Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living

Start Where You Are

Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living

Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living This book is about awakening the heart. If you have ever wondered how to awaken your genuine compassionate heart, this book will serve as a guide. In our era, when so many people are seeking help to relate to their own feelings of woundedness and at the same time wanting to help relieve the suffering they see around them.

Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living

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This book is about awakening the heart. If you have ever wondered how to awaken your genuine compassionate heart, this book will serve as a guide.

In our era, when so many people are seeking help to relate to their own feelings of woundedness and at the same time wanting to help relieve the suffering they see around them, the ancient teachings presented here are especially encouraging and to the point.

When we find that we are closing down to ourselves and to others, here are instructions on how to open. When we find that we are holding back, here is instruction on how to give. That which is unwanted and rejected in ourselves and in others can be seen and felt with honesty and compassion. This is teaching on how to be there for others without withdrawing.

In the winters of 1992 and 1993, I led one-month practice periods, called datums, completely dedicated to these lojong teachings and to the meditation practice of tonglen.


Most important, those of us participating wanted to put these instructions into practice continually as the inevitable frustrations and difficulties of daily life arose. We saw death as a chance to take the instructions to heart and apply them in all situations, especially those in which we usually prefer to blame or criticize, or ignore.


Disclaimer:- Dev Library is not the owner of the books and neither does it create books. We just provide the links to the book for the rural and poor students who can’t afford to buy books. Those E-Books and PDFs are already available on the internet.

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