment. 

Q. no 10. There are two kinds of kinship. What are they  ? 

Ans : There are two kinds of kinship. They are – (i) Unilateral and (ii) Bilateral. 

Q. no 11. Kinship system is primarily based on two factors – Who are they? 

Ans : Kinship system is primarily based on two factors. They are – 

(i) marriage. 

(ii) Birth or blood ties. 

Q. no 12. Mention two tribes of north -east India having matriarchal family system. 

Ans : (i) Khasis,  (ii) Jayantias. 

(b)  Give short & Long Answer :

Q. no 1. Social Institution. Give example of two social institution. 

Ans : Social Institution are forms of procedure which are recognized and accepted by society. Society Institution governs the relationship between individuals and usage. For example, marriage is an institution. 

Q. no 2. Mention the functions of Social Institution. 

Ans :Social Institution perform various important functions is the society. 

They are –

(i) Social Institution gives guide to the people so that people can live a social life. 

(ii) Social Institutions maintains social control over the individuals. 

(iii) Social Institutions determine the role and status of an individual in the society. 

(iv) Social Institutions transfers cultural elements from one generation to another. 

(v) Social Institutions brings unity and cultural harmony in the society. 

Q. no 3. Write a short note on division of labour.

Ans : In all type of societies division labour have existed. However in modern societies division of labour is more prominent and more complex. With the development of industrialization. division of labour increases in all societies. In simple word it means division of work and its specialization. It refers to a system of distribution of work among the people according to their skill and competence. 

Q. no 4. What is the meaning of religion. 

Ans : Religion is the system of belief in the existence of God or some kind of supernatural being. It implies a system of belief and practices related to sacred things. Every religion has its specific mode of worship. Religion considers some acts as righteous and sacred. It also regards some acts as sinful and profane. Religion encourages righteousness and sacred things and discourages sinful and profane. 

Q. no 5. What is monogamy and polygamy? 

Ans : Monogamy is a kind of marriage in which one man marries only one woman . Polygamy is a kind of marriage in which one man marries more than one woman and one woman marries more than one man. 

Q.  no 6. What do you mean by Nuclear family and Joint family. 

Ans : Nuclear family is small family. Nuclear family is a group of persons consisting of husband, wife and their unmarried children . 

Joint family is large family. Within a joint family two or more family reside sharing common residence, kitchen and property  . 

Q. no 7. Write the meaning of ideology. 

Ans : Ideology refers to a set. of beliefs or ideas. Ideology exists in all societies  . It is related to power. Ideology is used to justify the interests of dominant groups or classes. 

Q. no 8. Mention four characteristics of Matriarchal family. 

Ans : (i) In Matriarchal family. mother becomes the head of the family. 

(ii) Woman manage and own property and other belongings of the family. 

(iii) Women stays on her mother’s house after the marriage. The husband goes to the wife’s house. 

(iv) The status of woman is higher than men in matriarchal family. 

Q. no 9. What is kinship system? What are the kinds of kinship ? 

Ans : Kinship is a system of the way the relations between individuals in the family and between families are organized. In simple words the close relatives through birth and marriage is called kinship system. 

Q. no 10. Mention four social functions of religion. 

Ans : (i) Religion acts as an agent of social control. 

(ii) Religion promotes social solidarity and unity. 

(iii) Religion promotes social welfare. 

(iv) Religion provides peace of mind to the people. 

Q. no 11. State how religion controls society. 

Ans : Religion is a strong agent of social control. It provides social norms, values, moral principles and discipline. People follow the religions guidelines because of the fearness  to God. Religion encourages righteousness and sacred things and discourages sinful and profane. 

Q. no 12. Define kinship. Mention two factors on which kinship system is based. 

Ans : The bond of blood or marriage that binds people together in group is called kinship. It deals with notions or ideas about  “relatedness ” or relationship through birth and through marriage. Kinship refers to a set of persons relatives  as relatives either by virtue of blood relationship or by virtue of marriage relationship. 

Kinship system is primarily based on two factors one is marriage, the other is Birth or blood ties. 

Q. no 13. Mention three functions of kinship system. 

Ans : (i) kinship system brings social solidarity. 

(ii) Kinship system helps in social control. 

(iii) Kinship system brings discipline within family and between the families. 

Q. no 14. “Man ‘s  life is group like “. Give arguments in favour of this statement. 

Ans : (a) It is correct to say that ” Man’s life is a group life ” because man is born and brought up in a group. Individual learns in a group plays in a group, develops in a group and lives in a group . 

(b) All men live in society and bound together through certain norms, values, customs and practices. ‘ We ‘ very often say that  “We belong to a society “. As a member of society every human being share certain traditions, historical experiences, pleasure and pain. No individual can fulfill all his requirements by his own. He has to depend on the group in which he lives. Some members of a group have to produce food, others have to weave clothes,  some have to construct house, some have to teach etc. 

Q. no 15. Mention three characteristics of an Institution. 

Ans (i) Institutions have some definite objectives  . 

(ii) Institutions are means of controlling individuals in the society. 

(iii) Every institutions has some procedures. 

Q. no 16. What is community ? Discuss the characteristics of community. 

Ans :  A community is a social group of individuals living in a particular territory and having a degree of  “We feeling “.

Essential elements or characteristics of community :-

(i) A community live in a definite  locality. 

(ii) A Community is a group of human beings. 

(iii) A community share a common way of life. It exhibits similarity in language , custom, more, traditions  etc. 

(iv) A community essentially leads a permanent life in a definite territory. 

(v) Community grows naturally. A man is born in a community. 

(vi) Every community bears a name. 

Unit 1 PART-1
Chapter 1Sociology And Society
Chapter 2Terms, Concepts And Their Use In Sociology
Chapter 3Understanding Social Institutions
Chapter 4Culture And Socialisation
Chapter 5Doing Sociology: Methods And Techniques
Unit 2PART-2
Chapter 6Social Structure, Stratification and Social Processes in Society
Chapter 7Social Change and Social Order in Rural and Urban Society
Chapter 8Environment And Society
Chapter 9Introducing Western Social Thinkers
Chapter 10Indian Sociologists

Q. no 17. Note what are the marriage rules that are following in your society. 

Ans :  There are different type of marriage rules prevailing in the society. They are Endogamy  , Exogamy, Monogamy and polygamy. Endogamy  : Endogamy refers to a kind of marriage in which one individual must marry within one’s  own caste, religion, race or tribe. Endogamy does not allow marriage outside group. 

Exogamy :- Exogamy is opposite to endogamy. Exogamy refers to a kind of marriage in which an individual marries outside his own group. Marriage within the caste is not allowed. 

Monogamy :- It is a kind of marriage in which one man marries only one women. Monogamy is the most widespread and commonly found form of marriage in human society. 

Polygamy :- It is a kind of marriage in which one man marries more than one woman and one woman marries more than one man. There are two kinds of polygamy one is known as polygamy and the other is known as polygamy. 

Polyandry  :- polyandry is a form of marriage in which one woman marries more than one man. 

Q. no 18. What are the problem faced by family in modern society. 

Ans : The following are the problems faced by modern family. 

(i) Problem of adjustment of the husband -wife relationship.

The educated and working woman wants equal rights and opportunities with her husband which leads to conflict of adjustment between husband and wife. 

(ii) Conflict between parents and children :- There is less control over the children by the parents. The young boys and girls donot want to be controlled by their parents. Therefore misunderstanding arises among the members of family which leads to family disorganization . 

(iii) Marriages are broken :- There is an increase in number of broken marriages. Marriage has been reduced to mere social contract. The number of divorce is increasing. Mutual intimacy and faith are being reduced. Selfishness is increasing  . 

(iv) problem of working woman :-  It present, there are more woman who are working outside home. Therefore, they donot get sufficient time to look after their children. This leads to the frustration and loneliness among the children. 

Q. no 19. Give the meaning of Religion. Discuss the social functions  of religion. 

Ans : Religion is the system of belief in the existence of God or some kind of supernatural being. It implies a system of belief and practices related to sacred things. Every religion has its specific  mode of worship. Religion considers some acts as righteous and sacred. It also regards some acts as sinful and profane. Religion encourages righteousness and sacred things and discourages sinful and profane. 

Social functions of Religion :- Religion is universal social institution . Hence, it performs several social functions. They are –

(i) Religion provides and promotes education  . Religion spreads education in the society. 

(ii) Religion gives peace of mind. Every religion prescribes some forms or method of prayer, worship and rituals. These activities provides peace of mind to the people. 

(iii) Religion is a source of social cohesion. It promotes social solidarity and unity. According to A. W. Green religion is the supremely integrating and unifying force in human society. 

(iv) Religion has served humanity a lot by promoting social welfare. Forgiveness, love, sacrifice, mercy, co-operation are some great ideology which promote social welfare. Hospitals , educational institutions, cultural institutions are organised in the name of religion. 

(v) Religion is a strong agent of social control. Religion provides social norms, values, moral principles and discipline  . People follow them because if the fearness to God. 

(vi) Religion helps in the spread and promotion of literature. In ancient time, most of the literature and art were based religion. For example, Ramayana and Mahabharata. 

Q. no 20 . Discuss the social functions of family. 

Ans : Family is the basic unit of society . Family  performs various important social functions. They are –

(i) Reproductive function :- Family fulfils the biological needs of a man and a woman. Thus, it also ensures the procreation of children which is essential for the continuance of human race. 

(ii)Maintenance functions :- Family maintains and look after all the members of family. It takes care of the new born baby. Personality development and proper upbringing of the children takes place within the family. 

(iii) Placement functions :- Family performs the functions of social placement of its member. An individual gets a social identity, a status and a role because of the family. Family provides responsibilities of among its members. 

(iv) Socialization function  :- Family is first and foremost agent of socialization. Family teaches the norms and values to its members. An individual learns his first lesson within the family . 

(v) Educational function  :- Family educates the individual about the culture, conduct, behaviour, religion, law , discipline, social values etc. 

(iv) Economic function :- Family performs many economic activities. Work is divided among the members according to their status and role. It fixes the responsibilities of its members. Family provides arrangement for income  . It fulfils the economic needs the family members. 

Q. no 21.  Mention the basic component of religion. 

Ans : (i) Belief in rituals. 

(ii)Belief in ideology of sacred and sin. 

(iii) Specific mode of worship. 

(iv) Idea of heaven and hell. 

Q. no 22. What is state. 

Ans : State is a political community of people living in a define territory. State is a political institution which claims monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory. 

Q. no 23 . What is power? 

Ans : Power is the ability of an individual or a group to modify and control the behaviour and action of other people. In human society several institutions exercise power. Legitimate power is the most important element of a state. State possess sovereign power. 

Q. no 24. Distinguish between Agrarian economy and Industrial economy. 

Ans : Following are the differences between agrarian and industrial economy. 

(i) The Agrarian economy is rural based and the Industrial economy is urban based. 

(ii) The Agrarian economy is primarily agricultural. Therefore land is the basic component of agrarian economy. But Industrial economy is primarily based on machine. Therefore machine is the basic component of Industrial economy. 

(iii) In agrarian economy, family has been the basic unit and the land is the main Source of production. However, in Industrial economy factory has been basic unit of production and the machine is the main source of production  . 

Q. no 25. Mention the basic aims of Education. 

Ans : The basic or primary aim of education is to develop the personality of individuals and enable him or her as an effective member of the society. Following are the basic aim of education  . 

(i) Education integrates individual with society. 

(ii) Education maintains society. 

(iii) Education perpetuates culture. 

(iv) Education increases efficiencies of individuals. 

(v) Education develops personalities and potentialities of the people in the society. 

Q. no 26. Discuss how education can bring changed in the society. 

Ans : Education is an important means of social change. Education initiate social change by changing the outlook and attitudes of man. Education brings change in the pattern of social relationships.  Education increases an awareness among the people. Education  has helped in removing many superstitions from the society. Education has broaden the outlook and attitude of the people in the  society. 

Q. no 27. Mention four significant changes in the contemporary social institutions of India. 

Ans : Four significant changes in the contemporary social institutions of Indian are –

(i) Breaking down of Indian joint family . Emergence of Nuclear family is one of the significant changes in the contemporary social institutions of India. 

(ii) Improving the status of woman. Literacy and education level of woman has increased. Women are getting employed outside home. 

(iii) Creation of social class in place of caste. Cast system has become flexible due to introduction of Industrial economy. Class system has arised because of industrialization and urbanization. 

(iv) Marriage has changed from endogamy to exogamy. The importance of exogenous marriage is given instead of endogamous marriage. 

Q. no 28. Define culture. Briefly discuss the material and non- material culture. 

Ans : Write the answer of question no.2 (i) and first part of answer of question no . 2 (ii) 

Q. no 29. Discuss how the functionalist sociologists view education. 

Ans : The functionalist sociologists acknowledge the positive influence of education in society. Education maintains social structure by transmitting culture from one generation to next generation. It is through the education future role in the society are distributed among the individuals. Education provides the mechanism for the selection and allocation of individuals. Education provides the mechanism for the selection and allocation of individuals in their future roles in the society. 

Q. no 30. Discuss the kind of rights that exist in your society. 

Ans : Rights are essential aspect of society. There are several kind of  rights exist in society. Individual enjoy rights to develop their own personalities and potentialities. Following are  rights of individuals in society –

(i) Civil rights :- Civil rights are basic rights by which individual fulfill the primary conditions of social life. Civil rights enables the individual to lead a free and progressive life. For example, right to life, right to freedom, right to property, right to education right to religion are civil right. 

(ii) Economic right :- Economic rights are very important because without this right individual cannot fulfill the basic necessities of life . An individual can lead a life with dignity with the economic right. For example, right to work, right to ways, right to rest are economic right. 

(iii) political right :- Every citizen enjoy political right in a democratic country. It means the right to participate in the government. A citizen enjoy three kind political right for example –

(a) Right to vote :- people elect their own representative by giving vote. 

(b) Right to contest :- A citizen has the right to contest in the election. 

(c) Right to apply for government post :- A citizen has the right to apply for government post and office.

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