Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 15 The World’s Largest Riverine Island

Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 15 The World’s Largest Riverine Island Sankardev Sishu Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 15 The World’s Largest Riverine Island Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one.

Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 15 The World’s Largest Riverine Island

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Sankardev Class 8 English Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination. Assam Board Sankardev Sishu Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 15 The World’s Largest Riverine Island gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. You can get solutions to questions of both basic and advanced levels.

The World’s Largest Riverine Island

Chapter – 15



Q.1. Why is it difficult to ascertain the year of creation of Majuli ?

Ans :- Due to lack of sufficient, convincing and authentic records.

Q.2. How many stars were originally set up in Majuli ?

Ans :- 65.

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Q.3. How many satras currently exist in Majuli ?

Ans :- 22.

Q.4. What is the present density of population in Majuli ?

Ans :- 362.

Q.5. What is Samaguri Satra famous for ?

Ans :- Mask making.

Short Type

Q.1. What do you understand by  ‘Manikanchan Sanyog’ ?

Ans :- The auspicious occasion of meeting of two great Vaishnavite saints-

Srimanta Sankardeva and his disciple Madhabdeva at Dhowahat in Majuli river island is called ‘Manikanchan Sanyog’.

Q.2. Where did Sankardeva meet his disciple Madhabdeva ?

Ans :- Srimanta Sankardeva met Madhabdeva at Dhowahat in Belguri.

Q.3. What is a typical satra made up of ?

Ans :- A typical satra is made up of Namghar, Manikut, Gurugriha, Karapat, Atithishala, Natyasala and Bhogghar.

The satras have a good collection of ancient manuscripts, utensils, jewellery and handicrafts. Satras are famous for various kinds of performing arts and crafts.

Q.4. What is ‘Eksarana Dharma’ ?

Ans :- The doctrine of Sankardeva’s own brand of Vaishnavism is called ‘Eksarana Dharma’.

Essay Type

1. What does Majuli mean ? Write a few lines on the origin of Majuli.

Ans :- Majuli means a large strip of land in the middle of a river. Although exact time of creation of Majuli is uncertain, it is presumed that the river island had its existence prior to arrival of Ahom King Sukapha in 1228 AD. Earlier Majuli was a long and narrow piece of land which was surrounded by the Brahmaputra flowing on the north and Bar Hiding on the south. Present day Majuli was created after the catastrophic flood of 1750 when the Brahmaputra split into two streams. Original channel flowed on the north and the second branch flowed along Burhiding.

2. Describe the satras with special reference to this lesson.

Ans :- Satras are monasteries where Vaishnav bhakats perform rituals of Vaishnavite religion. A typical satras is made up of several structures- Namghar, Manikut, Gurugriha, Bharaghar, Vaishnavgriha, Sari-hati, Karapat, Atithishala, Natyasala and Bhogghar. Satras have a good collection of ancient manuscripts, old utensils, jewellery and handicrafts. Satras are also centres of performing art.

3. Write in brief about the performing art and the major art and craft of satras in Majuli.

Ans :- Various kinds of performing arts like Ankia-Bhaona, Satriya dance, BorDhulia, Saru Dhuliya are held regularly in the satras. Some major art and craft of satras are Hengul Hiatal painting, mask culture, pottery culture, bamboo work, wood sculpture etc. Basketry, ivory, silver filigree work are few of the traditional crafts still being carried on in Majuli.

1. Complete the sentences with adverbs. The first letter(s) of each adverb are given below :

(a) We did not go out because it was raining ………….

Ans :- We did not go out because it was raining heavily.

(b) Our team lost the game because we played very………..

Ans :- Our team lost the game because we played very badly.

(c) We had to wait for a long time but we did not complain, we waited ……………

Ans :- We had to wait for a long time but we did not complain, we waited patiently.

(d) Nobody knew Raju was coming to see us. He came…………

Ans :- Nobody knew Raju was coming to see us. He came unexpectedly.

2. Put the right word :

(a) The driver of the car was ……….. injured. ( serious/ seriously)

Ans :- The driver of the car was seriously injured.

(b) The driver of the bus had ………….. injuries.( serious/ seriously)

Ans :- The driver of the bus had serious injuries.

(c) I think you behaved very ………….. (selfishly/selfish)

Ans :- I think you behaved very selfishly.

(d) Rosy is ………… upset about losing her job. (terrible/terribly)

Ans :- Rosy is terribly upset about losing her job.

(e) Linda likes wearing …………… dresses. (colourful/colourfully) 

Ans :- Linda likes wearing colourful dresses.


Cluster  –  থেপাথেপিকৈ লাগি থকা।

Mythical  –  ৰূপকথাৰ কাল্পনিক কাহিনী।

Islet   –  চাৰিওফালে পানীৰে আগুৰি থকা ভূমিখণ্ড।

Catastrophic  –  অকস্মাত আহিপৰা প্ৰাকৃতিক দুৰ্যোগ।

Folklore   –  লোককথা।

Manuscript  –  পাণ্ডুলিপি (হাতেলিখা)।

Tempestuous  –  বিধ্বংসী।

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