Class 11 Political Science Chapter 13 Equality The answer to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse throughout different chapters NCERT Class 11 Political Science Chapter 13 Equality and select need one.
Class 11 Political Science Chapter 13 Equality
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Chapter – 13
Q.1.What do you mean by term ‘equality’?
Ans : In Simple words the term “equality’ means that all men are equal e, and all should be entitled to equal opportunities and treatment. It simply ng implies a leveling process in which chances are given to all for En developments of their potential. If also means that special preference of 1, all kinds should be abolished and no discrimination should be made on y ground of birth, wealth, sex, caste, creed or colour.
Q.2. What do you mean by “equal opportunities for all”?
Ans : The term “equal opportunities for all” means that every human being should get the opportunity to progress without any discrimination. The citizens of India have been granted Six Fundamental rights, one of them is – “The right to equality.” This right has five parts, the third part of this right deals with equality of opportunity. According to its right, every individual gets the equal opportunity to hold the public office or to gets the government service. Accordingly the state will treat every one equally without the consideration of religion, caste, sex or language.
Q.3. What is the general opposition to the concept of equality?
Ans : The general opposition is the concept of equality is given below
(a) It may lead to a lowering of incentives and adversely affect the efficiency in production.
(b) If may adversely attack the family autonomy because it will lead to increased competition in society.
(c) It may create problem of bureaucracy increasing gulf between masses and the state.
Q.4. What do you understand by equality before law?
Ans : It means there can be no discrimination between one citizen a other on the basis of caste, class, creed, sex or any of them. Articles 14 01 the constitution of India guarantees all persons equality before the la and equal protection of law within the country of India. There can be no discrimination between the citizens.
Q.5. Briefly describe the various kinds of equality? various kinds of equality are as follows.
Ans : The various kinds of equality are as follows-
(a) Natural Equality :- It implies that all men are born free and equal be and are endowed with equal gifts and talents. It also means that the state and should try to reduce inequality rather than perpetuate it. The state should promote those social and economic opportunities that offer equal chances Natural equality is rather an ideal and not an immediate reality. This ideal 6. should be attained in a society as a as possible.
(b) Social Equality :- It means that all are equally eligible to enjoy various opportunities in society. It also implies absence of other privileges Ar Social equality is a difficult idea to the political equality has no importance.
(a) The basic requirements of political equality are the following:
(i) Right to vote :- It is essential for the establishment of democracy yo that all the citizens should have equal rights in the organization of (b government. or
(ii) Right to be elected :- The organization of democracy is not possible only by the right to franchise. The right of being elected also is as important as the right of voting. Everybody, who feels that his friends want him to be elected as representative has the right to be elected.
(iv) Right to hold Public Office :- Under political equality, the citizens have the right to get government offices without any discrimination. The qualification fixed for any office are equal for all.
(c) Civil Equality :- There is civil equality in a state when persons an subject to the same law in enjoyment of their various rights and liberties There can be no civil equality when law makes distinction between om individual and the other. Civil equality as a concept has been accepted aquatic form of government. It implies all citizens walike in the matter of possession of their rights without any amination on the grounds of religion, belief, caste or creed.
(d) Political Equality :- Political equality implies that all citizens should some political rights and should have equal access to all offices of Aviny. It means universal adult suffrage. It also implies right to form itical parties and contest elections. These rights are necessary in a democratic society.
(e) Economic Equality :- Economic equality according to Lord Brce the attempt to expunge all differences in wealth allotting to every man woman an equal share in world goods.” It means that wealth should enjoyed equally by all. It also implies abolition of poverty. The basic ad minimum need of on individual should be fulfilled. It priman needs of 1 individual are not fulfilled, there cannot be real democracy.
Q.6. What do you meant by term economic equality? –
Ans : Economic equality according to Lord Brce the attempt to expunge all differences in wealth allotting to every man woman an equal share in world goods.” It means that wealth should enjoyed equally by all. It also implies abolition of poverty. The basic ad minimum need of on individual should be fulfilled. It priman needs of 1 individual are not fulfilled, there cannot be real democracy.
Q.7. Write the basic requirements of political as.
Ans : Following are the basic requirement of political equality-
(a) Right to vote :- It is essential for the establishment of democracy at all the citizens should have equal rights in the organization of government.
(b) Right to be elected :- The organization of democracy is not possible aly by the right to franchise. The right being elected also is as important the right of voting. Everybody, who feels that his friends want him to representative has the right to be elected.
(c) Right to hold public office :- Under political equality, the citizens ave the right to get government offices without any discrimination. The qualifications fixed for any office are equal for all.
Q.8. Describe in brief the ‘natural equality?
Ans : It implies that all men are born free and equal be and are endowed with equal gifts and talents. It also means that the state and should try to reduce inequality rather than perpetuate it. The state should promote those social and economic opportunities that offer equal chances Natural equality is rather an ideal and not an immediate reality. This ideal 6. should be attained in a society as a as possible.
Q.9. What is the general opposition to the concept of equality?
Ans : The general opposition to the concept of equally are as follows:
(a) It may lead to lowering of incentives and adversely affect the efficiency in production.
(b) It may adversely affect the family autonomy because it will lead increased competition in society.
(c) It may create problem of bureaucracy increasing the guilt betur masses and the state.
Sl. No. | সূচী-পত্ৰ |
Unit 1 | PART – A |
Chapter 1 | Constitution: Why and How? |
Chapter 2 | Rights in the Indian Constitution |
Chapter 3 | System of Representational Democracy |
Chapter 4 | Executive |
Chapter 5 | Legislature |
Chapter 6 | Judiciary |
Chapter 7 | Federalism |
Chapter 8 | Local Government |
Chapter 9 | Constitution as a Living Document |
Chapter 10 | The Philosophy of the Constitution |
Unit 2 | PART – B |
Chapter 1 | Introduction to Political Theory |
Chapter 2 | Freedom |
Chapter 3 | Equality |
Chapter 4 | Social Justice |
Chapter 5 | Rights |
Chapter 6 | Citizenship |
Chapter 7 | Nationalism |
Chapter 8 | Secularism |
Chapter 9 | Peace |
Chapter 10 | Development |
Q.10. Differentiate between equality and uniformity?
Ans :
Equality | Uniformity |
The term equality is commonly used to mean identity of treatment and rewards. But this uniformity, not equality. | But this uniformity is against the law of nature as man are by nature unequal, e.g. a mathematician cannot be placed on the same footing as a mason.This |
Some religions reformers, utilitarians, etc believed in the principle of absolute and un conditional equality i.e. uniformity. | uniformity is not possible to achieve because men are found in different social setting and have different virtues, needs and functional capacities. |
Q.11. What do you understand by “equal opportunities for all”?
Ans : The term “equal opportunities for all” means that every hum being should get the opportunity to progress without any discriminato The citizens of India have been granted six fundamental rights on them is. “The Right to Equality.” This right has five parts, the third part this right deals with equality of opportunity to hold the public officer get the government service. Accordingly the state will treat every equally without the consideration of religion, caste, sex or language.
Q.12. How many type of equality? Write briefly of these aspects?
Ans : There are two aspects of Equality-
(i) Positive aspect. and
(ii) Negative aspect.
(i) Positive aspect :- In the positive sense, equality means the prova of adequate opportunities for all. The concept of equality does not rem natural inequalities, but at least the rationality of the individual can be en every Pot pie by providing adequate opportunities in life. According the Laski, liv is a process of socialization.” I.e. the social setup should be such individual may get equal opportunities of development and of unfolding his qualities.
(ii) Negative aspect :- In the negative sense, equality means the since of under privileges. There should be no artificial grounds of srimination like religion, caste, colour, wealth and sex, so that talent x not suffer due to the lack of facilities. It means that one can hold any lic office by his own ability,
Thus negative equality means removing the men made inequalities society, and ending the privileges enjoyed by the special.
Q.13. “Political liberty is meaning less without economic equality” Comment.
Ans : Both liberty and equality are considered the main basis of democracy. Both are the most popular concepts and one cannot exists without the other. In the absence of one other is meaningless. Discussing te relationship between liberty and equality in his book “Grammar of politics’, Laski remarked that “political liberty, in the of economic equality held to be a mere myth.”
We must understand the meaning of those terms clearly in order to the saying of Laski.
According to Laski, Political liberty means the power to be active in the affairs of the state.
Following things are included in this types of liberty-
(i) To exercise the right to vote in order to form the government of the state.
(ii) Right to contest elections.
(iii) Right to make use of the press and plat form freely.
(iv) Right to hold political of public office.
(v) Right to criticize the government
(vi) Right to form political party.
On the other hand the economic equality means-
(i) All the citizens should enjoy equal opportunities for earnings their livelihood.
(ii) All the citizens should have the means to meet their needs.
(iii) Gross inequalities of Wealth Should not exist in Society.
(iv) Absence of exploitation of man-by-man.
(v) Means of production and distribution should be controlled in such way that they stand for public welfare.
Q.14.Write a note on right to equality.
Ans : Right to equality means the absence of legal discrimination avan any one individual, group, class or race. In earlier times certain classe possessed special privileges or were judged by special law. The modem tendency is to enforce the same law over all persons in the State and to give all persons equal rights and privileges in the protectia e of their civil liberties. Democracy can only exist and flourish in a socie .
The Constitution of India makes social and civil equality the bedrock Indian polity. It guarantees equality of all persons before the law, prohibit discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth between citizens, and abolishes untouchability on the one hand and title on the other.
The concept of equality of all persons before the law has a significa bearing and it is one of the ingredients of what Dicey calls the Rule Law. The Rule of Law means three things with Dicey. It means, in ti first place, the absolute supremacy of law.

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