HSLC 2019 English Question Paper Solved, SEBA Class 10 English Old Question Paper Solved, দশম শ্ৰেণীৰ ইংৰাজী 2019 ৰ প্ৰশ্নকাকত সমাধান কৰা হৈছে to each Paper is Assam Board Exam in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different subjects and select needs one. Assam Board HSLC 2019 English Question Paper Solved can be of great value to excel in the examination.

HSLC 2019 English Question Paper Solved
HSLC Old Question Paper provided is as per the 2019 Assam Board Exam and covers all the questions from the SEBA HSLC 2019 Question Paper. Access the detailed SEBA Class 10 English 2019 Paper provided here and get a good grip on the subject. Access the HSLC 2019 English Question Paper Solved, Class X English 2019 Old Paper Question Answer of Assamese in Page Format. Make use of them during your practice and score well in the exams.
Q.1: (a) Choose the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentence from among the alternatives given in the brackets:
I saw that was not just my freedom that was curtailed, but the freedom of everyone… (enhanced/reduced/withheld)
Ans : reduced
(b) State whether the following statements are True or False (Reference : Nelson Mandela : Long Walk to Freedom) :
(i) On the podium, Mr. de Klerk was first sworn in as first Deputy President.
(ii) Then Thabo Mbeki was sworn in as second Deputy President.
Ans : (i) False (ii) False
(c) Choose the correct answer from among the alternatives given and complete the sentence : In life, every man has ……….
(i) three obligations
(ii) twin obligations
(iii) many obligations
Ans : (ii) twin obligations
Q. 2 : “The only thing the earth needed……” What ‘only thing’ did the earth need?
Ans : A down pour or a shower is the only thing that the earth needed.
Q.3 : What did Mandela say about the wealth of his country ?
Ans : According to Mandela, his country is rich in minerals and gems that lie beneath its soil. But he deeply believes that its greatest wealth is its people, finer and truer than the purest diamonds.
Q. 4 : What did Lencho write in his letter to God ?
Ans : Lencho wrote to God that if He didn’t help him, his family would starve that year. He needed 100 pesos to buy seed to sow the field again.
Q. 5 : When does the season of Joy commence in Coorg ? Till what time does it continue?
Ans : The season of Joy commences on Coorg from September and it continues till March.
Q. 6 : Mention the story that supports the view that the people of Coorg are of Greek origin.
Ans : Regarding the Greek descent of the people of Coorg, one story goes that a part of Alexander’s army moved south along the coast and settled near Coorg when returning to Greece become impossible.
Q. 7: What type of a man was the Postmaster ?
Ans : The Postmaster was a fat and amiable person.
Q. 8 : Give a brief description of Dhekiabari tea garden.
Ans : The name of the tea garden managed by Pranjal’s father was ‘Dhekiajuli Tea Estate”. Dhekiabari Tea Estate was a large tea estate. There was a gravel road and on both sides of it where acre upon acre of tea bushes, all neatly cut to the same height. As it was the second sprouting period, groups of tea pluckers with bamboo baskets on their backs and wearing plastic aprons, were plucking the newly sprouted leaves.
Q. 9 : What was the distance from Valli’s village to the nearest town ? What was the bus fare for a trip from Valli’s village to the town ?
Ans : Valli found out the fact that the town was six miles away from the village and the fare was thirty paise one way. She gathered all these details after listening to the conversation of the passengers.
Q. 10 : Give a description of the bus in which Valli travelled.
Ans : The bus was a new one. So the inside of the bus shone like silver. The seats were soft and comfortable with curtains on them. There was a beautiful clock above the window screen. Its outside had a shining while colour with some green stripes along the sides.
Q. 11 : Choose from the box given below the words that rhyme with the following:
feet, harbour
bit, beat, sit, hour, honour, armour
harbour- armour
Ans : feet- beat
Q.12 : Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the alternatives given in the brackets :
(a) In his quiet rage. (noisy/silent/worst)
Ans : silent
(b) At the jungle’s edge. (border/side/centre)
Ans : border.
Q. 13 : How old is Amanda? How do you know it ?
Ans : Amanda was a teenager. Teen is the age when a child wants to have freedom and live her/his life on one’s own term. Teenagers don’t like nagging and want to live a free life. The poet advises Amanda to take care of her acne which is common among teenagers.
Q.14 : Why does the poet feel more at home with animals than with humans?
Ans : The poet finds something attractive among animals. He has found them peaceful and self-content without any complain. They never weep for their sins like human beings.
Q. 15 : How did Belinda and her pets behave when they saw the Pirate climbing the window ?
Ans : While they saw the pirate all of them behave differently towards the pirate. Mustard ran barking fearfully. Ink went to the bottom of the house. The little mouse ran into the hole. No one wanted to face with the pirate.
Q. 16 : Give a description of the fight between Custard dragon and the Pirate.
Ans : Custard jumped up at the pirate snorting like an engine and fought with his tail like irons in a dungeon. He jumped at the pirate like a robin jumps at a worm.
Q. 17 : How does Ausable manage to make Max believe that there is a balcony attached to his room ?
Ans : When Ausable saw Max standing in the middle of his room pointing a pistol, he was not puzzled. Rather he planned secretly to get rid of him. He started accusing the management of the hotel for not blocking the balcony through which once one entered into his room. He did not pay any heed to Max when he said that he entered the room using a passkey. Instead he gave a detail of the balcony to the writer visitor. He said that his room had been a part of a large unit. The next room had a balcony which extended under his window. He put a stress on his own belief that Max entered the room using that balcony.
Ausable projected the whole story about the balcony in such a way that it was quite natural and not made up. He added that once a person had entered his room through that balcony.
All these convinced Max well that there was a balcony under the window.
(b) How did the young lady trick Horace Danby ?
Ans : Horace Danby was ready to rob the safe when a pretty, young lady entered the room with the house dog. She projected herself as the lady of the house in such a way that Horace was convinced. She called the dog by its name. She told Horace that she had heard him sneeze from the top of the house. She also threatened to call the police. She had firmness and confidence in her behaviour and speech. Thus, she befooled Horace to accept her as the wife of the house owner Thus, when she requested Horace to open the safe for her as she had forgotten the numbers. Horace obliged her and broke the safe would not report him to the police.
Q. 18 : (a) How and why did Griffin come to the village of Iping ? Why does Mrs. Hall find him eccentric?
Ans : Griffin went to the village of Iping by train. When Griffin was able to become invisible, he found it difficult to stay in a crowded city. But it was not possible for him to spend such winter season without any warm clothes. So he came to the village of Iping where there was less crowd.
Mrs. Hall made every effort to be friendly with the scientist. But he dissuaded her. He told her not to disturb him. So, she found him eccentric.
(b) Describe the first meeting between Bill and the young lawyer.
Ans : The young lawyer was sent to New Mullion by his farm to serve summons on a man called Lutkins. When the lawyer reached there, he met a delivery man who introduced himself as Bill. As Bill came to know about the purpose of the lawyer’s visit, he took an assumed name and tried to give a slip to the lawyer’s visit, he took an assumed name and tried to give a slip to the lawyer. Bill offered to drive the lawyer around the place in search of Lutkins. The lawyer did not personality know Lutkins. So the lawyer could be easily befooled. It was ironical that the person whom the lawyer wanted was with him all the time. It this situation, the young lawyer could not serve the summons on Oliver Lutkins on his first visit.
Q.19 : Fill in the blanks with the right determiners:
(a) My brother had gone……….. hour ago.
Ans : an
(b) A busy man has………. time to waste.
Ans : little
(c) The classes started after……….bell and rung.
Ans : the
(d)……… of their property was lost in the flood.
Ans : Much
Q. 20 : Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition from among the choices given in the brackets :
(a) This train is bound……….. Delhi. (to/upon/for)
Ans : for
(b) Assam is rich ………. minerals. (for/in/about)
Ans : in
(c) I met him……….. the street. (in/on/upon)
Ans : on
(d) Happiness consists …………speaking the truth. (of/in/at)
Ans : in
Q. 21 : Rewrite the following sentences putting the verbs in the brackets in their correct tense form :
(a) They (live) in Delhi for ten years.
Ans : They have been living in Delhi for ten years.
(b) When he came it (be) all over.
Ans : When he came, it was all over.
(c) He (stay) here until you return.
Ans : He will stay here until you return.
Q. 22 : Change the narration of the following :
(a) She asked me why the teacher had punished me.
Ans : She said to me, “Why did the teacher punish you?”
(b) Anita said to Ravi, “Please lend me your pen.”
Ans : Anita requested Ravi to lend her his pen.
Q. 23 : Change the voice of the following :
(a) I have lost my English textbook.
Ans : My English textbook has been lost.
(b) He was punished for his misconduct.
Ans : They punished him for his misconduct.
Q. 24 : Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into a single sentence :
(a) The earth is round. We can prove it. : We can prove that the earth is round.
(b) Where does he live? Do you know it ?
Ans : Do you know where he lives ?
Q. 25 : Choose the correct alternative from the choices given in the brackets and write out the sentences :
(a) She narrated the matter. (shortly/briefly)
Ans : briefly.
(b) Please (listen/hear) to what he says.
Ans : listen.
Q. 26 : Make sentences to illustrate the meaning of any two of the following :
far and wide; break out; give up; fall out
Ans : Far and wide : Narendra Modi’s fame has spread far and wide. Break out : Small-pox has broken out in the city.
Give up : My mother always advises me to give up my bad habits.
Fall out : My friend Ravi and I fell out after a long argument.
Q. 27 : Correct the errors in any three of the following sentences :
(a) It can rain tonight.
Ans : It might rain tonight.
(b) The cattles were grazing in the field.
Ans : The cattle were grazing in the field.
(c) Each of the boys play cricket.
Ans : Each of the boys plays cricket.
(d) How much money you need ?
Ans : How much money do you need.
(e) When you do your homework ?
Ans : When do you do your homework?
(f) I do not know to do it.
Ans : I do not know how to do it.
Q. 28 : Translate into English (any one group of the following) :
(a) যদুৱে মোক সুধিছিল, “ৰাজু ইংৰাজীত ভালনে ?”
Ans : Jadu asked me, “Is Raju good in English?”
(b) দোকমোকালিতে শোৱাৰ পৰা উঠাটো তেওঁৰ অভ্যাস।
Ans : He has the habit of getting up at dawn.
(c) মিছা কথা কোৱা উচিত নহয় ।
Ans : It is not proper to tell a lie.
(d) সৌ গছডাল ইমান ওখ।
Ans : See how tall the tree is!
(c) কিতাপখন টেবুলৰ ওপৰত আছে।
Ans : The book is on the table.
Give the substance of the following passage : The work which Gandhiji had taken up was not only the achievement of political freedom but also the establishment of a social order based on truth and non-violence, unity and peace, equality and universal brotherhood and maximum freedom for all. The unfinished part of his experiment was perhaps more difficult to achieve than the achievement of political freedom. In the political struggle against a foreign power all one could do was either join it or wish it success and give it their moral support. in establishing a social order of this pattern, there was a likely possibility of a conflict arising between groups and classes of our own people. Experience shows that man values his possessions even more than his life because in the former he sees the means for continuity and survival of his descendants even after his body is reduced to ashes. A new order cannot be established without changing the mind, for at some stage or the other the rich have to yield place to the poor to achieve a kind of egalitarian society.
Q. 29 : Write, in about 150 words an essay on any one of the following topics:
Ans : [Points: Meaning of punctuality-usefulness in personal life-in social life- punctuality in nature-conclusion.]
The habit of doing a thing in proper time is called punctuality. A punctual man always does a work in time. He is never behind time. Punctuality is of supreme value in everyday life. We all know the values of time, Lost time can never be gained. Time is life. We shall have to do a great deal of work in our limited span of life. Punctuality is the only means by which we can turn out the greatest amount of work in a limited time. If we do not insist our work in time, we can never hope to finish it well. To live a peaceful life a man must be punctual. A punctual man can make his life glorious. He never complains of want of time.
Punctuality is needed in every walk of life. It is a blessing for students. A punctual student comes to school just in time and carefully follows the work done in the class. Thus he gains the benefits of class teachings. A boy who is not punctual comes late and consequently misses a lot of teaching and is rebuked by the teacher.
Punctuality is the soul of business. It is essential to business and professional people. A businessman has to keep appointments at the right moment with men busy like himself. But his failure to do so wins for him a bad name and this hampers his business. A professional man cannot shine in his profession if he is unpunctual.
Punctuality is the soul of modern life. An unpunctual man causes inconvenience both to himself and to others. He is always in a hurry, and in the end he loses both time and good name. He cannot successfully do his duty. He cannot win the faith of the man with whom he deals. So he fails to attain success in life.
We should always be punctual. The habit of punctuality should be acquired in childhood.
Ans : Subhash Chandra Bose
My favourite hero Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was a great patriot and brave freedom fighter of the India. He was a symbol to the nationalism and vibrant patriotism. Every children of India knows about him and his inspiring works for the freedom of India. He was born in a well-to-do family at Cuttack in Orissa on January 23, in 1897. His father was a public prosecutor at Cuttack and Subhash was one among several brothers and sisters. As a student he was brilliant all through, and always topped the list. After having his graduation with 1st Class Honours in Philosophy from Calcutta University he went to England to prepare for the Indian Civil Service Examination. He stood fourth in the same; but declined to serve under the foreign rulers.
Subhash Chandra joined India’s freedom movement under the guidance of Mahatma Gandhi and became actively involved in politics. As a tribute to his leadership qualities, he was elected President of the Indian National Congress at a comparatively young age in 1938 and led the Congress vigorously. But soon he developed sharp differences with Gandhiji and resigned from the Congress and launched a political party called the Forward Bloc. He continued to serve the cause of his motherland.
It was the time of the 2nd World War. The British were in a tight spot. In 1941 when Subhash was under house-arrest he mysteriously disappeared, eluding the security man guarding his house. He reached Afghanistan in the guise of a Pathan. From there he went to Germany and then to Japan and with their encouragement and support, he later organized the Indian National Army (Azad Hind Fouz) in Malaya with sixty thousand men and women. The revolutionary and patriot in him began his famous march to Delhi with the clarion call of “Dilli Chalo”. His stirring call to his soldiers was- “Give me your blood and I will give you freedom.” His army fought the British forces and liberated Manipur and Kohima and hoisted the Indian tricolour there. But unfortunately, with the fall of Germany and Japan, the I.N.A. was also defeated. Subhash was reported to have been killed in an air-crash.
Subhash was a great patriot, a fighter and a born leader of men. That is why he came to be fondly called Netaji. He sacrificed everything of his own to liberate his motherland from the foreign yoke. His hallowed memory will remain shining forever in the hearts of the Indian people.
Write a story in about 150 words using the outlines given below and adding a title to it.
Outlines : A speedy car hit an old man-escaped- the man was injured grievously-people gathered-showed sympathy to the man-spoke about the evils of rash driving-no one bothered to help the man-two school boys arrived- took the injured to the nearest hospital.
Ans : Mr. Saikia lives in our locality. He is a pensioner and is quite old. He helps his family by doing the shopping. One morning, he was coming back from the vegetables market at about 9 o’clock. As he was turning towards the lane from the main road, he was suddenly hit by a speeding taxi from behind. The man was thrown at a distance and he was lying by the roadside in an unconscious state. The taxi (car) did not stop to look what had happened, but it speeded away quickly.
The old man was immediately surrounded by the by-standers. People expressed sorrow and sympathy for the injured man. Some of them hurled abuses at the taxi (car) driver. But none came forward to practically help the old man. He needed immediate treatment. He had to be taken to hospital. But the assembled people only expressed sympathy and went away.
Just then, a group of school boys arrived there. Two of them quickly set themselves to work. They called in an auto-rickshaw. Then they picked up the injured man from the ground and took him to the Medical College Hospital. The boys arranged for his treatment.
Moral : Virtue thrives best in adversity.
Q. 30 : Answer either (a) or (b) :
(a) Write a letter to the Editor of a local daily expressing your concern over the incidents of crime against women in Assam.
Ans :
The Editor,
The Assam Tribune, Guwahati-3
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the increasing crime against women in India with special mention of Assam.
The National Crime Bureau’s (NCRB) latest statistics revealed that Assam has become one of the most vulnerable places in the country in terms of crime against women. According to the latest NCRB figures, the rate of crime against women in Assam was the second highest in the country in 2011 at 36.9%. The NCRB report further said, “There were 2,28,650 incidents of crime against women in the country out of which Assam registered 11,503 incidents.” Assam Police statistics for 2011 highlighted that among all the heads of crime against women, the highest number of cases was registered in the category of cruelty by husbands and relatives. Various cases of kidnapping and rape cases were also registered in the same period.
Thus, through your esteemed daily, I would like to urge upon the concerned authorities to take some urgent preventive steps as permanent measures. This measures may include sanitization of our male population first and teaching our women the methods of self defence in case of such crime against them.
Your sincerely
(b) Write a report for a local daily on the basis of the information given below :
(i) 10-11-2018
(ii) Guwahati
(iii) Annual Guwahati Book Fair commenced. The Hon’ble Chief Minister declared it opened at 6:00 PM.
(iv) Many publishers from Assam and outside participated
(v) To be continued for ten days; large gathering expected.
Ans : Guwahati Book Fair
10, Nov, Guwahati : The Guwahati Book Fair got off a flying start last evening at the AEI, Chandmari playground. The ground opening ceremony was graced by the Hon’ble Chief Minister at 6 P.M. in presence of a host of writers, authors and book lovers. The organiser said that over 150 stalls have been set up and opened by publishers’ and book sellers from Assam as well as many from other states. The Hon’ble Chief Minister opened the Fair by lighting the ceremonial lamp followed by a short speech. The organisers declared that the fair would remain open for ten days and expected a large gathering of book lovers from all over the state.
Q. 31 : (a) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :
A good book always teachers us something, in fact many things directly or indirectly if the mind is willing to learn. Books are the best companion, they also gives the best society. They help us in establishing contact with many great men. We hear what such men said and did; through books we even see them as if they were really alive. As we read, we share great thoughts with great minds, we hope and grieve with great men. The scenes in which they appeared are described for us and as we turn the pages we come to know what nobleness is. Books work as agents and help us in being better than we are. Books should, therefore, be treated as friends and guides.
(i) How can books teach us ?
Ans : If our mind is willing to learn, then a book can teach us many things directly or indirectly.
(ii) How can one share the great thoughts books ?
Ans : When we read a book, we share great thoughts with great minds as we hope and grieve with great man.
(iii) Why should books be treated as friends and guides ?
Ans : When we read a book, it gives us knowledge what nobleness is. It works as an agent and helps us in being better than we are. So books should be treated as friends and guides.
(b) Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow :
“No one really knows who discovered tea but there are many legends.”
“What legends ?”
“Well, there is one about the Chinese emperor who always boiled water before drinking it. One day a few leaves of the twigs burning under the pot fell into the water giving it a delicious flavour. It is said they were tea leaves.”
“Tell me another!” scoffed Pranjal.
“We have an Indian legend too. Bodhidharma, an ancient Buddhist ascetic, cut off his eyelids because he felt during meditations. Ten tea plants grew out of the eyelids. The leaves of these plants when put in hot water and drunk banished sleep.”
“Tea was first drunk in China.” Rajbir added, “as far back as 2700 BC! In fact, words such as tea. ‘Chai’ and ‘Chini’ are from Chinese. Tea came to Europe only in the sixteenth century and was drunk more as medicine than as beverage.”
(i) How was tea drunk in Europe in the sixteenth century ?
Ans : In Europe, tea was drunk as medicine in the sixteenth century.
(ii) What is the Chinese legend about ten ?
Ans : Regarding discovery of tea, there is a Chinese legend also. The Chinese emperor always boiled water before drinking it. One day a few leaves of the twigs fell into the water. The leaves were boiling. It gave the water a delicious flavour. It is called the tea leaves.
(iii) What is the Indian legend about tea ?
Ans : According to the Indian legend about tea, Bodhidharma, an ancient Buddhist ascetic cut off his eyelids because he felt sleepy during meditations. The tea plants grew out of the eyelids and the leaves of these plants when put in hot water and drunk kept sleep away.

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