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Class 11 Sociology Chapter 4 Culture And Socialisation
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Culture And Socialisation
Chapter: 4
Q. no 1. Which is the first agency of socialization?
Ans : Family.
Q. no 2. “Socialization is a continuous process “. Write ‘yes ‘ or ‘no’.
Ans : Yes.
Q. no 3. Is ‘Belief ‘ an element of culture ?
Ans : Yes.
Q. no 4. Who wrote the book, ” The scientific theory of culture ” .
Ans : Bronisław Malinowski.
Q. no 5. What is the opposite of Ethnocentrism .
Ans : Cosmopolitanism.
Q. no 6. Give one example of material culture.
Ans : paintings .
Q. no 7. Give one example of non -material culture.
Ans : Language.
Q. no 8. What is socialization.
Ans : Socialization is process by which one individual learns to conform to the norms of the group.
Q. no 9. Give one example of Revolutionary change.
Ans : The French Revolution in 1789 brought revolutionary changes in French Society.
(b) Short and Long Answers :
Q. no 1. Why culture is treated as a way of life?
Ans : Culture is a way of life of the members of a society. It includes the customer, habits, patterns of work, religions , arts and literature .
Q. no 2 . What is an ethnic group?
Ans : An ethnic group refers to a group of people which has a common historical origin, common living place, common language, religion and culture. The members of an ethnic group considers themselves as separate from other groups of people.
Q. no 3. Mention two elements of culture.
Ans : Two elements of culture are –
(i) Custom,
(ii) Language.
Q. no 4. Write two types of culture.
Ans : Two types of culture is –
(i) Material culture.
(ii) Non – material culture.
Q. no 5. What is personality ?
Ans : It is a product of culture in which a person has been brought up . Culture shapes a person to fit a particular type of style .
Q. no 6. Mention four agencies of socialization .
Ans : (i) Family.
(ii) School.
(iii) peer group.
(iv) Community.
Q. no 7. What is Ethnocentrism.
Ans : It refers to the evaluation of the behaviour and beliefs of people from other cultures by applying one ‘s own cultural values. considers one ‘s own cultural values as superior from other’s.
Q. no 8. What is subculture ?
Ans : It refers marking a group of people within a larger culture. It also refers to the exaggeration of the symbols, values and beliefs of the larger culture to distinguish themselves.
Q. no 9. What is revolutionary change ?
Ans : Revolutionary change refers to rapid changes in the socio -culture aspect of the society.
Q. no 10. Mention four normative aspects of culture.
Ans : (i) Folkways.
(ii) Mores.
(iii) Customs.
(iv) Conventions.
Q. no 11 . Give the meaning of culture.
Ans : The term culture originates from Latin word ‘Colere’ which means “to cultivate, to till the soil”. Culture means the learned normative behaviour patterns . Culture implies the refined and shared pattern of behaviour thinking, feeling and doing. According to E. B. Tylor ” Culture is the complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art , morals, laws, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of the society ” .
In simple culture refers the symbolic and learned aspects of society which includes languages, customs, traditions , beliefs, values etc.
Q. no 12 . what do you mean by material and non – material culture . Point out the difference between material and non-material culture.
Ans : Material culture consist of man made objects. It refers mainly to basic conditions which generally include material objects that the members of a society possess and use. The material culture includes technologies, instruments, material goods, household design and architecture, tools etc.
Non -material culture refers to abstract elements of society. Non – material culture basically reflects. inward nature of man. It consists of values, belief, language, art, music, painting, sculpture, etc.
Difference between material and non -material culture Material culture
(i) It consists of man made objects such as technology, instrument, tools, household design etc.
(ii) Material culture is concerned with external, mechanical and utilitarian objects.
(iii) Material culture may change rapidly.
Non -material culture –
(i) It consists of abstract elements such as values, belief, language etc.
(ii) Non – material culture is concerned with inward nature of man such as thinking and feeling.
(iii) Non – material culture may not change quickly. It takes longer time to change.
Q. no 13. Give the sociological meaning of social norms and social value.
Ans : Social norms :- It refers to socially accepted principle or way of life that guides activity and and behaviour of people. It is generally acceptable to the maximum number of people of a society. Social norms help the society to run smoothly and effectively. Social norms are based on social philosophy determined by the philosophers and social reformers. In simple social norms refers to a set of rules and laws, principles and customs which help better and beautiful living in the society.
Social values :- Social values may be defined as measures of goodness or desirability. It implies moral and religious values, attitudes, beliefs which are associated with social relationships.
Social norms and values are closely related. Norms and values together constitute an element of culture. Norms are the rules of behaviour approved by society and the values refer to what ought and what ought not to be done.
Q. no 14. Write briefly about four characteristics of social norm.
Ans : (a) Social norms is an inherent quality of a society. All people in a society are guided by social norms.
(b) Social norms deeply influence the socialization process of the individual .
(c) Social norms are based on philosophical considerations.
(d) Social norms are flexible and dynamic.
Q. no 15. What do you mean by folkways ? Is is one of the bases of culture?
Ans : ‘Folk ‘ means people and ‘Way’ means behaviour , habits of the people. Folkways are behaviour patterns of everyday life which generally arise unconsciously in a group or community. In simple, Folkways are recognised social behaviour based on long drawn habits, customs and traditions. Folkways is one of the bases of culture. It is true.
Q. no 16. What is the meaning of cultural Change and cultural acculturation ?
Ans :Cultural change refers to the occurrence of any change in the realm of culture. Cultural change is the modification or discontinuance in the existing element of culture and introduction of new element in the culture. According to Kingsley Davis cultural change includes all changes occurring in any branch of culture including art, science, technology, philosophy etc. as well as changes in the forms and rules of social organization.
Cultural acculturation is one of the process of cultural change. It occurs when two or more distinct cultures come into contact with each other and produce changes in either or both.
Q. no 17. Write the sociological meaning of cultural lag.
Ans : W. F. Ogburn first introduced the concept of cultural lag. Cultural has two aspects – one is material culture and the other is non – material. Cultural lag means the faltering of one aspect of culture behind another. In comparison to non – material culture, the material culture progresses faster. Thus, non – material culture lags behind. This process is sociologically known as cultural lag.
Q. no 18. What in your mind is the most effective agent of socialization for your generation? How do you think it was different before .
Ans : School is an important social institution. It performs an important task of Socialization . School is regarded as a very strong and effective agency of socialization. School provides the desirable body of knowledge to the students. Students becomes good citizens of society because of the education they receive in the school. Students participate in various activities, festivals, student union election and sports. Thus they develop community consciousness Attitude and ideas of students are molded in the school. The students learn to respect others, knows the values and customs the society .
Role of school as an agent of socialization was different before. Earlier in school traditional knowledge was provided. Basically stress was given on moral and religions education . But now modern western education is provided in school. Stress has been given on providing secular, liberal and scientific education .
Q. no 19. Is cosmopolitanism something you associate with modernity ? Observe and give examples of ethnocentrism.
Ans : Cosmopolitanism is associated with modernity. Cosmopolitanism has come with modernity. Cosmopolitanism is liberal and accepts the values and cultures of other ‘ s Cosmopolitanism celebrates. and accommodates cultural and accommodates cultural difference and diversities. Cosmopolitanism promotes cultural exchange and borrowings to enrich one’s own culture. However, Ethnocentrism is just opposite of Cosmopolitanism. Ethnocentrism evaluate the behaviour and beliefs of people from other cultures by applying one ‘s own cultural values. It considers one ‘s own cultural values as superior from other ‘s For example, in a colonial situation, ethnocentrism becomes more prominent. Macaulay ‘s famous Minute on Education (1835) of the East India company in India clear shows the ethnocentrism.
Q. no 20. Mention five characteristics of culture.
Ans : (i) Culture is learned, shared and acquired behaviour. It is structured.
(ii) It consists of organised patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving.
(iii) Culture is dynamic. It keeps changing.
(iv) Culture is transmissive. It is transmitted from one generation to the next generation.
(v) Culture is continuous and cumulative social process.
Q. no 21. Mention five functions of culture.
Ans : Culture plays an important role in the society. It performs several functions like –
(i) Culture provides an identity to the people.
(ii) Culture provides knowledge and skills.
(iii) Culture provides aesthetic and moral standards in the society.
(iv) Culture helps in communicating with other through shared language.
(v) Culture provides recreation.
Q. no 22 . Write the sociological meaning of civilization.
Ans : The term civilization refers to all the achievements characteristics of human life in a city. It indicates a particular stage in the evolution of man. According to Mac Iver and page civilization is the whole apparatus of life. According to Max Weber civilization includes useful material objects and the methods of producing and using them. There is close relation between culture and civilization but they are not same. Civilization basically refers to all human achievement but culture consists of ideas, values, and mental and emotional aspect of a group.
Sl. No. | CONTENTS |
Unit 1 | PART-1 |
Chapter 1 | Sociology And Society |
Chapter 2 | Terms, Concepts And Their Use In Sociology |
Chapter 3 | Understanding Social Institutions |
Chapter 4 | Culture And Socialisation |
Chapter 5 | Doing Sociology: Methods And Techniques |
Unit 2 | PART-2 |
Chapter 6 | Social Structure, Stratification and Social Processes in Society |
Chapter 7 | Social Change and Social Order in Rural and Urban Society |
Chapter 8 | Environment And Society |
Chapter 9 | Introducing Western Social Thinkers |
Chapter 10 | Indian Sociologists |
Q. no 23 . How culture influence or determine personality ?
Ans : personality is a product of culture in which a person has been brought up. Culture shapes people to fit a particular type of style. It moulds their ideas and beliefs. Culture determine methods of child rearing and upbringing, forms of social control, mores, customs, rituals, myths, legends and ways of thinking and living. All these influence the personality of a man.
Q. no 24 . What are the elements of culture? Explain them with examples .
Ans : Culture consists of several elements. The major components of culture are languages, belief, value, norm, behaviour patterns and material objects. Ideas, norms, language and material together constitutes the elements of culture. Components of culture may be divided into three –
(i) Cognitive.
(ii) Normative . and
(iii) Material objects.
(i) Cognitive :- It is an idea which consists of myth, superstition. scientific facts, arts and religion. It basically refers to knowledge about the physical and social world. For example knowledge about how to obtain food, how to build house and shelters and how to survive etc.
(ii) Normative :- It includes rules, expectations and standardized procedures. For example beliefs, values, norms, signs and symbols etc.
(iii) Material :- It refers to basic conditions which includes material items and objects that the members of a society possess and use. It is concerned with the external, mechanical and utilitarian objects. For example, technologies, instruments, material goods, household design and architecture.
Q. no 25. Define culture. What are the differences between culture and civilization ?
Ans : According to E. B. Tylor, culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities acquired by man as a member of society.
There are differences between culture and civilization. According Max Weber, civilization includes useful material objects and methods of producing and using them whereas culture consists of the ideals, values, and the mental and emotional aspect of a group.
Culture and civilization are different in the following respects –
(i) Civilization has a precise standard of measurement. The products of civilization can be measured.
But culture has no similar quantitative or qualitative standard of measurement. Values, norms, ideas can not be measured.
(ii) Civilization is always advancing and progressing. The Constituents of civilization like machine , tools, transport and communication are constantly progressing. But culture is not always progressing . It cannot be said that the art , literature, thoughts, or ideals of today are superior to those of the past.
(iii) Civilization is external but culture is internal. Civilization is a means but culture is an end in itself. Civilization reflects the material wealth of mankind but culture refers to intrinsic values.
(iv) Civilization is borrowed without loss or change but not culture. Products of civilization can be borrowed. For example, motor cars, machines, medicines etc. are borrowed. But the element of culture can not be borrowed. For example, religion, art, literature, ideals cannot be borrowed.
(v) The product of civilization can be easily communicated than that of culture. The product of civilization are open to all. But the product of culture is the property of a particular group.
Q. no 26. Explain the role of community in socialization.
Ans :Community refers to a group of people with common characteristics living in a locality. It is an important and informal agency of socialization.
The members of the community act in a co -operation and help each other in times of need. Community consists of people of common religion or common language or common culture or same vocation. There is a strong sense of unity and understanding among the members.
The community consciousness grows naturally and spontaneously among the children. Children like to participate in community festivals, games and sports. Thus, they learn to accept the community rules, faith , belief, customs and the way of life. Community consciousness of children have great influence on socialization process.
Q. no 27. “School is one of the important agencies of socialization “. Discuss.
Ans : School is a social institution. It performs an important task of socialization. School is regarded as a very strong and effective agency of socialization. School presents the desirable body of knowledge to the students. Students become good citizens of society because of the education they receive in the school. Students participate in various activities, festivals, student union election and sports. Thus, they develop community consciousness. Attitude and ideas of students are moulded in the school. The students learn to respect others, knows the values and customs of the society.
Q. no 28. Mention the elements of socialization.
Ans : (i) The physical and psychological heritage of the individual .
(ii) The environment in which the individual is born.
(iii) Culture in which the individual is brought up.
(iv) Experience of the individual.
Q. no 29. What do you mean by socialization ? What are the main agencies of socialization?
Ans : Socialization is a process by which an individual learns to conform to the norms of the group. According to Kimball Young, socialization is a process of inducting the individual into the social and cultural world. Socialization process transforms the human animal into a social human being. In simple, it is a process by which the personality of an individual is shaped and moulded . It is a process by which the culture of society is transmitted from one generation to the next generation .
Socialization is a continuous and lifelong process. It begins at birth and continuous till the end of the life of a man. There are some agents which play an important role in the socialization process. They are family, school, peer -groups, religion etc.
(i) Family :- Socialization of an individual begins within a family. Hence family is considered as the first and foremost agent of socialization. From infancy the child learns many things from parents, relatives and other members of the society . Everyone in the family is tied with emotional sentiment of love, affection and understanding.
All these influence the socialization of the children. In fact, family is considered as a window thought which a child learns to see and understand the outside world. The intimate relationship between the parents and the children shapes the attitude and ideas of the children. The children learns social and moral virtues within the family. It is rightly said that family is the cradle of social virtues.
(ii) The peer groups :- peer groups means the group made up of the contemporaries of the child, his friend in school, in playground and in neighbour. Peer group effectively influence the children. The children know about equality, co -operation, tolerance and mutual understanding within the peer groups. The children learn from each other because there is free and spontaneous inter – action within the peer group. The child acquires some socially useful knowledge and information with their friend circle.
(iii) The School :- School is a place where children get their formal education. Schools plays an important role in socialing an individual . School gives the desirable body of knowledge to the students. Students become good citizens of society because of the education they receive in the school.
Students participate in various activities, festivals, students union election and sports. Thus, they develop community consciousness. Attitude and ideas of students are moulded in the school. The students learn to respect others, knows values and customs of the society.
(iv) Community :- A community act in a couple-operation and help each other in times of need. Community consists of people of common religion or common language or common culture or same vocation. Therefore, there prevails a strong sense of unity and understanding among the members of a community.
The community consciousness grows naturally and spontaneously among the children. Children like to participate in community festivals, games and sports. Thus, they learn to accept the community rules, faith, beliefs, customs and the way of life.
(v) Religion :- Religion is an inseparable element of society. In ancient time religion provided a bond of unity and togetherness. Religion has been also a source of knowledge. Religion has a deep influence in the mind of man . It moulds the beliefs, attitude and ways of life. Religion shapes the ideology and morality of a person in the society .
Q. no 30. Briefly write the role of media in socialization.
Ans : In modern society mass media plays a very strong role in the socialization process. Mass media can reach the people in large number within a very short time. Mass media like television , newspaper and radio shapes the public opinion. It communicates messages, information and ideas to the people. Through mass media a man can see the outside social, political and cultural world.
Q. no 31. What in your mind is the most effective agent of socialization for your generation ? How do you think it was different before.
Ans : School is an important social institution. It performs an important task of Socialization. School is regarded as a very strong and effective agency of socialization. School provides the desirable body of knowledge to the students. Students becomes good citizens of society because of the education they receive in the school , Students participate in various activities, festivals, student union election and sports. Thus, they develop community consciousness . Attitude and ideas of students are molded in the school. The students learn to respect others, knows the values and customs of the society.
Role of school as an agent of socialization was different before. Earlier in school traditional knowledge was provided. Basically stress was given on moral and religions education. But now modern western education is provided in school. Stress has been given on providing secular, liberal and scientific education.
Q. no 32. Is cosmopolitanism something you associate with modernity ? Observe and give examples of ethnocentrism.
Ans : Cosmopolitanism is associated with modernity. Cosmopolitanism has come with modernity. Cosmopolitanism is liberal and accepts the values and cultures of other’s Cosmopolitanism celebrates and accommodates cultural and accommodates cultural difference and diversities. Cosmopolitanism promotes cultural exchange and borrowings to enrich one ‘s own culture .
However, Ethnocentrism is just opposite of Cosmopolitanism. Ethnocentrism evaluate the behaviour and beliefs of people from other cultures by applying one ‘s own cultural values. It considers one ‘s own cultural values as superior from other’s For example, in a colonial situation, ethnocentrism becomes more prominent. Macaulay ‘s famous Minute on Education (1835) of the East India company in India clear shows the ethnocentrism.

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