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NIOS Class 10 Psychology Chapter 13 Groups and Leadership
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Groups and Leadership
Chapter: 13
Q.1. Why do people join groups? List the names of the groups that you belong to.
Ans: Satisfaction of needs, identity, belongingness, development of self and personality, socialisation, discipline, goal achievement.
Q.1. State whether the following are examples of a group:
(a) People crossing a street.
Ans: No.
(b) Religious gathering.
Ans: Yes.
(c) People standing at a bust stop.
Ans: No.
(d) Birthday party.
Ans: Yes.
(e) Political club.
Ans: Yes.
Q.2. Describe the important features of a group.
Ans: Work together, common aim, share common characteristics, we-feeling, frequent interaction, rules, regulations, size.
Q.1. What is the process of group dynamics?
Ans: Influence each other, cohesiveness, conformity products of group dynamics.
Q.2. With the help of examples describe cohesiveness and conformity.
Ans: Cohesiveness binds people together, common threat.
conformity, change in behaviour, compliance, order or command.
(i) Describe the important differences between “us” and “them”?
Ans: The differences between ‘us’ and ‘them’, thus we are likely to say, “They are so very different from us”. This type of social categorization becomes associated with stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination. When we link negative attitudes towards other groups and differentiate between ‘us’ and ‘them’ we start creating a boundary that separates the groups. This labelling makes the ‘them’ group to be less human. Violent and evil acts are common against those whom we have prejudice.
Q.1. Explain the term social facilitation?
Ans: Social facilitation is a process by which people are aroused in a group and leads to better performance. Social loafing refers to diffused responsibility. It means that members of the group do not put in the necessary effort to achieve the goal or task. Have you played the game ‘tug of war’ with a rope? Have you noticed that people in the front are putting in effort and are pulling the rope, whereas people at the tail end are just holding the rope? Yes, social loafing is common when one’s effort is not being measured or rewarded.
Q.2. Explain the term ‘social loafing’.
Ans: Social loafing is a phenomenon in social psychology, where an individual exerts less effort to meet a goal when working in a group than they do working individually. It is often viewed as one of the main reasons that groups are less productive than the combined performance of the group members working independently.
Q.1. Describe the factors that influence group work?
Ans: Group size, polarisation and groupthink.
Q.2. Describe the harmful effect of group polarisation?
Ans: Group polarisation may lead to bad decisions and groupthink as people tend to shift their opinions towards the consensus of the group.
Q.1. State the various stages of group development.
Ans: The various stages of group development are given below:
(i) Forming.
(ii) Storming.
(iii) Integration.
(iv) Performing.
Q.1. Identify the qualities of a leader?
Ans: Initiative, dominance, communication, understanding, visionary and planner.
Q.1. Describe various advantages of being a group member.
Ans: The advantages of being a member of a group Improve skills:
Working in groups can be one of the best ways to improve your skills, especially when you work with people who are more experienced than you and have knowledge that you lack. If you’re the type of person who loves collaboration and communication, then working in groups could be right.
Q.2. What is group dynamics?
Ans: The behaviour of one member influences the behaviour of other members in the group. This process of influencing each other’s behaviour pattern in a group is called group dynamics. Group dynamics is affected by factors of individual personality, social situation and cultural traditions. Group dynamics varies in different kinds of group Situations.
(i) Cohesiveness: Cohesiveness refers to the shared perspective which binds the members of a group or community. At the time of external threat people have a tendency to fight unitedly to ward off the common threat. During war times this feeling of togetherness soars because of common threat perceived by the group. For example, when terrorists attacked Mumbai Taj Hotel on 26/11/2008 the people of Mumbai united forgetting regional, linguistic and community differences.
(ii) Conformity: It is important to understand the concept of conformity while describing group processes. Conformity is getting affected by how the behaviours of others change our own behaviour by changing our beliefs. Conformity can be of two types. Sometimes we conform to others without believing it. This type of outward conformity is called compliance. If our compliance is to an explicit command or acting in accordance with a direction – it is called obedience. The sincere inward conformity is a process when we are genuinely convinced and it is called acceptance. For instance, it is suggested that morning walk is useful for health and we start doing so.
Q.3. Describe psychological attributes of leadership.
Ans: Attributes of a leader are as follows:
(i) Leaders are aware of the abilities of their followers.
(ii) Leaders have good communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal.
(iii) Leaders accept personal responsibilities and set examples for group members.
(iv) Leaders have the ability to understand the situation.
(v) Leaders are good planners, visionary and trustworthy.
Q.4. How would you go about demonstrating leadership if you were the new president of a company?
Ans: Demonstrating leadership if you were the new president of a company are:
(i) Trait Approach: This approach attempts to tell which personal characteristics lead to effective leadership. It has been found that the following are major traits of leaders.
Belief in oneself (self-confidence), along with openness to the ideas of others, a passion for the job and a drive that set an example for others, love of people, acceptance of others, maturity and responsibility and desire to achieve goals are other relevant leadership traits.
(ii) Behavioral of Approach: It has been noted that successful leaders exhibit two types of behaviours, task centred and employee-centred. Task orientation relates to the quality and the quantity of work. On the other hand, employee-centred orientation focuses on meeting the personal needs of the group members.
(iii) Situational Approach: We often notice that situational variables play important role in effective leadership. The effectiveness of a particular style of leadership behaviour depends on the situation. As situation changes different leadership styles become appropriate.

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