HSLC 2020 English Question Paper Solved, SEBA Class 10 English Old Question Paper Solved, দশম শ্ৰেণীৰ ইংৰাজী 2020 ৰ প্ৰশ্নকাকত সমাধান কৰা হৈছে to each Paper is Assam Board Exam in the list of SEBA so that you can easily browse through different subjects and select needs one. Assam Board HSLC 2020 English Question Paper Solved can be of great value to excel in the examination.

HSLC 2020 English Question Paper Solved
HSLC Old Question Paper provided is as per the 2020 Assam Board Exam and covers all the questions from the SEBA HSLC 2020 Question Paper. Access the detailed SEBA Class 10 English 2020 Paper provided here and get a good grip on the subject. Access the HSLC 2020 English Question Paper Solved, Class X English 2020 Old Paper Question Answer of Assamese in Page Format. Make use of them during your practice and score well in the exams.
1. (a) Choose the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentence from among the alternatives given in the brackets :
All of us will spend many years, if not generations, recovering from that profound hurt. (light and vain/abnormal/deep and strong)
Ans : deep and strong
(b) State whether the following statements are true or false :
(i) On the day of inauguration Mandela was overwhelmed with a sense of freedom.
Ans : False
(ii) On the day of inauguration, Mandela was overwhelmed with a sense of history.
Ans : True.
(c) Choose the correct answer from among the alternatives given and complete the sentence given below :
Mandela’s country is rich –
(i) in forests and lakes
(ii) in minerals and gems
(iii) in agriculture
Ans : Mandela’s country is rich in minerals and gems.
2. What was the one hope of Lencho ?
Ans : The one hope of Lencho was to get help from God.
3. What is a Kuffia ? Who wears it ?
Ans : A Kufiya is a long, black coat with an embroidered waist belt. The Arabs and the Kurds wear it.
4. When did Mandela begin to hunger for freedom ?
Ans : When as a young man, Mandela discovered that his freedom had already been taken from him, he began hunger: for freedom.
5. What did Leucho say to his sons after the hailstorm ?
Ans : After the hailstorm, Lencho told his sons that a plague of locusts would have lett more than the hailstorm had done to his cornfield. The hail had left nothing and they would have no corn that year.
6. Give a description of the magnificent view of a tea garden seen by Rajvir from the railway train ?
Ans : As Rajvir reached Assam by the railway train, he had the magnificent view of tea gardens as far as the eye could see. He saw a sea of tea-bushes against the backdrop of densely wooded hills. There were tall sturdy shade trees dwarfing the tiny tea plants. The tea pluckers who looked like dolls moved busily amidst the orderly rows of tea bushes. Rajvir was excited to see this magnificent view of tea garden in Assam.
7. What did Valli see on her way that made her laugh ?
Ans : Valli saw a young cow running very fast right in the middle of the road as well as right in front of the bus. The bus slowed to a crawl and the driver sounded his horn loudly again and again. But the more he horned, the more frightened the cow become and the faster it galloped always right in front of the bus. The scene was very funny to valli and made her laugh until there were tears in her eyes.
8. What does the writer say about the Coorg Regiment ?
Ans : The writer says that the Coorg Regiment is one of the most decorated regiments in the Indian Army. He says that the first Chief of the Indian Army was General Cariappa. He was a Coorgi.
9. What did the postmaster do after he had received Lencho’s letter ?
Ans : After receiving Lencho’s letter to God, the postmaster did not want to break Lencho’s faith in God. He decided to answer the letter by sending some money to Lericho. He collected seventy pesos including his part with it and sent the money to Lencho singing the letter ‘God’.
10. Why did Valli find the old woman who sat beside her in the bus-‘absolutely repulsive’ ?
Ans : Valli found the elderly woman absolutely repulsive because of her big holes in her earlobes and ugly earrings in them. She could also smell the betel nut that the woman was chewing and see the betel juice that was threatening to spill over her lips at any moment.
11. Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the alternatives given in the brackets :
(a)………. they are so placid and self contained (irritated/trouble some/unruffled).
Ans : unruffled
(b)………..not one is demented with the mania (mad/dishonest/displeased)
Ans : mad
13. Is Amanda a student? How do you know ?
Ans : Yes, Amanda is a student. We know it from her mother’s question whether she had finished her homework.
14. What would the tiger have done if he were in his natural habitat, the forest ?
Ans : If the tiger were in his natural habitat, the forest, he should be barking in the shadow of the forest. He should be sliding through long grass for a plump deer.
15. What is a harbour and how is it related to fog ?
Ans : A harbour is a place where ships remain. It is related to fog because fog sits looking over harbour.
16. How did Custard the Dragon save Belinda from the pirate ?
Ans : As soon as Custard of Dragon saw the pirate, he attacked it like a robin at a worm. The pirate fired two bullets at the dragon but they did not hit him. Then the dragon gobbled every bit of the pirate. This is how custard, the Dragon saved Belinda from the pirate.
17. (a) Between Ausable and Max, who do you think is more intelligent and why ?
Ans : Both Ausable and Max were secret agents. Max got into Ausable’s room on the sixth and top floor of the French hotel. He entered into the room with a view to taking away the important report which Ausable was expecting to get. Max had an automatic pistol in his hand to threaten Ausable. But with great presence of mind Ausable was able to be fool Max. He managed to make Max believe that there was a balcony attached to his room. Hearing it, Max thought that it would be of great use for him. In between their conversation regarding the report, they heard the sound of knocking at the door. Ausable said that it was the police who had arrived there to protect the report. It made Max panic and he began getting out of the window. He jumped down on the balcony as described by Ausable. But there was no balcony at all. Max screamed shrilly as he dropped. That is why we think that Ausable is more intelligent than Max.
(b) Who is Horace Danby ? What type of a man is he ?
Ans : Horace Danby was about fifty years old. He was unmarried and he lived with a housekeeper. He made locks and was successful enough at his business to have his two helpers.
Everybody thought that Horace Danby was a good and honest citizen. In fact, he was good and respectable but not completely honest. He loved rare and expensive books. For that, he robbed a safe every year. He stole enough to last for twelve months and secretly bought the books he loved through an agent.
18. (a) Describe Griffin’s experience in Drury Lane.
Ans : Griffin managed to escape himself from the assistants of the big London store by becoming invisible. He shivered with cold and hurried to Drury lane, the centre of the theatre world. He soon found a suitable shop there. He made his way upstairs being invisible.
Then he came out a little laser wearing bandages round his forehead. He were dark glasses, false nose, big bushy side whiskers and a large hat. To escape without being seen, he callously attacked the shopkeeper from behind. Then he robbed the shopkeeper of all the money he could find.
(b) Who is Bill? How did he be fool the young lawyer ?
Ans : Bill, the hack driver was not other than Oliver Lutkins himself. He was very cunning and good at deceiving people. When met the young lawyer, he introduced himself as Bill or Magnuson.
Bill befriended the lawyer who arrived at New Mullion to serve summons on a man called Oliver Lutkins. Bill told the lawyer that Lutkins was a hard fellow to catch. He was gracious enough to accompany the lawyer to search for Oliver Lutkins all around the town of New Mullion. It was Bill who was the first to ask people about Lutkins keeping the lawyer behind. Every time they missed Lutkins only for a few minutes. Bill also took the lawyer to the farm of Oliver Lutkins mother three miles away to the north. But they were not able to find out Lutkins and finally the lawyer returned without serving the summons on the victim. This is how Bill be fooled the lawyer.
19. Determiners :
(a) They won the match without any/much difficulty.
(b) Reading is a useful hobby.
(c) I gave him the few books i had.
(d) Kalidas is the Shakespeare of India.
20. Preposition :
(a) They are satisfied with your work.
(b) Man does not live by bread alone.
(c) Rita excels in dancing.
(d) He is looking for a domestic help.
21. Tenses :
(a) I (go) had gone before she went.
(b) Ten years (pass) have passed since I met you last.
(c) When she came, I (write) was writing a letter.
22. Narration :
(a) Rashid asked me if I knew Rahim.
Ans : Rashid said to me, “Do you know Rahim ?”
(b) Mother said to me, “What will you do after the examination ?”
Ans : Mother asked me what I would do after the examination.
23. Voice :
(a) I do not know his brother.
Ans : His brother is not known to me.
(b) English is spoken by many people all over the world.
Ans : Many people speak English all over the world.
24. Combination of sentences :
(a) Where has he gone? Do you know it ?
Ans : Do you know where he has gone ?
(b) I finished the work. I was taking rest.
Ans : I was taking rest after finishing the work.
25. Correct alternatives :
(a) The tiger is a least of prey. (pray/prey)
(b) The medicine will relieve (relief/relieve) you of your pain.
26. Make sentences :
make out : I have not made out what you have said.
give away : The Principal gave away the prizes among the winners.
deal in : The man deals in tea.
carry out : We should carry out the rules of school.
27. Sentence correction :
(a) Her son-in-laws are rich men.
Ans : Her sons-in-law are rich men.
(b) It is raining since morning.
Ans : It has been raining since morning.
(c) How you know him ?
Ans : How do you know him ?
(d) I and he are brothers.
Ans : He and I are brothers.
(e) He is senior than me in age.
Ans : He is senior to me in age.
(f) I do not know to do it.
Ans : I do not know how to do it.
28. Translation into English :
(i) আকাশত মেঘ নাছিল।
Ans : There was no cloud in the sky.
(ii) শিক্ষকজনে কৈছিল, “সদায় সঁচা কথা করা।”
Ans : The teacher said, “Always speak the truth.”
(iii) তুমি নৈখন সাঁতুৰি পাৰ হ’ব পাৰিবানে ?
Ans : Can you swim across the river ?
(iv) প্রতিজ্ঞা ৰক্ষা কৰিব লাগে।
Ans : Promise should be kept.
(v) মৌ খাবলৈ মিঠা।
Ans : Honey tastes sweet.
(vi) মোৰ এটা কলমৰ প্ৰয়োজন।
Ans : I require/need a pen.
29. Essay :
(a) Science is Everyday life
Ans :
Introduction : Science has become part and parcel of the modem life style. We can’t do anything without science. Everything we use in our life from morning till we go to bed is the gift of science. Science has given us so many things that we can’t go one step farther without its gifts.
Contributions of Science in Agriculture : Science has brought a radical change in the field of agriculture. The scientific equipments have changed the method of agriculture. Now-a-days, farmers can till their lands with the help of power tiller, heap their crops with harvester and so on. The use of scientific medicines to the crops has lessened the disease of crops. By the use of chemical fertiliser, production has been increased in large quantity. The modern irrigation system has brought smile to the fanners.
Transport and communication : Science has brought unimaginary change in the field of transport and communication. Fortransport, people can use various kinds of vehicles including motor cars, buses, trains and aeroplanes. What place people some years ago thought impossible to visit, now-a-days, they can go there within a very short time.
The contribution of science in the field of communication has made the world a small place. People now can talk to their relatives abroad by sitting or sleeping in their bedroom with the help of telephones, mobile phones internets etc.
Medical treatment : A few years ago, people suffering from a petty disease were sure to die. But now-a-days one suffering from even fatal disease may expect 90% of his survival. It is true that science can’t make man immortal but it has made his life secured and painless and thus by doing so it has lengthened human life. By: administering proper medicines and timely operation, the doctors can save even dying people.
Comfort and Entertainment : Science has made man’s life comfortable and pleasant with its various gifts like television, cinema, computer and internet service now. Man can live in beautiful buildings having air-conditioned rooms. What man did with his hands, they can do it with the help of machines. Man can entertain his life by watching television, cinemas etc. Man can chat with their friends all over the world on internet. After all, science has made man’s life comfortable and entertaining.
Conclusion : The contributions of science have advanced man’s life. Science has given them everything including the small pin to the most destructive atom bomb. Man should be happy with the achievements and wonders of science. But he should be considerate in using them. Man should never use the destructive contributions of science for his own gain and selfishness.
(b) Travelling as a part of Education
Ans :
Introduction : The Oxford Dictionary defines travelling as making a Journey. Travelling gives us the real sight of a place or an object. It is a great source of knowledge. The purpose of travelling differs from person to person.
Purpose of travelling : Different people travel for different purposes. People travel for sight-seeing, entertainment, for health, for business, for education, for services, for some missions of life, for political affairs etc. All the purposes of travelling are equally important and valuable.
Different means of travelling : In ancient time, travelling was mainly done on foot, on animal back and by water. But now-a days, the modern technology of science has gifted people various means for travelling. People can travel now by bicycle, by bus, by car, by train, by air and so on. In the present world, travelling has become very comfortable and speedy.
Importance of travelling : Travelling increases our practical knowledge. It gives us the real account of the place or the object we visit. It gives pleasure too. It takes away the boredom of our life. Travelling gives us the freshness of our mind and heart by taking a little break of our daily routine.
Educative Value Travelling as a part of education : Travelling has a great educative value. Mere knowledge of books can not help us to learn things better. The account of the places which we get from the books is second rate, where as by travelling to those places we get the first hand knowledge.
Many educational institutions organize educational tours for their students. These educational tours broaden the minds of the students. They enhance brotherhood and cooperation among the students. They can visit many historical places like Varanasi, Allahabad, Agra, Jaipur, Delhi etc. and learn about their importance. Once the students acquire the knowledge of the things by seeing them with their own eyes, they never forget it. Travelling teaches them to be free from narrow mindedness and prejudices.
Benefits of travelling : Travelling gives us an opportunity to improve our personality. It cultivates the spirit of toleration. Travelling helps in doing away with casteism, provincialism and communalism etc. Travelling to foreign countries also-gives us a lot of experience and pleasure. Travelling is good for health too. Travelling to some healthy place or hill resort improves our broken health.
Conclusion : According to the philosopher Francis Bacon, “Travelling in the young is part of education, in the elder, a part of experience”. Travelling is thus a wonderful experience. It is, therefore, very essential that the hobby of travelling be inculcated among the youth.
Write a story in about 150 words using the outlines given below. Add a title to it.
A hungry fox sees a crow with a piece of meat……….. wanted to get the piece …………praises the crow………….asks the crow to sing …………the crow sings………… the piece of meat falls down from its beak………… The fox picks it up and runs away.
Ans :
The Cleaver Fox and the Silly Crow
Once upon a time, a hungry fox was searching for food. He walked hither and thither in search of food. But he found no food anywhere. Suddenly he saw a crow with a piece of meat in his beak. The crow was sitting in a tree.
On seeing the piece of meat, the mouth of the fox began to water. But it was not possible for him to reach the crow and have the meat. Then he thought out a plan. He said to the crow, “O, you crow, you look so beautiful. Not only that, your voice is so sweet. I want to listen to your sweet voice. Please sing a song for me.
The silly crow was moved by the praises of the cunning fox. He did not understand the trick of the fox. So, he opened his mouth to sing a song. As soon as he opened his mouth, the piece of meat fell down from his beak. The fox immediately picked up the piece of meat and ran away. The crow become ashamed of his foolishness and flew away.
Moral : One should know one is real identity.
30. Answer either (a) or (b) :
(a) Suppose you are the General Secretary of the students. Union of your school. Write an application to the Principal requesting him to grant a half holiday on the occasion of the Kati Bihu Festival.
Ans :
The Principal,
Govt. Gurdon H.S. School, Nalbari
Dated: Nalbari the 8th March, 2020.
Sub : Prayer for to grant us a half holiday on the occasion of the Kati Bihu Festival.
With due respect and humble submission I beg to state that we, the students of the school are going to observe the Kati Bihu Festival today.
So, on behalf of the students, I would like to request you to be kind enough to grant us a half holiday on the occasion of the Kati Bihu Festival today. For this act of your kindness we shall remain ever grateful and obliged to you.
Your most obedient student
Anand Prakash
General Secretary
Govt. Gurdon H.S. ScSchool.L
(b) Write a report for a local daily on the basis of the information given below :
(i) Guwahati : 16-2-2020
(ii) Annual Prize Day of your school
(iii) A festive atmosphere in the school
(iv) The Education Minister was the Chief Guest
(v) The Chief Guest gave away the prizes and gave an encouraging speech.
Ans : Annual Prize Day celebrated at ABC School, Guwahati Feb. 16, 2020. The Annual Prize Day of ABC School was celebrated yesterday in a festive manner. The school was decorated pompously where a festive atmosphere prevailed all around the school. The meeting of the occasion started at 11.00AM being presided over by the Principal of the school. The Hon’ble Education Minister graced the as the Chief Guest. He gave away the prizes among
winner students in various disciplines of the annual week of the school. He gave on encouraging speech for the students of the school. After that the Presidents gave his vote of thanks speech to all who attended the meeting and thus the Annual Prize Day came to an end at 3-00 PM.
31. (a) Read following passage and answer the questions that follow :
Three-fourth of the earth is covered by the sea which both separates and unites the various races of mankind. The sea is the great highway along which man may travel at his will, the great road that has no walls or hedges hemming it in. Nobody needs to keep it in food repair with the help of pickax and barrels of tar and steamrollers. The sea appeals to man’s love of the perilous and the unknown, to his love of conquest, his love of knowledge and his love of gold. Its blue waters call to him ad bid him fare forth in quest of fresh fields. Beyond their horizon, he has found danger and death, glory and gain.
(i) How much of our planet is not covered by the sea ?
Ans : One forth of our planet is not covered by the sea.
(ii) How does the sea help man?
Ans : The sea is the great highway along which man may travel at his will, the great road that has no walls or hedges hemming it in. The sea needs no good repair also. This is how the sea helps man.
(iii) In what way does the sea appeal to man ?
Ans : The sea appeals to man’s love of the peritons and the unknown, to his love of conquest, his love of knowledge and his love of gold. Its blue waters call to him and bid him fare forth in quest of fresh fields.
(b) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :
The river, Kaveri, obtains its water from the hills and forests of Coorg. Mahaseer……….. a large freshwater fish ………. abound in these waters. Kingfishers dive for their catch while squirrels and langurs drop partially eaten fruit for the mischief of enjoying the splash and nipple effect in the clean water. Elephants enjoy being bathed and scrubbed in the river by their mahouts.
The most laid-back individuals become converts to the life of high energy adventure with river-rafting, canoeing, repelling, rock climbing and mountain biking. Numerous walking trails in this region are a favourite with trekkers.
(i) From where does the rivet Kaveri obtain its water ?
Ans : The river Kaveri obtains its water from the hills and forests of Coorg.
(ii) How do the various birds and beasts enjoy In the stream of Kaveri ?
Ans : Kingfishers dive for their catch while squirrels and langurs drop partially eaten fruit for the mischief of enjoying the splash and ripple effect in the clean water. This is how the various birds and beasts enjoy in the stream of Kaveri.
(iii) Name the various sports favourite with the visitors to this place.
Ans : The various sports favourite with the visitors of this place are river rafting, canoeing, repealing, rock-climbing and mountain biking.

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