Niketan Class 7 English Chapter 18 The man who made an entire Mountainside green is the answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse throughout different chapters Shankardev Shishu Niketan Class 7 English Chapter 18 The man who made an entire Mountainside green and select need one.
Niketan Class 7 English Chapter 18 The man who made an entire Mountainside green
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The man who made an entire Mountainside green
Chapter – 18
Entire : সমগ্ৰ।
Hike : পদব্ৰজে।
Provence : উৎস।
Barren : অনুৰ্বৰ।
Desolation : জনশূন্য।
Stiff : ঠৰঙা।
Woody : কাঠেৰে ভৰা।
Scarching : জ্বলি যোৱা, গৰম।
Solid : মজবুত।
Household : পৰিয়াল।
Eliminated : গুচোৱা।
Pasture : চৰণীয়া পথাৰ।
Soake : তিয়াই থোৱা।
Sack : মোনা, থৈলা।
Paund : আঘাত কৰা।
Upredicable : ভৱিষ্যৎবাণী কৰিব নোৱাৰা।
Spy : তজবজীয়া, প্ৰাণবন্ত।
Shambles : ৰক্তাক্ত ঠাই।
Answer the following questions
Q.1. How does the author describe the lands where he went on a hike ?
Ans :- The author describes the lands where he went on a hike, through the hills absolutely unknown to tourists in that very old region where the Alps extend into provence and it consisted of barren, monotonous lands at about 1,200 metres about sea level where was nothing grown except wild lavender.
Q.2. How did he ‘chance’ to meet the shepherd ?
Ans :- In search of water the author walked five hours continuously but found no water. In the distance he saw a small figure, on a chance he headed towards and met the shepherd.
Q.3. The author gives a detailed picture of the shepherd and his place of living. What does he say ?
Ans :- The author said about the shepherd that he was a man of little speaking and had confident. The roof of his house was solid and water-tight and his house hold cleaned the dishes and floor. He was freshly shaven, the buttons of his shirt were solidly sewn, and his clothes were mended with such care as to make the patches invisible. Indeed he was a man of discipline.
Q.4. What did the shepherd do with the acorns in his house ?
Ans :- The shepherd poured a pile of acorns on the table and then he separated them the good ones from the bad ones and counted and packeted and counted and packeted them. After that he eliminated some more acorns throwing away the smaller and slightest crack ones. He did this very carefully and attentively in his house.
Q.5. What did he do with them the next morning ?
Ans :- The next morning he let out his flock and took them to the pasture. Before leaving, he soaked, in a bucket of water, the little sack containing the acorns that he so carefully chosen and counted.
Q.6. “He counted on losing another ten thousand to everything else that is unpredictable.” What did he mean by this ?
Ans :- Losing of another ten thousand to everything else that is unpredictable that still left ten thousand oaks that would grow in this place where there was nothing.
Q.7. In 1945 when the author visited the place last, he mentions, “I no longer recognised the Landmarks I knew from my carlier visits’. What were the changes that had taken place there ?
Ans :- The changes that had taken place there were once the ruined site, there are well-kept farms, the sign of a happy and comfortable life. The old springs have once again begun to flow. The brooks have been channelled, beside each firm, amid graves of maples, the pools of fountains are bordered by carpets. Thus once so ruined and desolate place became colourful and greenery.
C.4 : Complete these sentences with the right words from the box.
1. When I walked into the room Peter was in ……………. thought.
Ans :- When I walked into the room Peter was in deep thought.
2. With a …………. heart, she turned to wave good bye.
Ans :- With a heavy heart, she turned to wave good bye.
3. A look of ………….. Confusion swept across his face.
Ans :- A look of great confusion swept across his face.
4. A …………. majority of people would agree with him.
Ans :- A large majority of people would agree with him.
5. We didn’t expect such a …………… number of people to attend the concert.
Ans :- We didn’t expect such a large number of people to attend the concert.
6. She expects very …………… standards from the people who work for her.
Ans :- She expects very high standards from the people who work for her.
7. It’s surprising what …………… memories a photograph can produce.
Ans :- It’s surprising what strong memories a photograph can produce.

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