Class 9 English Poem Chapter 10 A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal

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Class 9 English Poem Chapter 10 A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal

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SEBA Class 9 English Poem Chapter 10 A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal Notes covers all the exercise questions in Assam Board SEBA Textbooks. The provided here ensures a smooth and easy understanding of all the concepts. Understand the concepts behind every chapter and score well in the board exams.

The Snake TryingA Slumber Did My Spirit Seal

Chapter – 10



Thinking about the poem:

1. “A slumber did my spirit seal”, says the poet. That is, a deep sleep ‘closed off’ his soul (or mind). How does the poet react to his loved one’s death? Does he feel bitter grief? Or does he feel a great peace.

Ans. At the death of his loved one, the poet’s mind and soul are devoid of any human fears or sensations. He has the impression that his intellect has been numbed by a profound slumber that prevents him from feeling either bitter anguish or wonderful peace. 

2. The passing of time will no longer affect her, says the poet. Which lines of the poem say this?

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Ans. The following lines of the poem say this:

” She seemed a thing that could not feel:

The touch of earthly years.”

3. How does the poet imagine her to be, after death? Does he think of her as a person in a very happy state (a heaven)? Or does he see her now as a part of nature? In which lines of the poem do you find your answer?

Ans. Wordsmith believed that the person had become one with nature after her death. 

The following lines justify my answer:

No motion has she now, no force –

She neither here nor sees,

Rolled round in earth’s diurnal course

With rocks and stones and trees.

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