NIOS Class 12 Psychology Chapter 13 Adolescence

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NIOS Class 12 Psychology Chapter 13 Adolescence

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Chapter: 13


Intext Questions & Answers

Q.1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 

1. During adolescence emotions are felt very _____________.

Ans. intensely.

2. During adolescence there is movement away from parents towards _____________.

Ans. peers.

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3. The adolescent is cognitively in Piaget’s stage of _____________.

Ans. formal operations.

4. Frequent _____________, _____________  lead to the unpredictability of adolescent emotions.

Ans. mood swings.

5. In the area of moral development adolescents begin to develop a set of_____________.

Ans. personal values.

(b) Name the area in which psychological changes appear?

Ans. The areas of psychological changes are emotional, social, cognitive and moral.

Terminal Exercises

1. How do adolescents express their emotions? Give illustrative examples.

Ans. During adolescence, the individual faces a wide range and variety of emotions. These include both positive as well as negative emotions. Happiness is experienced as joy, exuberance, exhilaration, etc. and sadness is experienced as depression, unhappiness, anxiety, fear, etc. In addition, feelings of anger, rebellion and protest also emerge. Interestingly, emotions of loyalty, patriotism and sacrifice for the nation also develop during adolescence.

Each of the above emotions is felt very intensely. In fact the strength and intensity of adolescent emotions is one of their prominent characteristics. Adolescents tend to express everything in an exaggerated form. It is common to hear adolescents who express their liking for food as love-such as “I love Ice-cream”, “I love cakes”, etc. Similarly, dislike is expressed as ‘hatred – “I hate that person” or “I hate eating fruits” etc.

Mood swings also occur quite frequently. This is another prominent feature among the adolescents. Sometimes they are happy, sometimes sad. Sometimes they have a high degree of patriotic zeal, but a few minutes later they become disillusioned or angry. This makes their behaviour somewhat unpredictable. Sex related emotional experiences like ‘crushes’ and ‘infatuation’ also began to surface during this period. 

2. What are the prominent social characteristics shown by adolescents?

Ans. In the social sphere, adolescents undergo a lot of changes in their interpersonal relationships and they also begin to understand society and its diverse influences. The dependence on parents noted during childhood gets transformed into dependence on friends and peers. In fact, friendship becomes very important for adolescents and most of them like to spend more time with their friends than with family. Being recognized as a popular member of a peer group is an important adolescent need. The adolescents often get into arguments with their parents and elders since they want to break away from their control.

Attraction towards members of the opposite sex is another prominent characteristic of the adolescent. This is natural and occurs mainly because of the sexual maturity taking place among the adolescents.

The adolescents also begin to acquire beliefs, opinions, attitudes and stereotypes about society based upon their own understanding. Media becomes a very powerful source of influence in this stage, especially music and television. These provide adolescents with role models like film heroes, great athletes, etc., whom they try to emulate. Such models help the adolescents realize their fantasies and dreams.

Body image becomes a very important concern for adolescents. Having an appropriate figure in fact, is almost a teenage obsession. In addition, fashion and glamour reflected in the style of dressing, sporting, make-up, having the right hairstyle etc. become very important in their lives. These are associated with the social roles that the adolescents want to develop and to experiment with.

3. How do adolescents differ from children in their cognition? 

Ans. The thinking and reasoning skills of adolescents expand substantially. They become more competent especially compared to the earlier stage of late childhood. The adolescents enter the stage of Piaget’s “formal operations” which means that they can now understand abstract concepts and think in terms of probabilities as well.

They develop the capacity to think both inductively and deductively. They can also reflect, analyze, judge, hypothesize and discuss various points of views. Adolescents’ own opinion about an issue becomes very important to them. This often gets the adolescents into hot arguments with parents, teachers and friends.

Developmental Processes: Adolescents begin to question everything like an experimenter. They draw conclusions only when they are convinced. They also tend to defend their point of view very rigidly. There is a noticeable increment in their vocabulary. Adolescents can attend to several intellectual tasks simultaneously making this a very promising stage of intellectual development.

4. List some developmental tasks of the adolescents? 

Ans. The adolescent has to attain particular attitudes, habits and skills if he or she has to function effectively as an adult. These are called the developmental tasks of adolescents.

During infancy and childhood, for example, the developmental tasks consist of learning to take solid food, to achieve physiological stability, and to form simple concepts of social and physical reality. During middle childhood, the tasks are to learn physical skills necessary for games and to learn appropriate sex roles. You have already read about these developmental demands in the previous lessons.

A developmental task is a task which pertains to a certain period in the life of the individual. Successful performance of the developmental tasks leads to happiness and success in later tasks, while failure leads to unhappiness in the individual, disapproval by the society and difficulty in handling later tasks.

The main developmental tasks for adolescents are listed below: 

(i) Accepting one’s physique as it is and using the body effectively. 

(ii) Achieving new and more mature relationships with agemates of both sexes. 

(iii) Achieving a masculine or feminine social role.

(iv) Achieving emotional independence from parents and other adults. 

(v) Preparing oneself to have economic independence through an enjoyable and productive career. 

(vi) Preparing for marriage and family life.

Desiring and achieving socially responsible behaviour. 

Acquiring a set of values and ethical system and developing an ideology as a guide to behaviour.

Thus an adolescent has to develop and acquire a wide range of skills and abilities. These relate to all aspects of development: physical, emotional, social, moral and cognitive. A supportive environment at home and school can greatly facilitate the accomplishment of these developmental tasks.

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