NCERT Class 9 English Chapter 9 The Bond of Love

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NCERT Class 9 English Chapter 9 The Bond of Love

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The Bond of Love

Chapter: 9



Passage: 1

We put it in one of the gunny-bags we had brought and when I got back to Bangalore, I duly presented it to my wife. She was delighted! She at once put a coloured ribbon around its neck, and after discovering the cub was a ‘boy’ she christened it Bruno.


1. ‘It’ here stands for:

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(a) Bruno.

(b) A small cub. 

(c) A baby bear cub. 

(d) Baba.

Ans: (c) A baby bear cub. 

2. It was taken to Bangalore because: 

(a) It was a motherless.

(b) For presenting to his wife.

(c) She was found of a pet. 

(d) It could become a passtime in the family.

Ans: (b) For presenting to his wife. 

3. What discovery was made by the lady?

(a) Boy.

(b) Female.

(c) Girl.

(d) Male. 

Ans: (a) Boy.

4. The ‘christened’ means:

(a) To gave name.

(b) Named.

(c) Nicknaming. 

(d) Fond name. 

Ans: (b) Named.

5. From which lesson these lines has been taken? 

(a) The Fun They had.

(b) Packing.

(c) The Bond of Love.

(d) My Childhood.

Ans: (c) The Bond of Love.

Passage: 2

There followed the return journey to Bangalore and a visit to the superintendent’s bungalow. A tearful pleading: “Baba and I are both fretting for each other. Will you please give him back to me?” He was a kind-hearted man and consented. Not only that, but he wrote to the curator telling him to lend us a cage for transporting the bear to Bangalore. 


1. Now Baba was transported bear to:

(a) Mysore.

(b) Bangalore.

(c) Mangalore.

(d) Ooty.

Ans: (b) Bangalore.

2. Baba was to be taken back because:

(a) The author’s wife and baba were fretting for each other.

(b) Baba started remaining ill at the zoo. 

(c) Baba had became weak and home sick.

(d) Baba had become their pet.

Ans: (a) The author’s wife & baba were fretting for each other. 

3. What request was submitted to the curator?

(a) A tearful pleading.

(b) A request for taking back baba. 

(c) A tearful request to take baba back.

(d) A folded hand pleading. 

Ans: (c) a tearful request to take baba back.

4. The curator was asked on the superintendent:

(a) To hand over the bear.

(b) Give them a cage well. 

(c) To provide necessary help.

(d) To load baba in a cage. 

Ans: (d) To load baba in a cage.

5. What kind of person was the superintendent?

(a) A kind hearted.

(b) Cruel. 

(c) Unkind.

(d) Greedy.

Ans: (a) A kind hearted.

Passage: 3

She had changed his name from Bruno, to Baba, a Hindustani word signifying ‘small boy’. And he could do a few tricks, too. At the command, ‘Baba, wrestle’, or ‘Baba, box’, he vigorously tackled anyone who came forward for a ‘rough and tumble’. Give him a stick and say ‘Baba, hold gun’, and he pointed the stick at you. Ask him, ‘Baba, where’s baby?’ and he immediately produced and cradled affectionately a stump of wood which he had carefully concealed in his straw bed.


1. The name of Bruno was changed to Baba on the plea that: 

(a) It was her nickname.

(b) It was a Hindustani word.

(c) It signifies a male boy. 

(d) The family was Indian.

Ans: (b) It was a Hindustani word.

2. Which tricks could be well played by Baba? 

(a) Wrestle.

(b) Boxing.

(c) Holding the stick. 

(d) All/None of these. 

Ans: (d) All of these.

3. The word ‘Concealed’ means:

(a) Hidden.

(b) Lost.

(c) Secreted.

(d) Cover. 

Ans: (a) Hidden.

4. The baby bear was got by the writer from a:

(a) Zoo.

(b) Jungle.

(c) Sugarcane field.

(d) Shop.

Ans: (c) Sugarcane field. 

5. Trace a word similar to ‘support’.

(a) Command.

(b) Stump.

(c) Cradled.

(d) Carefully.

Ans: (c) Cradled.

Passage: 4

Baba was driven into a small cage and hoisted on top of the car; the cage was tied securely, and a slow and careful return journey to Bangalore was accomplished.


1. Baba was transported from:

(a) Delhi Zoo. 

(b) Mysore Zoo. 

(c) Agra Zoo. 

(d) Jaipur Zoo.

Ans: (b) Mysore Zoo.

2. His safe arrival was arranged in:

(a) A cage.

(b) The open car.

(c) Over the top of a car in a cage. 

(d) Inside the car.

Ans: (c) Over the top of a car in a cage. 

3. For viewing his security and safety he was car journeyed quite:

(a) Carefully. 

(b) Rapidly.

(c) Medium speed.

(d) Slow and careful speed.

Ans: (d) Slow and careful speed.

4. The word ‘accomplished’ means: 

(a) Completed.

(b) Finished.

(c) Came to an end. 

(d) Fulfilled.

Ans: (a) Completed. 

5. Who is the author of this chapter. 

(a) Vaikom Muhammad Basheer.

(b) Santosh Yadav. 

(c) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.

(d) Kenneth Anderson.

Ans: (d) Kenneth Anderson.

Passage: 5

We all missed him greatly; but in a sense we were relieved. My wife was inconsolable. She wept and fretted.


1. ‘Him’ here stands for:

(a) Bruno.

(b) Baba.

(c) A pet dog.

(d) A pet bird.

Ans: (a) Bruno.

2. The family missed him greatly because:

(a) He was pet with all.

(b) He enjoyed all in family.

(c) He was their fond baby like human being.

(d) He guarded all.

Ans: (b) He was their fond baby like human being. 

3. Who was most troublesome after Bruno was sent to the zoo?

(a) The author.

(b) Bruno himself. 

(c) Author’s wife.

(d) Children of the house. 

Ans: (c) Author’s wife.

4. The word ‘inconsolable’ means: 

(a) Unable to be pacified.

(b) Go on weeping and weeping.

(c) Sad beyond limits.

(d) Utmost sad and unable to be consoled. 

Ans: (d) Utmost sad and unable to be consoled.

5. Whom did ‘they’ miss greatly?

(a) Bear.

(b) Dog.

(c) Rabbit.

(d) Bird.

Ans: (a) Bear.

Passage: 6

After that, friends visiting Mysore were begged to make a point of going to the zoo and seeing how Baba was getting along. They reported that he was well but looked very thin and sad. All the keepers at the zoo said he was fretting. For three months I managed to restrain my wife from visiting Mysore. Then she said one day: “I must see Baba. Either you take me by car; or I will go myself by bus or train.” So I took her by car.


1. The friends of the author begged him for:

(a) Bringing baba back.

(b) seeking baba at the zoo.

(c) Transporting him to the house.

(d) Sn early visit.

Ans: (b) Sewing baba at the zoo.

2. They reported that Baba was:

(a) Very thin and sad.

(b) Getting home sick.

(c) Getting fat and lazy.

(d) Fretting all the time.

Ans: (a) Very thin and sad.

3. The author’s wife became to impatient to go to Mysore since the wanted to:

(a) See.

(b) Love. 

(c) Accompany. 

(d) Play live. 

Ans: (a) See.

4. Which is the correct one: a keeper is a person who is a/or

(a) Guard.

(b) Chowkidar.

(c) Caretaker.

(d) Looks after.

Ans: (d) Looks after.

5. Trace a word that means ‘worried’.

(a) Fretted.

(b) Begged.

(c) Sad. 

(d) Reported.

Ans: (b) Fretted.



I. Given in the box are some headings. Find the relevant paragraphs in that match the heading.

An orphaned cub; Bruno’s food-chart; an accidental case of poisoning; playful Baba; pain of separation; joy of reunion; A request to the zoo; An island in the courtyard.


1. An orphaned cubParagraph 3
2. Bruno’s food chartParagraph 6
3. An accidental case of poisoningParagraph 8
4. Playful BabaParagraph 12
5. Pain of separationParagraph 14
6. Joy of reunionParagraph 16
7. A request to the zooParagraph 18
8. An island in the courtyardParagraph 21

II. Answer the following questions:

1. ‘I got him for her by accident.’

(i) Who says this?

Ans: These words are spoken by the narrator.

(ii) Who do ‘him’ or ‘her’ refer to?

Ans: ‘Him’ refers to the sloth bear and ‘Her’ refers to the narrator’s wife.

(iii) What is the incident referred to nere?

Ans: This incident refers to the capturing of the sloth bear from a sugarcane field.

2. ‘He stood on his head in delight. 

(i) Who does ‘he’ refer to?

Ans: ‘He’ here refers to Baba.

(ii) Why was he delighted? 

Ans: He was delighted to get the petting from the narrator’s wife.

3. We all missed him greatly; but in a sense we were relieved.’ 

(i) Who does ‘we all’ stand for? 

Ans: The word ‘we all’ here stands for the family of the narrator.

(ii) Who did they miss?

Ans: They missed the poor Bruno or Baba.

(iii) Why were they nevertheless feel relieved?

Ans: They were nevertheless felt relieved because Bruno was going to the zoo. He had grown too big to be kept at home.

III. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each:

1. On two occasions Bruno ate/drank something that should not be eaten/drunk. What happened to him on these occasions?

Ans: Once Bruno ate poison that was meant to kill rats. He was paralysed. He could not stand. But a vet fully restored him to health. At another occasion he drank engine oil. But it did him no harm.

2. Was Bruno a loving and playful pet? Why then, did he have to be sent away? 

Ans: Bruno was a sweet and playful pet. He harmed no one. But he was growing big and strong. It was feared that he night harm children. So he was sent to the zoo.

3. How was the problem of what to do with Bruno finally solved?

Ans: Bruno grew too big to stay at home. The narrator and his friends advised Mrs. Anderson to send Bruno to the zoo. She agreed reluctantly. The zoo at Mysore agreed to have Bruno, and took him away in a cage.


I. 1. Find these words in the lesson. They all have ie or ei in them.

f_ _ld,ingred _ _ nts,
h_ _ght,misch _ _ vous,
fr_ _nds,_ _ ghty – seven,
rel_ _ ved,P_ _ce

Ans: f_ _ ld ingred = field

ingred _ _ nts = ingredients

h _ _ ght = height

misch _ _ vous = mischievous 

fr_ _nds = friends 

_ _ ghty-seven = eighty seven

rel _ _ ved = relieved 

P _ _ ce = piece.

2. Now here are some more words. Complete them with ei or ie. Consult a dictionary if necessary.

bel _ _ Verec _ _ ve 
W _ _ Rdl _ _ sure
s _ _ zew _ _ ght 
f _ _ gnf _ _ gn
gr _ _ fp _ _ rce

(There is a popular saying ‘i’ before ‘e’ except after ‘c’. Check if this rule is true by looking at the words above.)

Ans: bel _ _ ve = believe

rec _ _ ve = receive

w _ _ rd = weird

1_ _sure = leisure

s _ _ ze = seize

w _ _ ght = weight

r – – gn = reign 

f _ _ gn = feign

gr _ _ f = grief

p_ _ rce = pierce

II. Here are some words with silent letters. Learn their spelling. Your teacher will dictate these words to you. Write them down and underline the silent letters.


Ans: Silent letters are underlined as


Knock = नॉक

Wrestle = रेसल

Walk = वॉक

Wrong = राँग

Knee = नी

Half = हॉफ 

Honest = आनेस्ट

Daughter = डॉटर 

Hours = आवरस

Return = रिटन 

Hornet = हॉरनेट 

Calm = काम 

Could = कुड 

Sign = साईन 

Island = आईलैण्ड 

Button = बटन 

III. How to look at an Index? 

An index is a list of names or topics that are to be found in a book. It is a list arranged in alphabetical order at the end of a book.

The following paragraph shows that the doctor is consulting the index of a medical books to find out which injection is appropriate for Bruno.

“Out came his medical books, and a feverish reference to index began: ‘What poison did you say, sir?” ‘Barium carbonate’. ‘Ah yes-B-Ba-Barium Salts-Ah! Barium carbonate! Symptoms – paralysis-treatment- injections of. Just a minute, sir. I’ll bring my syringe and the medicine.”

1. You have read about the French Revolution and you want to know more about the Third Estate in the context of the French Revolution. You can refer to the index of the book Living World History by T. Walter Wallbank and Arnold Schrier:

Living World History-By T. Walter Wallbank and Arnold Schrier: 

Page No. 813

French-Algerian War, 696 
French and Indian War, 370, 401 
French Revolution,393,  404 – 408 – 408, 427, 489 
Freud (froid), Sigmund [ 1856 – 1939 ], 479 illus. 477 
Frobisher (fro bish er), Martin [1535?-1594]
321, 338

Page No. 826

Third Coalition, 415
Third Communist International, See Comintern 
Third Estate (France), 404, 405
Third Reform Bill, 454
Third Reich (riH) 641, 643, 652, 653

On what pages in this book will you find information about the French Revolution and the Third Estate?

Ans: (1) French Revolution 

:Page No. 393, 404 – 405 –  408, 427, 487.

(2) Third Estate (France)

: Page No. 404, 405 

2. To know what ‘Food Security’ and ‘Minimum Support Price’ mean in the context of the economic growth of a country you can go to the subject index given below from Poverty and Famines-An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation by Amartya Sen. Under which heading in the index are you likely to find these topics? 

Famine relief, 43, 57, 87-8, 96-8, 116-17, 131-2
Fishermen, 51, 67-9, 71, 72-3, 78, 119 
Finland, 213 
Floods, 52-3, 58, 131-2, 147-8
Food availability decline (FAD thesis), 
6-7, 7-8, 41-2, 43-4, 53, 57-63, 80-1, 82- 3, 88-93, 111, 117-20, 125, 137, 141, 153, 154-6, 157-8, 162.
Food Counter movement, 94, 138, 160-2 
Food habits, 12-3, 25-6, 45, 50, 164.

Ans: Food Security and Minimum Support Price can be seen in the following topics:

Food Availability Decline (FAD Thesis)

: 6-7, 7-8, 41-2, 43-4, 53, 57-63, 80- 1, 82-83, 88-93, 111, 117-20, 125, 137, 141, 153, 154-6, 157-8, 162.

3. Given below is a portion of an index page from the book ‘French’s Index of Differential -Diagnosis’. ed. by F. Dudley Hart M.D., F.R.C.P.

Study the entries and find out whether the following topics are discussed in the book.

(i) Bronchitis is due to cigarette smoking.

Ans: Bronchitis due to cigarette smoking: Page 223

(ii) Heart failure due to bronchitis.

Ans: Heart Failure due to bronchitis: Page 82

(iii) Bronchitis in children.

Ans: Bronchitis in children: Page 178 

IV. (1) Use of Narrative Present Notice the incomplete sentences in the following paragraph. Here the writer is using incomplete sentences in the narration to make the incident more dramatic or immediate. Can you rewrite the paragraph in complete sentences? 

(You can begin: The vet and I made a dash back to the car, Bruno was still floundering …)

(i) A dash back to the car. Bruno still floundering about on his stumps, but clearly weakening rapidly; some vomiting, heavy breathing, with heaving flanks and gaping mouth. 

Hold him, everybody! In goes the hypodermic-Bruno squeals -10 c.c. of the antidote enters his system without a drop being wasted. Ten minutes later: condition unchanged! Another 10 c.c. injected! Ten minutes later: breathing less stertorous – Bruno can move his arms and legs a little although he cannot stand yet. Thirty minutes later: Bruno gets up and has a great feed! He looks at us disdainfully, as much as to say. ‘What’s barium carbonate to a big black bear like me?’ Bruno is still eating.

Ans: The vet and I made a dash back to the car. Bruno was still floundering about on his stumps. But his body was indicating the signs of rapid weakness. He had some vomiting and started breathing heavily. His flanks were heaving and the mouth was gaped.

(2) In the paragraph above from the story the verbs are in the present tense (e.g. hold, goes etc.). This gives the reader an impression of immediacy. The present tense is often used when we give a commentary on a game (cricket, football, etc.) or tell a story as if it is happening now. It is, therefore, called the narrative presents. 

You will read more about the present tense in unit ten.

Adverb: Adverb वह शब्द होता है जो विशेषण को परिवर्तित करता है और क्रिया को विशेषता बतलाता है। आमतौर पर उन्हें शब्द के अन्त में Iy लगाकर बनाते हैं जैसे: 
Affected = Affectedly
Poor = Poorly
Sudden = Suddenly

Find the adverbs in the sentences below. (You’ve read about adverbs in unit 1.)

We thought that everything was over when suddenly a black sloth bear came out panting in the hot sun. Now I will not shoot a sloth-bear wantonly but, unfortunately for the poor beast, one of my companions did not feel that way about it, and promptly shot the bear on the spot.

1. Complete the following sentences, using a suitable adverb ending in -ly:

(a) Rana does her homework ________.

Ans: Rana does her homework whole heartedly.

(b) It rains in Mumbai in June ________.

Ans: It rains heavily/constantly in Mumbai in June.

(c) He does his work ________.

Ans: He does his work sincerely.

(d) The dog serves his master ________.

Ans: The dog serves his master faithfully.

2. Choose the most suitable adverbs or adverbial phrases and complete the following sentences:

(a) We should ________ get down from a moving train. (never, sometimes, often)

Ans: We should never get down from a moving train.

(b) I was _______ in need of support after my poor performance. (badly, occasionally, sometimes)

Ans: I was badly in need of support after my poor performance.

(c) Rita met with an accident. The doctor examined her ________. (suddenly, seriously, immediately)

Ans: Rita met with an accident. The doctor examined her immediately.

3. Take down the following scrambled version of a story, that your teacher will dictate to you, with appropriate punctuation marks. Then, read the scrambled story carefully and try to write it down again rearranging the incidents.

A grasshopper, who was very hungry, saw her and said, “When did you get the corn? I am dying of hunger.” She wanted to dry them. It was a cold winter’s day, and an ant was bringing out some grains of corn from her home. She had gathered the corn in summer.

“I was singing all day,” answered the grasshopper.

“If you sang all the summer,” said the ant, “you can dance all the winter.” 

“What were you doing?” asked the ant again.

The grasshopper replied, “I was too busy.”

“I collected it in summer,” said the ant. “What were you doing in summer?

Why did you not store some corn?”

Note: This is a class room activity. It is to be done in the class with the help of the teacher.


‘Animals also feel the pleasure of love and the pain of separation’. Make a presentation by giving examples from your own experience.

Ans: Animals feel the pleasure of love and the pain of separation

It is quite correct that animals too feel the pleasure of love and pain of separation. They are faithful, honest, well-wisher and serve the human beings at the cost of their own life. Generally we keep pets in our houses. They may be dogs, monkeys, cats and cows, etc.

Once it so happened. My father purchased a cow from the village. She came in The e city and started living with us in the family. For a day or so she did not like the city environment as she was to stay in the house. My father arrived at 4.00 from his office. He used to take her to the jungle for grazing. Slowly she forgot everything. When it was four she started moving and making a noise. On seeing the father she became silent. When he took her to the jungle, first she licked his hands and then went to the jungle. After a span of two years she was handed over to my sister who lived in the next street. The cow reached there and did not eat anything. Rather she returned every time when she was sent. Ultimately she was brought back. Thus the danimals too feel the pleasure of love and pain of separation.


Pets have unique care handling requirements and should only be kept by those with the commitment to understand and meet their needs. Give your argument in support of or against this statement.

Ans: A Debate on Handling Requirement for the Pets

His Almighty has created varied living organisms on this precious earth and all need and remain happy as well as satisfied when they enjoy their natural habitat. Take an example of keeping a dog as a pet. It won’t be happy if chained and improper food is given. In the lesson ‘The Bond of Love’, we can see that Baba was transported to the zoo when it became big in size though it was unhappy in the zoo as it was devoid of affection. When it was requested by the narrator’s wife to the curator that they want to take it back, they had to make specific arrangements for his up-keep. An island was made for Baba which was surrounded by a dry pet. It was of reasonable width and depth. A wooden box was ready with fowls so that it could satisfy its hunger. Side by side straw was placed inside to keep it warm. There were its toys to keep it busy and satisfied. Thus, if we want to keep pets, we are supposed to meet their needs with utmost care.


There is an on-going debate whether snake charmers continue in their profession. You can get some idea about the debate from the newspaper clipping (The Hindu, Wednesday, June 16, 2004) given below. Read it, discuss in pairs or groups, and write either for or against the profession of snake charmers. Report comes in support of snake charmers

By Our Staff Reporter NEW DELHI, JUNE 15. Over 30 years, after the introduction of the wildlife Protection Act that banned the catching of snakes in India, a small community of snake charmers continues to practices the trade catching over 4,00,000 snakes every year-which ultimately die-in 1 defiance of the law.

A report based on new research by the Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), however, has strongly recommended that the traditional knowledge of the snake charmers and skills be now utilised for education and medicine by setting up sapera centres. This is mainly because the community has virtually no access to land, education or employment opportunities. They are dependent on snake charming to earn a livelihood. They trade around as vendors of traditional medicine, snake-catchers and musicians. Ignorance about the law is quite common.

The report entitled “Biodiversity, Livelihoods and the Law: The Case of the Jogi-Nath Snake Charmers of India” based on path-breaking research was formally released by the Inspector General of Forests, V.K. Bahuguna, along with a presentation by members of the sapera community in the Capital on Monday.

“Despite thirty years of the law being in existence, over 70 per cent of the Jogi-Naths are still dependent on snake charming to earn a livelihood. Ignorance about the law was quite common. None of them own land, even though they would like to,” said Bahar Dutt, who led this research. Notably, most of those practising the trade in the current generation are all under 35 years of age. Trapping occurs throughout the year and during their travels, though this activity increases during the monsoons. According to the data, each family on an average collects at least seven snakes.

Most snakes were force-fed and snake husbandry methods and health were found to be poor. “The snake charmers community council imposes a heavy fine on a person if the snake dies in his custody as it is considered an extremely bad omen. As a result, the snakes are released when the charmers realise that their condition is deteriorating,” said Dutt. Their ambition to show-case the reptiles and earn money was not fulfilled, as they flouted four WPA provisions, for illegally possessing the animals, not feeding them properly, causing injuries by extracting teeth unscientifically and killing snakes for the valuable snake parts and bones. Their offence generally invites. imprisonment for three to seven years and a fine up to Rs. 25,000 in each case. On the positive side researches found that the charmers possess a Unique ability to handle venomous snakes with a tremendous knowledge of the different species and their behaviour. They are also called by local farmers to retrieve snakes from agricultural fields or human inhabited areas who would other wise just kill them,’ She said.

Ans: Snakes and Snake Charmers 

There was a time when snake charmers of India were known for their wonderful skill all over the world. They could handle the deadliest of Indian snakes – the Cobra. They could make it dance to the tune of their flute. 

In those days India was also known for her rain forests. Wild life was abundant. Snakes had their place among others. It did not matter much if only a fraction of them were caught by snake charmers. But now with the rise of population and modern technology, we have big industries and big cities. But smaller and smaller forests. The habitats are destroyed. The number of all wild animals, including snakes, is negligible. Besides this, snakes are looked upon as wicked. People kill snakes whether they are poisonous or non-poisonous.

Snake charmers too are no longer popular. Their profession can no longer support them. It is high time to save both – snakes and snake charmers. The skill of snake charmers should be utilised in a more scientific way. They should be rehabilitated. People need to know more about snakes and snake charmers.


Short Answer Type Questions:

Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words each:

Q.1. Was Bruno a loving and playful? Why then did he have to be sent away? 


Why was Bruno sent to the zoo? 

Ans: As time rolled on Bruno had grown many times the size he was when he come. He had equalled the Alsatians in height and had outgrown them. He was getting too big to be kept. So he was sent away to the zoo.

Q.2. Who was Bruno? How many days did he take to eat everything?

Ans: Bruno was a pet sloth bear. Bruno took to drinking milk from a bottle when he was brought home. Within a very few days, he started eating and drinking everything else like porridge, vegetables, fruit, nuts, meat, curry, rice, bread, egg, chocolates, sweets, pudding, ice-creams, etc.

Q.3. Bruno once got paralysis. Why? How was he treated?

Ans: Once the writer kept some poison, barium carbonate, in his library to kill mice. Bruno ate some of the poison and was paralysed. A vet gave him two injections of an antidote and Bruno stood on his legs again in 30 minutes. 

Q.4. “The bear became attached to the dogs, to the children in the neighbour-hood’. Which qualities of the bear are highlighted in this statement?

Ans: It shows that the baby-bear had many human qualities. He had love, affection and loyalty. He developed love and friendship not only with animals but also with the human beings near him.

Q.5. How was the sloth bear christened ‘Bruno’?

Ans: At the house, the wife of the author was much delighted to see the sloth bear. She at once put a coloured ribbon around its neck. She found the cub as a boy and christened it Bruno. In the beginning it was fed on the milk bottle. 

Q.6. How did Bruno become attached to the family of the author?

Ans. Bruno relished everything. It became greatly attached to two Alsatian dogs and to all the children of the tenants living in the bungalow. He was left quite in its youth and went on playing, running into the kitchen. It used to sleep in the beds.

Q.7. Mention some of the festive tricks of Bruno. 

Ans: Now Bruno has grown many times the size he was when he came. He was mischievous and playful. He loved author’s wife and she was too fond of him. His name was changed to Baba. At the command he would wrestle or box. He tackled anyone who came for rough and tumble. He could hold a stick like a gun. 

Q.8. How was the meeting between Baba and author’s wife accomplished?

Ans: On seeing the author’s wife from some yards, Baba howled with happiness. She ran up to him, petted him and Baba stood on his head in delight. For the next three hours she did not leave the cage. She gave him tea, lemonade, cakes, ice-cream and what not. When the closing time arrived she wept bitterly and Baba cried bitterly. It melted the curator and the keepers.

Q.9. What did the author’s wife give Bruno to eat when she went to visit Bruno in the zoo?

Ans: The author’s wife treated Bruno as her child. She had heard that Bruno was o not eating properly at the zoo, so she gave Bruno eatables to eat when she visited him in the zoo. She gave him tea, lemonade, cakes, ice-cream and what not. It was a rare sight and showed motherly affection. 

Q.10. What kind of lady was the author’s wife? (The Bond of Love)

Ans: The author’s wife was a compassionate lady. She was full of empathy. She treated the baby bear like her own child right from the very beginning and nurtured him like a mother. Her love and affection was unconditional and she was inseparable with him.

Q.11. How do you know that the author’s wife was deeply attached to Bruno?

Ans: The author’s wife was deeply attached to Bruno. She treated him like her own child. When the bear was shifted to a zoo at Mysore, she could not stay without him and the author had to bring back the bear. This shows that the author’s wife was deeply attached to Bruno.


Q.1. All creations of God should be treated with love and compassion. Write the virtues of author’s wife as reflected by her in treating the bear cub.

Ans: Aurthor’s wife was deeply attached with Baba. She was much delighted when she had got the sloth bear. She had christened sloth bear as Bruno. Author’s wife showed all kinds of virtues in treating the bear cub. She showed great love and kindness. She fed Bruno on the milk bottle. She offered him all kind of delicacies such as vegetables, fruits, eggs, chocolates, sweets, puddings, cream etc. She also depicted such qualities as good intention and compassion in treating Bruno. Thus her love was really commendable. They both enjoyed in each other’s company.

Q.2. Everyday when you go home, your mother keeps food ready for you. Can you relate the feelings of a mother-child bond with the relationship shared by author’s wife and Bruno?

Ans: The best gesture which one can get on reaching home is the food served by the mother. The food served reflects not only love but also delicious taste. This relationship if full of love which is cordial and has mutual understanding. It also shows caring attitude. The same kind of relationship is reflected in author’s wife and Bruno. Both of them show tenderness in the relation and sense of belongingness. Their concern for each other shows as if they are made for each other. Their love is really unconditional.

Q.3. ‘Bruno entered the library, as he often did and he ate some of the poison.’ What qualities of author’s personality is reflected in the efforts he puts in to save the life of Bruno?

Ans: One day accident befell the author. By mistake he put barium carbonate to kill the rats. Bruno entered the library and ate barium carbonate. Paralysis set in and he could not stand on his feet. Author felt very guilty and immediately took out his medical book. He gave him an antidote of injection. He observed every activity of Bruno, the way he moved and felt very glad when Bruno took to eating. Author had showered his love and affection on Bruno.

Q.4. Despite being in natural habitat and with his fellow animals, Bruno did not forget old bonds. Highlight the qualities of animals in context to Bruno that show the bond of love.

Ans: Bruno was brought up by author’s wife to home. He got a chance to live in a very different kind of atmosphere. He has completely been changed by love. He received great love and also returned it in return. Bruno was sent to the Mysore Zoo but still he craved for author’s wife. When he met author’s wife he fretted and stood on his hind legs. When he was brought back home, he showed all love and affection.

Q.5. Wild animals can also be tamed and kept as pet. A ferocious lion was won over by Androcles when he took out the thorn form his paws. What qualities do you think are needed to break the fearful relationship between man and animals?

Ans: On this precious earth many wild animals are found and they also show their love when reciprocated. Author’s wife developed special relationship with Baba. In Spite of it being wild, it was kept like a pet animal. I think that man and animal can develop a relationship with unconditional love, care, compassion etc. There is also need of sympathy and empathy between each other. So our intention of love should be good and sensitive. Thus with these qualities a good relationship can be built.


Answer these questions in about 100-150 words each:

Q.1. Describe Bruno’s journey to the zoo.

Ans: As Baba had grown too big to be kept home, so author’s family decided to shift him to the zoo at Mysore. After many weeks of such advice author’s wife agreed to send Baba to zoom. A letter was written to the curator of the zoo. The zoo sent a cage from Mysore in a lorry, a distance of eighty-seven miles, and Baba was packed off.

Q.2. Pets at times become an inseparable part of our life. They establish a bond of friendship. explain with reference to ‘The Bond of Love’.

Ans: Pets at times, become an inseparable part of our life. They establish a bond of friendship. The chapter ‘The Bond of Love’ explains the same. 

The author’s wife welcomes the baby bear whole-heartedly when her husband brings the cub home. She immediately christens him as Bruno. However, she soon begins to care for the pet like her own kid and begins to call him Baba meaning a ‘small boy’.

The pet is lovable and playful too. He spends his time playing, running into the kitchen and going to sleep in everybody’s beds. Accidentally, when he consumes barium carbonate, paralysis sets in. But the author rushes him to the vet and he recovers soon.

The author’s wife is deeply attached to the pet. She is inconsolable when he is sent to the zoo in Mysore. However, the family gets him back, as both the author’s wife and he are continuously fretting. Once he comes back, he becomes an inseparable member of the family.

Q.3. You are the narrator and you have seen your wife and Bruno pine for each other. Write an article on “Animals also feel the pleasure of love and the pain of separation” based on your experience.

Ans: Animals also feel the pleasure of love and the pain of separation. Animals can and do understand the love and affection showered upon them. They even feel miserable when separated from their loved ones irrespective of the fact whether they are the fellow animals or even humans. My wife and Bruno both share a relationship based on mutual affection for each other. Though I always expressed my concern for them he has been exceptionally attached to my wife. Once he consumed barium carbonate accidentally. But instead of coming to me, he dragged himself on his stumps to my wife as if he wanted to share his misery with her. 

Eventually, Bruno was sent to the zoo at Mysore. Both my wife and he pined for each other and we had to bring Bruno back. Animals actually feel the pleasure of love and the pain of separation.

Q.4. How did the author’s wife feel after sending Bruno to the zoo?

Ans: After sending Bruno to the zoo in Mysore, the author’s wife was inconsolable. She wept, fretted and began to starve herself refusing food for quite a few days. Further, she wrote number of letters to the curator of the zoo inquiring after Bruno whom she had been addressing as Baba before he was sent to the zoo. She also requested all of the friends visiting Mysore to visit the zoo in order to find how the bear was doing. The author restrained her from visiting Mysore for three months. But finally, he had to give in and she succeeded in visiting Bruno.

Q.5. Why was Baba sent to Mysore zoo and how was he taken back?

Ans: As Bruno had outgrown even the Alsatians, he was getting too big in size and had to be kept chained for the sake of the tenant’s children. The author’s wife was deeply attached to Bruno. But she was advised by the author, her son and friends to sent the pet to the zoo in Mysore. Finally, Bruno was sent there. But she could not bear the separation from the pet. She wept, fretted, and refused food. She requested friends visiting Mysore to inquire after Bruno. Finally the author went to Mysore along with her to bring him back. Baba was brought home in a cage that had been lifted. It was tied securely. A ‘slow and careful’ return journey followed.

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