Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 14 The Village School Master

Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 14 The Village School Master Sankardev Sishu Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 14 The Village School Master Question Answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse through different chapters and select needs one.

Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 14 The Village School Master

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Sankardev Class 8 English Question Answer can be of great value to excel in the examination. Assam Board Sankardev Sishu Niketan Class 8 English Chapter 14 The Village School Master gives you a better knowledge of all the chapters. You can get solutions to questions of both basic and advanced levels.

The Village School Master

Chapter – 14



1. Answer the following questions

Q.(a) What do you mean by ‘yon’ ? What is furze ?

Ans :- ‘yon’ means a place which is situated at a distance Furze.

Q.(b) Whose ‘Mansion is referred to here ? Why is it called ‘noisy’ ?

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Ans :- The ‘Mansion’ referred to in the poem ‘The Village School Master’ is the class-room or the school of the teacher. It is noisy since young children are pupils in the school, who are rarely seen to be silent.

Q.(c) What is thought to be skirting the way ? How does it skirt the way ?

Ans :- A straggling fence is thought to be skirting the way with blossomed forge.

Q.(d) What type of man was the village school master ?

Ans :- The school teacher was a severe and stern man. He was also a kind person, who had extreme love for knowledge.

Q.(e) How did the poet know him well ?

Ans :- The poet knew the school teacher well because he had himself being a student and had faced the frown of the teacher for being a traunt.

Q.(f) Who is a truant ? Was the poet a truant also ?

Ans :- Traunt is a person who creates trouble or breaks discipline. The poet was also a traunt.

Q.(g) Quote a line from the poem to show the poet’s feelings about the teacher ?

Ans :- The poet’s reverence for the teacher can be gauged from the line ‘Yet he was kind, or if severe in aught’.

Q.(h) What is ‘busy whisper’ referred to in the poem ? Why was there such a busy whisper ?

Ans :- The ‘busy whisper’ referred to in the poem is the low-voiced talking among the students, informing and alerting each other when the school teacher got angry.

Q.(i) What is ‘tidings’ ? Why is it called ‘dismal’ ?

Ans :- ‘ Tidings means news or information. And it is ‘dismal’ in the poem because it bore news of the teacher’s anger.

Q.(j) What two other things could be done by the village school master ?

Ans :- Besides knowing to write and calculate, the school master could measure land and predict the tides of the seas.

Q.(l) What does the poet mean by the term ‘words of learned length ?’

Ans :- By the term ‘words of learned length’ , the poet means the statements of the school master that displayed his knowledge.

Q.(m) Why did the ‘rustics’ ranged around ?

Ans :- The ‘rustics’ or the common villagers were not able to comprehend the learned statements of the school master during an argument.

Q.(n) Who is referred to as ‘One small head’ ?

Ans :- The village school master is referred to as ‘One small head’.

Q.(o) Make a list of things that ‘One small head’ could carry.

Ans :- Among the things that the ‘One small head’ could carry or the school master, who is implied by the phrase, knew were to write and do arithmetic. He could also measure land, predict tides and even gauge.

2. Answer in brief (About 50 words) 

(i) Give a character sketch of the village school master.

Ans :- The village school master was a stern and severe man. He knew how to control his students and school and impart education or knowledge to them. While he was quick to frown at a traunt, he also shared jokes with his students. This strict personality also bore a kind man within it. He was a very knowledgeable man and his lone for barning made him a subject of awe for the common villagers.

(ii) Was the village School Master really a learned man ? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans :- The village school master was indeed a learned man. He knew to write and do arithmetic. He could also measure land, predict tides. He possessed the skil of argument and even when his arguments were defeated, he never failed to amaze the common villagers with the depth of his knowledge.

Noticing form

Look at the following lines from the poem : ” Beside you straggling fence that  skirts the way with bloosomed furze, unprofitably gay.”

The last two words ‘ way’ and ‘gay’ rhyme with each other.

Thus, Rhyming words are words that have the same ending sounds. Eg : Rule  – School

                                 View – Knew

Now, find rhyming pairs from the following words in the box given below. 

Trace        Glee        Still          Sound

He           Aught       Around     Skill

Fault       Grew         Face        Knew

Ans :- Trace      –       Face

           He          –      Glee

           Fault       –      Aught

           Grew      –      Knew

           Still        –       Skill

           Around   –      Sound


Yon  –  সৌ‌ তাত, দেখা পোৱা দূৰত্বত।

Straggling  – অপৰিকল্পিতভাৱে গজি উঠা বা অ’ত ত’ত ঘূৰি ফুৰা।

Unprofitably   –  লাভ নোহোৱাকৈ।

Stern   –  কঠোৰ।

Disasters  –  ধ্বংস, প্ৰলয়।

Counterfeited   –  ভাও ধৰা, জাল।

Tidings   –  খবৰ।

Cipher   –  অংক কৰ।

Presage   –  ভৱিষ্যতবাণী কৰ।

Vanquished  – পৰাজিত।

Rustics  – গাঁৱলীয়া, নিৰ্বোধ।

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