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Class 11 Political Science Chapter 14 Social Justice
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Social Justice
Chapter – 14
Q.1.Define Justice. Or Explain the team justice.
Ans : The word Justice’ has been derived from Latin word Jus’ which means Bond or Tie. It means Justice is the system where in all individuals are related to each other. Justice is connected with the face as to what type of moral, social, economic, political and legal relations and individual has with the other individuals.
(a) According to Salmond, ‘Justice means to give individual his due share.’
(b) According to Merriam ‘Justice consists in a system of understanding and procedures through which is accorded what is agreed upon as fair.
In brief Justice requires a just state with the condition of morality.
Q.2. Write the various kinds of the concept of Justice.
Ans : Justice of connected with the fact as to what type of moral, social, economic political and legal relations an individual has with the other individuals
Following are the various kinds of justice :
(a) Social Justice :- The concept of social justice existed even in ancient time. Social Justice implies that there should not be any discrimination between citizens from the social point of view. They should have all opportunities for self development. For the establishment of social justice exists in a society where all the individual are equal. No discrimination is made on the basis of, caste, colour, sex etc.
(b) Economic Justice :- Scholars thought of economic Justice even in ancient time. Aristotle states that economic inequality is unjustified Kautilya said that state should exercise its economic responsibility in such a manner that the economic welfare of the weaker section is looked after.
Economic Justice implies the equal opportunity provided to citizens to earn money and to spend the money to meet the needs of life. Not only this economic justice involves the assistance to the helpless section of the society that has not the capacity to earn money. To achieve economic justice it is imperative that national wealth and income be evenly distributed among all the people. No section of the society be allowed to monopolies the economic resources.
(c) Political Justice :- The government influences all the members of society. So political power should be so exercised that it serves the interest of all. People should have the opportunity to put their pressure on the government without any discrimination. We can say that the foundation of political Justice is the adult franchise.
(d) Legal Justice :- Law is a means to established Justice. State established Justice by means of law. In fact, the basis of state authority is Justice. In democracy law and Justice are two sides of the same coin. They cannot be differentiated. Legal Justice is applied in two senses, Firstly, framing of just legislation that is state should be enforced justly so that there should not be any partiality in giving punishment.
(e) Moral Justice :- This is traditional idea of Justice. According to this there are certain all pervasive, unchangeable and natural principles in the universe. These principles determine the mutual relations of individuals. Men’s cannot based an these natural principles is known as kindness, keeping the promise, behaving liberally, words etc are included in normal justice.
Q.3. Describe “the Social Justice’
Ans : The concept of social justice existed even in ancient time. Social Justice implies that there should not be any discrimination between citizens from the social point of view. They should have all opportunities for self development. For the establishment of social justice exists in a society where all the individual are equal. No discrimination is made on the basis of, caste, colour, sex etc.
Q.4. Define ‘Political Justice.
Ans : The government influences all the members of society. So political power should be so exercised that it serves the interest of all. People should have the opportunity to put their pressure on the government without any discrimination. We can say that the foundation of political Justice is the adult franchise.
Q.5. Explain the ‘Moral Justice’
Ans : This is traditional idea of Justice. According to this there are certain all pervasive, unchangeable and natural principles in the universe. These principles determine the mutual relations of individuals. Men’s cannot based an these natural principles is known as kindness, keeping the promise, behaving liberally, words etc are included in normal justice.
Q.6. What do you understand by “Social Justice’.
Ans : The concept of social justice existed even in ancient time. Social Justice implies that there should not be any discrimination between citizens from the social point of view. They should have all opportunities for self development. For the establishment of social justice exists in a society where all the individual are equal. No discrimination is made on the basis of, caste, colour, sex etc.
Q.7. State the platonic Concept of Justice.
Ans : The Greek Philosopher Plato gives a philosophical interpretation of Justice in his a life of people conforming to the rule of functional specialisation simply if is means that one man should practice only one thing to which his nature is best suited. It signifies ‘doing your own work and not meddling with what belongs to others.
Plato Justice is also related to social order. He explains Justice for the individual as well as the state on the basis of his tripartite theory of appetite courage and wisdom.
For Plato there are 3 classes in a society corresponding
to the three elemental of the soul. The classes are –
(a) The Producers.
(b) The military. and
(c) The ruler keeping.
Justice means maintenance of harmonious order between these classes. When each class minds if own business and does not meddle with the job of others. There is Justice is the state. In the individual Justice consists in a balance between different elements.
Q.8. Explain the legal Justice.
Ans : Law is a means to established Justice. State established Justice by means of law. In fact, the basis of state authority is Justice. In democracy law and Justice are two sides of the same coin. They cannot be differentiated. Legal Justice is applied in two senses, Firstly, framing of just legislation that is state should be enforced justly so that there should not be any partiality in giving punishment.
Sl. No. | সূচী-পত্ৰ |
Unit 1 | PART – A |
Chapter 1 | Constitution: Why and How? |
Chapter 2 | Rights in the Indian Constitution |
Chapter 3 | System of Representational Democracy |
Chapter 4 | Executive |
Chapter 5 | Legislature |
Chapter 6 | Judiciary |
Chapter 7 | Federalism |
Chapter 8 | Local Government |
Chapter 9 | Constitution as a Living Document |
Chapter 10 | The Philosophy of the Constitution |
Unit 2 | PART – B |
Chapter 1 | Introduction to Political Theory |
Chapter 2 | Freedom |
Chapter 3 | Equality |
Chapter 4 | Social Justice |
Chapter 5 | Rights |
Chapter 6 | Citizenship |
Chapter 7 | Nationalism |
Chapter 8 | Secularism |
Chapter 9 | Peace |
Chapter 10 | Development |
Q.9. Write the two major concepts of justices in the context of history of idea Justice ?
Ans : In the History of clears, there are two major concept of Numerical Justice
(a) Numerical Justice.
(b) Geometrical concept.
Numerical Justice of law :- It gives equal share to all Bentham said ‘Every one’ is to counts for one unequal would be treated as equal When the holding of an office did not call for any special knowledge or qualification, Modem liberal democracies are also based on this principal Rich or poor, illiterate of literate employ can all have the right of single vote.
(b) Geometrical concentric of Justice :- Plato and Aristotle Favoured this concept of Justice. It is a concept of proportionate equality. It means equal share to equals and the equal to unequals. According to Aristotle should has distributed any among those who have the capacity for plute playing.
Numerical Justice is sometimes called democratic Justice and geometric Justice is equated with aristocratic Justice,
Q.10. What steps would you suggest to ensure social justice in a modern state?
Ans : The concept of social Justice existed even in the ancient time, Social Justice implies citizens from the social points of view. They should have all opportunities for self development. For the establishment of social Justice, it is essential that political authority through this legislative and executive established society based on equality. The social Justice exist in a society where all the individuals are equal. There are many provisions is our constitution in the chapter of Directive Principle. Some of these provisions are :
(i) The article 40 says that the state shall within the limits of its economic capacity make provisions for securing the right to work, to education and for public assistance in areas of unemployment old age, sickness etc.
(ii) Article 42 says that the state shall make provisions for securing just and human conditions.
(iii) Article 46 says that the state shall promote the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the society, particulars/c and s/t and shall protect then from social injustice.
(iv) Article 39 A added by the 42nd amendment act say that the state shall try to secure justice and free legal aid to citizens.
Q.11. Assess the measure which have been taken in India to secure Justice to its citizens.
What measures have been taken by the Indian Government to secure social justice to the citizens?
Ans :- Indian Government has tried to establish the social Justice to is citizens. At the time of independence in 1947 India was a poor country.
file the economic stagnation under the British and the growth of many onnis of inequalities based on caste and religion. The Indian constitution selaims that the Democratic Republic of Indian stands committed to unng to all its citizens. ‘Justice social, economic and political. The symbol of the Indian constitution declare the objectives to ensure the cuial, economic and political Justice.
Since Independence various programmes have been started to tackle the problem of Poverty. The Antyodaya schemes for upliftment of the poorest. farmer Development agency programmers, Five year plans and many other programmes have been launched by the government. Special steps have been taken to improve the social status of the back words and their economic condition. To improve the social status of schedule caste (CS) and scheduled Tribes (ST), the center and the state government have positively discriminated in their favour by giving them in preferential treatment in school, colleges and employment posts have been made reserved in favour of back ward classes. The institution also abolished untouchability, prohibit, prevent exploitation and assure right to education, to public assistance in case of disablements.
Q.12. What is economic Justice? Describe the main texture of economic Justice.
Ans : According to Sitanalved, ‘Economic Justice is the provision of equal opportunities to the citizens to acquire wealth and to use if for their living. It is applied to those persons who are disabled or old or unemployed and therefore not in a position to acquire wealth should be helped by society to live. textures of Economics Justice :
(a) Minimum basic needs :- Economics Justice means to provide minimum basic needs to all the citizens of the state. This goes in the right direction. With out this the concept of democracy and political Justice been no meaning to a person who is even busy in meeting out the basic needs. He circumstances, be continued to be exploited economically.
(b) Equal money for equal work :- It means that equal wages be given for equal work. Workers in factories, peons and clerks in offices, or other workers should get equal money as wages. A labour cannot draw a wage equal to a teacher because their work is not similar.
(c) Work according to capacity :- Economic Justice demands that a man should work according to his capacity and can earn sufficient money to meet out his basis needs. These two are interdependent.
Q.13. What is Rawl’s theory of Justice?
Ans : Rawls’s theory of justice revolves around the adaptation of the fundamental principles of justice which would, in turn, guarantee a jus and morally acceptable society. The first principle guarantees the righten each person to have the most extensive basic liberty compatible with liberty of others. The second principle states that social and economic positions are to be (a) to everyone’s advantage and (b) open to all.
A key problem for Rawls is to show how such principles would be universally adopted, and here the work borders on general ethical issues He introduces a theoretical “veil of ignorance” in which all the “players” in the social game would be placed in a situation which is called the “original position.” Having only a general knowledge about the facts of “life and society,” each player is to make a “rationally prudential choice” concerning the kind of social institution they would enter into contract with.
By denying the players any specific information about themselves it forces them to adopt a generalized point of view that bears a strong resemblance to the moral point of view. “Moral conclusions can be reached without abandoning the prudential standpoint and positing a moral outlook merely by pursuing one’s own prudential reasoning under certain procedural bargaining and knowledge constraints.”
Q.14. Define distributive justice. Mention any two principles adopted by the Government of India to establish social justice.
Ans : Distributive justice concerns the nature of a socially just allocation of goods in a society. A society in which incidental inequalities in outcome do not arise would be considered a society guided by the principles of distributive justice. The concept includes the available quantities of goods, the process by which goods are to be distributed, and the resulting allocation of the goods to the members of the society.
Often contrasted with just process, which is concerned with the administration of law, distributive justice concentrates on outcomes. This subject has bet given considerable attention in philosophy and the social sciences.

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