Class 11 Sociology Chapter 2 Terms, Concepts And Their Use In Sociology

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Class 11 Sociology Chapter 2 Terms, Concepts And Their Use In Sociology

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Terms, Concepts And Their Use In Sociology

Chapter: 2



(a) Give Very Short Answer :

Q.1. Give one example of secondary groups.

Ans: Political party.

Q.2. Religion/law/customs is a powerful agency of social control.(write the correct answer)

Ans: Law is a powerful agency of social control.

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Q.3. Give an example of closed stratification.

Ans: Caste.

Q.4. “Economy is the basic structure of human society”- who said this.

Ans: Karl Marx.

Q.5. Status gained by birth is known ———–(fill the gap)

Ans: Status gained by birth is known as ascribed status.

Q.6. To which group family belongs?

Ans: Primary group.

Q.7. ” Face to Face” relation is the characteristics of which group?

Ans: Primary group.

Q.8. “By group we mean any collection of human being” who brought into social relationship with  one another” Who said this?

Ans: H.M. Johnson.

Q.9. Name the status which is earned by individual effort. 

Ans: Achieved status.

Q.10. Family is a kinship group. Write ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

Ans: Yes, Family is a kinship group.

(b) Give Short & Long Answer :

Q.1. What is social structure?

Ans: Social structure refers to patterns of regular interaction between individuals or groups in the society. It is related to groups, institutions and arrangements relating to status and power. It also implies to a pattern of inter-relations between individuals and groups.

Q2. Write three characteristics of social group.

Ans: Social group is a collection of continuously interacting persons sharing common interest and culture. It has the following characteristics–

(i) A sense of belongingness. It means ‘we’ feeling among the members.

(ii) Continuous interaction

(iii) Common interest

Q.3. “Man’s life is group life” — give arguments in favour of this statement. 

Ans: It is correct to say that man’s life is group life. The following arguments are given unfavour of this statement.

(i) Man is born and brought up in a group, for example in the family. Individual learns in a group, plays in a group, develops in a group and lives in a group.

(ii) All men live in society and bound together through certain norms, values, customs and practises. We very often say that “we belong to a society”. As a member of society every human being share certain traditions, historical experiences, pleasure and plain.

(iii) No individual can fulfil all his requirements by his own. He has depend on the group in which he lives.

Q.4. What is class consciousness.

Ans: Karl Marx mentioned about class consciousness. According him, the society has been divided into two opposite classes. One class is exploited buy the rich and the capitalist. The working class unite against the capitalist to oppose and stop exploitation.

Q.5. Write a note on reference group.

Ans: Man imitates others. Individuals and groups desire to follow other’s life style and behavior. When a group’s life style and behavior imitated by any other group it is called reference group.

Q.6. What is Social Group? Give two examples of social group.

Ans: Social group means any collection of human beings who are brought into social relationships with one another. In simple social group is a collection of two or more individuals, who interact with each other. For example, family and club.

Q.7. What do you mean by primary Group? Give example. 2012

Ans: A primary group is a small group where the members come into direct contact with each other. Face to Face relation is the main characteristic of primary group. There is very close association and co-operation among the members. For example family is a primary group.

Q.8. What is Secondary Group ? Give example.

Ans: A secondary group is comparatively large in size, relatively temporary and formal in nature. The relationship among the members of secondary group is interpersonal. The secondary group is based on specific interest among the members. For example, political party and labour union.

Q.9. Give the sociological meaning of community.

Ans: According to Maciver community is the name of settlement, village, city, tribe or nation. When the members of a group live together and share no particular interest but the basic conditions of common life, the group is called community. For example, village community, tribal community etc.

Q.10. What is Social Norm ?

Ans : Social norm means socially accepted principles that guide the activity and behaviour of the individuals. Social activities are organized on the basis of social norms of the society. Social norm help the society to move smoothly and effectively.

Q.11. Write three basic characteristics of community.

Ans : Three basic characteristic of community.

(i) Each community live in a particular area.

(ii) The members of the community posses the feeling of mutuality and community.

(iii) There exist close interaction, common beliefs, values and strong group feeling among the members.

Q12. What is primary group ? Discuss the characteristics primary group.

Ans : A primary group is a small group where the members come into direct contact with each other face to face relation is the main characteristic of primary group. There is very close association is an example of primary group. The member of primary groups are connected by ties of emotional feelings and unity.

Characteristics of primary group :

(i) Primary groups are generally small in size due to smallness in size there exists intimate and close relation among the members.

(ii) primary groups are based on common aims and interests Members of the primary group interact face to face and have concern for each other. 

(iii) The relations of the members of primary group are informal and spontaneous. There exists no compulsion or formality  among the members. 

(iv) primary groups are relatively permanent in nature. 

(v) There exists continuity in the relations of the members. 

Q. no 13. State any four point of difference between community and society. 

Ans : Community refers to a group of people with common characteristics living at a specific geographical locality. Society is larger form of community. 

The differences between community and society  are shown below –

(i) Community is smaller group of people with common characteristics. On the other hand ,  society is a large group with variety of society norms and cultural qualities. 

(ii) There is a common religion, language, culture, vocation and the way of life in a community. In a society there are differences in these qualities . 

(iii) Community is limited to a particular geographical locality. Society covers a larger area. 

(iv) Community is popularly known as a primary group while society is called a secondary group. 

Q. no 14. Explain the differences between primary group and secondary group. 

Ans : (i)Primary groups are small in size. But the secondary groups are big in size. Family is an example of primary group which is small. On the other hand political party is an example of secondary group which t big. 

(ii) Relationship in a primary group is direct, face to face, intimate and personal. On the other hand relationship in a secondary group is indirect, impersonal and regulated by formal rules. 

(iii) Members of primary group interact closely and have concern for each other. Members of secondary group are concerned with common interest. 

(iv) primary groups are permanent and stable in nature. There exists continuity of relations among the members of primary group. On the other hand secondary groups are temporary . The members may leave the group as soon as the purposes or interests are fulfilled. 

(v)  Primary group relationships are characterised by emotional attachments. But the relationship in a secondary group is characterised by specific interest. 

(vi) There is co – operation and mutuality among the members of a primary group. On the other hand there is competitiveness among the members of a secondary group. 

Q. no 15. Explain the differences between Society and Association. 

Ans : Differences between Society and Association –

(i) Society is a system of social relationships. On the other hand Association is a group of people. 

(ii) Society is abstract thing but Association is concrete. 

(iii) Society grows naturally but Association is established  . 

(iv) Both co – operation and conflict are present in society. On the other hand  Association is based on co – operation only. 

(v) Society may or may not be organised . On the other hand Association must be organised. 

(vi) Society exists for general well being of the people. Therefore the aim of society is general. But an Association is formed for the pursuit of some particular interest or purpose  . Therefore the aim of society is particular. 

(vii) Society is permanent. But Associations are comparatively temporary  . 

Q. no 16. Mention the essential element or characteristics of an Association. 

Ans : An association has the following essential elements –

(i) An Association is human group. It is created by human beings for the welfare of human beings. 

(ii) An Association is based on certain common interests or aims. 

(iii) An Association is formed with the spirit of co – operation and mutual interest  . 

(iv) An Association is organised group of people. Every Association has certain kind of organization to perform some specific task. 

(v) An Association has certain rules and regulation. 

(vi) Membership of an Association is voluntary. 

Q. no 17. Distinguish between Association and Community. 

Ans : (i) Association is formed or established. But community grows naturally. 

(ii) Membership of an association is voluntary. But the membership of a community is compulsory  . 

(iii) Association is comparatively temporary. But community is permanent. 

(iv) Association has a legal or formal status but community has no legal status. 

(v) Association is formed for specific interest. But a community has no specific interest. It exists for the common interests. 

Unit 1 PART-1
Chapter 1Sociology And Society
Chapter 2Terms, Concepts And Their Use In Sociology
Chapter 3Understanding Social Institutions
Chapter 4Culture And Socialisation
Chapter 5Doing Sociology: Methods And Techniques
Unit 2PART-2
Chapter 6Social Structure, Stratification and Social Processes in Society
Chapter 7Social Change and Social Order in Rural and Urban Society
Chapter 8Environment And Society
Chapter 9Introducing Western Social Thinkers
Chapter 10Indian Sociologists

Q. no 18. Mention the differences between Institution and Community. 

Ans : (i) An institution fulfils primary need. On the other hand there is no such definite aim of community. 

(ii) Am institution is related to one particular sphere of life. But a community is related to the community life in its totality. 

(iii) An institution is abstract but a community is concrete. 

(iv) An institution indicates a particular type of behaviour. But community does not indicate a particular behaviour. 

Q. no 19. What is social stratification. 

Ans : Social stratification refers to the division of society into unequal strata or layer. It means hierarchical divisions of society into various groups and classes. 

Q. no 20. Mention four basic systems of stratification in human society. 

Ans: (i) Slavery,

(ii) Caste,

(iii) Estate,

(iv) Class.

Q.  no 21. What is In -Group and Out -Group. 

Ans : In -Group is that group which an individual consider as his own. ‘We’ feeling exists in this group. 

Out -Group is that group which an individual does not consider as his own. ‘They ‘ feeling exists in this group. 

Q. no 22. Name the type of social stratification. 

Ans : There are two type of social stratification. One is open system and the other is close system. 

Q. no 23. What is “Role Set “.

Ans : The array of roles associated with a particular status  is called role set. For example, a doctor in a hospital interacts with many other.  A doctor interacts with his fellow doctor, nurses, other staff and with the patients. While interacting  with all these people ,  the role of a doctor varies  . This complex of roles that accrues to a single status is known as  “Role-Set “.

Q. no 24 . What do you mean by  ” Role” and  “Status “.

Ans : Role is the expected behaviour of an individual who holds a certain position in the society. 

Status is the position occupied by an individual in the society. 

Q. no 25. Write the meaning of social ‘Class’ and ‘Caste’. Describe the difference between caste and class. 

Ans : Social class :- Social class refers to a status group. According  to Ogburn  and Nimkoff”  A social class is the aggregate of persons having essentially the same social status in a given society”. Thus, social class refers to a  group of people who possess particular social status or position which is based mainly on economic conditions.  

Caste :- It is a social grouping based on birth. It may be defined as a particular group or community purely based on heredity. Both caste and class are two forms of social stratification. But there are differences between caste and class. 

They are described below :-


(i) The class system is universal.  It exists in the all the modern societies. 

(ii) Class refers to achieved status . Class status has to be by achieved by personal effort. 

(iii) Class is an open system. Social mobility is permitted in between and among classes. 

(iv) Class system is secular. It is not backed by religion. 

(v) There is no system of untouchability within the class system. 


(i) Caste is particular. It is a pecular  characteristic of only Indian society. 

(ii) Caste is ascribed status of an individual is ascribed birth. 

(iii) Caste is an close system. Social mobility is not permitted within the caste system. 

(iv) Caste system is based on divine origin. It is closely linked with Hindu society. 

(v) There is untouchability within the caste system. 

Q. no 26. Give definitions of social stratification. Discuss various types of social stratification with suitable example. 

Ans : Social stratification refers to the division of society into unequal strata or layer. According to Ogburn and Nimkoff, social stratification is a process by which individuals and groups are ranked in a more or less enduring hierarchy of status. Thus social stratification means hierarchical divisions of society into various groups and classes. 

Social stratification system can be divided into two types – (i) Open system (ii) Closed system. 

(i) Open system :- In the open system of social stratification, the boundaries between the strata or layer are relatively more flexible status can be changed. An individual can achieve a higher status on the basis of ability, effort and merit. In open system of stratification upward or downward movement of status takes place class system is an example of open social stratification. An individual can move up to upper class from middle class. 

(ii) Close system :- In the close system of social stratification, the boundaries between the strata are rigid. The position of an individual in the society is determined by birth. An individual cannot change his social status. 

For example caste system in India. An individual cannot change his caste. 

Q. no 27. Write the meaning of Achieved status and Ascribed status. Give example. 

Ans : Achieved status refers to a status or position that an individual obtains through personal efforts. It is based on merit  , ability and effort . For example, an individual can become a doctor by his own effort. 

Ascribed status refers to a social status or position that is ascribed on the basis of birth. For example caste of Indian people is determined by birth . 

Q. no 28. Mention four elements of social structure . 

Ans : The four basic elements of social structure is – (i) Status (ii) Role (iii) Norms (iv) Values. 

Q. no 29. Define social class. Describe characteristics of social class. 

Ans : Definition of social class – see the answer of questions no 3.

Characteristics of social class :- (i) Social class refers to a status group. Status are distributed on the basis of resource, opportunities and power. 

(ii) Social class is an achieved status. Achievement of a person determines his status in the class system. An individual can achieve a higher status on the basis of ability, merit and effort. 

(iii) Social class is an open system. A person can move up to upper class from lower or middle class. Status within the social class is not fixed. It can move upward or downward. 

(iv) Social class is an universal system. In all modern societies class system exists. 

(v) Social class is secular in character. It is not based on or backed by religion. It is determined by objective factors like income, occupation, wealth, education and life – style. 

(vi) Social class is also characterised  by class – consciousness. Class consciousness is the sentiment that determines the relations of a person towards the members of his own and other classes . 

Q. no 30 . Define Caste. Mention its characteristics. 

Ans : Caste is a social grouping in Hindu Society based on birth. It may be define as a particular group or community purely based on heredity. 

(i) Caste system refers to segmental division of Hindu society. Hindu society is divided into various caste and sub – castes. 

(ii) Caste system is based on hierarchical division of society into various caste like Brahmans, Kshatriyas , Baishyas and shudreas  .  

(iii) Caste is particular characteristics of Hindu society. It is backed by religion. 

(iv) Caste is closed system of stratification. No individual can change his caste. 

(v) Caste system is based on heredity. It is ascribed on on the basis of birth. 

Q. no 31. What is social control? What are its type? 

Ans : Social control is the control of society over the individual. There are two types of social control. One is informal control and the other is formal control. 

Q. no 32. Mention four essential features of social control. 

Ans : (i) Social control is as old as human society. 

(ii) Social control essential condition of human society without social control society cannot exist. 

(iii) Social control indicates influence of society over individual. 

(iv) Social control promotes social welfare. 

Q. no 33 . Write the need and importance of Social  control. 

Ans : Social control is an essential condition of human society. Without social control society cannot exist. Society cannot function properly without appropriate exercise of social control. 

Following are the need of social control :- (i) To maintain order, discipline and stability in the society. 

(ii) To control human behaviour effectively for the continuity of social structure. 

(iii) To bring integration in the society. 

(iv) To bring social conformity. 

Following are the importance of social control :- (i) Social control brings social conformity by exercising control over people effectively. Without social conformity in the society, their will be chaos and indiscipline  . 

(ii) Social control integrates the society. It provides reasonable balance between different groups, organizations and institutions in the society. In the way social harmony is achieved. 

(iii) Social control checks cultural mal adjustment on the society. Social control reduces the rate of cultural deviation. 

Q. no 34. What is formal Social control and informal Social control.Discuss with example. 

Ans : Formal Social control includes the laws, institutions and other mechanisms  , like government and state. Various rules, regulations and legislations are enacted by government in the modern society. They exercise social control. Violation of rules and laws lead to punishment. Police and military force are employed to check violation. Thus formal control means control by formal ways. Means of formal control are deliberately created and exercised by the government. 

Informal social control are unofficial method grow themselves spontaneously. Informal social control includes traditions, customs, public opinion, religion etc. Means of informal social control have deep impact on the society. People’s belief in the informal means of social control is most important. 

Q. no 35. Write differences between formal and informal Social control. 

Ans : (i) Formal social control is official. But informal social control unofficial. 

(ii) Formal social control generally involves large organizations such as police, government. On the other hand, informal social control involves small groups like family, community and neighbourhood. 

(iii) Means of formal social control are deliberately created. But means of informal control grow on the basis of people’s belief and practices in the society. 

Q. no 36. Examine the role of social control. 

Ans : Social control is an essential condition of human society. Without social control society cannot exist. Society cannot function properly without appropriate exercise of social control. 

Following are the need of social control :-

(i) To maintain order, discipline and stability in the society. 

(ii) To control human behaviour effectively for the continuity of social structure. 

(iii) To bring integration in the society. 

(iv) To bring social conformity. 

Following are the importance of social control :- (i) Social control brings social conformity by exercising control over people effectively. Without social conformity in the society, their will be chaos and indiscipline. 

(ii) Social control integrates the society. It provides reasonable balance between different groups, organizations and institutions in the society. In the way social harmony is achieved. 

(iii) Social control checks cultural mal adjustment in the society. Social control reduces the rate of cultural deviation. 

Q. no 37. Define social control. Discuss various means of social control. 


Discuss the role of various agents in social control. 

Ans : Social control is the control of society over the individual. There are two types of social control. One is formal social control, another is informal control. According to Ogburn and Nimkoff social control refers to  “the patterns of pressure which a society exerts to maintain order and established rules “. 

E. A. Ross first introduced the concept of social control. According to him, social control refers to the  ” system of devices whereby society brings its members into conformity with the accepted standards of behaviour”.

In simple, social control implies a system of device through which society controls the behaviour and activities of individual in the society. 

Means or agents of social control :- There are several agents or means of social control. They are –

(i) Family :- Family socializes the child first. An individual learns his first lesson of social living within the family. Within the family an individual learns obedience and respect for others. It is said that the control of parents upon the child is the control of society upon the individual. A child is taught to behave in a way which conforms to the standard of goodness, morality. A child gets an idea of values, norms, customs, rules, authority and public opinion etc. Within the family. Thus, the family is one of the most important agencies of society control. 

(ii) Religion :- Religion is a strong means of social control. People don’t want to go against religion. Religion regulates behaviour, feelings and thinking of individuals. Religion promotes love, affection, sacrifice, co -operation, truthfulness, loyalty and kindness. Religion promotes faith in God or supernatural power. Religion prescribes good conduct, respect for truth, holiness, non-violence. The ideas of hell and heaven exercise a great impact in mind and behaviour of people. 

(iii) Custom :- Custom controls the behaviour of an individual in society. Custom regulates the life of an individual by providing guidance in the social life. People generally follow various custom and usages in maintaining their personal as well as social life. Custom inspire people to follow and respect norms values, folkways and mores in social life. From the very childhood a person forms the habits to obey the customs. Customs brings harmony and discipline in society. 

(iv)  Law :- Laws are standardised and formalized norms that regulate human behaviour in the society. The state enact laws. Disobedience of law leads to punishment. Laws are enforced with the help of judiciary, police and military force. Law prohibits certain kind of activity. Law not only try to protect  individual but also try to promote society welfare. 

(v) public opinion :- public opinion is an important means of social control in modern society. It controls the conduct, behaviour, way  of living, thinking etc . to a great extent. In the present democratic government, public opinion plays a powerful role. Public opinion is formed by or spread through propaganda, newspaper, cinema, radio etc. 

Q. no 38. Examine the role of religion and custom in social control. 

Ans : Religion and custom have played an important role in social control. Religion is a strong means of social control. Religion regulates behaviour, feelings  and thinking of individuals. Religion promotes love, affection, sacrifice, co-operation, truthfulness, loyalty and kindness. Religion promotes faith in God or Supernatural power Religion prescribes good conduct, respect for truth, holiness, non-violence. The ideas of hell and heavens exercise a great impact in mind and behaviour of people. 

Custom controls the behaviour of on individual in society. Custom regulates the life of an individual by providing guidance in the social life. People generally follow various custom and usages in maintaining. Their personal as well as social life. Custom inspire people to follow and respect norms, values, folkway and mores in social life. From the very childhood a person forms the habit to obey the customer. Customs brings harmony and discipline in society. 

Q. no 39. Discuss  briefly the characteristics of social stratification. 

Ans :The characteristics of social stratification are –

(i) Social stratification is a social process. 

(ii)Social stratification refers to division of society into various groups or classes  . 

(iii) Social stratification refers to more or less enduring hierarchy status. 

(iv) Social stratification to marked by inequality. 

(v) Social stratification refers gradation of people into higher  and lower position. 

Q. no 40. What is role stereotyping. 

Ans : It is a process of re – Inforcement of some specific role for men and women in the society. For example the role of men as bread winner and role of women as home maker. 

Q. no 41. What is deviance. 

Ans : It refers to those action of individual which do not conform to the social norms and values. 

Q. no 42. What is social mobility? 

Ans : The people in society continue to move up and down the status scale. This movement is called social mobility. 

Q.  no 43. What is social control. Do you think that modes of social control in different spheres of society are different? 

Ans :Social control is a social process by which behaviour of individual in the society are regulated. Social control also aims to enforce values and norms among the individuals for maintaining order in the society. 

Mode of social control in different spheres of society are different. There is differences in the society. Within a society there may be different laws, traditions, customs, values etc. Therefore the mode of social control in different spheres of society are different. 

Q. no 44. What circumstances are considered to a group to become reference group? 

Ans : (i) A group becomes reference group when some or all members of a particular group aspire to membership in the reference group. 

(ii) A group became reference group when the members of a particular group consider the reference group of its members as  a standard for comparison.

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