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NCERT Class 9 English Chapter 18 The Duck and the Kangaroo
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The Duck and the Kangaroo
Chapter: 18
Read the stanzas given below and answer the questions that follow:
Said the Duck to the Kangaroo,
‘Good gracious! how you hop!
Over the fields and the water too,
As if you never would stop!
My life is a bore in this nasty pond,
And I long to go out in the world beyond!
I wish I could hop like you!”
Said the Duck to the Kangaroo.
(i) The poem is written by
(a) William Blake.
(b) William Wordsworth.
(c) W. B. Yeats.
(d) Edward Lear.
Ans: (d) Edward Lear.
(ii) Where does the Kangaroo hop?
(a) Over the bridges.
(b) Over the borders.
(c) Over the fields and the water.
(d) Over the forests.
Ans: (c) Over the fields and the water.
(iii) About her life, duck is of the opinion that:
(a) It is pleasant.
(b) It is troublesome.
(c) It is boring.
(d) It remains in constant fear of enemies.
Ans: (c) It is boring.
(iv) The duck leads her life in:
(a) Water.
(b) River.
(c) Fields.
(d) Pond.
Ans: (d) Pond.
(v) The Duck wishes to:
(a) See the world.
(b) See the land.
(c) Learn to hop.
(d) See the water.
Ans: (c) Learn to hop.
Please give me a ride on your back!’
Said the Duck to the Kangaroo.
I would sit quite still, and say nothing but “Quack”
The whole of the long day through!
And we’d go to the Dee, and the Jelly Bo Lee,
Over the land, and over the sea;
Please take me a ride! O do!’
Said the Duck to the Kangaroo.
(i) The duck requests the kangaroo for:
(a) A bath.
(b) A ride.
(c) A journey.
(d) Her marriage.
Ans: (b) A ride.
(ii) Where will the both go in this stanza.
(a) Round the world.
(b) Round the pond.
(c) Round the forests.
(d) The Dee and the Jelly Bo Lee.
Ans: (d) The dee and the Jelly BooLee.
(iii) Who utters “Quack”?
(a) The animals.
(b) The birds.
(c) The duck.
(d) The kangaroo.
Ans: (c) The duck.
(iv) The duck made a promise:
(a) Not to make a noise.
(b) To sit quite still.
(c) Not to move.
(d) Not to pinch.
Ans: (b) To sit quite still.
(v) Dee’ and ‘Jelly Bo Lee’ are:
(a) Name the trees.
(b) Names of places.
(c) Names of medicines.
(d) Names of ponds.
Ans: (b) Names of places.
Said the Kangaroo to the Duck,
“This requires some little reflection;
Perhaps on the whole it might bring me luck,
And there seems but one objection.
Which is, if you’ll let me speak so bold,
Your feet are unpleasantly wet and cold,
And would probably give me the roo-
Matiz ! said the Kangaroo.
(i) Which objection was raised by the kangaroo?
(a) About her wet feet.
(b) About her Quack sound.
(c) About her movements.
(d) About her coldness.
Ans: (a) About her wet feet.
(ii) The word ‘roo’ here means:
(a) Pain.
(b) Joint pain.
(c) Knee pain.
(d) Rhematic pain.
Ans: (b) Joint pain.
(iii) What could bring luck to the kangaroo?
(a) Meeting with the duck.
(b) Taking a round with the duck.
(c) Giving ride to the duck.
(d) Helping the duck to fulfil her wishes.
Ans: (c) Giving ride to the duck.
(iv) Write the rhyming scheme in the stanza.
(a) Ab ab; cc cc.
(b) Aa bb; cc dd.
(c) Ab bb; cc dd.
(d) Ba ba; ccdd.
Ans: (a) Ab ab; cc cc.
(v) ‘Roo-matiz’ here refers to:
(a) Sneezing.
(b) Rheumatism-an illness affecting muscles and joints.
(c) Cold and cough.
(d) A feeling of giddiness.
Ans: (c) Cold and cough.
Said the Duck, ‘As I sat on the rocks,
I have thought over that completely,
And I bought four pairs of worsted socks
Which fit my web-feet neatly.
And to keep out the cold I’ve bought a cloak,
And every day a cigar I’ll smoke,
All to follow my own dear true
Love of a Kangaroo !’
(i) Where did the Duck has a thought?
(a) In the pond.
(b) In the river.
(c) In the sea.
(d) On the rocks.
Ans: (d) On the rocks.
(ii) To save from the cold, the duck purchased:
(a) Socks and cloak.
(b) A woollen rug.
(c) Leather jacket.
(d) A heating pad.
Ans: (a) Socks and cloak.
(iii) The duck will do one specific thing, it is:
(a) Drinking.
(b) Smoking.
(c) Leather jacket.
(d) A heating pad.
Ans: (b) Smoking.
(iv) This stanza tells that the Duck was very:
(a) Careful.
(b) Attentive.
(c) Sensitive.
(d) Sensible.
Ans: (d) Sensible.
(v) Trace a word that means ‘warm’:
(a) Bought.
(b) Worsted.
(c) Cloak.
(d) Socks.
Ans: (b) Worsted.
Said the Kangaroo, I’m ready!
All in the moonlight pale;
But to balance me well, dear Duck, sit steady!
And quite at the end of my tail!’
So away they went with a hop and a bound,
And they hopped the whole world three times round;
And who so happy – O who,
As the Duck and the Kangaroo?
(i) At what time did the duck and the kangaroo move?
(a) During the day.
(b) Pale moonlight.
(c) At down.
(d) Mid of night.
Ans: (b) Pale moonlight.
(ii) The kangaroo advised the duck:
(a) To sit steady.
(b) To emit quack.
(c) Go on singing.
(d) Need not smoke.
Ans: (a) to sit steady.
(iii) Where did the duck sit over the kangaroo?
(a) Over the head.
(b) Over the neck.
(c) Near the feet.
(d) End to tail.
Ans: (d) End to tail.
(iv) How many round did they enjoy?
(a) They enjoyed two rounds.
(b) They enjoyed only one round.
(c) They had five rounds.
(d) They had three rounds.
Ans: (d) They had three rounds.
(v) Journey of the Duck and Kangaroo started in four steps. Put the following in order they did it:
(i) Set on moonlight.
(ii) Went around the world three times.
(iii) Planned.
(iv) Balanced on Kangaroo’s tail.
(a) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii).
(b) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii).
(c) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii).
(d) (ii) (i) (ii) (iv).
Ans: (c) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii).
Answer these questions:
Q.1. What moral lesson do you get from this poem?
Ans: After going through the poem it can be well established that through our polite, sweet and true manners, we can get the reasonable and favourable outcomes like the duck who through her sweetness enjoyed a three time ride of the world on the tail of the Kangaroo.
Q.2. How was the duck feeling her stay in the pond?
Ans: There lived a duck in a pond. She was sticking to it and had lost all her pleasures of life. Her long stay in it had made her boring and troublesome. The pond had became a nasty place for her. So she desired to hop like a Kangaroo in the outside world.
Q.3. What type of proposal was given to the Kangaroo by the Duck?
Ans: The Duck requested him for a ride on his back. During the ride she won’t utter a single word, except ‘Quack’. She would sit calm and composed throughout the day. They would go to the Dee, the Jelly Bo Lee, the land and the sea.
Q.4. What was the objection in the mind of the Kangaroo?
Ans: After having a deep reflection in his mind, the Kangaroo objected that she had very cold and wet feet. They might cause him harm and trouble with the disease of roo-matiz. Thus he would be in a trouble in giving her a ride round the world.
Q.5. The Duck a water animal shares the cordial relationship with the Kangaroo, a terrestrial animal. What values can we learn from this relationship?
Ans: Duck lived in a pond. It requested the forest animal Kangaroo for a ride over his back because her life in the pond was boring one. We can learn from this relationship that there is faith, love and trust between each other. Both of them have a deep understanding and understand the needs of other.
Q. 6. It is a humble request by the Duck and the modesty of the Kangaroo who fulfills her desire. The Duck’s wish was accomplished due to her efforts. What do we learn from these efforts?
Ans: Duck and Kangaroo had deep relationship with each other. Duck was fed up with her nasty life of the pond and it longed to go out in the world and hop like Kangaroo. But Kangaroo had one objection to it. He found the feet of Duck to be too cold and wet for the ride. So Duck found a solution to it. She bought four pairs of socks to keep her feet warm and also to smoke everyday. We learn that Duck had a positive attitude that had an amicable effect on the Kangaroo.
Q. 7. The Kangaroo hopped and leapt. He took the Duck for ride three times. They enjoyed their journey. What is the idea of relationship they convey?
Ans: Kangaroo and Duck enjoyed strong relationship with each other. Duck felt boring by staying in the nasty pond. She begged Kangaroo to take her for a ride. The Kangaroo agreed and in the moonlight they took the journey around the world. They had developed such a deep understanding that Kangaroo took the Duck thrice around the world. Thus it was by trust that they fulfilled each other’s requirement.
Q. 8. What steps were taken by the Duck in order to please the Kangaroo.
Ans: The Duck was a very considerate type of sea-animal. She gave a good reflection over the objection raised by the Kangaroo for conducting the world tour. For proper adjustment, she purchased four pairs of woollen socks a cloak and a web feet. She also bought cigars for smoking as it would give warmith.
Q. 9. How did the duck ride on the Kangaroo’s back?
Ans: When the journey started, the Duck sat quite still and she balanced properly on his tail. She promised not to utter a single word throughout the day except that of her natural sound of ‘Quack.’ She followed all his instructions and thus the journey was conducted very smoothly by having three rounds of the world.

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