Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Class 4 English Chapter 19 One Page from Bittu’s Diary (বিটুৰ ডিয়েৰীৰ পৰা এটা পৃষ্ঠা), Assam Jatiya Vidyalaya | অসম জাতীয় বিদ্যালয় ইংৰাজী Class 4 Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Chapter 19 One Page from Bittu’s Diary Class 4 English Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination.
Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Class 4 English Chapter 19 One Page from Bittu’s Diary Notes cover all the exercise questions in Assam Jatiya Bidyalay SEBA Textbooks. The Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Class IV English Chapter 19 One Page from Bittu’s Diary provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.
One Page from Bittu’s Diary (বিটুৰ ডিয়েৰীৰ পৰা এটা পৃষ্ঠা)
Chapter – 19
অসম জাতীয় বিদ্যালয়
পাঠভিত্তিক ক্রিয়াকলাপৰ প্রশ্নোত্তৰ
- Hello, I am Bittu. মই বিটু হয়।
- I am to write about myself today. মই নিজৰ বিষয়ে লিখিবলৈ লৈছো।
- So, I am writing about my likes and dislikes, my friend and my cousin. মোৰ ভাল লগা, ভাল নলগা, মোৰ বন্ধু আৰু মোৰ ভতিজা সকলৰ বিষয়ে।
- I like fruit and vegetables very much. মই ফল আৰু পাচলি বৰ ভাল পাওঁ।
- But I do not like fish and meat. কিন্তু মই মাছ আৰু মাংস ভাল নাপাওঁ।
- My friends ask me, “Do you like milk ?” মোৰ বন্ধুবোৰে মোক সোধে, “তুমি গাখীৰ ভাল পোৱানে ?”
- I say, “Yes , I do.” মই কওঁ, “হয় মই ভাল পাওঁ।”
- I have a friend. মোৰ এজন বন্ধু আছে।
- His name is Saju.তাৰ নাম সাজু।
- Saju has to wear glasses always. সাজুয়ে সদায় চচ্মা পিন্ধিব লাগে।
- He has eye problem. তাৰ চকুৰ সমস্যা আছে।
- He is very intelligent. সি বৰ বুধিয়ক।
- He can solve all the sums. সি সকলো বিলাক অংক কৰিব পাৰে।
- Tomorrow he will come to our home. কালিলৈ সি আমাৰ ঘৰলৈ আহিব।
- I shall see him at 10:30 in the morning. মই ৰাতিপুৱা 10:30 বজাত তাক দেখা পাম।
- My cousin Rini also may come to our home today. আমি মোৰ ভন্টি ( খুৰাৰ ছোৱালী, মামাৰ ছোৱালী) ৰিণি হয়তো আমাৰ ঘৰলৈ আহিব পাৰে।
- She is very good at drawing. তাই ছবি অঁকাত বৰ ভাল।
- She might teach me drawing. তাই হয়তো মোক ছবি অঁকা শিকাব পাৰে।
- We should always draw objects carefully. আমি যিকোনো বস্তু আঁকোতে সাৱধান হোৱা উচিত।
- We must study hard also. আমি কঠোৰ পৰিশ্ৰমেৰে অধ্যয়ন কৰা উচিত।
- Oh! I am tired now. ও এতিয়া মোৰ ভাগৰ লাগিছে।
- I need to go to bed. মই বিছনালৈ যাব লাগে।
- Good night. শুভৰাত্ৰি।
Activity :
1. Answer the following questions :
a) Who is Saju ?
Ans : Saju is Bittu’s friend.
b) Does Bittu like fish and meat ?
Ans : Bittu does not like fish and meat.
c) Can Saju solve all the sums ?
Ans : Saju can solve all the sums.
2. Look at the pictures given below and write what these people are doing.



a) The girl _______ an apple.
Ans : The girl is eating an apple.
b) They _______ hide and seek.
Ans : They are playing hide and seek.
c) Bittu _______ a glass of milk.
Ans : Bittu is drinking a glass of milk.
d) The baby _______ .
Ans : The baby is sleeping.
3. Look at the pictures given above and answer the following questions. Use No and Yes.
a) Is the girl eating an orange ? _ _.
Ans : Is the girl eating an orange? No, she isn’t.
b) Are they playing hide and seek ? _ _.
Ans : Are they playing hide and seek ? Yes, they are.
c) Is the boy drinking tea ? _ _.
Ans : Is the boy drinking tea ? No, he isn’t.
d) Is the baby playing ? _ _.
Ans : Is the baby playing? No, the baby isn’t.
4. Ask Bittu if he can do these things :
a) Can you swim?
b) Can you run?
c) Can you drive?
d) Can you play chess?
Primary Auxiliary : Be, Do, Have এইকেইটা Primary Auxiliary.
Model Auxiliary : can/could/may/ might/ must/ shall/ should/will/would এইকেইটা Model Auxiliary.
Semi Model Auxiliary : need/done/used to/ought to এইকেইটা Semi Model Auxiliary.

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