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NCERT Class 9 English Chapter 8 Reach for the Top
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Reach for the Top
Chapter: 8
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
Passage 1
When her mother was expecting Santosh, a travelling holy man’, giving her his blessing. assumed that she wanted a son. But, to: everyone’s surprise, the unborn child’s grandmother, who was standing close by, told him that they did not want a son. The ‘holy man’ was also surprised! Nevertheless he gave the requested blessing.
(a) Identify her’ in the above lines.
Ans: ‘Her’ here stands for the mother of Santosh.
(b) Who visited their house and what did he do?
Ans: A holy man visited their house and blessed Santosh’s mother with a girl.
(c) Why was the holy man surprised?
Ans: The holy man surprised for the grand-mother’s request of a girl.
(d) Trace a word that means ‘amazed’.
Ans: Amazed = surprised.
Passage 2
The girl was given the name Santosh, which means contentment. But Santosh was not always content with her place in a traditional way of life. She began living life on her own terms from the start. Where other girls wore traditional Indian dresses, Santosh preferred shorts. Looking back, she says now, “From the very beginning I was quite determined that if I chose a correct and a rational path, the others around me had to change, not me.”
(a) Why was the girl not Contented?
Ans: The girl was discontented due to the presence of the traditional ways of life.
(b) What type of dress did the girl wear?
Ans: Santosh wore shorts rather than traditional Indian dresses.
(c) What is the noun form of “determined”?
Ans: Determined = determination.
(d) What was the name given to the girl?
Ans: The girl was christened as Santosh.
Passage 3
But, in line with the prevailing custom in the family, Santosh had to make do with the local village school. So, she decided to fight the system in her own quiet way when the right moment arrived. And the right moment came when she turned sixteen. At sixteen, most of the girls in her village used to get married. Santosh was also under pressure from her parents to do the same.
(a) What was the prevailing custom in the family?
Ans: It was that Santosh had to go for her education in the local village school.
(b) What decision was taken by Santosh?
Ans: Santosh decided that she would fight the system at the appropriate time.
(c) Trace a word that means ‘present’.
Ans: Prevailing.
(d) When did the right moment arrive?
Ans: The right moment arrived when Santosh was sixteen.
Passage 4
A marriage as early as that was the last thing on her mind. She threatened her parents that she would never marry if she did not get a proper education. She left home and got herself enrolled in a school in Delhi. When her parents refused to pay for her education, she politely informed them of her plans to earn money by working part time to pay her school fees. Her parents then agreed to pay for her education.
(a) What did Santosh want to do before marriage?
Ans: She wanted to get a proper education before marriage.
(b) What did her parents refuse?
Ans: Her parents refused to pay for her education.
(c) When did she leaves home for Delhi, and why?
Ans: She left her home when she was sixteen and her parents wanted her to marry. But she wanted to have proper education.
(d) Why did she threaten her parents?
Ans: She threatened her parents because she wanted to get proper education before marriage.
Passage 5
She joined Maharani College and got a room in Kasturba Hostel. Santosh remembers, “Kasturba Hostel faced the Aravalli Hills. I used to watch villagers from my room, going up the hill and suddenly vanishing after a while. One day I decided to check it out myself. I found nobody except a few mountaineers. I asked if I could join them.
(a) When did Santosh join Maharani College?
Ans: Santosh joined the Maharani College in Jaipur after her high school.
(b) Who is ‘I’ in these lines?
Ans: ‘I’ here stands for Santosh Yadav.
(c) What decision was taken by the girl?
Ans: She decided to find out the plain truth.
(d) Where did she stay?
Ans: She stayed in the room of Kasturba Hostel.
Passage 6
Therefore, Santosh went on an expedition every year. Her climbing skills matured rapidly. Also, she developed a remarkable resistance to cold and the altitude. Equipped with an iron will, physical endurance and an amazing mental toughness she proved herself repeatedly.
(a) Where did Santosh to every year?
Ans: Santosh went for a mount climbing expedition every year.
(b) Which skills did she develop?
Ans: She developed her climbing skills rapidly coupled with a remarkable resistance to cold and the altitude.
(c) What qualities did Santosh have as a mountaineer?
Ans: Santosh Yadav had strong will power, physical endurance and an amazing mental toughness.
(d) How did she prove herself repeatedly?
Ans: She proved herself with an iron will, physical endurance and an amazing metal toughness.
Passage 7
Thereafter, Santosh went on an expedition every year. Her climbing skills matured rapidly. Also, she developed a remarkable resistance to cold and the altitude. Equipped with an iron will, physical endurance and an amazing mental toughness, she proved herself repeatedly. The culmination of her hard work and sincerity came in 1992, just four years after she had shyly asked the Aravali mountaineers if she could join them.
(a) Where was Santosh getting her training in mountaineering?
Ans: Santosh was getting her training in mountaineering at Uttarkashi Nehru Institute of Mountaineering.
(b) Which skills she developed here in the institute?
Ans: In the institute, Santosh practised and developed resistance to cold and altitude.
(c) When did her efforts bring fruits?
Ans: Her efforts brought fruits in 1992 and she conquered the Mount Everest.
(d) Trace a word that means = time and again.
Ans: Time and again = repeatedly.
At barely twenty years of age, Santosh Yadav conquered Mt. Everest, becoming the youngest woman in the world to achieve the feat. If her climbing skills, physical fitness and mental strength impressed her seniors, her concern for others and desire to work together with them found her a special place in the heart of fellow climbers.
(a) Write down Santosh’s age at the time of having success on the top.
Ans: Santosh was hardly twenty years of age.
(b) What is specific about her feat?
Ans: She is the youngest woman in the world to achieve the feat.
(c) How did Santosh make home in the heart of his fellow climbers?
Ans: She desired to work together and had a special concern for them.
(d) Trace a word that means ‘influenced’
Ans: Influenced = impressed.
Passage 9
Within twelve months, Santosh found herself a member of an Indo-Nepalese Women’s Expedition that invited her to join them. She then conquered the Everest a second time, thus setting a record as the only woman to have conquered the Everest twice, and securing for herself and India a unique place in the annals of mountaineering. In recognition of her achievements, the Indian government bestowed upon her one of the nation’s top honours, the Padma Shri.
(a) How many times Santosh conquered the Everest?
Ans: Santosh conquered the Mount Everest twice.
(b) How did India recognize Santosh?
Ans: India honoured her with ‘Padamshri.
(c) Write the adjective of ‘honour’.
Ans: Honour-honourable.
(d) What was the record set by the woman?
Ans: She was the only woman who conquered Everest twice.
Passage 10
When her mother was expecting Santosh, a travelling ‘holy man’, giving her his blessing assumed that she wanted a son. But, to everyone’s surprise, the unborn child’s grandmother, who was standing close by told him that they did not want a son. The “holy man” was also surprised! Nevertheless he gave the requested blessing…..
(a) Identify ‘her mother’ in the first line of the passage.
Ans: The phrase ‘her mother’ refers to the mother of Santosh Yadav.
(b) Who visited their house and what did he do?
Ans: A ‘holy man’ visited their house and he blessed the expecting mother of Santosh Yadav.
(c) What was asked by he child’s grandmother?
Ans: The unborn child’s grandmother asked the holy man to bless Santosh’s mother wishing her to give birth to a daughter rather than a son.
(d) What did the holy man assume?
Ans: The holy man assunmed that the expected mother also wanted a son.
I. Answer these questions in one or two sentences each. (the paragraph numbers within brackets provide clues to the answers)
Q.1. Why was the holy man who gave Santosh’s mother his blessings surprised? (para 1)
Ans: The holy man was surprised because all desire for a son and not a daughter. Santosh’s grandmother requested his blessing for a girl.
Q.2. Give an example to show that even as a young girl Santosh was not ready to accept anything unreasonable. (para 2)
Ans: She refused to wear traditional clothes. She wore shorts.
Q.3. Why was Santosh sent to the local school? (para 3)
Ans: She was sent to the local school because it was the tradition of the family.
Q.4. When did she leave home for Delhi, and why? (para 4)
Ans: She left her home when she was sixteen and her parents wanted her to marry. But she wanted to have proper education.
Q.5. Why did Santosh’s parents agree to pay for her schooling in Delhi? What mental qualities of Santosh are brought into light by this incident? (para 4)
Ans: They agreed to pay for her schooling because they didn’t like to work earn money. This shows that Santosh knew how to have her way.
II. Answer each of these questions in a short paragraph (or about 30 words).
Q.1. How did Santosh begin to climb mountains?
Ans: Santosh wanted to climb the Aravalli Hills. She went there and met a few mountaineers. They let her join them. Then she began climbing mountains.
Q.2. What incidents during the Everest expedition show Santosh’s concern for her team-mates?
Ans: Santosh with her team conquered the Everest in 1992. During the mission she tried to save the life of dying climber but was unsuccessful. But she did save another climber by sharing her oxygen with him. That showed her concern for her team-mates.
Q.3. What shows her concern for the environment?
Ans: Santosh showed her concern for the environment during her second mission to Mt. Everest. She collected and brought down 500 Kg of garbage from the Himalayas.
Q.4. How does she describe her feelings at the summit of the Everest?
Ans: When Santosh was on the Mount Everest her joys knew no bounds. Her feelings was indescribable. It was only a spiritual moment for her. She was proud to be an Indian.
Q.5. Santosh Yadav got into the record books both times she conquered. Mt. Everest. What were the reasons for this?
Ans: Santosh Yadav got into the record books both times she conquered Mount Everest. It was due to her climbing skill, physical fitness, and mental strength. She was a courageous and an iron willed Indian girl.
III. Complete the following statements:
(i) From her room in Kasturba Hostel, Santosh used to ________.
Ans: Watch the villagers going up the hill and
suddenly vanishing after a while.
(ii) When she finished college, Santosh had to write a letter of apology to her father because ________.
Ans: She had not sought his due permission.
(iii) During the Everest expedition her seniors in the team admired ________ while _______.
Ans: Climbing skills, mental strength and physical fitness while climbing with her.
IV. Pick out words from the text that mean the same as the following words or expressions. (Look in the Un paragraphs indicated.)
(i) took to be true, without proof (para 1):
Ans: Assumed.
(ii) based on reason, sensible, reasonable (para 2)
Ans: Rational.
(iii) the usual way of doing things (para 3):
Ans: Custom.
(iv) a strong desire arising from within (para 5):
Ans: urge.
(v) the power to endure, without falling ill (para 7):
Ans: Resistance.
V. Match the following:
Column-A | Column-B |
(i) something disarming | (i) quickly, almost immediately |
(ii) at odds with | (ii) more calm, confident and in control than people of her age usually are |
(iii) glamorous attire | (iii) in contrast to, not agreeing with |
(iv) in almost no time | (iv) something that makes you feel friendly, taking away your suspiciousness |
(v) poised beyond her years | (v) sent off |
(vi) packed off | (vi) attractive and exciting clothes |
(vii) launched | (vii) causing strong feeling of sadness |
(viii) heart wrenching | (viii) started |
Column-A | Column-B |
(i) something disarming | (iv) something that makes you feel friendly, taking away your suspiciousness |
(ii) at odds with | (iii) in contrast to, not agreeing with |
(iii) glamorous attire | (vi) attractive and exciting clothes |
(iv) in almost no time | (i) quickly, almost immediately |
(v) poised beyond her years | (ii) more calm, confident and in control than people of her age usually are |
(vi) packed off | (v) sent off |
(vii) launched | (viii) started |
(viii) heart wrenching | (vii) causing strong feeling of sadness |
Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words each:
Q.1. Why was the holy man, who gave Santosh’s mother his blessings, surprised?
How was Santosh’s mother blessed with a girl?
Ans: When the mother of Santosh was expecting her sixth child there came a travelling ‘holy man’ at their door. He gave her his blessings thinking for a son. But the grandmother requested for a girl. This surprised the holy man. Even then he blessed her accordingly and thus Santosh got birth.
Q.2. Why was the holy man who gave Santosh’s mother his blessing surprised?
Ans: The holy man was surprised to hear the unborn child’s grandmother. He thought that she would ask for a boy, but instead, she said they did not want a boy but a girl.
Q.3. In what way Santosh did not like the traditional life in the family?
Why did Santosh Yadav leave her home?
Ans: She preferred shorts rather than wearing Indian traditional dresses. She refused for marriage at the age of sixteen though her parents put a deep pressure on her. She was determined to choose a correct and rational path from the beginning. She left her home and came to Delhi for high school.
Q.4. Why was Santosh sent to the local school?
Ans: Santosh’s parents were affluent land owners who could afford to send their children to the best schools, but following the customs in the family, they sent Santosh to the local village school.
Q.5. What Santosh saw at the hostel in Maharani College, Jaipur?
Ans: After her high school, Santosh joined Maharani College in Jaipur. She got a room in Kasturba Hostel. There she saw the villagers going up the hills and suddenly vanishing after a while. The Aravalli Hills faced her room. She decided to find the truth herself.
Q.6. How was Santosh motivated towards the art of climbing? (M. Imp.)
Ans: After finding out the truth and an interrogation with the mountaineers, she got an idea of climbing. They had responded positively to her joining the climbing. She got motivation and enrolled in a course at Uttarkashi’s Nehru Institute of Mountaineering. She joined the college on the 21st May. She had to apologize her father as she had not sought his permission.
Q.7. Mention the skills needed for climbing.
Ans: While climbing on a hill, we need the following skills:
(i) A remarkable resistance to cold and altitude.
(ii) Strong iron will and physical endurance.
(iii) Mental toughness, hard work and sincerity.
Q.8. How did Santosh possess a deep feeling for others?
Ans: In 1992 expedition, she saw one climber lying dying at the South Col. She tried her best to provide him all possible help but she was unsuccessful. In another event she saved Mohan Singh in the same condition. She shared her oxygen with him.
Q.9. How did Santosh come to be the member of Indo-Nepalese Women’s Expedition?
Ans: During her successful mission of 1992, Santosh Yadav found herself to be the member of Indo-Nepalese Women’s Expedition. It was her strong will, concern for others and other qualities that she joined the expedition and conquered the Everest for a second time. She set a record as the only woman to have conquered the Everest twice.
Q.10. How did Santosh Yadav pressures her affluent parents to pay for her education in Delhi?
Ans: When her parents refused to pay for her studies in Delhi, Santosh politely informed them that she would earn by working part time and pay her school fees. Her parents relented and they agreed to pay for her education.
Q.11. How did Santosh feel after reaching the top?
Ans: After reaching the top of the Mount Everest, Santosh was extremely happy. It was a great moment for her. She unfurled the Indian National Flag and her feeling were indescribable at that time. It was really a spiritual moment for her. She felt proud to be an Indian.
Q.12. Santosh Yadav proved herself to be a true environmentalist. How?
Ans: Santosh Yadav proved herself a true environmentalist by collecting and bringing down 500 kilograms of garbage from the Himalayas. It was an enormous task but she did it, proving beyond doubt that she was indeed a fervent environmentalist.
Q.13. Why was Santosh Yadav’s name recorded in the record book both the times she scaled Mount Everest?
Ans: Santosh Yadav’s name was recorded in the record book both the times because – firstly she was the youngest woman to scale the Everest and m secondly, she was the only woman to scale it twice.
Q.14. Why did Santosh go to Uttarkashi?
Ans: Santosh while at Kasturba hostel was inspired to join mountaineers while watching them to take to climbing. She thus went to Uttarkashi to join the course at Uttarkashi’s Nehru Institute of Mountaineering. She got herself enrolled at Uttarkashi.
Q.15. What difficulties did Santosh face in her childhood?
Ans: Santosh was born in a small village of Joniyawas in Haryana. Though her parents were affluent but she had to do with local village school. Later she had to move from home to study in Delhi. Here she decided to work to pay her fees.
Q.1. A girl child is generally not welcomed in our society. What effect does this practice has on a girl child? What values are be taught to the parents of a girl child?
Ans: When in our society girl child is not welcomed she loses her self esteem. She is always tensed and struggles for the same. She is not able to become strong physically and mentally. She is not able to get good education. In this way future generations are affected.
The parents of a child must be taught to say no to gender discrimination. They should give love and care to girl child. One thing must be realised that education is a must and this would make them emotionally strong and independent.
Q.2. Gender inequality affects all citizens of the world. As students how can you contribute to change the status of girl child? What values are learnt from such contributions?
Ans: Students can act as best teachers. They can play a very important role in convincing parents to treat their children as equals. They should be taught that girls always perform better in everything they do. Parents should be educated to open up their minds. Such contributions will be really significant for the girl child as well as the society. This would enhance confidence of the girl child and make them hardworking. They would become passionate for a good cause. They girl child would earn all both sympathy and empathy.
Q.3. Santosh Yadav depicts all orthodox social customs to choose her own path. What traits do you admire in her that made her a successful woman? Write an important lesson that we learnt from the life os Santosh Yadav.
Ans: Santosh’s family was very traditional. When she grew sixteen they pressurised her for marriage. She was determined to choose a correct and rational path. It was rebellious nature to fight the system which wins our heart. The other qualities which she depicts are hardworking, strong will-power, mental and physical toughness. She had compassion for fellow beings.
Thus Santosh Yadav has taught a very important lesson. It was her hard work which made her scale Mount Everest twice. Even herself discipline made her join Maharani College and then Uttarkashi’s Nehru Institute of Mountaineering.
Q.4. What qualities in Santosh Yadav helped her get into the record books both times she conquered Mt. Everest? What values one learns when one starts doing hard work?
Ans: After joining the Institute, Santosh went on an expedition every year. Santosh Yadav’s name was recorded in the record book both the times because she was the youngest woman to scale the Everest and only woman to scale twice. It was her determination, will power, tolerance, mental toughness and hard work which made her conquer Mt. Everest twice. When one starts doing hard work one learns nothing is impossible. This would also make us understand that one can achieve what one wants despite all odds.
Q.5. How did Santosh Yadav make her parents agree to pay for her schooling in Delhi? What mental qualities of Santosh are brought into light by this incident? What values do you learn from this incident?
Ans: She got admission in school at Delhi. When her parents refused to pay for her education, She said that she would earn money by working part time to pay for her education.
This incident show her determination and her will power to rebel. This incident also teaches us that it is not bad to rebel for our right. She had proved the world and traditional families that one can bring a change if one resolves. Thus this incident leaves behind very strong message.
Q.6. Santosh Yadav continuous rebellion made her parents agree to pay her school fees in Delhi. Do you think she had rebelled for the right reasons? What qualities in Santosh made her do so? What values are learnt from her rebellious attitude?
Ans: Santosh Yadav was absolutely right in her rebellion against her parents. She was fighting for her cause and her ultimate desire to do something different in life.
She got the spirit to fight because she wanted to get good education and make a career in mountaineering. Her rebellious attitude teaches iron will and determination. She fights despite all odds to achieve higher goals.
Q.7. Santosh Yadav possesses a deep feeling for others. What did she do on her expedition to Mt. Everest to make a special place in the hearts of fellow climbers? Which important value does her deep feeling for others teaches us?
Ans: Santosh had a special place for her team in her heart. During her expedition she shared oxygen with Mohan Singh and this made her feel very happy. She also impressed her fellow passengers with her climbing skills. physical fitness and mental toughness.
He concern for others makes us to understand to be compassionate and have sharing as well as caring attitude.
Q.8. Santosh Yadav collected and brought down 500 kg of garbage from the Himalayas. What traits in her personality are highlighted here? How can you help keep your environment clean? What values one learns when one is aware about his environment?
Ans: Santosh Yadav proved herself a true environmentalist by collecting and bringing down 500 kg of garbage from Himalayas. By such a task she proved herself to be a fervent environment clean by caring for the mother earth and showed duty towards environment. We also learn many values that earth is our home and we should not pollute it by littering. Such acts also give important message that care for the environment should be our prime concern.
Q.9. When one does something for his/ her country, it makes one feel proud. What did Santosh do her country that made her feel proud to be an Indian? What little things can we do to make our country proud of us? What values will you learn for these little contributions?
Ans: Santosh Yadav, in spite of being from orthodox traditional family, made her country proud by climbing Mount Everest twice. She brought laurels to her country by getting her country name along with her in record books. She became the youngest woman to climb Mount Everest twice.
We can make our country proud by being law abiding good citizen. We should learn to respect national values and not to destroy public property.
These little contributions will make us feel proud to be an Indian and we can show true patriotism among us.
Answer these questions in about 100-150 words each.
Q.1. How did Santosh fight to have her own way when she was sixteen?
Ans: Santosh was born in a small village of Joniyawas in Haryana. She is the only sister of five brothers. She began live on her own terms from the beginning. Girls were married at the age of sixteen. When she was sixteen she warned her parents that she will not get married till she gets proper education. She get admission in a school at Delhi. When her parents refused to pay for her education, she said she would earn money by working part time to pay for her education.
Q.2. “Concern for others is a human virtue”. How is it reflected in the character of Santosh Yadav? Bring out the values in her character.
Ans: Santosh was a girl of strong will and firm determination. Also she was a girl of concern for others. She fought for her rights and showed the courage marriage at the age of sixteen. She even chose the unconventional career a being a mountaineer. Her determination even saved the life of her teammate, Mohan Singh who would have died if Santosh had not shared her oxygen with him. Not only did her climbing skills, physical fitness and mental strength impress her senior but also, her concern for others and desire to work together with them found her a special place in he hearts of fellow climbers. She also had concern for the environment as she collected and brought down 500 kg of garbage from Himalayas.
Q.3. You are Santosh Yadav. Tour parents want you to settle like other girls in your society. But you are an ambitious girl and want to do something more in life. Write a letter to your father telling him what you think about your future.
Ans: A-11, Kirti Nagar
New Delhi-110005
6th April, 20…….
Respected Father,
Through this letter, I want to share with you, the aim of my life. I knew, being the only girl child and the sister of five loving brothers, I have got all kinds of liberty but, I do not like the traditional life of the family. I dress up in shorts rather than the traditional Indians dresses because I feel comfortable in them. Now, you want me to get married at the age of sixteen only. You think this is the right age to settle down like other girls but, I do not want to get married now. I want to study further and make my career before setting down. I know it is not an easy decision for you and the family to accept as you are bound by your old family customs, but this is my final decision. I want you to accept my decision too. I am ready to do a part-time job in order to pay the fees for further studies.
Your loving daughter
Santosh Yadav
Q.4. “Santosh was a girl of iron. determination.” Justify the statement with the help of examples.
Ans: In fact, “Santosh was a girl of iron determination.” She always wanted to live life on her own terms. She preferred to wear shorts as & the felt comfortable in them whereas other girls in her village dressed up in traditional dresses. She also refused to get married whereas the girls in the rural society that she lived in, were married off at the age of sixteen. Further, she left home on her own and got herself enrolled in a school in Delhi. She even chose the unconventional career of being a mountaineer. Her determination saved the life of her teams-mate. Mohan Singh helped her being a fervent environmentalist also.
Q.5. How does Santosh Yadav’s initiative motivates us to save our environment? Highlight the values you would imbibe.
Ans: Santosh Yadav was a great mountaineer. She not only scaled the Everest twice at a very young age, but also tried to clean the garbage left by other mountaineers. She collected and brought down 500 kgs of garbage from the Himalayas and set an example for others. She became a motivation for all. It made the authorities aware of the increasing garbage day-by-day in the mountains. Here, action motivates even us to keep our surrounding clean. Now, it had become a mission for the government to clean Himalaya.
Q.6. Give the character sketch of Santosh Yadav.
Ans: Santosh was born as the sixth child in the family. Santosh studied in village school but she had the courage to fight the system in her own quiet way. She considered marriage the least important. It was her strong will and determination which made her move to Delhi. She was equipped with iron will, physical endurance and an amazing mental toughness. These qualities made her the honour of scaling Mount Everest by being youngest.
Santosh has been highly recognized for her achievements. Santosh also proved herself to be an environmentalist by collecting and bringing down 500 kilograms of garbage from the Himalayas. It was her desire to work together which made her find a special place in the heart of fellow climbers.
Passage : 1
There is something disarming about Maria Sharaopova, something at odds with her ready smile and glamorous attire. And that something in her lifted her on Monday, 22 August, 2005 to the world number one position in women’s tennis. All this happened in almost no time. Poised beyond her years, the Siberian born teenager took just four years as a professional to reach the pinnacle.
1. Maria Sharaopova belonged to:
(a) America.
(b) Argentina.
(c) New Zealand.
(d) Siberia.
Ans: (d) Siberia.
2. In which activity she had exhibited her talent?
(a) Tennis.
(b) Mountaineering.
(c) Archery.
(d) Badminton.
Ans: (a) Tennis
3. When did Maria come on the 1st rank in the world?
(a) 22 August 2005.
(b) 20 August 2010.
(c) August 30, 2009.
(d) June 10, 2003.
Ans: (a) 22 August 2005.
4. Trace her upper most personality trait.
(a) Glamorous attire.
(b) Ready smile.
(c) Prevent decision.
(d) Both (a) and (b).
Ans. (d) Both (a) and (b).
5. How much time did the girl take to reach the top?
(a) Three years.
(b) Five years.
(c) Four years.
(d) One year.
Ans: (c) Four years.
Passage: 2
Little Maria had not yet celebrated her tenth birthday when she was packed off to train herself in the United States. That trip to Florida with her father Yuri launched her on the path to success and stardom. But, it also required a heart-wrenching two-years separation from her mother Yelena. The latter was compelled to stay back in Siberia because of visa restrictions.
1. There came a heart sending time before Maria because she had:
(a) Got separated from her mother.
(b) She was getting training in tennis.
(c) She was in Florida.
(d) She was with the coach man.
Ans: (a) Got separated from her mother.
2. She had to leave for the united states when she was ________.
(a) Twenty.
(b) Nine.
(c) Eleven.
(d) Eight.
Ans: (b) Nine.
3. The girl was accompanied in her trip by:
(a) Her brother.
(b) Her coachman.
(c) Her father.
(d) Her principal.
Ans: (c) Her father.
4. The word ‘launched’ means to:
(a) Began.
(b) Started.
(c) Set.
(d) Both (a) and (b).
Ans: (d) Both (a) and (b).
5. Who accompanied in the trip?
(a) Maria.
(b) Yelena.
(c) Yuri.
(d) None.
Ans: (c) Yuri.
Passage: 3
Maria Sharapova speaks with a pronounced American accent. She proudly parades her Russian nationality.
1. What specific does this para say on the pronunciation of Maria.
(a) Fluency.
(b) American accent.
(c) Russian touch.
(d) All of these.
Ans: (b) American accent.
2. She is utmost proud of being a/an:
(a) Italian.
(b) Siberia.
(c) Russian.
(d) American.
Ans: (c) Russian.
3. Her respect and recognition of her country expresses that she is a:
(a) Great nationalist.
(b) Five Patriot.
(c) Lover of motherland.
(d) Great statesman.
Ans: (b) Five patriots.
4. The word ‘pronounced’ means:
(a) Spoke.
(b) Said.
(c) Uttered.
(d) Emitted from lips.
Ans: (a) Spoke
5. What was her nationality?
(a) American.
(b) Russian.
(c) Indian.
(d) French.
Ans: (b) Russian.
Passage: 4
Little Maria had not yet celebrated her tenth birthday when she was packed off to train in the United States. That trip a Florida with her father Yuri launched her on the path to success and stardom. But it also required a heart wrenching two-year separation from her mother Yelena. The latter was compelled to stay back in Siberia because of visa restrictions. The nine-year-old-girl had already learnt an important lesson in life – that tennis excellence would only come at a price.
1. Maria’s mother could not accompany Maria because of her:
(a) Visa restrictions.
(b) Illness.
(c) Service in the state.
(d) Looking after the age.
Ans: (a) Visa restrictions.
2. Maria has learnt a lesson and it is worthy for the world community. It states:
(a) Hard labour key to success.
(b) Excellence would come at a price.
(c) No alternative before honest work.
(d) Money is simply a motivation.
Ans: (b) Excellence would come at a price.
3. The American trip proved and paved the path of _______ to Maria.
(a) Hard work and reward.
(b) Practice and Success.
(c) Success awaits for us.
(d) Success and stardom.
Ans: (d) Success and stardom.
4. Write the noun form of ‘excellence’.
(a) Exceeding.
(b) Excellent.
(c) Excellency.
(d) Excessive.
Ans. (b) Excellent.
5. From which lesson these lines has been taken?
(a) My Childhood.
(b) Packing.
(c) Reach For The Top.
(d) The Snake and The Mirror.
Ans: (c) Reach For The Top.
Passage: 5
Sharapova cannot be pigeon-holed or categorized. Her talent, unwavering desire to succeed and readiness to sacrifice have lifted her to the top of the world. Few would grudge her the riches she is now reaping. This is what she has to say about her monetary gains from tennis: “Of course, money is a motivation. Tennis is a business and a sport, but the most important thing is to become number one in the world.”
1. Maria Sharaopova is from:
(a) America.
(b) Russia.
(c) India.
(d) Rome.
Ans: (b) Russia.
2. On money, she opines that it is a:
(a) Strong greed.
(b) Business.
(c) Motivation.
(d) Way to lead life.
Ans: (c) Motivation.
3. About tennis, she thinks that it is a:
(a) Pleasure.
(b) Hobby.
(c) Sport.
(d) Business.
Ans: (d) Both (c) and (d).
4. Trace the antonym of ‘wavering’ from the passage.
(a) Waver.
(b) Wavered.
(c) Wavers.
(d) Unwavering.
Ans: (d) Unwavering.
5. What all made Sharapova to reach at the top.
(a) Unwavering desire.
(b) Readiness to sacrifice.
(c) Talent.
(d) All of these.
Ans: (d) All of these.
Working in small groups of 4-5 students, go back over the two passages on Santosh Yadav and Maria Sharaopova and complete the table given below with relevant phrases or sentences.
Points of Comparison/Contrast | Santosh Yadav | Maria Sharaopova |
1. Their humble beginning | ||
2. Their parents’ approach | ||
3. Their will power and strong desire to succeed | ||
4. Evidence of their mental toughness | ||
5. Their patriotism. |
Points of Comparison/Contrast | Santosh Yadav | Maria Sharaopova |
1. Their humble beginning | affluent- prosperous parents | hard working |
2. Their parents’ approach | traditional | as much as positive, co-operative, helpful |
3. Their will power and strong desire to succeed | strong determination | strong will-power |
4. Evidence of their mental toughness | proceed to | take care of |
5. Their patriotism. | conquering the Mt. Everest twice. | to play Olympics for Russia |
Look at the following sentences. They each have two “clauses,” or two parts each with their own subject and verb or verb phrase. Often, one part (italicised) tells us when or why something happened.
(a) I reached the market (when most of the shops had closed.) (Tells us when I reached).
(b) (When Rahul Dravid walked back towards the pavilion), everyone stood up. (Tells us when everyone stood up.)
(c) The telephone rang (and Ganga picked it up.) Tells us what happened next.)
(d) Gunjan has been with us (ever since the school began.) (Tells us for how long he has been with us.)
I. Identify the two parts in the sentences below, by underlining the part that gives us the information in brackets, as shown above.
(i) Where other girls wore traditional Indian dresses, Santosh preferred shorts. (Contrasts her dress with that of others)
Ans: Where other girls wore traditional Indian dresses, Santosh preferred shorts.
(ii) She left home and got herself enrolled in a school in Delhi. (Tells us what happened after the first action.)
Ans: She left home and got herself enrolled in a school in Delhi.
(iii) She decided to fight the system when the right moment arrived. (Tells us when she was going to fight the system.)
Ans: She decided to fight the system when the right moment arrived.
(iv) Little Maria had not yet celebrated her tenth birthday when she was packed off to train in the United States. (Tells us when Maria was sent to the US.)
Ans: Little Maria had not yet celebrated her tenth birthday when she was packed off to train in the United States.
II. Now re-write the pairs of sentences given below as one sentence.
(i) Grandfather told me about the old days. All books were printed on paper then.
Ans: Grandfather told me about the old days when all books were printed on paper.
(ii) What do you do after you finish the book? Perhaps you just throw it away.
Ans: What do you do after you finish the book since you just throw it away?
(iii) He gave the little girl an apple. He took the computer apart.
Ans: He gave the little girl an apple and look the computer apart.
(iv) You have nothing. That makes you very determined.
Ans: You have nothing then it makes you very determined.
(v) I never thought of quitting. I knew. what I wanted.
Ans: I never thought of quitting because I knew what I wanted.
Read the passage once. Then close your books. Your teacher will dictate the story out to you. Write it down with the correct punctuation and paragraphing.
The Raincoat
After four years of drought in a small town in the Northeast, and Vicar gathered everyone together for a pilgrimage to the mountain, where they would pray together and ask for the rain to return. The priest noticed a boy in the group wearing a raincoat.
“Have you gone mad?” he asked. “it hasn’t rained in his region for five years, the heat will kill you climbing the mountain.”
“I have a cold, father. If we are going to ask God for rain, can you imagine the way back for the mountain? It’s going to be such a downpour that I need to be prepared.”
At that moment a great crash was heard in the sky and the frist drops began to fall. A boy’s faith was enough to bring about a miracle that not even those most prepared truly believed in.
Translated by James Mulholland
Ans: It is a class-room activity to be done in the class with the help of your English teacher.
Imagine that you are Santosh Yadav or Maria Sharaopova. You have been invited to speak at an All India Girls Athletic Meet, as Chief Guest. Prepare a short speech to motivate the girls to think and dream big and make an effort to fulfil their dreams, not allowing difficulties or defeat to discourage them. The following words and phrases may help you:
• Self confident / confidence sure of yourself • Self assured /assurance /belief in yourself • Moral / boost morale / raise morale • Giving somebody a boost / fillip /lift • Demoralising / unsure of yourself / • Insecure / lack confidence |
Ans: Respected Academicians and dear girl students, you know that All India Girl’s Athletic Meet is winding up today with great enthusiasm.
All the participants have done their performance to show their capabilities in different games. I congratulate both the participants and the spectators who have encouraged their morale. We all know sports are indispensable for our life. They help us keeping our mind and body healthy alongwith inculcating the feeling of fellow feeling, co-operation, forbearance and zeal etc.
Some of the students have presented the best results and they have been honoured with money and medals. Among them five have been selected for their talents at the world level. I hope they will do their best in coming to India’s expectations. This brings name and fame not only to the concerned players but also to the parents, state and the country as a whole. You can note that I was a village student and I proceeded to Delhi for High School though my parents were traditional in nature. At one time they refused to pay me school dues. When I asked them to work part-time, they agreed to pay. All this has created a sense of confidence in me. Then I enrolled in Jaipur and watched the mountaineers climbing over the Aravali Hills. I met them to join in the expedition. They gave me a good boast and I became sure of success. With the help of self strong will and determination, I went to Uttarkashi Nehru Institute of Mountaineering. After four years in 1992, I was successful in climbing up the Mount Everest. This expedition brought name and fame. The Indian Government honoured me with ‘Padma Shri’.
So dear students you can too reach the pinnacle of success in case you have a dream, aim, purpose before you. You can make honest as well as determined efforts to fulfil your dream. It is high time for all of you to show our talent if not in games, it can be in some Other fields as well. We should not allow obstacles in our way but rather encounter them with full confidence. We should put in use different resources, modes and ways without lacking any confidence and demoralising views.
I hope all of you will try your best and show your capability before the nation. Thanks.
Working in pairs, go through the table below that gives you information about the top women tennis players since 1975. Write a short article for your school magazine comparing and contrasting the players in terms of their duration at the top. Mention some qualities that you think may be responsible for their brief or long stay at the top spot.
Top ranked women players:
I. The roll of honour of women who enjoyed life at the summit since everybody’s favourite player christ event took her place in 1975.
Name | Ranked on | Weeks as No. 1 |
Maria 3 Sharaopova (Russia) | 22 August, 2005 | 1 |
Lindsay Davenport (US) | October, 2004 | 82 |
Amelie Mauresmo (France) | 13 September, 2004 | 5 |
Justine Henin-Hardenne (Belgium) | 20 October, 2003 | 45 |
Kim Clijsters (Belgium) | 11 August, 2003 | 12 |
Serena Williams (US) | 8 July, 2002 | 57 |
Venus Williams (US) | 25 February, 2002 | 11 |
Jennifer Capriati (US) | 15 October, 2001 | 17 |
Lindsay Davenport (US) | October, 1998 | 82 |
Martina Hingis (Switzerland) | 31 March, 1997 | 209 |
Arantxa Sanchez – Vicario (Spain) | 6 February, 1985 | 12 |
Monica Seles (US) | 11 March, 1991 | 178 |
Steffi Graf (Germany) | 17 August, 1987 | 377 |
Tracy Austin (US) | 7 April, 1980 | 22 |
Martina Navratilova (US) | 7 Auly, 1978 | 331 |
Chris Evert (US) | 3 November, 1975 | 362 |
Ans: Women Tennis
Tennis is one of the most suitable sports for women. It is a selective game and ladies have set records in this praiseworthy and an interesting event. Since November 3, 1975 to August 22, 2005 near about sixteen women from different countries have ranked high. Among them women from United States, Germany and Switzerland are the toppers. It is because of their endurance, skill and constant desire to participate and play tennis whole heartedly. See Maria Sharapova of Russia has the shortest stay of one week and in 1987, Steffi Graf of Germany broke all the records and showed their long stay of 377 weeks. Martina Hingis of Switzerland has also a good scoring capability. Prior to Maria of Russia, Amelia Mauresmo of French stated for 5 weeks. Both these girls have lowest scores. Thought each player has a keen desire to show their talent yet they fall to set the world record. It should be our endeavour to try again and again without any negative feeling.
II. Which of these words would you use to describe Santosh? Find reasons in the text to support your choices, and write a couple of paragraphs describing Santosh’s character.
Contented | determined | resourceful |
Watient | adventurous | considerate |
Weak-willed | fearful | independent |
Pessimistic | polite | Perseverance |
Ans: Character of Santosh
The following words in the box can be used to describe Santosh Yadav, the conqueror of the Mount Everest:
Contented | Determined |
Adventurous | Polite |
Resourceful | Considerate |
Independent | Perseverance |
Padmashri Santosh Yadav was born in Joinyawas in Haryana. From the very beginning she was determined to choose the right path and change the orthodox outlook of the people of her village. She refused to marry early unlike other girls of her village. She was determined to get proper education even if she had to earn to pay for her schooling. She went to Delhi on her own and joined a school there.
Santosh Yadav took to climbing by chance. She was fascinated to see people climbing the Aravalli Hills. She tried to climb herself. She liked it. She was resourceful. She saved money and joined a course in climbing without asking for her father’s permission. She persevered and was able to climb to the top of Everest. She did it twice and at an early age. Her concern for others is praiseworthy. She shared her oxygen to have a dying fellow climber. She collected garbage and brought at down to keep the Himalayas pollution free.
Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words each:
Q.1. How did the senior tennis players bully young Maria Sharapova?
Ans: The senior tennis players bullied young Maria. They would come in the room at 11 p.m. and wake up Maria to tidy the room. This did not deter Maria from her path of success.
Q.2. Why was Maria Sharapova sent to the U.S.A.?
Ans: Maria Sharapova was sent to the U.S.A. for tennis training when she was hardly ten years old. She knew that her tennis excellence would come at a price.
Q.3. How did Maria Sharaopova reach the pinnacle?
Ans: Maria Sharaopova was a girl with strict
mental toughness and quiet determination. determination. Her competitive world began before she attained the age of nine years. She had not celebrated her tenth birthday when she was to go to the United States of America for her tennis training. Her sacrifice, determination and tolerance helped her to reach the pinnacle.
Q.4. How did the father help Maria in realising her dream?
Ans: Maria belonged to a middle-class family. Her father Yuri was not well-off. He had to work as much as he could to keep Maria’s tennis training going on but he could not see her either. Her mother Yelena had to stay in Siberia because of visa restrictions. Two years separation from Yelena troubled Maria very much. It was her father who launched her on the path to success and stardom.
Q.5. How did Maria Sharapova learn that in tennis excellence would come at a price?
Ans: Maria recalls, “I used to be very lonely. I missed my mother terribly. My father was working for me as much as he could to keep my tennis training going on. So he could not see me either. I realised that tennis excellence would only come at a price.”
Q.6. How did Maria influence her tennis fans?
Ans: Maria’s journey started from the frozen plains of Siberia. She reached to the summit of women’s world number one position in world tennis at a very small age. All these specific facts of Maria influenced her tennis fans very much.
Q.7. What is Maria’s mantra for success?
Ans: Maria is a straight forward player of tennis. When asked her ambition she says that she considers sacrifice much more precious. She tells that she is very competitive and works hard to do it. She considers it as her job. This is her mantra for success.
Q.8. Why does Maria call herself totally Russian?
Ans: Maria Sharaopova pronounces with an American accent but she parades her Russian nationality. She accepts that the U.S. is a big part of her life but she has bo Russian citizenship. Her blood is totally Russian and she will play for Russia.
Q.9. Detail some of the hobbies of Maria Sharaopova.
Ans: Maria Sharaopova lists fashion, singing and dancing as her hobbies. She even loves to read the novels of Arthur Conan Doyle. She is much fond of pancakes spread with chocolates and fizzy orange drinks.
Q.1. Why did Maria Sharapova’s mother not accompany her to USA? What did Maria feel for her mother? How this separation from her mother helped her accomplish her goal? What important values do we learn from this incident?
Ans: Maria’s mother Yelena had to stay in Siberia because of visa restrictions. She had to stay from her mother for a period of two years. Maria really missed her mother. The separation made her Jalog mentally tough and eterminded. At such a young age she had learnt that excellence would come through hard work. So her hard work was her magic mantra for success.
Q.2. Maria’s father was a laborious man. What traits in one’s personality are developed when one sees him/her parents working hard for them? What duties towards one’s parents become most important? What values are learnt when you realise this duty?
Ans: Maria’s father worked hard for Maria’s training. He worked very hard to keep her tennis training going. So he could not see Maria regularly. This sacrifice of her parents made her more determined and hard working to achieve one’s goal. When children see their parents working very hard. child ventures to work more hard to become successful person in life. It was sacrifice of parents which made Maria attain excellence of becoming number one player in tennis.
Q.3. How did the older children bully Maria? What ways did Maria adopt to handle the situation? If one of your friend is a bully, what things would you keep in mind to stop him from bullying?
Ans: When Maria reached the competitive world, she had just attained the age of nine years. As she was young, she used to go to bed at 8 p.m. The to tidy up the room. She though very young handled with patience and tolerance. Infact this situation made her more hungry and determined.
If my friend is a bully I not side by him and take his side. I shall not encourage my friend. I know that bullying would inflict mental or physical pain. It is a must that we respect to small and elders both.
Q.4. Mental toughness and determination in Maria become a key progress. How these qualities in an individual can help him in pursuing his dream? How can we develop these traits in us?
Ans: Success always has some mantras. The first and foremost requirement is determination. Determination is the key factor of success. When one becomes mentally strong, one becomes more determined and strives hard to achieve One’s goal.
These basic traits can be developed if the parents and the people around us act as a role model. If we are motivated regularly, we can be always successful. Quality of self discipline is also needed to strengthen ourselves. We should learn to take challenges in a positive way. These challenges will surely guide us to attain success.
Q.5. Was it money or her dream of becoming number one in the world that motivated Maria to play tennis? What traits on one’s personality are reflected when one is motivated in the right direction? What values one develops when motivated?
Ans: Maria Sharapova had strived from very young age to become number one in the world. She knew that her excellence would come at a price and she was ready to pay the price for it. When one works in the right direction, one can find in her/him the right spirit to striver higher. By her task she gave meaning to life. her patriotism quality, also took her to the rungs of success. When one is motivated one learns to do hard work and becomes passionate towards work.
Q.6. Few people felt jealous of Maria because of riches she reaped. In showing this attitude what qualities of Maria were they unaware of? Would you feel the same if your friend is performing better than you at school? If no then why?
Ans: There are many people who always feel disturbed due to success of others. They are self centred who are jealous of riches of others. Such people who could not digest Maria’s success are unaware of her sacrifices. They could not understand Maria’s passion for tennis. If my friend performed better than me I would also feel disturbed. In Fact in the peer group it becomes very difficult to identify with successful friend. So I would work more hard to match her success.
Answer these questions in about 100-150 words each:
Q.1. Write a brief character-sketch of Maria Saharapova.
Ans: Maria Sharapova, the tennis ace, was born in Siberia. She wanted to acquire excellence in tennis. Thus, she moved to Florida in the US, to be trained in the game. She eas an individual with firm determination and a positive attitude. As a young pupil, she was asked by her peers to clean up the room. However, she never thought of quitting because she knew what she wanted. She said that she would have put up with much more humiliation and insults than what she already endured, to steadfastly pursur he dream. She worked hard to become a champion. Instead of letting the hardships depress her, she became more determined and mentally tough. She became an independent girl at the young age of nine. She became a stronger person by facing the hardships of work, and separation from her mother. She is a true example of determination. Besides playing tennis, Maria has quite interesting hobbies. She likes to dress up, is fond of growns, chocolate spread pancakes and fizzy orange drinks. She also loves reading books. She is, thus, like any other young girl, but at the same time, she is mature, independent and fiercely strong-willed.
Q.2. What are Maria’s hobbies? What are her likes?
Ans: The tennis ace, Maria Sharapova has quite a few interest and hobbies other than the game that she plays so fervently. She likes to dress up and like any number of teenaged sensations, She lists fashion as one of her hobbies. She is fond of sophisticated evening gowns. Singing and dancing are also among quite a few of her other interests. She enjoys pancakes with chocolate spread and fizzy orange drinks. Besides, she loves to read the novels of Arthur Conan Doyle. So, she is a multi dimensional personality.
Q.3. Compare and contract the character of Santosh Yadav and Maria Sharapova.
Ans: Both Santosh Yadav and Maria Sahararpova went through hardships during their childhood. But both of them have been very determined to achieve what they wanted. Also both worked hard to be where they are today. However, apart from these similarities, there are quite a few difference between their lives as well. Santosh’s parents have been affluent land owners whereas Maria’s father worked as hard as he could to do continue her training. Also, he accompanied his daughter to Florida whereas Santosh had to leave her home on her own to go to Delhi on order to continue with her studies.
Q.4. How does Maria Sharaopova parade her nationality and teenager sensations with the monetary gains?
Ans: Though Maria speaks with pronounced American accent, yet she proudly parades her Russian nationality. She says, I am Russian. It is true that the U.S. is a big part of my life. But I have Russian citizenship. My blood is totally Russian. I will play Olympics for Russia if they want me.” Among her teenager sensations Maria loves fashion, singing and dancing most. She loves reading Arthur Conan Doyle’s novels. In evenings she wears sophisticated gowns. But still chocolate spread on pancakes with fizzy orange drinks are her favourites. Maria says, “Of course, money is a great motivation. Tennis is a business and a sport. But the most important thing is to become number one in the world. That’s the dream that kept me going.”
Q.5. How did Maria’s parents play an important role in her success? What other things motivated her?
Ans: Maria’s father, Yuri accompanied her to Florida, the US so that she could be trained as a tennis ace. Her mother had to stay back at Siberia due to Visa restrictions. But her father worked as hard as he could so that she could continue with her training. She was bullied at the hands of other pupils. But this hardship and separation from her mother only served to make her stronger and win the Wimbledon in 2004.

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