Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Class 4 English Chapter 6 ‘One’ to ‘More Than One’ (এটাৰ পৰা এটাতকৈ বেছিলৈ), Assam Jatiya Vidyalaya | অসম জাতীয় বিদ্যালয় ইংৰাজী Class 4 Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one. Assam Jatiya Bidyalay Chapter 6 One to More Than One Class 4 English Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination.
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‘One’ to ‘More Than One’ (এটাৰ পৰা এটাতকৈ বেছিলৈ)
Chapter – 6
অসম জাতীয় বিদ্যালয়
পাঠভিত্তিক ক্রিয়াকলাপৰ প্রশ্নোত্তৰ
এই Lesson টোৰ যোগেদি number (বচন) বুজোৱা হৈছে। দুই ধৰণৰ number (বচন) আছে। singular আৰু plural.
When we say one, we mean singular.
Here we talk about one thing. যেতিয়া আমি এটা বস্তুৰ বিষয়ে কওঁ সেইয়া singular (একবচন)।
When we use ‘more than one’ it is plural. Here we talk about two or more thing. যেতিয়া আমি দুটা বা তাতকৈ বেছি বস্তুৰ বিষয়ে কওঁ সেইয়া plural (বহুবচন)।
Singular noun plural হোৱাৰ কিছুমান নিয়ম আছে। By adding ‘s’ to a singular noun ‘s’ যোগ কৰি plural কৰাৰ নিয়ম
Ape | Apes |
Apple | Apples |
Book | Books |
Dog | Dogs |
Girl | Girls |
Lion | Lions |
Cat | Cats |
Joker | Jokers |
Eye | Eyes |
Horse | Horses |
Lamb | Lambs |
Mat | Mats |
2. By adding ‘s’ to a noun ending in ‘y’ which has a vowel before it. যিবোৰ noun ৰ শেষ আখৰটো y হয় আৰু তাৰ আগৰ আখৰটো vowel হয় (a, e, i, o, u) এই কেইটা vowel তেন্তে ‘s’ লগাই plural কৰা হয়।
Boy | Boys |
Day | Days |
Joy | Joys |
Monkey | Monkeys |
3. By changing ‘y’ into ‘ies’ when a noun ends in ‘y’ but has a constant before it. শেষৰ আখৰটো যদি ‘y’ হয় আৰু তাৰ আগৰ আখৰটো consonant হয় তেন্তে ‘y’ টো ‘ies’ অলৈ সলনি কৰি plural কৰা হয়।
Baby | Babies |
City | Cities |
Duty | Duties |
Fly | Flies |
Lady | Ladies |
Story | Stories |
4. Generally by changing ‘f’ or ‘fe’ into ‘ves’ plural is made. সাধাৰণতে ‘f’ বা ‘fe’ ‘ves’ অলৈ সলনি কৰি plural কৰা হয়। যেনে-
Leaf | Leaves |
Loaf | Loaves |
Life | Lives |
Wife | Wives |
Wolf | Wolves |
5. But remember some nouns ending in ‘f’ and ‘fe’ form plural by adding ‘s’ only. কিন্তু মনত ৰাখিবা, কিছুমান noun ‘f’ and ‘fe’ ৰে শেষ হ’লেও অকল ‘s’ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিহে plural কৰা হয়।
Belief | Beliefs |
Chief | Chiefs |
Gulf | Gulfs |
Grief | Griefs |
Proof | Proofs |
Roof | Roofs |
6. If a word ends with ‘s’ or ‘sh’ or ‘ch’ or ‘x’ then ‘es’ is added to the word to make it plural. যেতিয়া এটা শব্দ ‘s’ বা ‘sh’ বা ‘ch’ বা ‘x’ ৰে শেষ হয় তেন্তে ‘es’ যোগ কৰি plural কৰা হয় । যেনে-
Class | Classes |
Ass | Asses |
Bench | Benches |
Bush | Bushes |
Box | Boxes |
Glass | Glasses |
Gas | Gases |
Tax | Taxes |
Watch | Watches |
7. By changing internal vowel sometimes plural is formed. কেতিয়াবা শব্দটোৰ ভিতৰত থকা vowel সলনি কৰি plural কৰা হয়। যেনে-
Foot | Feet |
Goose | Gees |
Man | Men |
Tooth | Teeth |
Woman | Women |
8. Some other ways to make plural Nouns.
কিছুমান Noun বেলেগ ধৰণে plural কৰা হয়।
Commander-in-chief | Commanders-in-chief |
Daughter-in-law | Daughters-in-law |
Father-in-law | Fathers-in-law |
Mother-in-law | Mothers-in-law |
Maid servant | Maid servants |
Step Mother | Step Mothers |
Step son | Step sons |
Step daughter | Step daughters |
Governor General | Governors General |
Washerman | Washermen |
1. Fill in the blanks using the correct words :
Boy | ____ |
____ | Duties |
Buffalo | ____ |
Toy | ____ |
Baby | ____ |
____ | Balls |
Mango | ____ |
____ | Teeth |
____ | Women |
Knife | ____ |
Ans :
Boy | Boys |
Duty | Duties |
Buffalo | Buffaloes |
Toy | Toys |
Baby | Babies |
Ball | Balls |
Mango | Mangoes |
Tooth | Teeth |
Woman | Women |
Knife | Knives |
2. Choose the correct option and rewrite the sentences :
i) There are ten boy/boys in the room.
Ans: There are ten boys in the room.
ii) Guwahati and Tezpur are two important city/cities of Assam.
Ans: Guwahati and Tezpur are two important cities of Assam.
iii) I saw a monkey/monkeys in the tree.
Ans: I saw the monkey in the tree.
iv) The police caught the four thief/thieves.
Ans: The police caught the four thieves.
v) My father bought ten mango/mangoes.
Ans: My father bought ten mangoes.
3. Find out the words which mean ‘one’ and which mean ‘more than one’.
Put them in the correct boxes:
Books, Bench, Ladies, Tomatoes, Wife, Presses, Teacher, Cows, Countries.
One | More than one |
Bench | BooksLadiesTomatoesPressesCowsCountries |

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