Niketan Class 7 English Chapter 17 The Kite is the answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse throughout different chapters Shankardev Shishu Niketan Class 7 English Chapter 17 The Kite and select need one.
Niketan Class 7 English Chapter 17 The Kite
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The Kite
Chapter – 17
Word Meaning
Dive : দ্ৰুতবেগে নামি অহা বা অৱতৰণ কৰা।
To dip : ডুব মাৰা।
Snap : হঠাৎ ফটো তোলা, ঘপককৈ বন্ধ কৰা।
Sour : ওপৰলৈ উঠা, আকাশত উৰা।
Gust and Pull : হঠাৎ হোৱা, ধুমুহা বতাহ।
Tail : নেজ, পিছৰ অংশ।
Slack : ঢিলা, শিথিল।
String : জৰী।
Raggeder : বেয়া নিন্দনায়।
Until : যি পৰ্যন্ত, যেতিয়ালৈকে নহয়।
Harry Behn (1898-1973) was an American screen writer and children’s author)
Understanding the poem
Q.1. What is said to be soaring like a ship ?
Ans :- The kite is said to be soaring like a ship because it snaps its tail with a dive and a dip.
Q.2. What ‘sail’ does the kite have ?
Ans :- The kite have only a sail as over tides.
Q.3. Pick out the words which denote ‘laziness’ in the poem. Who is lazy ?
Ans :- The words which denote laziness in the poem are slack, snap, dive, dip. The kite is lazy.
Q.4. How is the sky connected to the kite ?
Ans :- The blue is the sky connected to the kite.
Q.5. Pick out some rhyming words from the poem.
Ans :- Rhyming words :
Blue – New
Dip – Ship
Tail – Sail
Slack – Back
See – Tree
Fun with vocabulary
Make a list of all the action words used in the poem to describe the flight of the kite.
Ans :- Climb, dive, soars, run, goers.

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