Class 11 Geography Chapter 22 Soils

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Class 11 Geography Chapter 22 Soils

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Chapter: 22




Q.1. Which one of the following is the most widespread and most productive category of soil? 

(i) Alluvial soil

(ii) Laterite soil

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(iii) Black soil 

(iv) Laterite soil.

Ans: (i) Alluvial soil.

Q.2. ” Regur soil “- is another name for the

(i) Saline soil 

(ii) Arid soil 

(iii) Black soil

(iv) Laterite soil

Ans: (iii) Black soil.

Q.3. Which one of the following is the main reason for the loss of the top soil in India? 

(i) Wind erosion

(ii) Water erosion 

(iii) Excessive leaching

(iv) None of the above

Ans: (i) Wind erosion. 

Q.4. Areable land in the irrigated zones of India is turning saline due to which of the following reasons? 

(i)  Addition of gypsum 

(ii)  Overgrazing 

(iii) Over irrigation

(iv) Use of fertilizers 

Ans: (iii) Over irrigation

Answer the following questions in about 30 words

Q.1. What is soil?

Ans Soil is a mixture of rock debris and organic materials which develop on the earth’s surface and one of the most valuable resources.

Q.2. What are the main factors responsible for the formation of soil? 

Ans: The main factors responsible for the formation are: 

(a) Relief or topography

(b) Parent materials

(c) Climate 

(d) Vegetation

(e) Organisms

(f) Time

Q.3. Mention the three horizons of a soil profile.

Ans: The three noted horizons of a soil profile are: (a) Top soil Sub soil Parent rock or Bedrock 

Q.4.What is a soil degradation? 

Ans: Due to extensive cultivation, over irrigation, over use of chemical fertilizers in soil the fertility as well as the quality of soils decline.The declining quality and fertility of soils is called as soil degradations.

Q.5. What is the difference between Khadar and Bhangar?


(a) Khadar are new alluvial soils(a) Bhangar are old alluvial soils
(b) They are loamy and porous(b) They are clayey and less porous
(c) More fertile(c) Less fertile

Answer the following questions in not more than 125 words

Q.1. What are black soils? Describe their formation and characteristics.

Ans: Those soils which are black in colour are refer as black soil. These soils are also known as cotton soils and some areas black soils are called regur.

The black soils are formed or developed on basaltic rocks of the Deccan plateau under the semi-arid climate regime.

Characteristics of black soils: (a) Black soils are rich in lime, iron magnesia and alumina.

(b) They are quite fertile.

(c) The organic contents are very less.

(d) Suitable for cotton cultivation.

(e) They are black to gray in colour.

(f) Black soils contain potash.

(g) Black soils are poor in phosphorus and nitrogen.

Chapter 1Geography As A Discipline
Chapter 2The Origin and Evolution of the Earth
Chapter 3Interior of the Earth
Chapter 4Distribution of Oceans And Continents
Chapter 5Minerals and Rocks
Chapter 6Geomorphic Processes
Chapter 7Landforms and Their Evolution
Chapter 8Composition and Structure of Atmosphere
Chapter 9Solar Radiation, Heat balance, and Temperature
Chapter 10Atmospheric Circulation and Weather Systems
Chapter 11Water in the Atmosphere
Chapter 12World Climate and Climate Change
Chapter 13Water (Oceans)
Chapter 14Movements of Ocean Water
Chapter 15Life on the Earth
Chapter 16Biodiversity And Conservation
Chapter 17Indian Location
Chapter 18Structure and Physiography
Chapter 19Drainage System
Chapter 20Climate
Chapter 21Natural Vegetation
Chapter 22Soils
Chapter 23Natural Hazards and Disasters

Q.2. What is soil conservation? Suggest some measures to conserve soil.

Ans: Soil conservation is a methodology to maintain soil fertility, prevent soil erosion and exhaustion and improve the degraded condition of the soil.

Soil conservation measures: To Conserve soil erosion, we can take various measures,some important measures are given below:

(a) Afforestation

(b) Contour bounding 

(c) Contour terracing

(d) Regulated forestry

(e) Controlled grazing

(f) Cover cropping

(g) Mixed farming

(h) Crop rotation

(i) Construction of river dam 

(j) Educating villagers about consequences of soil erosions.

Q.3. How do you know that a particular type of soil is fertile or not? Differentiate between naturally determined fertility and culturally induced fertility.

Ans: A particular type of soil is fertile or not,to know this we must know her inherent characteristics and physical features of soil, such as texture colour,aspect of slope and moisture content.

Naturally fertilized soils: The fertility of soils which come naturally is  called naturally determined fertility.It includes the texture of soil, colour and moisture of soil. Besides these the amount of humus content is another cause for natural fertility of soil.

Culturally induced fertility: When the soil made fertile by adding chemical contents from outside,such soils are termed culturally-induced fertility. This process can be done by adding various chemical fertilizers and other manures.

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