Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Class 4 English Chapter 18 Is Your Name Riya? (তোমাৰ নাম ৰীয়ানে?), Assam Jatiya Vidyalaya | অসম জাতীয় বিদ্যালয় ইংৰাজী Class 4 Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Chapter 18 Is Your Name Riya? Class 4 English Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination.
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Is Your Name Riya? (তোমাৰ নাম ৰীয়ানে?)
Chapter – 18
অসম জাতীয় বিদ্যালয়
পাঠভিত্তিক ক্রিয়াকলাপৰ প্রশ্নোত্তৰ
- Is your name Riya ? তোমাৰ নাম ৰীয়ানে ?
- My name is not Riya. মোৰ নাম ৰীয়া নহয়।
- My name is Disha. মোৰ নাম দিশা।
- Are these hibiscus plants ? এইবোৰ জৱাফুলৰ গছনে ?
- These are not hibiscus plants. এইবোৰ জৱাফুলৰ গছ নহয়।
- These are rose plants ?এইবোৰ গোলাপ ফুলৰ গছ ?
- I have some beautiful dolls. মোৰ কিছুমান ধুনীয়া পুতলা আছে।
- I have not any toy car. মোৰ কোনো পুতলা গাড়ী নাই।
- We have a big mango tree behind our house.আমাৰ ঘৰৰ পিছফালে এজোপা ডাঙৰ আম গছ আছে।
- We have not any vegetable garden. আমাৰ শাক-পাচলিৰ বাগিচা নাই।
এইটো Lesson অত তোমালোকে Interrogative sentence (প্ৰশ্নবোধক বাক্য) Negative sentence (নহয়বোধক বাক্য) বুজোৱা হৈছে।
Interrogative sentence (প্ৰশ্নবোধক বাক্য) :
When we ask a question we use it. We use question mark (?) at the end of the sentence. (প্ৰশ্নবোধক বাক্যৰ শেষত প্ৰশ্নবোধক (?) চিন দিব লাগে।)
Negative sentence (নহয়বোধক বাক্য) :
When we use to say no or negative something usually the word not is used. (কোনো বাক্য নহয় বুজাবলৈ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়। সাধাৰণতে not শব্দটো ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়।)
Activity :
1. Put in am not/ is not/ are not/ have not/ has not.
a) Your shoes _______ clean.
b) I _______ a doctor.
c) Edhaani _______ tired.
d) They _______ any good clothes.
e) Pakhila _______ a single book in her bag.
Ans : a) Your shoes are not clean.
b) I am not a doctor.
c) Edhaani is not tired.
d) They have not any good clothes.
e) Pakhila has not a single book in her bag.
2. Put in (am/is/are) at the beginning and complete the sentences.
a) _______ this Disha’s book ?
b) _______ those butterflies ?
c) _______ I happy ?
d) _______ she a good student ?
e) _______ you very tall ?
Ans : a) Is this Disha’s book ?
b) Are those butterflies ?
c) Am I happy ?
d) Is she a good student ?
e) Are you very tall ?
3. Turn the following sentences into negative and interrogative.
a) Beli is a beautiful girl.
Ans : Beli is not a beautiful girl. (Negative)
Is Beli a beautiful girl ? (Interrogative)
b) You are a smart student.
Ans : You are not a smart student. (Negative)
Are you a smart student? (Interrogative)
c) His friends are helpful.
Ans : His friends are not helpful. (Negative)
Are his friends helpful. (Interrogative)

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