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NIOS Class 10 Home Science Chapter 14 Introduction to Resources
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Introduction to Resources
Chapter: 14
Intext Questions 14.1.
Q.1. Define the terms goals and resources.
Ans: Goals: A goal is a larger or aim that we want to achieve or goals are our needs/ wants which we try to achieve.
Resources: The means used to attain goals are called Resource, They are all the things used to achieve our goals.
Q.2. Identify the goals and resources from the jumbled list given below and write them in the given table:
List: Buying a mobile phone, piece of land; Rs. 6000; making a chair; obtain wood; reaching bus stand; installing a community tap; making rangoli, planning to visit to a mela.
Goals | Resources |
Buying a mobile phone Making a chair Making rangoli Visit to mela | Piece of land Rs. 6000 wood Bus stand Community tap |
Intext Questions 14.2.
Q.1. Differentiate between human and non-human resources. Give two examples of each.
Ans: Human resources – are those resources which belong to the person and cannot be taken away by others. e.g., time , knowledge.
Non-human resources can belong to the person or the community. These can be taken over or shared by others.e.g. park, money.
Q.2. Why do we consider money as a non-human resources?
Ans: Money is non-human resources because it can change hands.
Q.3. List all the resources you will need to achieve the goal of doing the weekly washing of your clothes?
Ans: 1. Need of water.
2. Removal of stains.
3. Washing machine.
4. Detergents.
5. Soaps.
6. Applying bule etc.
Intext Questions 14.3.
Q.1. With the help of two examples, bring out the importance of using resources wisely.
Ans: To achieve our goals, we have to manage within the limited resources. Each one of us has our own limited resources to achieve the goals. Therefore, it is important to use them wisely.e.g. money is limited, the total time of the day is also limited.
Q.2. List there guidelines for making judicious use of resources.
Ans: Points to be kept in mind while managing resources:
• Do not waste resources.
• Conserve Resource.
• Understand alternative use of resources.
• Learn the proper way to make sure you do not deprive others.
Intext Questions 14.4.
Q.1. Why is it important to plan for the use of resources?
Ans: As resources are limited, we have to plan their utilization in such a way that we can get maximum out of them.
That is why it is important to plan for the use of resources:
• Were the resources used effectively by all family members?
• Was bath taken under the shower or a bucket full of water was used?
• Were Fans and lights left on, even if nobody was sitting in the room?
• Did family members walk to the nearby park or went by scooter and then walked there?
Request your family members to appraise their friends, relations and colleagues to use resources judiciously and check if they get water or electricity bill which is lower than before.
Q.2. Sudha wants to become a doctor. For this she has to work very hard and secure 90% marks if she wants to get admissions in a good college. Her mother wants her to eat well so that she is healthy. Besides, sudha also plays badminton for 2 hours in the evening as she is aiming for the state championship. Identify Sudha’s goals.
Ans: Identify Sudha’s goals:
(a) She wants to become a doctor.
(b) She secure 90% marks.
(c) She gets admission in AIIMS.
(d) Be healthy.
(e) State champion in Badminton.
Q.3. What are resources?
Ans: Resources are all the things needed for use to achieve goals.
Q.4. List four human and four non-human resources.
Ans: Human resources: School, Market, park, Road, Hospital etc.
Non-human resources: Table, Chair, Clothes, Bazes etc.
Q.5. Given below is a list of activities. Write down the resources (both human and non-human) needed to carry out each of these activities:
(i) Buying vegetables from the Market.
Ans: Non human resources.
(ii) Washing clothes.
Ans: Non human resources.
(iii) Sending a telegram.
Ans: Non human resources.
(iv) Helping your brother with his home work.
Ans: Human resources.
(v) Doing embroidery on a table cloth.
Ans: Non human resources.
Intext Questions 14.5.
Q.1. List the steps in the management process.
Ans: Planning, Organizing, Implementing and Evaluating.
Q.2. Your mother is planning to invite your newly married cousin and her husband home. Given below is a list of activities that need to be done. Arrange them in the sequence in which they should be done.
(a) Cook the meal.
(b) Go to the market to buy the vegetables.
(c) Plan the menu.
(d) Clean and dust the house.
(e) Get dressed.
(f) Get the gifts out and pack them.
(g) Soak charges.
(h) Set the curds.
Ans: (c), (g), (h), (b), (d), (f), (a), (e).
Intext Questions 14.6.
Q.1. Your friend reaches her tuition/ coaching classes late everyday. Use your knowledge of management process to tackle this problem.
Ans: Planning:
• Get uniform.
• Finish home work.
• Plan for time to get up.
• Get bag ready.
Organizing and implementing
• Getting ready.
• Eating breakfast.
• Catching school bus.
• Got ready on time
• Time to eat.
• Caught bus on time
Intext Questions 14.7.
Q.1. Why is organizing important?
Ans: Organising is one of the most important crucial steps in management. It fixes responsibilities for collecting and assembling resources needed for carrying out a plan.
Q.2. Your brother wants to host a party to celebrate the first birthday of his daughter. List the goals and the resources he will need to achieve his goal successfully. The party goes off very well and all the guests appreciate its management.
Ans: 1. Making a list of members.
2. Meal planning.
3. Music system (planning).
4. Call for members in guests.
5. Orders of cake.
6. Cleaning rooms and decorating.
7. Put in good dress.
Then divides her works in family members.
Terminal Exercise
Q.1. What is the relationship between goals and resources?
Ans: Goals depends on resources in that case they will join each other because we can also say that Resources are all the things needed and used to achieve goal.
Q.2. Give any four examples to differentiate between human and non-human resources?
Q.3. What is the importance of planning? You attended your cousin ‘s wedding. All went well except the following:
• The train reservation was not confirmed till the last minute.
• On reaching you found that one of your dresses did not fit properly.
• The family had left behind one of the gifts purchased for the cousin.
On the basis of what you have learnt in this lesson, suggest at least one way in which each of the above stated problem could have been avoided.
Ans: It important so that you do not forget any important aspect once you start carrying out the task.
Q.4. Explain the importance of evaluation in the process of management.
Ans: Evaluation is examining the steps of management to judge “what went right” and what went wrong, it examines the progress of a plan to find out the shortcomings and take corrective measures accordingly. Evaluation also helps to understand our weakness and mistakes so that it is not respected in future.
Evaluation is done at each stage of management. Because one constantly evaluate her/his work, he/she comes to know the defects of his/ her plan and he/ she are thus trained to make better plans to future.
Q.5. Surroundings of your house must be kept clean for a healthy environment. List the resources you will need and use for this purpose. How will you plan for the beautification of space of space around your house?
Ans: 1. Proper disposal of garbage.
2. Dump outside the city limits.
3. Building, factories should be away from residential area.
4. Roads must be metalled so that dust does not rise and mix with air.
5. There should be planted and cared for so that these keep the air fresh and pure.
Multiple Choice Questions
Tick (✔) the correct answer:
1. A target that we want to achieve is known as:
(a) Aim.
(b) Goal.
(c) Target.
(d) None of the above.
Ans: (b) Goal.
2. All the things used to achieve our goals are known as:
(a) Resources.
(b) Money.
(c) Capitals.
(d) None of the above.
Ans: (a) Resources.
3. Which of the following is a type of resources?
(a) Money.
(b) Land.
(c) Knowledge.
(d) All of the above.
Ans: (d) All of the above.
4. Which of the following statements is not correct?
(a) Time is a resource.
(b) Energy is a resource.
(c) Material goods are not resources.
(d) Knowledge is a resource.
Ans: (c) Material goods are not resources.
5. Which of the following is an example of human resources?
(a) Energy.
(b) Skills.
(c) Abilities.
(d) All of the above.
Ans: (d) All of the above.
6. Which of the following is not an example of non human resources?
(a) Time.
(b) Money.
(c) Community facilities.
(d) Land.
Ans: (b) Money.
7. Planning is:
(a) Listing activities.
(b) Sequencing activities.
(c) Providing flexibility.
(d) All of the above.
Ans: (d) All of the above.
8. Carrying out the actual activities as planned and organized earlier is termed as:
(a) Planning.
(b) Organizing.
(c) Implementation.
(d) None of the above.
Ans: (c) Implementation.
9. Examining the steps of management to judge what went right and what went wrong is known as:
(a) Planning.
(b) evaluation.
(c) Implementation.
(d) None of the above.
Ans: (b) evaluation.
10. Organizing ensures that:
(a) All the work gets done.
(b) Time is saved.
(c) Work gets finished on time.
(d) All of the above.
Ans: (d) All of the above.

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